Home Categories foreign novel Annihilation of humanity
Annihilation of humanity

Annihilation of humanity


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 162812

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Chapter 1 prelude

Annihilation of humanity 西村寿行 6573Words 2018-03-18
The night fell to the sky like a big curtain, and under the foggy night, the Mediterranean Sea shimmered, showing a fascinating grape color. The West German cargo ship "Freedom" left the Port of Hamburg, crossed the Strait of Gibraltar, and headed for the Italian port of Ginoba. What was loaded on the "Liberty" was 300 tons of enriched uranium sold by the West German government to the Italian Atomic Power Station.Enriched uranium contains elements that can promote nuclear fission - "uranium 235".Theoretically speaking, only ten tons of enriched uranium is needed to produce a small nuclear bomb.

On the radar screen, a ghostly display of a 10,000-ton freighter is slowly approaching here. Suddenly, the deck of the 10,000-ton ship was lit up with flashes one after another, and the fired flares roared and flew into the dark sky; then slowly fell into the rippling sea water, illuminating the surroundings brightly. Twenty minutes later, the two ships approached, and at the moment they were connected, the side steel plates of the two ships collided and pushed each other, and sparks burst out in all directions. The 10,000-ton ship has no markings painted on it, and there is no ship's name or registry.On the deck, dozens of sea search lights were turned on at the same time, emitting dazzling white light beams, and more than 30 militants armed with miniature machine guns and automatic rifles jumped onto the deck of the "Freedom".These Jiaqiu were full of daggers, pistols and grenades.

These masked militants lined up on the port side, automatic guns held flat on their waists, the guy in the center wore a black helmet on his head, and the rest of them had blue helmets olive green. From the cabin of the "Liberty", about a dozen sailors rushed out, all of them were members of the West German Federal Secret Police. "Shoot!" The guy in the black helmet issued an order to his subordinates, and at the same time opened the safety of the miniature machine gun. The roar of the captain was drowned out by the volley of miniature machine guns and automatic rifles in the hands of the gang. In the blink of an eye, his chest was smashed into a bloody paste, and the crew members were stunned by the scene in front of them. screamed and ran around, but fell down one after another in the dense bullet rain...

The scheduled radio signal from the "Liberty" was suddenly interrupted, and the call was lost. In this regard, the West German Ministry of the Interior immediately took emergency measures and sent a search team only half an hour after the incident. It was nearly ten o'clock in the morning before the target was spotted.The prospect in front of them made these battle-tested veterans shiver. There seemed to be black and red paint flowing everywhere on the deck, and broken pieces of meat and bones were mixed in the sea of ​​blood. There was no one on the entire ship. . The search team searched the ship inside and out, up and down, up to the captain, down to the crew, but they didn't even find a person. It seems that he has been buried in the sea, and 300 tons of enriched uranium have disappeared.

The West German government lodged a strongly worded protest against the Israeli government... All this happened four years ago. July 9, Cannes, France. In the basement of the Cannes branch of Guredi Nachonale Bank, several criminals dug a tunnel from the sewer to enter the big vault, and then used high-pressure drills, acetylene torches and hydraulic jacks to forcibly tear down the steel plate door and reinforced concrete of the big vault. The thick walls were chiseled open. Since small safes are mostly used for tax evasion and tax evasion, the total amount stolen cannot be counted accurately for a while.However, if it is converted into Japanese yen, it would be no less than 20 billion yuan, and a conservative guess is about 50 billion yuan. The stolen items were cash, precious stones, gold and platinum ingots, and securities that were easily seen by people. Things like checks and art were thrown on the ground, and even the priceless ancient Chinese pots were used as toilets...

Paris in about a month. At this time, during the Feast of Our Lady, there was a three-day holiday, and another robbery occurred in the large underground vault of the Bank of Paris. The loss amounted to at least one billion francs, which was about five billion yen at the time.Surprisingly, its criminal methods are almost a replica of the one in Cannes. Later, the police arrested the owner of a small engineering station in Paris that specialized in digging tunnels because he had recently become a big spender.Immediately afterwards, he was subjected to a rigorous interrogation, and three of his fingers were pinched off with pliers before he began to confess:

The mastermind was a guy named Georges who ran a travel agency in Cannes. When the criminal George was being interrogated in the pre-trial room of the Cannes District Court, he tied up the pre-trial judge and then escaped from the window. At this time, there were several high-power motorcycles from Toyota and Yamaha waiting quietly outside the window.Soon thereafter, George disappeared without a trace. The examining magistrate suspects that George's escape was facilitated.Because, before the questioning, he ordered George to be uncuffed and the officers were not allowed to enter. Just a week after George escaped, the examining judge was hit by a speeding car and killed instantly.

It has been three years since this happened. Located in Milan, northern Italy, Mordircha is the largest chemical and synthetic fiber manufacturer in Southern Europe.Now the mansion of the manager Viedlo is located in the outskirts of forty kilometers away from Milan. However, this vast mansion has been vacant for many years.Fearful of kidnapping, the Viedello family avoided the biggest source of kidnappings—Italy, Santa Chinica living in the United States.One day in autumn, at 6:00 pm, Viedello walked out of the manager's office and got into a Mercedes limousine. To prevent kidnapping, even the driver was carrying a pistol, and there were professional bodyguards on the passenger seat and the back seat. , the car ran wildly and stopped in front of the gate with the signboard of "P—A Private Land". At this moment, four masked men burst out from the guard's cabin. The guy with the automatic rifle on his belt was holding a grenade in his right hand and he threw it at the Mercedes.

The explosion was right under the engine, and the front of the car was thrown high, the hood and front tires spinning out.The Mercedes-Benz, which was almost upright, also fell to the ground with a "bang", the driver's chest hit the steering wheel heavily, and the face of the personal bodyguard on the assistant's seat also hit the front glass.Viedlo screamed and lay prone on the seat. The bodyguard on one side threw the pistol under the seat cushion, covered his face with his hands, and prayed in a trembling voice. The two of the masked men shot at each other, smashed the car door locks, dragged the unconscious Viedello and his bodyguards out of the car and took them away...

The kidnappers demanded a record ransom of 1 trillion and 800 billion lire from Viedlo's father, Roberto, the chairman of Mordirecha, which was equivalent to 2 billion U.S. dollars at the time, and claimed that they must use Cash payment in three hard currencies: US dollar, West German mark and Swiss franc.They claim to belong to an organization called the Italian Northern Liberation League. Roberto convened a family meeting. During the meeting, a small mail package was received. At the same time, the kidnappers called again, telling them to open the mail package anyway. After the mail package was opened, it immediately appeared in front of everyone. It is the head of the bodyguard who was kidnapped along with Viedlo.In addition, there is a photo of Viedlo, who is completely naked and hung upside down. At the bottom of the package, a finger with a ring inlaid with the family coat of arms was found - Viedlo's finger.

After several cash transactions abroad, Viedlo finally returned home safely, and Todim, an emerging international complex company headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, purchased and occupied a large number of shares in Mordillecha. Thus effectively controlling everything. When Italy's Mordillecha company was getting into trouble, the warehouse in Bavaria of the West German multinational pharmaceutical company was attacked again, and 50 tons of waking agents were stolen.The sobriety agents made in South Korea and Southeast Asian countries are all in the form of granular crystals.In contrast, the products of pharmaceutical companies in various European countries are high-grade products in powder form. Heroin, cocaine series drugs, marijuana and some hallucinogens are generally popular in Europe.In Japan, however, a sobriety agent called Gabenzilopone is popular.Therefore, the West German police suspected that the criminals wanted to sell these sober agents to Japan for huge profits, so they immediately contacted the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department. Sure enough, within two months, these sobering agents appeared on the black market in Japan.Violent gangs bought these sober agents from smuggling organizations at a price of 10,000 yen per gram, and then changed hands at a high price. When they reached the hands of drug users, they had already risen to 200,000 to 500,000 yen per gram. The main culprit of the smuggling organization, Grup, owns a trading company called Byeron in Akasaka.For five years, they packed the plastic-sealed sober agent in oil tanks specially made for diesel engines made in Germany.Then, it cleverly avoided customs and smuggled it into Japan. The company that made the oil tank was named Mirha Oyru. 500,000 tons is equal to 50 million grams, and if these 50 million grams of awakening agents are sold at a price of 10,000 yen per gram, at least 500 billion yen can be made in profit. By the time police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department stepped into the Byeron Company, Grup had already fled abroad.It can be inferred that the 50 tons of sobriety agents stolen from West Germany have probably been sold in Japan.Before escaping, Grup, the main criminal who smuggled the sober agent, burned all relevant evidence and documents.Despite this, the search of the headquarters still found out to a certain extent the agencies and banks that were related to it and even helped it in a series of operations.The Byron Trading Company chose Cayman Island and established a "ghost company" on it as a transit point for tax evasion and smuggling. There are many banks on Cayman Islands. These banks not only accept funds from corporations and strategic agencies such as the CIA, but also accept the blood-stained money of criminal organizations, and they will never leak the news. The Japanese Metropolitan Police Department's investigative leads were interrupted due to Cayman Island's secrecy protection laws, but something else was discovered during the investigation. Grupp, who owned the Byeron Trading Company, also secretly developed some synthetic narcotics known in the United States as "angel dust" before smuggling them in large quantities.It is extremely psychostimulant, the most dangerous hallucinogen, and, given the instruction manual, even ordinary people can make it.So far, it has been found that many hallucinogenic killings are related to the drug users of the sober drug, and almost more than half of the criminals took "angel dust".Criminals shoot at innocent people indiscriminately in broad daylight, or draw swords when they think their neighbors are speaking ill of them, kill people just because they are frightened by the horn, and so on. Once "angel dust" is used on people, it will cause people's insanity, fall into the fear of being feared, and then become violent and restless, even reaching the point of exaggerated fantasies that are fearless, and suicide will occur when it develops to the extreme Type and killer type two types.As the number of hallucinogenic killings caused by the "angel's dust exchange" continued to increase, Byelon Trading Company received continuous protests from violent groups.As a result, they turned to smuggling the sobering agent from Europe, but this would also have serious consequences, only the large amount of sobering agent hidden in various places in Japan will lead to many crimes in the next few decades. This was also two years ago. In the past year, there have been nearly 30 robberies and hijackings around the world.In fact, due to the pressure of public opinion, most of the relevant authorities successively paid a total of 200 million US dollars in ransom and released more than 150 terrorists at the same time. In October of that year, a Deutsche Airlines passenger plane was hijacked. In addition to offering a ransom of 15 million US dollars, the hijackers had to release 13 terrorists detained in Torko. The West German anti-terrorist special forces took a decisive action, annihilating the hijackers in one fell swoop and forcibly rescuing all passengers.For this reason, Karl, the captain of this unit, was invited by Beta, the West German Federal Prosecutor General who has been calling for tough measures to ban the extremists, to have dinner in a high-end restaurant. Beta gave Karl a high evaluation, praising him as a warrior who restored West Germany to its former dignity.When the two happily walked out of the restaurant surrounded by the inspector general's four personal guards, three cars stopped quickly in front of them, and three machine guns stick out from the car, firing wildly at them... Carl, Beta, and their bodyguards were killed instantly, each receiving at least 500 rounds of bullets. Now, we're going to tell a story about the annihilation of humanity. The day before Christmas that year, Paris. Taketo Katayama carefully drove a semi-new Pucho 54 small car through the Grand Bourbar Avenue full of shoppers, and his wife Akiko, almost three years old, was also sitting in the car Alan, his son, and Ritu, his daughter, who came to the world a year ago. Katayama is a professional guide who has signed a contract with the African Hunting Club. He has been in Sabana in Cameri during the dry season from June to November, and he has never left the hot and humid Central Africa from February to May. , so for him, being able to spend a real winter with his wife and children can be regarded as the most comfortable thing. Katayama is actually a mixed race.His father was a U.S. Air Force officer and his mother was an attendant at a U.S. occupation base.Although he is only thirty-one years old this year, he has already experienced bitterness and hardships.His father was killed on the Korean battlefield, and his mother died in an accident eight years later. He had brothers and sisters, and he has been alone ever since. Perhaps because of this, Katayama cherishes the family he has built up with great difficulty, and he must keep this little nest that has given him a lot of warmth and comfort no matter what.While he didn't care about sleeping with many women other than Akiko, he never really turned his attention to other women. In winter, Katayama often calls his wife to his apartment in Paris or a cottage outside Denver, Colorado, USA, and spends this beautiful long vacation together, and returns to Japan during the spring vacation.This has become Katayama's practice in recent years. Today, they went to buy food at the Furchen Premium Foods near the Madeleine Monastery.Katayama couldn't help but see the delicious and delicious food in front of his eyes, and couldn't help swallowing a few saliva. Katayama parked the car near the six-story Fuerqin Food Store, took out the portable shopping cart and nursing car that could be assembled from the car, and installed them neatly. Akiko first carried her son Alan into the nursing cart, then settled her daughter Rito, and then pushed the nursing cart to the store with Katayama side by side. Akiko's slender figure, coupled with her high breasts and protruding buttocks, makes her even more graceful and curvy. Even the charming French girl would be overwhelmed. It's unbelievable that she is already the mother of two children. up. Akiko belongs to the kind of quiet and elegant cold handsome beauty, but there is always a charming smile on the corner of her mouth, and her eyes are shining with innocence, which endows her with a vivid expression. The two entered the bustling Furchin's food store. "Then, we'll meet here in half an hour." Katayama softly kissed Akiko's cheek with his lips, "I said, don't buy too much." Akiko raised her head and stared at Katayama, "Understood, just work on it for a while." Katayama smiled helplessly, and walked to the liquor counter in the basement.Among Parisians who are not very tall, Katayama is only a little higher than their ears. In Katayama's blood vessels, there is not only the blood of the Europeans, but also the blood of the Far East, or an organic blend of the two bloods. There are still burn marks on his face from the scorching sun of Africa, reflecting a kind of culture between West Asia and Asia. The prowess of the Afghan knights at the junction of Europe.His beard was dark brown, and his dark eyes flashed boldly with a kind of light, and when he grinned, his teeth showed bright white.He exudes a masculine air. The wild masculine charm emanating from Katayama made those salesgirls stare at him intently, as if they wanted to find something from the depths of his eyes, and couldn't help licking their lips, trying to suppress themselves The already bursting lust kept rubbing his lower abdomen against the edge of the counter. When the explosion happened, Piece just bought two bottles of Bernian spirits at the champagne counter, and went to the brandy counter, talking and laughing with the sales lady. With the violent explosion, a large piece of the ceiling of the basement was lifted. , The gushing air waves pushed the wine cabinet and wine jars upside down, there were flashes of light everywhere in front of my eyes, and my eardrums were buzzing. The moment he was rushed to the ground by the air wave, Katayama hugged the sales girl who was still playing with him just now, but at this time she had fainted from fright.Just when the wine cabinet against the wall fell down, Katayama went to the air and quickly exchanged places with the girl. Several jars of wine fell on the girl's head, and blood flowed out immediately.Katayama hugged the girl and fell to the ground on his back, and the unconscious girl was pressing heavily on him.The wine jars flew down one after another, and some glass shards all fell on the girl. It was pitch black all around, and apparently there had been a power outage due to the explosion.Some pieces of reinforced concrete fell from the ceiling from time to time, and at this moment, there was another deafening explosion, and the violent impact and shock made Katayama unconscious. Amid the mourning of the dying girl, Katayama gradually regained consciousness. He tried hard to push away the blood-stained girl on his body, and realized what had happened.Inadvertently, he touched the back of the girl's head, and his hands were immediately covered with sticky brains flowing from the broken skull, and Katayama couldn't help feeling sad.He stood up with difficulty.The smell of dynamite and spirits dilutes the bloody smell.Katayama just wanted to light the lighter, but immediately dismissed the idea.The surroundings are full of alcohol gas, once it explodes due to contact with the flames, it is impossible to get out alive. Katayama remembered that he was carrying a miniature flashlight, and quickly took it out of the pocket of his underwear. With the faint light of the flashlight, he saw nearly a hundred dead and wounded lying in the basement. He stepped over those bodies carefully and walked towards the stairs. An indescribable sadness seemed to pour out of his chest. The wife and child were on the first floor where the explosion occurred. At least half of the stairs had collapsed, and Katayama's head and back were constantly being hit by the falling reinforced concrete blocks, but he still desperately climbed up to the first floor through the cracked gap. Wisps of sunlight poured into the first floor from the window.The entire first floor was filled with gunpowder smoke and dust, and the ground was full of groaning people, and it became a sea of ​​blood. "Akiko...Alan...Rito!" Katayama, covered in blood like a ghost, shouted hoarsely, and stumbled towards the depths of the floor. At this time, another explosion occurred in the basement, and the floor between it and the first floor was turned upside down, scorching air waves gushed up from below, and the alcohol in the basement caused the fire to go up to the first floor. Katayama couldn't stand it now. Severe hypoxia and scorching flames, he retreated out of the window. A sharp pain in his left shoulder and head caused him to pass out again. Katayama, who was lying on the hospital bed, finally learned that Akiko, Alan and Rito had all lost their precious lives due to the terrible disaster, and due to the strong explosion and fire, even the bodies could not be found.He was like a violent lion that had been seriously injured, roaring furiously in grief, desperately trying to break free from the shackles of the plaster wrench.However, there were as many as seven broken collarbones and ribs on the left side, making him unable to move easily. It is said that Fulchin's store was threatened by an organization claiming to be the Algerian League, and they had to pay them 2 million francs, or 100 million yen, every month.Criminals warn that turnover can reach 10 million francs a day during the Christmas period alone, so it's better to be smart in case something unfortunate happens. However, the Alqin store ignored this unreasonable request, so the Algerian League planted a time bomb in the store, causing this catastrophe. However, investigations by the Paris police and the National Security Police have shown that there is no such organization as the Algerian League. With strong physical strength and perseverance, after only a week of recovery and treatment, Katayama insisted on being discharged from the hospital.His request was finally granted. With his clavicle connected by platinum bolts and pain in his left shoulder, he found the police who were engaged in the investigation of the bombing and obtained relevant information from him. Started a separate investigation. Be sure to kill those guys who caused the innocent and tragic death of their wives and children! ... Katayama intends to find the enemy at all costs and means, and kill them!But three full months have passed, and there is still no sign of the enemy. The Algerian League is said to have ceased activity altogether after the extortion of the Vulchin store, in fact it had never been active before.During his pursuit of the group, Katayama tortured nearly three dozen members of a secretive military organization that had prevented Algeria's independence, and killed three of the group's hired hitmen. In the end, the French secret intelligence agency had to intervene, and there were three ways out for Katayama: either to be arrested and brought to court; or to be deported; or to leave the country according to his own wishes. Filled with endless heart-piercing pain and hatred, Katayama returned to Japan.
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