Home Categories foreign novel lost dream

Chapter 17 Section VII

lost dream 西村寿行 3786Words 2018-03-18
Taie City is located in the southwestern part of Tokyo, between Setagaya Ward and Chofu City. After half an hour's drive from the Metropolitan Police Department, I arrived at Seta's house. Seta's home is located in a large high-end residential area in Paijiang City, covering a large area.A Japanese-style small building is built in the shade of greenery. The small building has a slight look of Chinese classical architecture, with cornices and corners, antique.There is a large piece of lawn in front of the building. It is winter, and the grass in the lawn is yellow and withered. It is sparse and looks a bit depressed.This is not only a place for the Seta couple to sunbathe in winter and enjoy the cool air in summer, but also a place for Seta to practice martial arts every morning.

Seta Tengyi presides over a karate gym in Paie City.He has won the championship in the international competition of karate.In addition to karate, he also practiced Chinese Shaolin martial arts and Wudang swordsmanship. He is a well-known martial artist, now thirty-nine years old. It was Seta's wife Machiko who opened the door to welcome Hiroka and Hamamura. From the door to the living room, the lawn is the only way to go.Seta's body was still lying on the lawn, and the scene was protected by the police from the Bojiang Department. There was a bloodstain on the lid of the corpse, and there was a hole under the left rib that had been pierced by a dagger.It could be seen that the dagger pierced into the heart was the cause of Seta's death.

No remnants or traces of the murderer could be found on the lawn, but a pair of muddy shoe prints were found on the white cement-powdered wall. After measurement, they were a pair of sneakers 22 centimeters long. After hearing that the police from the forensics department found a 22-centimeter sneaker print on the fence, Hamamura immediately walked to Seta's body and carefully inspected the bloodstains on Seta's Tianling cover. This is the mark that appeared after being hit by something like a hammer! "Ah!" Hamamura's heart tightened, "The criminal's next move has begun!"

The thing that Hamamura has been worrying about for a long time finally happened! Hiroka and Heihe also saw that this was what the Ghost Girls did. After scouting the scene, Hiroka, Hamamura, and Hiraga walked into the living room.Seeing the police entering, Machiko stood up weakly from the sofa, and asked the police to take their seats with a frustrated tone. Machiko looked to be about twenty-seven or eight years old. Because of the sudden misfortune, she looked disheveled and haggard, with red and swollen eyes.There is no doubt that the sudden murder of her husband has plunged her into extreme grief.

"Please talk about what happened last night." Hiroka said gently to Machiko. After a while of silence, Machiko began to slowly tell Hiroka and the others what happened. That was in the early morning of today, which is also called the second half of yesterday's night by habit. Seta and Machiko sleep together.Nestled against Seta's broad chest, Machiko slept soundly. Suddenly, Seta woke up from his sleep, and he listened alertly to the meowing of the cat downstairs. Seta's family does not keep dogs, because Seta believes in his martial arts skills and does not need police dogs to guard the gate.But he has a cat, a tall and big mongrel cat.The Seta couple called it "Gule".

Gu Le is a cat with a fierce personality and a very restless personality. He often goes to the neighbor's dog to provoke trouble.The neighbor's dog is afraid of its sharp claws, and when it sees it, it often retreats and runs away. However, Gule also lost the battle. In a fight with a purebred wolfhound, its right hind limb was bitten off.Since then, Gule has become more secure.Never go out and fight again.Turning around around Machiko every day.Machiko saw that it was limping and naive, so she didn't make up her mind to throw it away. Gule, whether in the past or the present, is always peaceful at night.Now I can hear it screaming loudly.Seta estimated that someone must have entered the house.

Seta got out of bed, put on a thick velvet pajamas, saw Machiko staring at him with puzzled eyes, walked up to Machiko, kissed her lightly, and said, "Don't be afraid , I’ll come and have a look.” After finishing speaking, he walked out of the room and went downstairs. At the same time as Seta closed the door, a black figure broke in through the window and rushed towards Machiko. Before Machiko could figure out what was going on, her mouth was already tightly sealed by the visitor with the torn pajamas In fact, the hands and feet were also tightly bound with copper wire. The person who came was a very short man, whose age could not be seen, but his appearance was very ugly.

After the ugly little man tied up Machiko, he dragged her to the broken window, held up a chair, and asked Machiko to sit facing the window.Then, hey, hey laughed twice and said: "You should see how your husband who claimed to be invincible in the world died." Machiko shivered all over. She didn't know whether it was the frightening words of the visitor or the cold wind blowing through the broken window. She began to tremble more and more, but the short man was leaning on the wine cabinet beside him, covered in a pair of colored eyes. Mimi's eyes were fixed on Machiko's chest rising and falling with the trembling body.

At this moment, Machiko was concentrating on the garden outside the window.The night was eerily quiet.There was a gleam of fear in Machiko's eyes. There was no one in the garden, but Seta's voice came from downstairs. Seta obviously didn't know what happened in the room, as he went downstairs, he was still dreaming of his dream of catching the thief alive.In Seta's opinion, no matter if the visitor is a thief or a murderer, as long as he doesn't carry a pistol, he can subdue him with one punch. Seta's footsteps stopped in front of the living room, followed by the sound of opening the door and entering the living room.

"Hey, who are you?" Seta asked. "……"no answer. "Hey, I'm asking you, where are you from? What's the matter?" "..." Still no answer. Then there was the sound of tables and chairs.I saw two shadows, one in front and one behind, rushing to the lawn of the garden. Although the weather is a bit chilly, the moonlight is very good. In addition, the lawn has a large area without the shadow of trees and tall buildings.Therefore, the situation in the lawn can be seen clearly. The shadow in front was a woman, and the one following her into the lawn was Seta.

The woman looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a very pale complexion, wearing overalls and a short coat, and seemed to be holding a very short instrument in her hand. She lowered her head slightly and stood opposite him, silent. Seta reached out to grab her shoulder, but stopped suddenly.The other party raised his face suddenly, and two cold eyes stopped him.Those are not human eyes, only beasts can shine like that. "You—are you a 'ghost girl'?" Seta woke up.Instinctively, he spread his legs apart, taking a posture to prevent a sneak attack. The famous "ghost girl" turned out to be such a yellow-haired girl.No matter how she once caused a sensation in Tokyo, for Seta, whether she is a "ghost girl" or a "goddess", it is easy to subdue her.What's more, the opponent in front of him looks like a weak woman. "You went to the wrong place, 'ghost girl'. Seta is not easy to mess with. I will catch you and extradite you to the police." Machiko is confident.In front of such a weak woman, her husband must be able to catch her easily.She seems to have seen a big photo of her husband published in the newspapers, and various newspapers are competing to report the news of the arrest of the "ghost girl", and the couple can immediately get hundreds of millions of yen in publicity fees. The original fear all of a sudden subsided a lot, and my body didn't seem so cold anymore.She glanced at the short man next to her, and at some point, he had already left the room. "You said to extradite me to the police?" Just when Machiko was having a beautiful dream, "ghost girl" spoke for the first time. "Yes, yes." Seta replied proudly. "If you do this, I will kill you." "Really? It's so interesting. I don't know who killed who in the end." Seta's words resonated with Machiko: Can a girl who only kills dogs to disturb people's hearts compete with a famous boxer?She really didn't understand why people were so afraid of such a weak girl. Seta attacked.But without waiting for the fight, the "ghost girl" floated up gently like the wind, silently, and when she fell, she was already in the middle of the garden. Machiko sensed that her husband was starting to feel uneasy. The ability of the "ghost girl" can be seen, she sweated for her husband. Seta saw the opponent's vital point, and slashed hard with his palm.Seeing that she was about to strike, the "ghost girl" jumped into the air, and she kicked Seta's face, but failed.A violent punch and kick followed. "Ghost Girl" didn't fight back, but cleverly jumped and dodged, avoiding Seta's stormy attack. At this moment, that ugly short man appeared beside the "ghost girl". "Is it true that 'Di No. 1' is here?" Seta asked. "You guessed it right." "Di No. 1" with a slightly childish voice replied with a sneer. Seta actually didn't know "Di No. 1" and "Ghost Girl", but only knew their general image from the introduction in the newspaper. Then there was a battle of eyes. Both sides of the confrontation knew each other's skills, and they didn't dare to attack rashly. They just stood still and stared at each other, waiting for the opportunity. After about a minute, Seta suddenly looked back at the bedroom on the second floor as if remembering something. "Di No. 1" seemed to see through his thoughts, and said with a smirk, "Your wife has already been tied up. We will serve her after we kill you." These words with a strong stimulus really made Seta angry.With a strange cry, he rushed towards the "Ghost Girl" and "Di No. 1" like crazy. "Ghost Girl" and "Di No. 1" dodged to the left and right, and at the same time, they showed their weapons from their sides. Seta is a boxer who is proficient in martial arts. During the leap and jump just now, the opponent's skill has made him clearly understand that he must not take it lightly when dealing with these two people. Now seeing the opponents both showing their weapons, he really didn't dare to neglect, and quickly pulled out his original weapon from his thick fleece pajamas. Seta's weapon is a soft whip, which is used as a weapon in wartime and as a pajamas belt in peacetime. He knew very well that even with his kung fu, three or five burly men were by no means his opponents.However, karate is a fighting technique that does not use equipment. It is based on three basic techniques of punching, punching and kicking.As the saying goes: "The strong are the strongest." He was worried that if he encountered a martial arts master who came to attack, and the opponent was not only proficient in boxing, but also good at using some kind of equipment, he would be defeated with his bare hands. .For this reason, he made up his mind to practice a weapon for self-defense. On the issue of choosing weapons, he really took a lot of thought.He is a famous karate teacher. How can a famous karate teacher always carry knives, guns, swords, and halberds when he goes out at home.Therefore, after thinking hard for a long time, he finally thought: Karate is originally a martial art from Shaolin Temple in China. Why not reform the soft weapons such as rope darts and meteor hammers in ancient Chinese weapons to make them match the strength of karate boxing? Combining strength and footwork, can you practice an original kung fu?Therefore, he refined a few soft whips out of pure steel, and there is always one on the clothes and pants he wears at home or when he goes out. Just before Seta pulled out the soft whip, Machiko, who was staring at the lawn from the window on the second floor, noticed that the "ghost girl" raised the weapon in her hand, and she shot towards Seta with lightning speed. hit the top door.Seta was caught off guard, and when the weapon of the "ghost girl" was about to hit, he quickly ducked down to avoid the front, but even though the front dodged, he was hit after all.Makoto saw her husband's body swaying, and at the very moment of swaying, "Di Yihao" raised his arm, and the dagger in his hand was deeply inserted into Seta's heart. Seta and Machiko called out at the same time.Seta convulsed and fell to the ground, with a scream from his throat, he let out his last breath.And Machiko's scream was muffled in the pajamas that gagged her mouth.She became dizzy and fell to the ground. When she woke up, she found that someone had carried her to the bed, and the copper wires that bound her hands and feet had been loosened.Beside the bed stood a man and a woman who had murdered their husbands. "Your husband is dead. Now, you belong to the man in front of you." "Ghost Girl" said to Machiko lightly in a cold tone.Then he turned his face and ordered "Di No. 1": "Go!" "Di No. 1" had a lustful face, and his eyes were full of greed. Machiko's already numb nerves trembled rapidly due to fear. ...
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