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Chapter 21 4. Betting on the fate of the country

male tiger female leopard 西村寿行 4737Words 2018-03-18
Crosby left Alabama for Virginia by car. He passed Bristol City and headed northeast. He was going to Washington, D.C., and Highway 81 was going through Washington, but Croosby was not driving on the highway.Because lately, there's been a lot of traffic jams on the freeways, caused by unprecedented raids by the FBI and state police. Big panic!Starting from Tennessee in the south-central United States, the north-south direction is drawn into a straight line, and the east side of this line is mainly drawn in from Virginia.Half of the United States was almost paralyzed by the investigation.

Croosby chose country lanes. Of course, rural roads are no exception. The city police station, the town police station, and the village branch have all laid down a network of investigations.The state police and the FBI also all came out, plus the plainclothes and the local police trained by each state all came out. America is just crazy. Photo Newspapers ran full-page coverage of Korosby's offensive scoop.The news disclosed the biological weapon anthrax for the first time, and also reported that the bodies of Debbie Hansen and Mike Robbie, who were salvaged from Lake Wilson in Corbit, Tennessee, were caused by anthrax, causing a public outcry. , the response was extremely strong.Television stations across the United States are busy collecting material for this.

A press conference was held at the Defense Headquarters in the presence of the Minister. The minister explained that there was indeed a shipment by Hansen and Robbie from the National Institute of Science and Technology in Memphis, Tennessee to the Shuanglta Society in Handsbull, Alabama.But the "item" sent is part of the blueprint of chemical weapons, and there is absolutely no biological weapon.It is true that Hansen and Robbie's deaths were caused by anthrax, but the FBI is investigating the matter. Killed by anthrax, but delivered as part of a blueprint for a chemical weapon, the minister asserted.Believe it or not.Although he believed his words, it was true that Hansen and Robbie were killed by anthrax.People's understanding of this is complex and diverse.

The FBI conducted a large-scale investigation that bets on the fate of the country in order to recover the stolen chemical weapons design drawings.The United States was paralyzed by this major inspection, and the transportation of materials was also stopped.The economic loss is immeasurable, which is beyond the comparison of war. Originally, the people of the United States did not keep silent about this. However, behind this background lies the biological weapon anthrax, which has terrible spread and mortality. No one has explained to the people clearly whether the futile frenzy of the FBI turned into chemical weapons blueprints or for anthrax.

The American people endured as much as possible. "It's amazing!" Crosby muttered to himself. Some calculations show that if a certain amount of biological weapons were dropped on the Mississippi River, one-third of the population of the United States would be polluted immediately.Now people think of this calculation.Anthrax burrowed out near the Mississippi River, as only the Soviet Union would do.Because of the emergence of anthrax, the American people cursed the KGB one after another. —Who brought out the anthrax? Sirosby wondered if it was the KGB. Kurosby felt that this might be a strategy of the United States.The tool behind the strategy is anthrax.If anthrax is used as a shield, even if the United States is paralyzed in a short period of time, it can still fight, so they did this.The idea that the KGB used anthrax to seize classified blueprints is a bit of a stretch, because there's no need for that.It is more reasonable to say that this is the strategy of the United States.It's just that things get weird.If the U.S. strategic agency and anthrax kill Hansen and Robbie, it stands to reason that the confidential design drawings will not be taken away. Even so, the FBI still conducted a large-scale investigation and paralyzed the entire United States.CIA operatives were again involved in the torture and assassination of KGB operatives.Correspondingly, the KGB did the same.Intelligence agencies other than the CIA and the KGB were also involved in the massacre.

——What is going on, we must find out the truth of the strategy. Croosby suddenly had this idea, and based on this idea, he was going to fuck him. Colter Township Police Chief McMurray also left.He said he was being used by the FBI.The FBI's suppression of speech is intended to have the opposite effect.Things just happened naturally.Neither the FBI nor the CIA exerted any pressure on the photo agency.As a result, the Picture News Agency was very visible in assisting the paralysis of America. McMurray quit burlesque dancing. There was no way for Crosby to back out, and Crosby's scoop ended up being anticlimactic.He laughed at himself, laughed and acted again.Impulsive, just like this can't complete the task, the reason why he went to Washington, DC is for this.

A woman stood in front of her. Croosby stopped the car in front of the woman. "where are you going?" Kurosby asked. "I'm going to Boston." Seeing Crosby's smiling face, the woman quickly got into the car. This woman is obviously an Oriental, with a good appearance.Her smile is reminiscent of the enigmatic smile of Mona Lisa.For the moment the smile lifted Crosby out of his melancholy.Crosby had no confidantes among the Oriental women whom he hoped would fall in love with him during his time in Washington—that was all Crosby thought before giving her a ride.

The woman called herself Miya, a Japanese. "What's wrong with this country?" The woman asked Crosby as soon as she got into the car. This woman is Wuzao Miya from Independence Village. "You were questioned too?" "Several times." Miya looked at Kurosby, who claimed to be a reporter from the photo news agency, and replied.She thought Croosby looked about thirty years old. "Also checked that you have film?" Miya asked. "Well, they took out the Kodak 35mm VR-G." "What the hell is the FBI here for?" Miya asked again.

"Just know." Kurosby said. In the short drive out of Alabama, Croosby was questioned three times.Because he is a reporter, a camera is a necessity. The film he uses is Kodak 35mm VR-G, which can take 24 shots. This kind of film is a commodity with a high penetration rate in the market.The only thing taken out during the interrogation was the film, and the film he had taken was taken out.The other party asked Crosby to write down the address so that the photos could be developed and sent back after inspection. Then, they not only checked the items that Crosby and the others were carrying, but even searched every corner of the car. Any inspection and questioning in any place has to go through so many procedures.For this reason, the United States has been paralyzed, and rumors and rumors are flying everywhere. Among them, the most plausible one is that the chemical weapons design drawings brought out by the National Institute of Science and Technology were photographed in the Kodak 35mm VR-G, If there is no special imaging potion, even the photos will not be able to be developed, so the cross-examination is indeed carried out around the Kodak VR-G.

Rumors also have a certain degree of reliability. Design drawings are generally made into micro-volumes or micro-sheets, and ultra-tiny things are easy to hide everywhere.Of course, the film that is flooding the general market may also be used for shooting, and it has become a blind spot that is not noticed by ordinary people, so it is even more confusing. If it was because of this Kodak VR-G that the whole of the United States fell into a paralyzed state, then the weapons shot into the film must be very terrifying and have proportional lethality.The flames that ignited from the small town on the Mississippi River involved the entire United States in disaster in an instant.

Of course, Crosby did not give up his view that the theory of anthrax is an American strategy.However, it is a fact that the United States has been paralyzed.The upper class decided to do everything possible to frantically search for the non-existent "film" of the United States, which will definitely confuse the minds of its citizens. The key to the problem is the relationship between anthrax and the seizure of confidential blueprints. How are they connected. "Anthrax riots, like a regular festival every year, are really lively." Miya smiled happily. Miya has a crush on Crosby.She thought that Crosby seemed to be thinking that just by publishing a scoop, the country was going to boil over, so he seemed more complacent.Maybe that's why he went to Washington.Straight-tempered people are often very attractive, but this man is destined to die early.Didn't McMurray, the police chief of Corbett Town, just know how powerful he was and proposed to break up with him, and withdrew from the stage? Crosby turned on the radio. The FBI called the events that paralyzed the United States, starting with anthrax, "Operation Memphis," and news of Operation Memphis came on the radio. — This is great news. About an hour ago, an unconfirmed intelligence report of unknown origin circulated across the United States. This unconfirmed information was held this morning by FBI Deputy Director Robard Cole, who was in charge of the search in the "10.15" case in Memphis. announced at the press conference.Because the FBI has now confirmed this information based on the facts of the investigation——. On the radio, the announcer's voice was very high and passionate. Croosby pulled over to the side of the road. As he listened to the news reports, Crosby was livid.Croosby didn't know that an unconfirmed piece of information had spread throughout the United States about an hour ago. I don't know who leaked this information from that place, of course there are such people. It is now known that a man and a woman had contact with many Americans in the three states of Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi.Every time they met an American, the man and woman asked him if he planned to travel east.If it meant going to Boston, give him five thousand dollars in cash, but on the condition that he put a Ketu film in a certain place in Boston. This happened on October 17th, the first day the bodies of Hansen and Robbie were found. In this way, in the days after the 17th, many people in the eastern United States carried such films on their bodies. One of them got $5,000, but felt a little scared and gave the film to the FBI.At that time, the FBI had already deployed a search network.The search net was set up to recover a Kodak VR-G film that was taken out of the National Institute of Science and Technology in Memphis and later snatched in transit. Now, suddenly, the FBI was stunned. The FBI went all out and started a frenzied search.High-class whores roaming the streets of the states, down-and-out race car racers, elderly couples traveling, homeless people—everyone with film rolls imaginable was searched.The FBI people never thought that the CIA, which took away the film, would be so capable. The three A's, namely the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency have joined the Memphis operation.While maintaining close ties with the FBI, the three A's devoted all their efforts to "Operation Memphis". The opponent's strategy can be called "disruption operations" for the time being.Because those Americans with the film may not necessarily send it to the designated place, and they don’t even know whether they will go to Boston, or someone may even throw the film into the gutter.But all these films cannot be ignored, because the assumption that one of the senders is the real film sent cannot be ruled out. The Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency maintain close ties with the FBI on the one hand, and at the same time fight independently.The three A's are in control of the foreign intelligence agencies in the United States, and if the FBI also joins this operation, the staff of any country will lose the means and means of action.The intelligence agencies of France, Israel, West Germany, the United Kingdom and other countries also launched investigations.They are no worse than the United States, so the lineup is strong enough. While discussing countermeasures, a report came from the Kentucky branch of the FBI that a black man named Herbie had been arrested.After receiving $5,000, the black man was about to leave the state with Kodak film when he was tipped off by an insider and arrested.He was going to send the film to Philadelphia. The FBI made up its mind this time, regardless of whether he messed up the tactics or what tactics, he would deal with them all—to seize all the films.So they acted quickly. Assuming that one hundred men and women are film couriers, the FBI does not know whether any of them have real film; if so, who is this person and where did he come from? The United States is doomed to fail if a person with a real guy mixes with this person and does not investigate. So the FBI could also employ a method of warfare that subtly throws into disarray the plans of a pre-prepared sender with genuine film. The FBI decided to conduct an unprecedented investigation. Croosby steered the car back into the driveway. Crusby was devastated, and he still clings to the idea that Memphis was an American strategy.He thinks the KGB killed Hansen and Robbie and brought out the anthrax.However, McMurray, a former Marine Corps intelligence officer, felt taken advantage of by the FBI and dropped the trail.Kurosby believes that it is not so much the FBI that is used by American intelligence agencies hidden behind the FBI.Not just McMurray and Croosby, most people are terrified of anthrax.Still, the American people are silent.Because the anthrax bacteria that can bring death have been covered by Kodak VR-G film.Therefore, in terms of appearances, the US strategy has succeeded. But when Croosby heard the news on the radio, he became bewildered again. Scrolls are being sent to the East by clever means of hiding their numbers in the forest of unsteady multitudes of teleporters.Unable to find a way to separate the real and the fake couriers, the FBI resorted to an unprecedented sweep of the East.Now, in Crosby's mind, the so-called "American strategy" hypothesis has faded and looked eclipsed.Because such a strategy is simply unimaginable. Hansen and Robbie were targeted by the KGB and made sacrifices. The KGB sent them to the west with anthrax. In order to get back the confidential design drawings, the federal investigators and the US intelligence agencies devoted all their efforts to search, so the KGB A large number of film carriers were sent to confuse the line of sight.This is really a strange trick! --Is that so? Crosby felt a chill around his shoulders. "Are you going to Boston?" Kurosby looked at Miya and said. "You probably don't think I'm one of the film carriers, do you?" "What's wrong?" Crosby shifted his gaze from Miya's chest to her lap. "Because of the anthrax, the Americans are enduring it. But, behind this incident, there is an American strategy!" Miya said so. Crosby suddenly realized that he couldn't afford to be careless about this woman. Now he doesn't know why.
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