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Chapter 27 fourth quarter

abuse 西村寿行 4322Words 2018-03-18
The sun shines on the ridge of Master Wild Bamboo. The season has reached mid-April, and the bright sun is shining on the earth.High in the sky, a small white thing floated down leisurely. Genzo watched intently.After a long while, the thing slowly descended, and it turned out to be a white butterfly.The butterfly closed its wings and landed on a dandelion flower, as if it had finally landed on the earth. Genzo smiled wryly. This is Kishu Road, and you can see Mt. Data to the south, and Kumano Nada in the past.Genzo had never seen the Pacific Ocean. The butterfly remained motionless as if dead.Genzo thought that it might still be amazed by space.

--Wolf! Genzo turned his eyes away from the butterfly, and his thoughts returned to the wolf. The news of the wolf was published in the newspaper about seven days ago. On the north side of Yezhu Master Mountain, there are Jingwei Ridge, Siguo Ridge, Sanrisen Mountain and Langqi Mountain with towering temples.In the past was Kumano Highway.It is said that wolves live in the area from Yezhu Master Mountain to Langqi Mountain. On the upper reaches of a river that rises from the Mage Mountain of Wild Bamboo, a hunter first spotted the wolf.The wolf's footprints were clearly discernible on the muddy ground, and it looked quite new.The hound stepped forward to sniff, then immediately clamped its tail and shrunk back.Strangely enough, along with the wolves' tracks, there were also dog tracks.

Such a thing could happen, the hunter felt inconceivable.He thought, maybe there are first and last, and they will not stay at the same time.Could it be that the wolf was following the dog along its tracks? But as the track continued, the hunter began to feel more and more puzzled.There were traces of wolves and dogs fighting on the ground, and then ran forward one after the other. A few days later, another hunter heard a wolf howling.He was sleeping in a hut in the mountains at the time.The wolf howled from the nearby mountain beams, the volume was astonishingly loud, and the aftertaste echoed in the night sky for a long time.

Echoing this, roaring sounded from the opposite mountain peak.However, it was clearly a dog barking at a distance. Hearing the howl of the wolf, the hound slammed on the door of the hut, looking terrified. Wolf and dog hunted for each other - the rumor spread quickly. After Genzo read the news in the newspaper, he yelled at Tokuzao.Except for the Kishu Inu made by Tokuro, there will be no dogs and wolves in company.But what exactly is going on here?Genzo was puzzled. After breaking out from Xiaoheishan, there was no news from Tokuzao, Shino Fu Masaki also disappeared, and the wolf never moved again.It was as if everything had returned to silence and disappeared.Genzo thought maybe Tokuzao had brought the wolf back to the home where he had been hiding.However, the wolf is too compelling.If my family is in Nagano, it is simply impossible to bring wolves back.

Moreover, wolves also have the mission of finding their own kind.The final result must be that Tokuzao took the wolf to a safe place and released it, and brought the Kishu dog back by himself. It is said that wolves and Kishu dogs hunt together at the southern end of Kii.Genzo couldn't understand Tokuzao's intentions in leaving the Kishu dog with the wolf. He also thought that maybe the dog left Tokuzao and ran away with the wolf, but this is absolutely impossible for domestic dogs. Moreover, the wolves seem to have stopped wandering in Kishu.This is also quite puzzling to Yuanzang.The wolf went north from the southern tip of Shinano to the country of Hida, and then turned south to the Kii Peninsula.It camps here, and it seems to have found a home here, why is this?

Tokuzao——Genzo suddenly realized that Tokuzao must be manipulating the wolves and dogs.Dezao will not let the dog go, and the dog will not leave him.Dezao is a person with a fine mind.He took the wolves and wandered to the southern tip of Kii, where he started hunting with wolves and dogs.For him, doing such a thing is not a problem at all.The wolf is also happy to reunite with Tokuzao and the dog.The wolf suffered all kinds of hardships.Because he can't run fast, it's not easy to hunt alone.Well now, with a Kishu dog, let it drive away. The wolf only needs to hide and look for an opportunity to attack.

Obviously, Dezao is the behind-the-scenes director of this good show.Dezao lives a leisurely life by mopping up wolves and dogs. This devil-like guy! ——Or, Dezao is dead? It was a mysterious, totally unfamiliar mountain.Was Dezao swept away by the blizzard and froze to death in the wilderness?Either he was killed in an avalanche, this possibility is not impossible.Now that Dezao is dead, the dog has no choice but to leave Dezao and accompany the wolf all the way. But soon, Genzo denied this idea.He remembered the encounter with Dezao in Xiaoheishan.At that time, the wind was howling and the snow was flying heavily, and Dezao was walking through the woods.He is a man of rare ability and strength.He sneaked into the encirclement net with his dog, and was the first to find Genzo in the snowy woods, then hid behind a tree with a dagger in his hand, and sniped unexpectedly.Even Genzo, who made his home in the mountains, was almost plotted by him. Such a person could not die easily.

Dezao is manipulating wolves and dogs, all signs show. ——Be sure to get rid of the wolf! It would be too cruel to do so.Genzo asked himself this question many times on his way to Master Yezhu.According to his heart, he didn't want to kill the wolf.This idea is gaining ground day by day, and gradually gaining the upper hand.Getting acquainted with the owner of the wolf, Tokuzao, is also a reason.If Dezao was someone he hated, then his murderous intent would not diminish.However, Genzo was deeply impressed by Tokuzao's tenacity and perseverance in sacrificing his life to save wolves.

Of course, there is also a feeling of intolerance towards Lang Yuanzang.In the primeval forest of Xiaoheishan, Genzo glanced at the wolf.The figure of the wolf was deeply imprinted in his mind.The wolf looks much bigger than the Kishu inu, and it is covered in snow.It was very dark at the time, so Genzo couldn't see its face clearly, and he didn't want to take a closer look.He was afraid that after reading it, he would not be able to kill the killer.However, he guessed that the wolf's appearance must be very fierce, without the slightest sense of gentleness of a dog.Long lips kissed, deep eye sockets, slender eyes like knives, stared at Genzo closely with those eyes.If we met in the mountains, its ferocious face would definitely send chills down Genzo's spine.

This wolf once killed two Kishu dogs.But now it stands side by side with Tokuzao Kishu Inu.Under the leadership of the dog, it came to Dezao without any haste.The moment he saw it, Genzo felt an indescribable fire rising rapidly in his head. Full of eagerness to kill wolves, Genzo came to Xiaoheishan on the north shore of Lake Pipa.In order to kill the wolf, he lived and slept in the open, following all the way here.The phantoms of Chihime and Taki who were bitten to death are always swaying in front of him. This kind of sadness will disappear only after killing the wolf. But now, Dezao called the wolf to his side without any effort.I think about it day and night, and the enemy I am looking for is right in front of me.The insurmountable gap between Genzo and Dezao has been filled invisibly.It makes people feel that he and the wolf are intimate, and feel the spiritual communication between humans and animals.The deep connection between Tokuzo and the wolf is the same as the relationship between Genzo and Akahime and Taki.

Genzo didn't know how to deal with the fire in his heart. If he was in the position of virtue—he chose to think about it, he would do everything possible to keep the wolf from harm, regardless of the danger of his life. Since seeing wolves, he often confuses two Kishu dogs with wolves in his dreams. After waking up, Genzo often felt sad. It has been seven days since I came to Master Yezhu Mountain. Yuan Zang wandered around until he reached the Great Pagoda Mountain.The primeval forest there stretches as far as the eye can see, and all kinds of plants are very complicated.Coniferous trees include juniper, cedar, cypress, and liye.Broad-leaved trees include beech, red oak, fern and bell bamboo.This is an excellent habitat for wild animals.Within five days, Genzo found seven or eight deer and more than twenty wild boars.There are also many small animals. However, there were no signs of wolves anywhere.The growls heard by the local hunters were never repeated. Genzo couldn't help it anymore.Dezao didn't know where to hide.If Dezao's hidden location can be found, the wolf must be nearby.Genzo began to pay attention to the terrain where Tokuzao might be invisible. On the eighth day, it began to rain again.It rained all the time on the second and third day when we came to Master Yezhu Mountain.Four of the seven days were cloudy and rainy.Kishu is famous for its rainy weather.Where the Kuroshio Current flows, there are many protruding peninsulas, so it is rainy.It is said that especially in April and September, it is cloudy and rainy all day long. Although it was raining, Genzo went out. Since morning, he just walked in silence.As he walked, he suddenly thought of an idea—why not try playing the grass flute?He knew that Dezao communicated with wolves and dogs by playing the grass flute.The blowing method may be a little special, but basically there will not be much difference in timbre.The sound of the flute might attract wolves or dogs. Genzo plucked a leaf from the bush and put it in his mouth, but then his hand froze, as if putting poison in his mouth.Isn't he pretending to be a German to trap and kill wolves? He tried to blow, and the sound sounded strangely harsh. Tracking prey by deciphering the natural writing left on the ground is Genzo's forte.This feat has been tarnished by long wanderings.This ugly flute sound is the best explanation. Genzo stared at the falling raindrops.The rain was depressing.The clothes are so damp that they are almost moldy.The rain fell silently, adding to the gloomy atmosphere.He thought of the clear skies of the mountain country.You must come back— Zhu Mei repeatedly told him before leaving.In the dark forest under the heavy rain, Zhu Meiyin's face was faintly visible. He blew again, with the same sound.Due to too much force, the leaves were blown to pieces.He changed to a thicker leaf and blew again. ——When will there be an end? This thought made Genzo more and more impatient. For two days in a row, Genzo was practicing playing the grass flute. Finally, he could play ditties like nursery rhymes. The next day, Genzo began to wander around playing the grass flute.There are criss-cross valleys around Data Mountain, including Dashan Valley, Mage Valley, Wang Valley and Xiaoyuan Valley.Genzo was blowing and walking in that area.Of course, he did not forget to identify various natural characters left by the earth.However, it has been raining for days, and the ground has been washed by rain, and there is no trace of it at all.And as soon as he started playing the grass flute, he became dependent on it. After starting to play the grass flute, it was the third night. Genzo slept in a cave, and the night sky was unusually clear.There is no moon in the sky, and the stars are twinkling.Genzo started to feel a little drowsy. There was a small sound, which sounded like pebbles rolling.Genzo reached for the shotgun beside him and lay motionless, staring at the entrance of the cave.Something stood near the mouth of the cave, a vague white shadow under the starlight.The shadow didn't move.Genzo knew it wasn't a wolf.The fur on wolves is brown, not white. It must be the Kishu dog Tokuzo brought.Except the domestic dog, no wild animal is close to man.The dog followed quietly after hearing the sound of the grass flute.A dog's sense of smell is very sensitive, and it knows it's not a virtue.It knew it clearly, so why did it come closer?Genzo was a little puzzled. "It is you." Genzo greeted him kindly.Contrary to the sound, his heart was beating hard.If it was a dog, Genzo had a way to approach it.As long as you can get acquainted with dogs, wolves will be called. The dog seemed to move. As if to stop it, a low-pitched angry howl came from not far away.The dog's figure suddenly disappeared.Genzo waited for a long time without moving, but there was no more movement after that. Genzo stared at the ceiling of the dark cave. The howl is from the wolf.Apparently, wolves and dogs approached the cave.The dog was about to approach Genzo, but was stopped by the wolf, turned around and ran away.What is the purpose of the wolf and the dog touching the side of the cave lightly?Genzo felt troubled. The purpose of Genzo playing the grass flute is to lure wolves to take the bait.The wolves and the dogs thought it was virtue, so they were not at all wary.They don't have a nose to smell at all and just run straight.When he got close and smelled the scent, he regained his vigilance.But it was too late, the wolf had already fallen under the bullets.Genzo played the grass flute while making wishful thinking. The wolf and the dog heard the grass flute somewhere, and they mistook it for Dezao.Therefore, the pitch of the grass flute is obviously different.So they sniffed the scent carefully, and realized that it was not the master who played the flute.Under normal circumstances, they will leave immediately and will not come closer.However, the dog knew Genzo very well.They stayed together for two days in the hut in Matsuya.Since then, I have met twice. ——Maybe there are some old memories you can't forget? Maybe so.Because of the closeness, it brought the wolf with it at night.Or, in the woods of Xiaoheishan, Genzo and Tokuzao fought to the death, and the dog at least witnessed the initial scene, and he saw Tanzang as an enemy—no, no, Genzo immediately denied it.The Kizhou dog will not be hostile to people if it is not pushed.Genzo doesn't think Tokuzao's dog is full of hostility. The dogs came out of kinship—that was the only explanation.Perhaps the same is true for wolves.The wolf only met once in Tongyuan Tibetan in Xiaoheishan.Although it doesn't understand that Genzo saved its life, it has no hatred towards Genzo.It didn't stop the dog from approaching the cave, which means that both it and the dog knew it was Genzo, and they felt extra cordial. — not bad at all. Yuanzang said to himself. Yes, yes... Genzo kept muttering in his heart.Sure enough, the wolf and the dog would naturally approach him.They approached Genzo, not at all wary of his hidden murderous intentions. Genzo couldn't help but let out an exclamation of "Yah".The wolf and the dog were summoned by the grass flute. They knew it was Genzo, but they quickly approached him... ——De Zao is dead! When Dezao died, the wolf and the dog came together to look for him.It is precisely because Tokuzo is dead that the wolf and the dog feel very affectionate towards Genzo, and approach him irresistibly nostalgic. — Poor beast. Tokuzo's face appeared before Genzo's eyes.His face was dark though.But sharp edges and corners, very rigid.His straight spine, quick movements, and his decisive ability... ——Tokuzao, did you really freeze to death in the blizzard? ——The cold wind blows from the bottom of Genzo's heart.
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