Home Categories foreign novel Soul leads the sea

Chapter 44 fourth quarter

Soul leads the sea 西村寿行 5075Words 2018-03-18
Tosa Kochi, known as the blue city. Because of the Kuroshio Current here, when Fuyumura and Yukiko stood at the top of Cape Ashizuri, the southernmost point of Shikoku, and under their vision, the blue and clear tide seemed to be able to dye the internal organs blue, they swarmed ——Standing on the cliff as high as 80 meters above the sea, the deep ocean in front of them was like a fine glass handicraft. "That's Guihu Rock, where the fisherman said the floating corpse was found." Dongcun pointed to a rock protruding from the sea. "So, Ms. Hino was thrown into the Kuroshio from the surface of the Ito Sea, and then drifted on the countercurrent of the Kuroshio to Kamehouyan?"

Yukiko asked inquiringly.She had recovered from the thrill of shooting the follower by now, at least she had regained her bright expression.The headland is full of subtropical plants such as betel nut trees, low shrubs, and camellia virgin forests, which are lush and lush. Against this background, Yukiko's glamorous beauty full of distress is fully reflected. "We can only speculate so far." "Although the moving sea leaves no traces—but I think there will still be traces in this vast sea." Although such clues are hidden and hard to find—— "I have a strange feeling."

"what?" "Although there is a return tide formed from Kishu to Cape Ashizuri, Miss Hino drifted from the Ito Sea, so it means that she floated 600 kilometers against the current at once." "yes." "Perhaps this can be proved in theory, but there is no mark on the turbulence circle of the Coast Guard. If it cannot be proved theoretically, then this will not become an argument." "That's what you say, but—" "The so-called return tide, could it be the imaginary story of the widowed Yoshiko Ineng. Didn't you notice the detail that she was watching the Kuroshio in a hotel bar late at night?"

"Don't tell me she is imagining?" Looking at the sea, Dongcun thought to himself: Ryoko Ineng was indeed immersed in a unique atmosphere at that time. ——But she couldn't have concocted such a touching story in such a short time.Moreover, from a theoretical point of view, the return tide appeared at the beginning of the Tongtian Tide, and then disappeared with the Tongtian Tide, wouldn't it make people feel very logical? In short, now Dongcun can only follow the phenomenon that Yoshiko Ineng said and keep catching up.Because Seta went to sea on the 19th, and that day was the day when the Tongtian tide started, that is to say, the return tide also started to appear.

"I'm sorry, what I said just now may be random speculation caused by jealousy." Yukiko looked at Dongcun who was engrossed in thinking and laughed. "That's all right." Saying that, Fuyumura pulled Yukiko away from the headland and walked towards Kongofuji Temple which was very close to the headland.There I made an appointment to meet Hisakichi Nishida, the fisherman who found the floating corpse, and the abbot of the monastery. The abbot of the monastery was about fifty years old, gray-haired and stout, about the same age as Xitian, but Xitian was dark and thin, forming a sharp contrast between the two.

"You mean the 'return tide' thing?" Nishida spoke after hearing Fuyuki's words. "The so-called return tide is indeed there!" "Are you saying that the Kuroshio does have a reverse current?" Dongcun was attracted by Nishida's nonchalant answer. "It's not the Kuroshio. The fishermen here say it's the Oyashio." "Kiss tide?" When it comes to Oyashio, it's a cold snap.It goes south from the North Sea to the vicinity of the Boso Peninsula, where it meets the Kuroshio Current and forms a huge whirlpool.Also known as the Roaring Tide Crossing.It is said that due to the combination of cold and warm, the mist transpires there throughout the year.

But as a cold current, how did the Oyashio go south to Cape Ashizuri at the southern tip of Japan? "We call it Oyashio, and officials from the Waterway Department of the Security Agency, the Meteorological Agency, and the Fisheries Agency all said we were lying. They said, how did Oyashio go to Cape Ashizuri? Oyashio It would never have flowed so far." Nishida seemed to be easily agitated, showing dissatisfaction with the official agency's opinions as he spoke, and tried his best to prove that he was right. "If you want to talk about evidence, the saury swims with the Oyashio, which is enough to prove it. You know, the saury is a fish species in the Oyashio, so can it be said that the saury swims nearly a thousand kilometers against the Kuroshio Current to come here? Here?! This is absolutely impossible. It must have come by swimming with the current, and that current is the Oyashio! It’s the Oyashio, and it’s going down the Kuroshio Current from the Boso coast!"

"..." Dongcun listened silently. At this moment, Xi Tian tried his best to explain his point of view, and his mouth was frothy. Although this sounds amazing, it is said that large groups of saury were indeed sent to Cape Ashizuri along the Pacific coast by the Oyashio. Therefore, according to Nishida, Tanegashima also has a fish farm for saury. Nishida looked for evidence on the water temperature again.The water temperature of the Kuroshio is 22°C to 23°C, and that of the Oyashio is about 16°C.However, when the autumn fish came to swim, the temperature in the north along the coast dropped to 16°C. Of course, crucian carp, which were accustomed to living in the Kuroshio Current, died in batches because the water temperature was too low.Even high-grade marine fish weighing dozens of catties turned white and died.There are countless small fish that died.

"Here we call the Oyashio the 'low tide', and another name is the 'corrosion tide'. The Kuroshio is called the 'upper tide'. There is a flow channel of the Oyashio that goes against the Kuroshio Current, and this phenomenon has been heard a long time ago. " Xi Tian was talking about drinking the tea poured by the abbot in one gulp, but accidentally choked and coughed. "Don't say it in a hurry." The abbot scolded Nishida so much, the abbot didn't even have a chance to intervene just now, so he was a little anxious at the moment.He took over:

"The ocean current that fishermen call 'Oyashio' is not recognized, but even so, Oyashio does have a countercurrent to the Kuroshio current that flows from Kishu to Cape Ashizuri. Just listen to my old legend, Everything is clear." "Okay, I'm listening." "Let's talk about the legend of Meka Cape first..." There is a town called Matsuo between Cape Ashizuri and Tosashimizu.A woman was once drifted there by a deer on a rock in the sea.At that time, it was just after the Genka Heping family fought and killed the two armies in Tanura, Yashima, and the woman was the wife of a general of the Heike family.She fled to Yoshino River, was hunted down by bandits, and was forced to throw herself into the sea.When she was about to drown, a deer swam up and carried her away.In this way, the woman was taken out of the Kii Waterway, across Cape Muroto, Cape Ashizuri, and drifted all the way to Matsuo Town.Finally, both the woman and the deer slowly stopped breathing and died.

This is the story written in the local annals.Assuming that this is one of the widely circulated legends of the lost Heike people, anyway, it can be seen from this legend that from the Kii Channel to the south, there has been a reverse current flowing through Cape Ashizuri since ancient times.It is precisely because someone knows this legend that this story can be passed down. The abbot blushed when he said that, and he didn't seem to be a calm master. Dongcun's mind suddenly reappeared the nostalgia enshrined in the return tide in the icy face of the old man Yuexia who was Yoshiko Ineng. The countercurrent in the sea, which is not marked in the current map, is gradually revealing its true face of Mount Lu. "I said, although we are talking about legends and stories, they are all real historical facts." "That's right, I forgot to mention the bonito..." "Come on, don't talk anymore." The abbot blocked Nishida's topic.He wanted to tell Winter Village about it himself. "Here, the famous bonito fish farm—" "However, it was not Kochi people who first fished bonito, but Kishu Innan fishermen. It is said that it was in the Kanbun era. Kumano fishermen took over the Innan fishermen's fishing grounds, and Innan fishermen came out of In desperation, they made a request to Tosa Ai's feudal hall, hoping to move to Tosa. They are the ancestors of bonito fishing. The question is, as far as the hand-operated fishing boats were concerned at that time, what did they rely on to go northward? How about the Kuroshio current, passing Cape Muroto and Cape Ashizuri to Tosado? It is said that fishermen in Kishu cleverly took advantage of a reverse current in the Kuroshio to reach the Tosa domain.” "At present, there are still fifty graves of them in the Ashizuri Tsuchiura area." The abbot said. "Yes." Nishida continued. "So far, the fishing boats here have the same shape as the fishing boats in Kishu. There are also those song Yaos, such as "Kusumoto is on this shore, Oshima is on the other shore", "Tosa Kochi is connected by a bridge", and the two places It's all the same tune! Isn't it, Abbot?" "Song, no matter how you sing it, it doesn't explain the problem." The abbot retorted. "But when it comes to similar places between Kishu and Cape Ashizuri, we must first count the legend of crossing the sea and going to Buta Luo (Buta Luo: the spiritual place where Avalokitesvara appeared in Buddhist legends.)." "Crossing the sea Benpu courtyard? Does it mean the belief in crossing the sea in the Kumano area?" Dongcun was overwhelmed by the abbot's jumpy words. "Yes. You said you wanted to see the cemetery of Katsuko Ueno, right? And Katsuko Ueno died more than 20 years ago in order to cross the sea to see the Guanyin Bodhisattva in his belief. This belief in crossing the sea is in Kumano and Cape Ashizuri is very popular.” "Katsuko Ueno?" Ueno Katsuko was the maid of the Seta family back then.Seta said that Ueno was thirty-one years old when he quit his job as a maid and returned home to Cape Ashizuri.Seta said that she visited Cape Ashizuri to visit the grave two years ago on her way home after participating in an academic meeting in Kyushu, but he never said that Ueno died by throwing himself into the sea more than 20 years ago... ——Is there any strangeness in the belief of crossing the sea and rushing to Bu Tuo Luo? It is said that the custom of crossing the sea to Benbutaluo is the belief of the people in Kumano. The spiritual place where Guanyin appeared is said to be in a Buddhist pure land on the sea in southern India.And it is said that if you take a boat from there and cross the vast sea, you can be sent to the land of the holy spirit. At the beginning, this was just a few people's beliefs, but later, it became an unwritten rule that every generation of Kumano's Kannon appeared in the temple's guardian abbot had to cross the sea by boat, so the abbots took a boat one by one. The last leaf boat disappeared in the sea of ​​Kumano.According to historical records, because this unwritten rule was too cruel, the Tokugawa shogunate ordered to ban this belief when the twenty-third generation abbot was about to cross the sea. However, this belief of crossing the sea to Butuoluo is still spread among the people of Cape Ashizuri, and Katsuko Ueno crossed the sea and died in this way more than 20 years ago. "Abbot, could it be that Ueno made the move to cross the sea because of insanity?" "No, that's not the case, you don't know, officer. I thought she was possessed by evil spirits, but here are articles to prove her intentions." The abbot took out a magazine from his collection and put it on the table.The words "Medical World" are written on the cover.Showa forty-four years (1969) annual. "This is an essay written by a doctor named Seta Shuhei on his outlook on life and outlook on life. In it, he confessed that it was all his fault that Ueno Katsuko crossed the sea and died in order to see Butuoluo—" "Seta Shuhei!" Dongcun grabbed the magazine and hurriedly browsed through it.The outline of the essay is as follows: Suffering from stomach cancer, Katsuko Ueno quit her job at the Seta family and returned to her hometown of Cape Ashizuri.At that time, Seta was a student at the University of Medical Sciences, so he asked the professor to consult with Ueno.The professor told him: the patient has a year to live.Seta told Ueno Katsuko the diagnosis result.Because Seta believes that since death is inevitable, one should face death directly without avoiding it. Katsuko Ueno resigned and went home. That summer, Seta went to visit Katsuko Ueno's house in Ashizuri.He was invited to play.At that time, Cape Ashizuri was different from what it is now. It was sparsely populated and the traffic was still inconvenient. It was a deserted cold village.Ueno's home is a small tile-roofed house with many large stones on the roof, and the fear is that the strong wind will knock the tiles off. Ueno Katsuko is such a person living there alone.She has reached the advanced stage of gastric cancer and has been eaten away by the disease.She was so tortured that her face was ashen, and she didn't want to eat, and she was so thin that she was as thin as a bone. Even so, she still brought fish and other things to entertain Seta. Seta lived there for a month.He took a medical book and several other books with him when he went.One of them is called "Must Ask Topics", in which there is a legend about Ashizuri Kannon.Seta once read that legend to Ueno Katsuko—— There is a hall on that headland, with Guanyin Bodhisattva as the deity.There are no separate rooms in the hall, and there are no abbots and monks. Only practitioners and passers-by gather here, and there is no distinction between superiors and inferiors.But speaking of the past, there really was a monk living here.He cultivates his body and mind here.There is a little mage who serves, who is very compassionate.One day, another little mage came.Don't know where it came from though.But I will feed him every day.Whenever it was time to eat fast, the monk's little mage always gave his share of food to the little mage passing by.After the monk heard about it, he warned the little mage: "One more time, two times, no more times, don't give him any more food." Then, before it was time to enter the fast, the kind little mage again gave half of his food to his brother. Companion: "I really want to help you, but you will definitely be scolded by the monk. From now on, you should take care of yourself. Let me give you another ration at the end." After hearing this, the other party replied: "I don't appreciate your kindness." Unforgettable teeth. I don’t know if you follow me to my shelter.” The little mage accepted the invitation and decided to live with him.When the monk learned about it, he was very puzzled, so he followed them quietly until the headland. When he saw the two of them boarded a small boat, propped up the boat pole and floated away to the south, the monk started to panic and cried: "You leave me alone, where are you going?" The answer of the little mage passing by came down the wind: "This trip is going to the world of Potuoluo—" The moment they spoke, the two had become two. Bodhisattva, standing at the stern of the boat, went with the wind.And the selfish monk Zhang who wanted to cultivate to become a Buddha was heartbroken, but he could only stamp his feet and beat his chest, regretting so much.Because of the legend that the monk stood on the headland and beat his chest and feet, this headland has been called Ashizuri Cape since then—— Ueno Katsuko once asked: What Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva appeared in the Boduoluo world (the realm of 20,000 holy spirits).Seta told her about Kumano's belief in crossing the sea.Listening and listening, Ueno's tears rolled down.During those days, Seta read the above story to her more than once.When he returned to Tokyo, Seta left the book at Ueno's house. One night in late autumn two months later, Katsuko Ueno sailed into the deserted Kuroshio on a cargo barge.A search party was sent out to look for it, but nothing was found.Two days later, a cargo ship towed the barge drifting in the southeast sea away from Kishu back.But at this time Ueno Katsuko was already extremely weak and died soon after. The center of the essay is about Seta's confession.He feels guilty for his actions.He regretted that he was too young and spoke lightly and ignorantly.He would tell the patient the date of death as if nothing had happened, and as if urging her to die, he repeatedly told her the belief of crossing the sea to seek Benbutaluo, and even thought that Ueno's tears were a beneficial act enough to purify her heart . When he learned that Ueno Katsuko actually died drifting across the sea on a barge two months later, he thought about Ueno's painful heart again, and Ueno felt extremely sad.He regretted that he had read early and realized how absurd and self-righteous his views on other people's lives were. At the end of the essay, Seta touches on ocean currents. He wrote: No matter whether it is from Kumano or Ashizuri, the boat that crosses the sea to pray to Potaro will immediately be caught by the Kuroshio Current, and it will be rolled up and rushed towards the Boso Sea, just like the barge in Ueno.If those small boats that were going to the saints in the south began to go north along the Kuroshio within the sight of people, this would undoubtedly devalue the value of the belief in crossing the sea, and at the same time, it would only cause the monks who crossed the sea to lose their prestige. It ended up being ridiculous. Well, it seems that the sea-crossing monks have discovered this current that goes against the Kuroshio current.Didn’t the fishermen in the southern area of ​​Jizhou take advantage of this invisible countercurrent to reach Ashizhe safely by shaking their boats? Seta's essays are as described above. Dongcun lowered his eyelids, he was deep in thought... ——Seda must know about this countercurrent against the Kuroshio Current! The focus of Dongcun's sight was lost, and the faces of Nishida and the abbot became blurred.Dongcun's thoughts suddenly became active!
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