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Chapter 8 Section five

lost dream 西村寿行 1207Words 2018-03-18
November 20th. A statement from the Police Dog Training Association appeared in the paper. It was an emotionally worded statement. Two of the four dogs killed were trained by the association.The two dogs were killed without saying a word, which was a shame to the association.This happened again and again, and the existence of the association was threatened. Now, the association solemnly declares: No matter ghost girl or strange thief, come to us!You will be powerless against our trained police dogs. The Police Dog Training Association is desperate, betting on its own existence, and is determined to fight to the death with the dog-killing criminals.

The signature on the challenge statement was Motoji Inoue, president of the All Japan Police Dog Training Association. Inoue's house is near Shakujii Park, a quiet place with a large garden.At the southern end of the garden is a pale yellow three-story building with an antique flavor, which is a common Spanish-style pointed house in this area.The Inoue family lived in this house.On the left side of the building, there are several exquisite dog rooms with red roofs and blue walls, which complement the green garden and the light yellow classical buildings, making them extremely harmonious and beautiful.There are two strictly trained hounds squatting in the garden.These two dogs have won the Association Award three times and the Superintendent of Police Award twice.

Inoue refuted Nakaseki Hachiro's fallacy in rather fierce terms.Inoue absolutely cannot tolerate what Zhongguan said, "No matter how you train it, a dog will always be a dog. When the owner is away, it will randomly search for food to eat." Inoue replied angrily, those who search for food randomly are bastards, not good breeds.Good-bred dogs are enough to defeat ghost girls and phantom thieves.But Inoue could not answer the killing of the two dogs. Inoue set a time limit for his decisive battle with the ghost woman.He claimed that there will be events tomorrow and the next two days, and the decisive battle will start on November 30 and end on December 5.

During the six days, from ten o'clock in the evening to six o'clock in the next morning, all the doors and windows of Inoue's house were closed.Never ambush the police, and don't engage in any tricks such as hidden cameras. I hope the other party will not ignore it.Of course, if the criminal was attacked by a dog. Even getting caught for being bitten by a dog for which I will not be held responsible can only be seen as self-inflicted. Inoue's statement was followed by comments by Sergeant Akihiko Hiraga from the Metropolitan Police Department's First Investigation Division.As a police officer, he showed his support for Motoji Inoue's challenge.Because the decisive battle has nothing to do with human life, the police can guarantee that no patrols will be deployed near Inoue's residence from November 30 to December 5.He swears on his own honor.In a decisive battle, the assailant gains a profit, and he can walk away unharmed.If it fails, of course it's another matter.

Inoue and Heiga's statement shocked public opinion, and large chunks of articles flooded out. The title alone is shocking enough: "Will the Ghost Girl Really Disarm and Surrender?" " Can Dogs Really Defeat Evil Spirits? " "The decisive battle between the dog and the ghost girl is imminent! " The inflammatory nature of the news coverage is palpable.Faced with obvious provocation, the Humane Society protested.They say that arranging a showdown is cruelty to dogs. Motoji Inoue pushed back against the protests of the Humane Society.He said that he used two highly trained pet dogs to fight the murderer who killed the watchdog for the safety of the entire dog family.If putting dogs into duels is cruel, what do people actually keep dogs for?The protest of the Animal Protection Society in the name of protecting animals is tantamount to taking the position of the killer, or to put it worse, the Animal Protection Society has become an accomplice to the murderer of the dog.

Inoue's challenge was quickly taken advantage of.In companies, bars, and restaurants, many people gamble with duels between dogs and ghost girls.Zoologists convened a symposium, and there were many discussions and no consensus. The image of Inoue leading two dogs appeared in various promotional screens.He held his head high and his chest high, and he seemed to be more powerful than a wolf dog. Maybe the ghost girl would be scared when he saw it. The decisive battle is near.
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