Home Categories foreign novel Soul leads the sea

Chapter 29 Section five

Soul leads the sea 西村寿行 3675Words 2018-03-18
"Could it be..." Ishigami said half a sentence. "But Jiro did growl under his breath." Dongcun glanced at Ikari, then at Tomino. This is the apartment in Winter Village.In front of the sun, you can see the high-rise buildings of Shinjuku. "It doesn't matter if you scream or not, the key is that the person is the dean!" Igari looked at Dongcun with a puzzled expression on his face. "If the other party is the dean..." Dongcun began to talk to himself again.I once held a glimmer of hope that Jiro would respond to one of the people working in that hospital, but who would have thought: Could it be that this person is the dean Seta Shuhei?

"Is this dog named Jiro staring at the yard for some reason?" Dongcun guessed: Maybe it was stepped on by the headmaster during the walk, or maybe it was kicked by the headman a few times! "But, there's still wow." Igari fixed his eyes somewhere, and said, "Maybe it's because there is something that will make the dog hate the smell. For example. The medicine to repel dogs scattered around the flower bed, and the dean used it Maybe I have that kind of smell on my body. Didn’t I hear that, for the filming, the actors who work with dogs put the dog’s favorite smell on their bodies?”

"Well," Dongcun nodded, and turned his gaze to Tomino, "What do you think?" "That's definitely not the case. After Jiro roared in a low voice, the thing he sniffed out was a distant memory." Tomino asserted. "This is definitely not Jiro's momentary emotion." Dongcun's tone was firm and blunt. Seta Shuhei's capable and scheming face suddenly appeared in Dongcun's mind.Seta has mustered up his courage to succeed in the professor election, but the murder of Inoue cast a shadow over his election as an accident.The hidden darkness on his face indicated that he might be suspected of killing Inoue himself.The dean's office where Seta is located is on the sixth floor.From there it was effortless to go up to the roof.

—So, the follower was sent by Seta? That guy followed me up to the Ou Mountains, and, on the way to the Central Alps—he followed my blood trail from a bad injury, mercilessly cut the ropes of the suspension bridge, and let me fall into the rapids.Dongcun thought of the follower's inhumane obsession again.If it is the follower sent by Seta... Dongcun suddenly felt a strong sense of hatred hitting his heart, accompanied by a strong fighting spirit. "Hey, what are you going to do?" Irkari saw Dongcun's eyes shining brightly.This is the same scene seen in Yukiko Shikishima's villa.

"Focus on Seta for reconnaissance. Tomorrow, I will take Jiro to conduct another verification." "Okay. But Mr. Dongcun, it is necessary to keep the intention of this search a secret. The opponent is an eagle with no flaws. We don't have any evidence at hand. Moreover, the election is approaching. If not, he may accuse us of obstructing sin!" "under pressure?" "The opponent is a big man, once there is a mistake..." "I'm fully prepared mentally." "Since you say that, it's settled." But, Ikari thought to himself, there are some things that can't be completely trusted with the dog's memory.

The next day, same time.Tomino led Jiro and stood by the back door of the hospital.Winter Village and Igari are hiding in a small utility room in the corner of the parking lot. Tomino is a little nervous today.Because the opponent of the challenge is the official candidate professor of the next T University Medical Department. He is both a big shot and the dean, so he can't do it recklessly.What Dongcun is doing is a dangerous gamble that may ruin his future. Tomino sweats and feels deeply nervous about it.After all, Tomino was praying for the same reaction as yesterday. About an hour after the nurses and doctors went to work, Seta's special car slowly drove into the gate of the hospital.

Seta stepped out from the driver's opened door.Holding a slender cane.He didn't take this yesterday. Otter started walking over, expressionless.Tomino averted his gaze.But Jiro's reaction was transmitted through the rein in his hand.Tomino looked at Jiro pretending to be nonchalant, Jiro's lips were obviously bulging, and he was staring at Seta with unshakable eyes, as if the memory recovered yesterday had filled every blood vessel in his body. As Seta got closer and closer, Jiro's roar from his throat became louder and louder. Seta frowned. "Wow woof woof..."

Jiro let out a low growl and rushed forward.Jiro's rein was not long enough to reach the door.I thought that Seta, who was frowned by Tsiro's yelling, would walk over silently, but unexpectedly, Seta stopped in her tracks.Before anyone else could react, Seta raised his cane in an extremely nimble and agile way and called towards Jiro.The cane made a dull sound on the flesh. Jiro immediately began to counterattack.It screamed violently and attacked Seta.Tomino, who was holding the rein, was almost staggered by it.It took him a lot of effort to get Jiro under control. "How is this going?"

Seta swung his cane in front of Tomino, the veins on his forehead jumped out of anger, and his face was sinister. "I'm really sorry." Tomino even apologized, "I let it wait for people here." Jiro was still furious.Staring at Latian, the hairs on his back stood up. "Who are you waiting for?" "Wait, wait for a nurse." "Stop pretending." Seta interrupted Tomino's words decisively, holding the lower staff and clenched fists that were already pale, "Please explain the reason clearly." "..." Tomino became dumb for a while.

Inogari held down Dongcun, and came out from the shadow of the hut by himself. "Oh, so it's related to you." Seta's eyes were sharp, and he saw Inokari at a glance, "You must be the criminal policeman from the Metropolitan Police Department. Can you explain the reason?" "If you want to talk about the reason, there is no special reason--that's it, this person can be said to be my friend. I happened to meet on the road today..." Inokari only had a wry smile on his face and said some rambling words. "This kind of bastard talk doesn't make sense at all. I told you, I must explain the reason clearly!" Seta's tone was a little passionate.

"If you say so..." Never tell the truth. "I feel that I have been trying my best to help you search. But you let wild dogs bite me and want to use force. It really baffles me. Since you are so unjust, I will refuse to assist you from now on. And, yes You instigated wild dogs to bite people, and I will hold the Metropolitan Police Department accountable." "Sir, this is not about letting a dog bite a person at all..." Inokari was at a loss.If the investigation using civilians and guard dogs is exposed.Both Igari and Winter Village will be in trouble. "Let me explain." Dongcun couldn't bear it any longer and kept silent.He strode out. "You're—oh, I see, you planned it after all, right?" Seta's raptor-like eyes stared at Dongcun. "I don't know if you know, but this dog lives on the roof of the building opposite. It was a witness when Dr. Inoue was pushed down the stairs that night. We think that if the dog has memory, it will see the criminal. There must be some kind of reaction." "It's really stupid." Seta said ventingly, "Your actions can only be described as some child's play tricks. Fortunately, you are still scouts. You compete for such things." "Is it like a child's play, you have to do it to know." Dongcun replied calmly. "So what's the result? The dog is barking at me, so that means I'm a murderer?" Seta's facial muscles twitched violently, unconsciously, the steady look just now was gone.He finally revealed his hidden combative true face. "I didn't say that. But there's always a reason for a dog to bark at you, isn't it? The dog is so kind to people that it doesn't bark to so many other people who come in and out of the hospital. You're the only exception." "So you're being silly. Stop this unscientific assumption. It doesn't matter who the dog wants to bark at. Do you know who the dog barks at best? It's you officers!" There was a look of contempt in Seta's eyes. "I used to be sympathetic to your position and have been cooperating with you, but this can only go so far. It seems that you ignored your extremely despicable character and fabricated crimes for innocent people. He was imprisoned. Didn’t the murderer who killed Inoue commit suicide because he couldn’t bear your torture that ignored human rights? So what if you confess the truth? You are really ashamed.” "Even if I can't catch the real murderer, it's because of my inexperience in scouting, and it doesn't mean that the culprit can't be someone else. Please remember that." "I remember. Then, I hope that your only trump card—the memory of that dog can be displayed on the screen. If my shape appears on it, then you can come to me again." After finishing speaking, Seta turned around and walked into the building without waiting for the other party to reply. "Hey——" Zhu Shou shrank his neck, "It's very lively now. He interrupted the topic so aggressively." "It can't be helped. If we are accused of instigating wild dogs to bite people, it will not be acceptable. But it is necessary to express our suspicion clearly." "It's true today. I also didn't know what to do for a while, and broke out in a cold sweat." The three walked out the door.Not far forward, it was the small park where Inoue and Hiroshi Fukae fought. "It's all clear now, the murderer who killed Inoue was Seta Shuhei!" Fuyumura thought to himself.It was a big detour. "When Seta heard the dog's roar yesterday, he had already seen through the origin of the dog. At the same time, he also saw through our intentions. If Seta is a murderer, he will definitely pay attention to the fact that it is the only one at the scene of his murder. Witness's dog. He knew the dog would remember him, so he came up with a homeopathic counterattack to clear his mind. He was challenged every day by the dog standing at the door, and it only barked at him, so it made He was nervous, so he wanted to hit the dog. The more this happened, the more the dog would growl at him. At the same time, it seemed that he had made up his mind to fight us to the death when he was beating. From this, the matter became clearer, suspect An aggressive guy like him is totally valid." "You are like a gauntlet." "We just have to accept the challenge." "But how do you plan to launch an offensive? The dog can only bark at the suspect." "Assuming it was Seta, the motive may be for the election of the professor. It is conceivable that Dr. Inoue may have something to do with Seta. At the beginning we did not think that it would be related to the election of the professor, so we always assumed that the murder of Seta Inoue was related to the patient... ..." Dongcun recalled what the old doctor Matsuzawa said: there is no precedent for a patient to kill a doctor.Does this really make sense? "That……" "I'll go meet Seta's competitors. Maybe there will be some information. He may know something about Seta's hidden heart—that is, the relationship between Seta and Inoue." "If that's the case, act quickly." Inogarigawa yelled in a rough voice, and stood up from the bench. "It's only a few days. We must show the results before he is elected." "Wait. What am I doing?" Tomino asked worriedly. "You have already helped a lot. If the incident is found out, half of the credit is yours. Now I hope you go back to Sendai immediately. Maybe there is still something that needs your help, and we will contact you later. Today I will treat you to a drink in the evening as my thanks to you." Fuyumura handed Tomino a thousand-yen bill. "I said that I will pay for all the expenses. Besides, didn't you give the dog a big piece of ham? Thanks for your help, thank you so much!" "You told him half of it was from me." Inokari shrank his neck playfully. Ci Lang put his front paws on Tomino's body, and put his nose in front of the thousand-yen bill.Tomino could see that it was showing a smell of ham.
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