Home Categories Internet fantasy Legend of Qi Tian 5. The birthday star reunited with Yan Luodian
Maitreya's few words made Wukong's heart suddenly clear, what is life and death, what is gathering and parting, the meeting and separation of people in this world is fate, it is destiny, it is best to let nature take its course, and forcing is the worst attachment. Humans have a heart that cannot be reversed, so what can we do compared to the good fortune that tricks people?And who knows, why does good fortune have no original heart? After sending off Maitreya and everyone in Lingshan, Wukong came to Houyi's residence, Zhu Rong also healed his wounds here, Dayu, Houtu, and Chang'e were chatting here.

When Wukong landed, he saw that Zhu Rong had largely recovered, but it took a long time for Houyi to regenerate from his broken arm. Chang'e was affectionate, and Wang Qingbo flowed around Houyi from time to time, and the love and distress in her eyes could not be concealed. Houtu said: "I won't dare to ask you to go out to fight again in the future, I think it will hurt sister Chang'e." Hou Yi said: "It's unreasonable. If you lose your right arm, you still have your left arm, and if you lose your left arm, you still have your feet." Houtu laughed out loud, and Chang'e spat, "Wouldn't that be an ugly monster?"

Seeing Wukong coming in, Chang'e immediately recovered her calm appearance, and stepped forward to greet him politely.Seeing Wukong's transformation into Zhuanxu's appearance again, Zhu Rong knew that once the lamp was gone, Wukong had no scruples anymore, and he could display this second true form at will in the future. She had prepared a lot of words to comfort Wukong, but seeing that Wukong's expression was normal, no matter what happened, Wukong looked at everyone and said with a smile: "Why are you all looking at me?" Hou Tu said, "What kind of elixir did you bring?"

When Wukong saw Houyi, he slapped his head and said: "Blame me, blame me, Laojun must have a good medicine for muscle growth, but he has not recovered from his serious injury, and I will go to his gourd to look for it later." Hou Yi smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, it's good to take a rest like this." Dayu said sternly: "It's better to get a cure as soon as possible. The Buddhist Hell is really the most dangerous place in the world. I'm afraid I will still go there in the future." When Dayu said this, everyone couldn't help shivering. Everyone in Qitianling has always been disadvantaged, and they have never suffered such a big loss in Lingshan.The mud plow Bodhisattva, which looks like a ghost, and the extremely weird white jade palm are really frightening.

Wukong said: "If you don't have full confidence, you will never go there again." The death of Phoenix and Randeng in the Buddhist hell was a great blow to Wukong. accepted. "What is perfect?" Dayu asked. Wukong said: "I'm about to ask sister Houtu and sister Zhurong for advice." Zhu Rong said angrily, "I just saw me." Wukong stuck out his tongue and said: "I saw it a long time ago, but I was afraid that your injury was not healed, so I didn't dare to say more." Zhu Rong said angrily: "Slick-tongued, tell me what you want to ask, and leave quickly after you finish speaking."

Wukong said: "It is indeed a matter of business. I just need to ask, how long will it take for the clever ape and the arm-armed ape to refine the poles of earth and fire?" Houtu said: "I'm still asking, you don't remember the time when Wuzhiqi refined water to the extreme, both of them are not as good as Wuzhiqi, so it will take three hundred years." "It will take so long?" Wukong asked in surprise. "What's so strange about this, what are you rushing to do?" Zhu Rong asked. Wukong said: "I'm afraid that the third body of the Tathagata will be refined. He is so powerful with only one palm. If he has a complete human body, it will be extremely terrifying."

Hou Tu said: "If he can practice so fast, then we can catch him with nothing." Dayu also said: "This palm of his was taken out of the Buddhist hell by you, and it disappeared in an instant. Thinking that the third body of the Tathagata can only exist in the Buddhist hell, if it leaves that boundary, it will be wiped out. He doesn't know what to do with this palm. How long will it take to condense, if he can move his whole arm, how can he still have the strength left?" Wukong heard Dayu's reasoning, and said: "Fortunately, he can't get out of the Buddhist hell, so he has a chance to breathe."

Hou Tu said: "After Zhu Rong recovers from his injury, I will ask the God of Metal and God of Wood to assist Shen Yuan in cultivating the Five Elements. Naturally, the sooner the better, the better." Wukong nodded, and said to Houyi: "When senior Houyi recovers from his injuries, please bother me to go to the Heavenly Court with me." "Why do you only want me to go?" Hou Yi asked in surprise. Wukong laughed and said, "Because you are familiar with the road." "Oh?" Hou Yi's eyes lit up, and he said, "You want to steal flat peaches?"

Wukong nodded his head heavily, and said: "That's right!" Wukong has been plotting against the flat peaches in the Heavenly Court, and he has been thinking about this for a long time. The fastest way to improve his strength in the world is the flat peaches from the mother tree. to what extent.At that time, presumably the secrets of the Xuankong method will be mastered, and then the mysteries of heaven and earth will not escape my eyes. Hou Yi said: "Although this matter hurts my reputation, it is related to the survival of the world, so let me reluctantly accept it." It was rare for Hou Yi to make a joke, which made everyone laugh.

Wukong said: "Since that's the case, you two can rest at ease. I've found the elixir and sent it right away." Wukong left this place and circled around the mountain. He was surprised to find that there seemed to be no living person in the mountain, and everyone who came out of the Buddhist hell was retreating. Frustrated greatly, they all devoted themselves to practice. Xuannv herself had just recovered from her injuries, and she then healed Sanqing's wounds one by one, the loss was not small.Wukong came into the cave and asked Xuannv for the holy medicine for healing.Since it was for Houyi and Zhu Rong, Xuannv took out a jade bottle from Laojun's gourd without hesitation and threw it to Wukong, saying, "Just one."

Wukong shook the jade bottle, there were thirty or fifty of them in it, he was overjoyed, and before Laojun woke up, Xuannv sent her a favor, she is really a good person.He immediately went to Houyi's residence, and each of them shared three pills before returning. Xuannv finished her rest, let out a long breath, and sighed: "The Tathagata suffered a lot today." "Oh? Why did you say that?" In Wukong's eyes, Qi Tianling was severely injured. In the Buddhist hell, the mud plow was almost unscathed, and only an immortal corpse was captured. What is this? Xuannv said: "Don't say that you sucked a pool of good fortune, nor that you snatched the corpse, the abandoned Buddha and the earth spirit beads, but just attracted the third body of the Tathagata to attack, today is already a rare victory!" Wukong said: "Shouldn't the third body of Tathagata make a move?" Xuannv nodded and said, "If he wanted to make a move, he should have done so long ago. Why did he wait until Bodhisattva Mud Plow retreated? That white jade palm would have cost him years of hard work. The Tathagata must be furious right now." Wukong said: "According to this, Tathagata must have to hide his strength and bide his time for a while." Xuannv nodded and said: "People in the Buddhist sect, I don't care about other people except for the mud plow in the Buddhist hell and the Tathagata. If I don't go to the Buddhist hell, everyone in the world can go." Wukong asked, "Can I go to Heaven?" How clever Xuannv was, she asked, "Are you going to discover the secrets of the furnace, or are you going to grab the flat peaches?" Wukong smiled and said, "Nothing can be hidden from you." Xuannv said: "In my opinion, it is better not to provoke the Heavenly Court at this moment. The Heavenly Court has been able to rule the world for tens of thousands of years, and the accumulation is also very deep. Qi Tianling's opponent at this time is still Tathagata." Wukong said: "He can't shrink back, what can we do to him?" Xuannv said: "You suck up a pool of good fortune in the Buddhist hell. What Tathagata will have to do at this time is naturally to make up for this good fortune. He needs to cultivate the third body. I don't know how much good fortune will be spent. Take it from the world." Wukong suddenly understood Xuannv's meaning, and said, "You mean, the hells of Buddhism still have to be born from the good fortune of mortals. It's just that the four major continents are so big, it's really hard to guard against." Xuannv pondered for a while, and said: "This is indeed a problem, but... you go to find the king of Ksitigarbha, maybe you can find a way if you listen carefully." Wukong nodded and said: "Remember it." Xuannv took out a jade box from her arms, Wukong saw it and recognized that this jade box was the one that Ran Deng threw to Xuannv before she died. "The source of great evil!" This is Ran Deng's conclusion on this jade box. Ran Deng once said that in this jade box, there is the "Book of Instruments", the cultivation methods of Buddhism and Taoism, the method of building the foundation of Buddhism, the technique of refining and making furnaces, the secrets of building Buddha pagodas and The method of refining the sky! Wukong thought of this, and couldn't wait to open the jade box to check. Xuannv gently opened the lid of the box, and the inside of the jade box was very delicately constructed, divided into many small compartments, one of which contained the "Book of Instruments", and also contained Buddhist and Taoist cultivation methods and so on.Wukong skipped these things and just looked for the mystery of building the pagoda and the method of refining the sky. These two things are related to the ultimate goal of the Tathagata, so naturally they are the most important. Xuannv picked up the thin booklet with "The Gate of the Buddha" written on the cover, flipped through a few pages, and said, "Eh, this is left by the Tathagata, but I heard Laojun talk about the Buddha. " When Xuannv said this, Wukong also wondered, how could Laojun know the mysteries about the pagoda?Xuannv turned a few more pages, nodded and said: "Well, there are still many differences. The gate of the Buddha mentioned by the old gentleman is the law of perfection, but this book is full of techniques of plundering good fortune, which seem to be the same. It's actually different." Wukong opened the booklet, flipped through it roughly, and it turned out that most of them were how to rob good fortune, and in it was written the words "Tu Guosha Killing".Wukong scolded: "Sure enough, I treat all people like nothing." Wukong turned to the "Refining the Way of Heaven" again, but to his disappointment, there was only one extremely detailed picture in this book, and nothing else. Wukong said: "What is this, who can understand it?" Xuannv picked it up, looked at it carefully for a while, and said: "Isn't this painting exactly the construction style of the good fortune furnace?" Wukong was surprised when he heard it, and said, "The good fortune furnace?" Xuannv nodded and said, "That's right. If you look carefully, the stove is not completely painted, but there are 3,008 seats left in it, but you can clearly see it. These seats, the 3,000 below, are naturally for Prepare three thousand Buddhas, and the remaining eight, the top one is for the Great Sun Tathagata, and the other seven..." Wukong's body trembled, and he shouted: "Could it be for the good fortune ape?"
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