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Chapter 22 1. Overturn two intelligence agents

male tiger female leopard 西村寿行 4544Words 2018-03-18
Across Bristol and soon to Marion City. This area is located in the southern part of the Appalachian Mountains.The Appalachian Mountains run vertically from north to south, cutting off the eastern part of the United States, and the south has now been opened up as "Big Smoky Mountain National Park". "What a strange car!" Miya looked at the car's mirror and said. Because it is a difficult country road to walk, it is difficult for the car to move forward. The highway is blocked and you will be questioned if you go outside.The village police station, the town police station, the city police station, the state police station, and the FBI have all been mobilized.In addition, the three A's including the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Defense Security Agency, and the National Security Agency also conducted their own cross-examination and investigation, and they were quite strict.People had no choice but to give up their minds and shut themselves at home, shutting their doors.

A black car chased up from the country road.Other than that there are no other vehicles.Crosby thought the car would catch up, but again the car didn't.Its speed was the same as that of Crosby's, and it followed closely behind for several minutes. "Is there anything wrong with us?" Croosby said without moving. It doesn't matter if the police and intelligence agencies do this, anyway, I've been interrogated three times here, the trouble is over, and if there is any problem now, it is the Japanese woman Miya.Miya was also questioned, but she did not bring Kodak VR-G film, this foreign woman was only traveling in light clothes.Besides, she's a hiker hitchhiking along the way.She was going to Boston. Even if she was suspected, there was nothing she could do. Miya once said something suspicious.

"There's nothing wrong with that." Miya said with certainty. "That's good." "Ok." Miya saw the body of the car behind her shrug and picked up the speed. The car brushed past the bodywork as if cueing Crosby to stop.So Croosby had to stop the car. There were two noon men sitting in that car, and after one of them got out of the car, Kurosby nodded at Miya and got out of the car as well.The two men did not look like plainclothes police officers.Kurosby saw the documents and knew that they were the staff of the intelligence department. "You know, this is an extraordinary period, and the situation is not good. Please ask for your nationality and name."

A man showed Miya his DIA ID. The two men stood on either side of Miya, but Crosby next to her didn't show the slightest interest.Just as Mimi was arguing hurriedly to answer their questions, one of the men suddenly grabbed Mimi's arm. "Come with us." The man ordered in an indisputable tone. Kurosby wanted to rush up and grab the man away, because he was a staff member of the Defense Intelligence Agency, could he be so domineering?How lawless it is! Miya never said a word that would lead to her being forcibly taken away.But the two insisted that she go with them.In fact, it is not unimaginable that intelligence agencies pretend to abduct women.

Just when Crosby was about to rush up, Crosby saw Miya, who had been carried away, kneeling hard against the thigh of the man who grabbed her arm.When that man collapsed, Miya slashed another man's throat with her hands. The action is completed in an instant.Clean and neat.The two men fell to the road. Miya walked back to the car.Croosby was bewildered. Even two people can hardly overthrow a DIA intelligence officer, let alone a woman! Kurosby suddenly panicked when he saw Mimi holding the steering wheel and planning to drive away. He rolled and rolled to catch up with the already started car.

"You're the one delivering the film, aren't you?" "I don't have film or anything." "but……" Mimi smiled. Kurosbiton felt a chill creep over his forehead. This woman is an intelligence agent! In an instant, the two intelligence officers were knocked to the ground.The woman's arm was not an ordinary thing, and so was Miya's smile that Krosby saw.It seemed that she must have been an accomplice in the Memphis case, if not the film courier. Miya drove the car, struggling towards the mountains. "Do you know what will happen if you are hunted down by your accomplices?"

Croosby asked. "We'll know by then." Miya answered confidently. "Reckless! You will be arrested immediately." "You can go down if you want. But, I want to borrow your car." "Are you an accomplice in the Memphis case?" "The question is so simple, I..." The car rolled up the sky full of dust. After struggling for half a day, only mountains were waiting for them.There is nowhere to go. Kurosby thought it was time to get out of the car, and he was about to be arrested. Not only the FBI, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the State Police, and the police station had already extended their hands to hunt him down. ——If you stay with her, you will undoubtedly be implicated, and her accomplices are crazy in their actions, like a group of devils!

However, Crosby still did not go down. Miya's true face must be recognized. If Miya had anything to do with the Memphis case, she should have made up her mind. It can be seen that Mimi is related to the Memphis case, if not, Mimi would not have knocked down the intelligence personnel and escaped. But, strangely enough, Miya drove the car into the mountains, where it was impossible to escape.If she is really an accomplice in the Memphis case, then her behavior is too naive and ridiculous. Central Intelligence Agency headquarters. Harry Jackson gets a call. It's the call from the staff member Gulai.

"A thorough investigation." Jackson ordered such a sentence to Gu Lai. The CIA received contact from DIA that the Japanese woman had been let go instead of being caught near Marion, Virginia. The Defense Intelligence Agency is an organization specially designed to unify the intelligence of the Army, Navy, and Air Forces, and has a sense of confrontation with the CIA.This time the Defense Intelligence Agency exposed their mistakes in their work-just one Japanese woman knocked down two of their intelligence agents to the ground. This is DIA-style indecision! Originally, the Defense Intelligence Agency tried to hide the information and have it exclusively, but in the Memphis operation, this was not allowed.Because the CIA is the center of operations, the problem cannot be solved without the power of the CIA.

Jackson issued an order for urgent action to the Gulai team, the most powerful in the work bureau. Gulai called Jackson as soon as he arrived in Marion and got in touch. Two days after the incident, Jackson received a coded telegram from Gulay from Marion. In the center of the Memphis incident, there was indeed a single Japanese woman. The secret message only wrote these words. According to this secret message, Jackson deployed instructions to the FBI and other departments. The work bureau has specific work departments such as counter-espionage, secret work, work support, and foreign espionage.All these departments have been pulled out and involved in the pursuit of murder cases.

To capture suspects, the staff will torture them and conduct drug analysis.Once it is confirmed that this is the case, all those who should be killed will be killed, leaving no one behind.Because it is a shortcut to grasp the core of the Memphis incident, and it is also a common method used by intelligence agencies. However, until now, no results have been achieved anywhere.Neither the CIA nor its affiliated forces knew who planned the Memphis case, which was as bizarre as the killing with anthrax. The work bureau was surrounded by anxiety. Japanese women made an appearance at that place. Encryption is of great significance. Now that Gulai has gone to that place, the arrest is only a matter of time. Jackson watched the streaks of sunlight peeking through the gray clouds. Kurosby and Miya throw the car away. After hitting a rock, the appearance of the car was a bit horrible. "Mountain climbing? - Hey, wait, are you really going up this mountain?" Crosby, who was chasing after Miya, was secretly taken aback. There was only one blanket, but no food at all.Although it was not the season to freeze or starve to death, the idea of ​​climbing up the mountain was so imprudent that Crosby could not help being a little frightened. Could it be that her nerves are a little abnormal? "I didn't say I wanted you to stay with me." "I know, but what are you doing climbing? There is only despair when you go up, don't you know?" Kurosby looked at Miya's buttocks in overalls and started to climb up the hill too. "Mr. Croosby, I say, you'd better go back. Go back, boys!" There is no need to flee with Kurosby. Croosby had driven her here reluctantly.Croosby is a young man who can hold a favorable opinion.However, because of this, if he escapes with him, he is in danger of losing his life. "Am I your buddy?" "Angry?" "If that's the case, I'll take you to hell." "Come on, buddy, then." "My buddy is here." "Got it, buddy!" "Fool!" Kurosby couldn't resist the temptation brought by Miya. The danger of slipping into the abyss is too great, and there is also the panic of treasonous actions against the motherland.However, now it is too much to stop. If the European side found out, Kurosby would have been played by Miya long ago.Crosby felt that somewhere in his head had been taken away, yet seemed to be dominated. It seems that Miya has a way to escape.She should have been arrested and taken to the police station, but that is no longer possible.The passive player is undoubtedly Kurosby. The sound of the helicopter gradually approached. The sun is about to set. In order to avoid the night wind, Mei Mi and Crosby got into a shallow mountain stream. Coming to this place, Miya didn't feel too bored and bored. Kurosby made the observations. Kurosby asks Mimi what connection she has to the Memphis case.He had asked several times, and Miya always replied that it had nothing to do with the case, and Crosby insisted on asking why she knocked down the intelligence agent and why she fled to the mountain of despair. "I'm just on a mission." Miya replied like this, which further deepened her fascination. Croosby knew that anger and threats were useless, but he pushed his judgment, not knowing what to do with her.His expression was bitter, as if he was about to cry. Crosby is terrified of the danger of catching up.Because I didn't expect this just now, I'm even more scared now. He climbed the mountain, and night fell on the Appalachians.From fear came hopelessness.If he can go down the mountain after spending the night here, he will be saved. After thinking about it, Kurosby made a rough decision. After a while, however, Crosby decided he didn't want to do it. Croosby felt that although staying like this would cost his life, he couldn't do without Miya.Korosby's life rests in Miya's hands. Miya is a female praying mantis, and Crosby is a male praying mantis.Knowing that he will be eaten by the female mantis, the male mantis still refuses to leave the female mantis. The setting sun dyed the mountains red. Croosby was sullen. He was thinking about how to make a decision. Miya looked at Crosby with a smile, and asked him when he would be able to make a decision. Kuros was tired of thinking about it, and he looked up at Miya with confused eyes. "Come on, huh?" Miya couldn't wait to seduce Kurosby. Kurosby pinned Miya to the ground and held her tightly.Miya accepts Kurosby's wild kiss.She began to suck on his tongue frantically, as if trying to bite off Crosby's tongue. Crosby hugged her hips, panting, breathing heavily. When climbing the mountain, Kurosby kept staring at Miya's buttocks. Miya is such an incredible woman. No matter how hard she tried to chase, Kurosby still couldn't get in front of Miya.When Kurosby quickened his pace, Miya also walked fast without giving in.She looked so relaxed, no matter what Crowsby scolded about being unlucky, hell, unable to crawl, or anything else, Miya didn't even lose her breath.The smile that knocks the intelligence agent down and hides a deep mystery.Putting these two things together, Krosby thinks that Miya might be a ghost.If she is a monster, I will be eaten by her.Croosby was a little scared by this. Krosby would be eaten by that monster's butt. At this moment, Crosby seemed to feel that his body had been eaten.He thought, it would be good to be eaten, he really wanted Mimi to eat him. Miya is a woman who does not wish to escape.Croosby even imagined that it was his sister who took pity on him and allowed him to offend her. After dawn, Miya set off again. Crosby came after her.Croosby forgot about the past.Although he had consumed a lot of energy overnight, his eyes were still shining brightly.These were two eyes that shone brightly only for Miya.Croosby forgot to go back, forgot about the anthrax, forgot about the Memphis case, forgot about everything. Miya took off her overalls and put her hands on the ground. Kurosby ran down and buried his face in Miya's buttocks. Miya adopted this posture at the request of Kurosby. It has been three days since I entered the mountain. The next day, Miya stoned a rabbit and made something to eat, so that Krosby wouldn't starve.She fell in love with Crosby and that's why she brought him.Maybe it might cause trouble, but she didn't want to leave Crosby alone in this hellish place.It's okay to walk around in the mountains alone, but wouldn't it be more enjoyable to have sex with the man you like.As the partner who can get the pleasure of having sex, Kurosby is chosen by Miya. Kurosby himself was caught up in it, and he devoted himself to the beauty of Mimi.Kurosby becomes a loyal servant, and he is smitten with Miya. Miya has become a noble lady.While driving the servant as he pleases, he is driven by the servant at the same time. They continued to walk around in the mountains.The mountains in Alabama that Miya was going to climb were deserted.There are only two masters and servants on this trip, and they can drive each other anytime, anywhere, and as they like. Although there is no human habitation, the helicopter has come several times. The helicopters did not spot them. The man reined in the horse in the forest. He took the binoculars. Only the figures of men and women with naked lower bodies were reflected in the binoculars.The woman is lying on the rock, and the man is standing like a vajra warrior. It's a pantomime!A woman's urgency does not reach a man peeping through a telescope. ——This person is also very low-level! The man smiled and said to himself. He is Fukiage Ryusuke of Independence Village. Fukiue came here in a double carriage.
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