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Chapter 28 first quarter

polluted strait 西村寿行 2193Words 2018-03-18
In the early morning of March 15, the Hyogo Prefectural Police Department called the Metropolitan Police Department. At around 2:00 p.m. on the 14th, the Hyogo Prefectural Police Station received a call reporting a violent incident in a mountainous area outside Kobe.The caller did not give his name.The police station sent a patrol car to the scene of the accident to check and found a man lying unconscious in a pool of blood, so he was taken to the hospital.Part of the victim's scalp had been peeled off, his front teeth had been knocked out and his body was covered in scars from the beating.Fortunately, the discovery is still early, so it will not be life-threatening.

After the emergency response, the County Police Department asked for his name and what happened.He only said his surname was "Matsumae" and kept silent on other issues.However, the police station still insisted on investigating the suspicious situation hidden behind the silence. In the end, Matsumae just replied that he hoped to see Nakaoka Police from the Metropolitan Police Department's Search Section 1. Nomura, the head of the first search section, frowned and crossed his hands in front of his chest.The victim must have been Shingo Matsumae, an official from the Ministry of Pollution, but why was he beaten so badly——.

Chief Nagase and Police Nakaoka walked in. "Matsumae Shingo wants to see you..." "I request a business trip." After standing and listening to Nomura's explanation, Nakaoka made a request immediately. "Okay, you go! But you must only know the situation, and you are not allowed to act rashly. Of course you understand that." Should this matter be involved?Nomura has been hesitant. "Perhaps I did it disobediently. But I think it's just a child's job in that case. What is the chief afraid of?" Because Nomura was indecisive, Nakaoka looked at him coldly.

"Be careful what you say! Nakaoka." Chief Nagase was a little anxious. "Maybe Matsumae Shingo was severely beaten while chasing down the victim who ate poisonous fish. If he was unlucky, he might have died long ago. Although we don't know which department it is, there are indeed people who want to cover up The discharge of toxic waste liquid is doing everything possible to hinder the truth of Angao's murder. I don't understand why we still don't get involved when the evidence is so clear." He doesn't want to hide his views. "The reason has been explained before."

"Your explanation is not convincing. Since Matsumae Shingo was severely beaten, we can track down the murderer and get to the core of the problem through this clue. Therefore, of course we should intervene. If this is not possible, please ask another Send someone else!" Nakaoka turned around and left.He didn't intend to give up scouting.He decided to ask for leave to investigate Qingjiang Zhongze by himself.If you don't get permission, you will find out the truth even if you resign.If Qing Jiangzhong is indeed the prisoner, then the cockroach graveyard, sudden blindness and seasickness must be related to each other.Now that the case has progressed to such an extent, Nakaoka will not give up no matter what, he must uncover the answers to these things.

"This guy is really nosy." Nagase came to his senses and said to himself. "Nagase, tell him to continue reconnaissance." Nomura said with a straight face. "But……" "No, it's okay, let him go. It depends..." Nomura thought that the first investigation department might be forced to fully intervene.The figure of Nakaoka turning and walking made him feel an invisible force forcing him to realize this. The tense face slowly relaxed. Maya Hospital is located in Rokucho next to Omote Rokko leading to Kobe.Matsumae Shingo is housed here. On the afternoon of the 15th, Nakaoka came here to visit him.

He lived in a single ward guarded by the police. His entire head was covered with bandages, except for two bloodshot eyes, looking out like a badger. "I have a quid pro quo, so I invite you to come." "Okay, what's the condition?" "First of all, please tell the prefectural police station to let them release me. Of course, you can't reveal the real situation. If you can do that, I can tell you who beat me. I can also tell you about Emiko Yasuka. secret." "Okay, I asked the county police to let you go." "The sooner things happen, the better."

He wanted to laugh, but his whole body ached.Nakaoka neither brought condolences nor said a word of comfort.Although Matsumae didn't want him to do this, but in this way, the deal was easier to negotiate. "There is one more thing I would like to ask for your help. I request that Qiu Zongxiu, who is in a psychiatric hospital, be injected with honesty serum under extremely confidential circumstances. However, this request is not for the help of the police from the Metropolitan Police Department, but for you, Nakaoka Do yourself a favor, sir." "Your request is a bit strange-didn't you say it was a violation of human rights last time?"

"I said it. But now there is only one road left in front of me..." Matsumae gave a detailed account of his entire situation before he was severely beaten. "Of course, you can subpoena the Neihai Xingye Company, but these guys have already wiped out all their stolen property. Even if they are charged with a crime of assault, they will never disclose the destination of the poisoned dead fish. The background of the Neihai Xingye Company is very With power, they can fight to the end and pretend they don’t know anything. Now the matter of secretly investigating the victim is almost hopeless. And now I can’t act for a while. Of course, because he is already mentally disturbed, even for Qiu Even if Zong is injected with honesty serum, we can't have too much hope. Maybe we won't find any results. But since the black hand behind the scenes is desperately trying to wipe out the dirt, now we only have the answer to the mystery of directly piercing the blue water. Except Besides, there is no other way. If Qiuzong's mind is like a glass plate—he has forgotten everything, it means my failure. And it also means your failure."

If it fails, it also means your failure.This sentence contains irony.Matsumae felt that Nakaoka's words were not satisfactory.But at the same time, he also realized that the prisoner Nakaoka suspected was not like Akimune.That being the case, I can only rely on this person when I am currently unable to move. "You shouldn't jump to conclusions like this. I won't give up easily. In addition, the results of the anesthesia analysis may also show that Qiuzong is a criminal. Have you considered this aspect?" "If that's the case, there is no other way. I was beaten in vain, and the sudden blindness and seasickness you traced will be nothing."

Even if this happens, it is not terrible.It should be noted that the activities of the violent group are under the command of the Shikoku Oil Company.Then, the clues of the discharge of poisonous waste liquid, the murder caused by poisoned fish, and the Angao murder case are still undeniable. "Also, there is the matter of Emiko Yasuka. She has an affair with Section Chief Aoe of Shikoku Oil Company. Do you know about it?" Matsumae gave a brief introduction. "Ao Jiang Zhongnor and Yasuko Emiko..." It was incomprehensible for a while.In Nakaoka's memory, the faces of two people emerged: the cunning Aoe, the clumsy and vulgar Emiko Yasuka, the two of them went to the hotel together...why? "The vixen..." Nakaoka stood up. "Accept your conditions and ask the county police station to lift the alert. I will tell you the result of the anesthesia analysis later." "There is one more request, please keep it secret." Matsumae repeatedly reminded Nakaoka who was already walking towards the door.
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