Home Categories foreign novel lost dream
lost dream

lost dream


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 151680

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Chapter 1 first quarter

lost dream 西村寿行 5912Words 2018-03-18
"Don't move, kill whoever moves!" A deep and strange shout, as if from another world, suddenly froze the atmosphere in the room, and calmed down the six men who were sitting around the table to settle accounts. "Stand up for me and stand facing the wall!" A sense of terror gripped the six people in the room, facing threats.They could only stand up helplessly.The moment they turned their backs, they took the opportunity to glance at the uninvited guest. The visitor covered his head and face with stockings, and held a kitchen knife in his hand. He was only about 1.56 meters tall.

Listen to the voice is a man.Although he lisps like a child.However, in such an occasion, instead of letting a big man show a ferocious appearance to scare people, it is better to let a dwarf holding a kitchen knife yell indistinctly, which is even more creepy. His age cannot be guessed, and it is impossible to tell whether he is a young man or a mature man.The eyes, hidden deep behind the stockings, were horribly sunken, and the nose was also flat. It stands to reason that the door is locked and there are guards outside the door, so it is impossible for him to come in.He must have managed to kill the guards, otherwise he would not have been able to enter the house.He first quietly subdued or even killed the guards, then opened the lock and walked in majestically.

The six men who were attacked obediently raised their hands and stood facing the wall, not daring to move. Among these six people, four were bank employees, and the other two were clerks in the sales department of Itami Department Store.That much money is the department store's turnover for the day.As a rule, at this time of day, department stores always checkout with the assistance of the bank. The masked man approached the table calmly. Stacked on the table—a large bundle of banknotes, this bundle of banknotes well over ten million yen. He first untied a large bundle of banknotes, took out a part, divided them into ten bundles, each bundle was one million yen, and put them into the pockets of his clothes.His clothes were specially made, with a lot of pockets, even if he put 10 million yen on his body, it didn't look like it was bulging.After taking the money, he still mocked in that chilling tone.

"Goodbye, my friend! You can report the incident to the Metropolitan Police Department." After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked slowly towards the door without appearing in the slightest haste or panic. Seeing his figure disappear outside the door, a clerk of the business department immediately grabbed the receiver, hung up the phone directly to the Shinjuku Police Station, and kept calling: "Bandit! Little man!" The Shinjuku Bureau is boiling.All police officers and various police cars on routine patrol received radio instructions from the command room.

"'Di No. 1' appeared, surrounded the Itami Department Store, blocked Kokatsu Street, Koshu Street, and Shinjuku Section 2 and Section 3." The little masked man, what a lawless fellow.He dared to rob banks and shops in Chuo District, Edogawa District, Sumida District and several other districts in broad daylight every certain days.The commotion caused panic in Tokyo, and the Metropolitan Police Department was also attacked by public opinion for this.Therefore, the Metropolitan Police Department energized the whole country, calling this small masked man "Di No. 1", and ordered all police stations to make every effort to arrest and bring him to justice once they got the whereabouts of "Di No. 1".

Now, when he appeared in the Itami Department Store, the police immediately attacked upon hearing the police, just like a beast lurking in the dark, as soon as it finds the trace of its prey, it immediately pounces on it. In an instant, the streets of Shinjuku were filled with the roar of police cars. At 8 o'clock in the evening on October 10th, the streets of Shinjuku were full of traffic and bustling.The neon lights of the shops on both sides of the street are colorful and dark from time to time.For a while, it illuminates the street like daytime, and for a while, it casts a dark mystery on the street.Itami Department Store is located in front of Shinjuku Station, facing the busiest street in Japan.The wide avenue from Koshu Street to Kabuki Street is always crowded with pedestrians and tourists.Especially at this time of day, the crowd is almost to the extreme.

The radio command from the Shinjuku Bureau was also received by the Metropolitan Police Department.Akihiko Hiraga, the first group leader of the Police Department's search for robbers, started the police car and muttered to himself, "Boy, let's see where you go this time!" The masked man went outside through the fire exit of the department store. At this time, the roar of police cars resounded on the street.Fully armed police were pouring in from all directions around the Itami department store.While blocking the crowd on the road, the police surrounded the department store.

The encirclement is getting smaller and smaller. The masked man never expected that the Metropolitan Police Department could gather so many policemen in this instant.He formed a siege.In the past, when the police appeared, they had already calmly blended into the crowd or fled between buildings to escape. Faced with this unexpected new situation, the masked man was slightly taken aback.However, he immediately calmed down, and his sunken eyes swept around: not far away, the crowd had been stopped by the police.Nearby, pedestrians on the street are looking around for no reason.The corner of the masked man's mouth turned up, and he let out a cold "hum", and pulled off the masked stockings, trying to blend in with the bustling crowd.Just then, the department store's alarm bell rang.The sharp and piercing alarm bell undoubtedly became a kind of centripetal force, attracting the attention of pedestrians who were looking around, coupled with the roar of police cars in all directions, and the appearance of a large number of policemen, it made pedestrians realize that it must be Itami Department Store Something unusual happened, and naturally she moved towards the department store.

People noticed the man running out of the fire exit of the Itami department store.Several people wanted to catch him. They guessed that he was the protagonist in the current incident and should be restrained and left for the police to identify.Two or three young men grabbed his arm and shouted: "Hey, stop!" Unexpectedly, the man struggled to struggle, and the young men were thrown to the ground.He turned around to run away, but more people came up and shouted: "Catch him!" Seeing that he had become a shackle, an incredible thing happened at this moment.The man suddenly flashed, and his figure disappeared in the crowd.

People panicked.Fear and uneasiness made the noisy noise subside like a tidal wave. "Where is he!" The figure that suddenly disappeared was clinging to the outer wall of the department store.This is a seven-story building inlaid with facing bricks. "It's 'Di No. 1', drag him down!" A shout came from nowhere, calling everyone to the outer wall of the building.Countless hands stretched out, trying to drag the man stuck to the wall down.It is a pity that the man has climbed to a height beyond the reach of human hands. Suddenly, a pair of hands with bulging veins tightly grasped an oak stick covered with knots, raised it high and swung it towards the man's right arm.

"Okay, hit hard!" A burst of cheers erupted from the crowd.If the stick hits the past, even if the man does not fall off, he will lose the ability to continue climbing. For some unknown reason, just when the arms of the stick were about to intersect, the hands holding the stick trembled, and the stick suddenly changed direction, looking at the man's back and hanging down feebly.The man took advantage of this good opportunity to kick and climbed two meters higher. "Hi..." There was a helpless voice of regret. It's an unbelievable situation.The man was crawling on a vertical wall.The wall is inlaid with face bricks, which are smooth and smooth, and hands and feet can only climb in the slight gaps between the face bricks.But his ascent seemed effortless, quick, agile, almost unhindered. His shoes had been taken off a long time ago, probably in his pocket. He used his hands and feet neatly, clinging to the wall like a big gecko and swimming upwards. Several police cars arrived.A group of policemen separated the crowd and squeezed under the building. "Come down! If you don't come down, you will shoot!" Several policemen raised their pistols and aimed with their faces up.Several others rushed into the building through the fire escape, trying to get to the roof first. "Not coming down yet? You kid!" The police fired, the bullets striking the wall next to the man warningly. But his ascent didn't stop there.He was still climbing up at a fairly fast speed. He has climbed to the sixth floor.People stared at him dumbfounded. He climbed to the top of the building.He got a bird's-eye view of the people downstairs as he stepped over the railing at the edge of the platform. The police fired again, and his figure disappeared over the edge of the platform with the gunshots. The police who went up the stairs finally arrived on the platform.They saw the man standing on the top of the other side of the platform, looking very calm, as if waiting for the police to come. "Don't move!" Police move forward with guns. The man bent his back and bent his legs, much like a big bird perched. Before the police approached, his body suddenly jumped into the air outside the platform.There are not many neon lights in this area, and the light is relatively dim. It seems that the person suddenly disappeared again. The policeman went to the place where he had stopped before, poked his head out and saw that he was already standing on the roof of another building across the street.It was dark there too, and his figure was indistinct in the shadows. "shooting!" Who was calling, the guns in the hands of the police fired together, and the bullets rained down on the roof of the opposite building.The man is gone. At this time, the police cars had already parked in the area.The surrounding buildings have been surrounded by police.A group of police officers stormed the building opposite.The man moved faster.For the first time he jumped, he jumped about ten meters between the two buildings.This time he walked to the edge of the other end, jumped a few meters lightly, and transferred to the platform of another building. The new leap is clearly visible to the police and onlookers.When he jumped between the two buildings, it really looked like a big black bird soaring under the night sky full of tall buildings.His body was red for a while, and purple for a while, which was completely rendered by neon lights.Because his figure is fleeting, in the eyes of pedestrians, it is no different from a shooting star. Everyone on the street was shocked from ear to ear. At this time, more police cars were gathering.Hiraga Akihiko Police Department arrived at this moment.After he listened to the report, the tense muscles on his face began to relax. "Di No. 1" is already in the worst situation.In order to hunt down "Di No. 1", the Metropolitan Police Department made the greatest determination, used the most advanced communication equipment, and summed up this optimal plan from more than a dozen sets of hunting plans. It seems that this plan is about to succeed. Now, even though "Di No. 1" is still jumping around among several buildings, it is impossible for him to jump out of the encirclement circle formed by the police and onlookers on the third floor and the third floor in full view. talk.Thinking of this, a sense of relief welled up in the chest of Pinghe Police Department. The department store climbed by "Di No. 1" faces Meiji Avenue, with Jiaodao Street to the north, Station Front Street to the south, and a straight road connecting Station Front Street and Jiaodao Street to the west.The width of these roads is more than 30 meters.No matter how skilled he is, he can't escape from this predicament. "Shrink the encirclement and drive the irrelevant people out of the encirclement," Hiraga decisively ordered his subordinates, "We must catch him this time!" The body of "Di No. 1" is still flying in the air. When he settled on the top of a certain building, he always looked down a few times.He found that there were police guarding the streets and alleys.In addition to the police, there are pedestrians on the street and clerks in various shops looking up.He has the ability to climb up and down vertical buildings.If there is a rain pipe or something to climb on, he can move more nimbly than a monkey.But right now, such stunts are simply useless.He couldn't go down the building and blend into the crowd, and he couldn't escape from the buildings that surrounded the four broad roads, because after all, his ability had a limit, and it was unimaginable to cross a space of more than thirty meters.He bent down, and he could jump ten meters with just a little recoil.If he uses sprinting, he can jump more than ten meters to twenty meters.However, no matter what, it cannot exceed 30 meters.That is beyond the reach of human abilities. Police appeared on the platforms of buildings.The encirclement is constantly shrinking.The Pinghe Police Department hurriedly walked to the roof of the Kikokiya Building.The intercom reported that "Di No. 1" was on the platform of this building.As he walked, he thought about encircling.Once the roofs of the buildings were occupied by the police, "Di No. 1" could not escape. Of course, the Hiraga Police Department is not without painful memories.In Shibuya, "Di No. 1" was also put into a desperate situation once. Seeing that he was about to be caught, he still watched him jump from one building to another. The crowd fled. It was that failed success that made Pinghe unavoidably restless right now.In order to prevent "Di No. 1" from mixing with the crowd again, he ordered his subordinates to chase him on the roof and allowed the use of pistols.He said: "Of course it is troublesome to kill him, but in order to deprive him of his mobility, if necessary, he can be shot in the hands or feet." As long as possible, Ping He hoped that he could personally arrest "Di No. 1".Let him be punished as he deserves. Hiraga went up to the roof of the Kikokiya Building.The door to the access platform is locked to prevent someone from using the platform to commit suicide.The building administrator didn't know where to hide for a while, and Hiraga didn't care about thinking too much about the emergency, smashed the lock with the handle of his gun, and rushed to the platform. A shadow flashed before his eyes, and the shadow hid in the shadow of the rooftop facility. "I've found you, 'Land One'!" Hiraga blew loudly while running.On the locked platform, there could be no one else besides "Di No. 1".Hiraga ran fast, and the soles of his shoes rubbed against the ground, making a loud noise.He walked vigilantly from one side of the roof facility to the dark place over there. Just around the computer room, Hiraga saw the corner of the pile not far away, and the shadow was peeking towards the other side of the pile. "It's really God helping me." Pinghe couldn't help but feel complacent.The distance between the shadow and him was ten meters. As long as he moved a few steps forward, he could use his skill of catching his opponent alive with certainty and deliver "District No. 1" to the court. "Di No. 1" still didn't notice Pinghe behind him. Hiraga moved his steps on tiptoe, and because he was afraid of making noise, he took every step very small, while walking, he tucked the pistol in his belt, and took out the noose from his pocket.This is a special lasso made of nylon rope. It is a skill that Pinghe has worked hard for, and it is also a stunt that Pinghe has been awarded by the Metropolitan Police Department many times. When there were still five or six meters away from "Ground No. 1", Hiraga stood still, weighed the nylon rope in his hand, swished it, and aimed the rope loop at "Ground No. 1" like a lasso. Number one" toss away. "Di No. 1" is really an elf, and the extremely weak wind generated by the swing of the nylon rope made him aware that someone was plotting behind him.He didn't turn his head back, twisted his buttocks, and shot towards the stab like an arrow. Seeing that the object in his hand escaped, Hiraga was very annoyed.However, Ping He is worthy of being a well-trained policeman, he discarded the nylon rope, stared at the shadow of "Di No. 1", and chased after him. At the corner of the platform, the two played hide-and-seek around the piles and facilities on the roof.This stalemate made Pinghe very anxious, "Di No. 1" seemed to be deliberately teasing Pinghe, and hated him so much that he gritted his teeth. There was the sound of chaotic footsteps on the stairs. "Ha, the helper is here!" Pinghe's spirit was lifted, but at the moment when he was slightly distracted, "Di No. 1" had already slipped into the shadow of the facility at the other corner of the platform. When Pinghe chased there and saw the scene in front of him clearly, he stomped his feet repeatedly, regretting so much. He only saw a big balloon used for publicity rising slowly, and the rope that tied the balloon was cut, and "Di No. 1" followed the broken rope and swung under the balloon, leisurely and leisurely, as if doing acrobatics. Performance. Hiraga drew out his pistol and aimed at the large balloon floating slightly in the night sky. The distance is only ten meters.He took aim for a while, but didn't fire. He knew very well that if he shot, "Di No. 1" would fall to his death. "Overuse of pistols"!This sentence appeared in his mind all of a sudden.He resentfully put down the gun, gritted his teeth, and stared at the big balloon slowly drifting away with the wind in the night sky. "Team leader!" Behind Hiraga came three policemen. "It's late." Hiraga sighed regretfully, and pouted towards the balloon. The policemen were all stunned by the sight before them. The wind blows from northeast to west.The balloon quickly floated westward, gently crossing the sky above the overhead iron bridge. On the corner of Jiaodao Street, an old man witnessed this scene. This is a white-haired old man, very short, with a slightly hunched back, leaning on a thick cane in his hand, his right foot seems to be not so flexible, and his appearance is not very good, his face is dark brown, his skin is wrinkled, and his face is numb. The pit makes people look sideways, but there is a sense of weather-beaten severity.He silently watched the balloon go away.After the balloon was completely out of sight, he walked away slowly, because his foot was a little sick, and his steps were not very steady, but a beautiful young girl followed him. The Hiraga Police Department returned to the police car, and the police car drove into Koshu Street. "Helicopter! Helicopter, take off! No matter where you chase, don't let 'Di No. 1' go!" Hiraga yelled at the radio light, "Let all the police cars chase the balloon. Call the radar of the Tokyo Aviation Bureau Assisting with tracking. Contacted Iruma base and said the balloon had drifted out of sight." The police car sped along Koshu Street.In the distance, the shadow of the white balloon can still be seen, floating westward at a fairly fast speed in the air between Koshu Street and Ome Street. The shadow of "Di No. 1" was gone, and there was nothing at the bottom of the rope.It is entirely possible that he climbed to the top of the rope and floated with the balloon in his arms. Pinghe said bitterly to his subordinates: "What a teasing boy! Isn't he afraid in such a high place?" "If he was afraid, he wouldn't think of using something like that to escape, would he?" "Has the helicopter not dispatched yet?" Hiraga called the Metropolitan Police Department again. "Preparing to dispatch." An answer came from the other end of the wireless receiver. "Not faster?!" After dropping the microphone, Pinghe scolded viciously: Bastard! At nine o'clock in the evening, the balloon floated over Kiyose City.Then the wind changed.The radar at the Iruma base also detected the balloon.Its height is about 300 meters. Except for radar, it is no longer visible to the naked eye.The helicopter dispatched by the Metropolitan Police Department failed to find the balloon, and only the radar at the Iruma base continued to track. At 9:40 p.m., the Iruma base notified the Metropolitan Police Department that the balloon had disappeared from the yellow radar screen, possibly due to a sudden drop in flight altitude. Following the arrival of the notification from Iruma Base, there was another chaos in the Metropolitan Police Department, but the chaos that boiled over quickly calmed down.As the on-site commander of the roundup of "Di No. 1", Akihiko Hiraga immediately led his subordinates to follow the wind.The direction and wind speed calculate the final landing place of the balloon. Under the order of the Metropolitan Police Department, the Saitama County Police followed the trajectory of the balloon flight and searched the net.
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