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Chapter 42 fourth quarter

scary tunnel 西村寿行 2149Words 2018-03-18
November 10. Since the morning, the radio and television have repeatedly broadcast yesterday's news, and continue to remind everyone to look for clues about the middle-aged man with one testicle. If you have any clues, please contact the police station immediately. The deadline announced by the criminal in the video is 24 hours before November 11. Before that, the government has already made preparations to remit 50 billion yen to the Swiss bank account 118829085, which must be transferred when it expires. Deposit, otherwise criminals will kill innocent people indiscriminately and create new tragedies.

Different from the situation in the previous three rounds, this time the criminals took advantage of foreign women and announced the murder to the whole country through the TV media. will. People had to wait for any possible catastrophe to happen. The police were almost mad with rage. Only one of the prisoners can be caught and let him confess his true identity, even if any possible torture is carried out, he must confess their accomplices.The government should resolutely refuse to pay 50 billion yen. After all, the handover of 50 billion yen means that this criminal behavior is tolerated.There is only one way to arrest all criminals in one fell swoop.

That time is coming. At midnight yesterday, the police checked Maria's rented apartment and collected more than 20 fingerprints in the room. The police compared these fingerprints with the criminal fingerprints kept at the police station. However, none of the fingerprints matched the criminal fingerprints kept by the police department.Judging from the comparison of registered fingerprints other than the offender, there is no similarity. The last remaining ray of hope is the single testicle of the middle-aged man named Nagata that Maria told. The National Police Agency sent a request to the International Criminal Police Agency for help in hunting down the criminal.

Maria once explained that the upper-level figures instructed them to gather at a hotel near the Gare du Nord train station in Paris on November 14th.There, 20 to 30 young and beautiful women will be recruited from all over the world, ready to move to this "paradise of freedom". The Japanese who claimed to be Nagata, Kira, and Yoshino may be the mastermind of the whole incident. They visited Maria less than 2 days after Asaba's death, and notified the meeting place, and said that it was the last time they met in Japan. It seems that this There is a great possibility that the three of them have already left the country.

Afterwards, Kiri Pierce and Catherine also went abroad. Perhaps, in the big hotel near the Gare du Nord in Paris, these women can be seen, but it is hard to say whether Nagata, Kira, and Yoshino can still be seen.However, this possibility is not ruled out. Notified by telephone from Interpol, the French police started a search for the suspects. The valuable information of one testicle makes it easy to find out Nagata's identity, so that the criminals can be found and arrested quickly. It seems that all of this depends on Nagata. Since last night, the Metropolitan Police Department has been receiving information about a certain person having a single testicle.In order to find out this information, many investigators were exhausted.

Among them, prank calls accounted for more than half of the intelligence. The two middle-aged men who actually found the single testicle, when the two men were summoned to the Metropolitan Police Department, the Metropolitan Police Department was full of murderous intent, and they had put human rights in the back of their minds.They called Maria to identify, but Maria immediately denied it after seeing it. The next day, the intelligence came again. Investigators from the Metropolitan Police Department continued their investigation in order to investigate this information. At 10 o'clock in the morning, Narushima Xiaoju and Kamiya Genjiro came to the room of the special search team of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Superintendent Shi Zhou is also here. They waited eagerly. An anxious atmosphere surrounded the entire room. The three people's eyes were bloodshot due to lack of sleep for days. 10:15. The ringing of the phone gave them hope. Shi Zhou quickly went to answer the phone. After a while, Shi Zhou put down the phone. "The identity has been checked." Shi Zhou walked outside while talking.Narushima and Kamiya followed closely behind. They walked quickly to a police car parked at the door. "Where are you going?" Asked Narushima who sat in the driver's seat and was about to drive.

"Go to Ueno, the headquarters of the Imperial Highway Traffic Battalion." "Does Nagata work there?" Narushima asked while starting the police car. "yes." Shi Zhou nodded and replied. "asshole." Kamiya scolded fiercely at the side. "The content of the telephone report is as follows: Nobuki Araki, 45 years old, Nagata is his pseudonym, and Araki's position is a full-time engineer of the Expressway Traffic Battalion." "I heard that they are dedicated to digging subway tunnels." After Shi Zhou relayed the contents of the phone, he lit a cigarette.

"He also led the digging of the subway around Shoumuyuan?" Kamiya asked. "The subway is what he does best." Shi Zhou replied in agreement. After saying this, the three of them fell silent. After a while, the Imperial Highway Traffic Battalion arrived. In front of the door, the police cars that arrived earlier and a large group of reporters were waiting. "Stay away, spread out!" Shi Zhou pushed his broad body away from the reporters who were pushing forward. "Where is the chairman, who is the chairman?" Shi Zhou asked loudly. The corridor was full of staff whose faces were pale with fright.A person came out from the middle and took them to the chairman's office.

There were only 4 men in the room. Chairman Akira Masaoka, Deputy Director Makoto Amano, Chief Criminal Officer Seio Togen of the Metropolitan Police Department, Director of the First Investigation Section, Hideharu Kiyoya, and four other people. "How do you understand things?" Shi Zhou asked. "Just had some eyebrows." Huyan replied. "Okay, let me ask." Shi Zhou stared at Chairman Masaoka, who had lost all color on his face, "Hey, please tell me everything you know." "yes." Masaoka swallowed a mouthful of saliva. When he heard that the criminal who used cyanic acid gas to massacre innocent people was Araki Shuxin, who used to work in the wood company, he was very surprised. Ten minutes ago, when the Metropolitan Police Department telegraphed him to collect all relevant information on Nobuki Araki, he hadn't thought that Araki was the murderer.

When Huyan came and explained everything to him, Masaoka felt a palpitation, as if his body had fallen into an abyss.The murderer who killed 3,000 innocent people with cyanic acid gas was actually one of his subordinates. What's more, a large number of dead people died in the tunnels of the subway. The palpitations calmed down, and he suddenly became uneasy again. Araki resigned from the camp six months ago. Before resigning, Araki worked in the design department of the technical department and was a quite capable engineer. He lives alone in an apartment in Shinjuku, Tokyo.His parents passed away 10 years ago, and his younger brother died during Japan's defeat, leaving him with no blood relatives. The head of the first section of the camp commented on him: he is serious and responsible in his work. Before he resigned, the company seemed to know about him. Masaoka introduced what he knew. "Among Araki's colleagues and friends, have any resigned?" "This……" "Immediately find out, and now bring all the colleagues who have contacts with Araki, hurry up!" "Understood." Deputy Director Yoshino stood up and walked out.
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