Home Categories foreign novel polluted strait

Chapter 21 third quarter

polluted strait 西村寿行 1858Words 2018-03-18
This is neither an office space nor a private residence.Although it is also located in Takamatsu City, ordinary people cannot find it.It can also be said that it is in a maze. Matsumae visited important people in this kind of place, although not many times, but also has experience. The man who brought him here handed him over to a burly man who looked like a bodyguard, and he was let into the living room.The man who brought him left immediately.It was exactly midnight.Matsumae felt as if there was a sound of single strings or piano playing behind the silent door in the middle of the night.

He took a cigar from the table and lit it.The face of the Nakaoka policeman who had just parted at the hotel cafe reappeared in the purple smoke. With the sound of footsteps, Hou Teng Zhesan walked in.He has a ruddy complexion, a tall figure, and the pajamas he wears exude a woman's fragrance.It was clear at a glance that his face was very unhappy. "There's something urgent at this time, what's the matter?" He glanced at the card, put it on the table, and asked. Later Teng Zhesan was the party leader of the county, and from his elephantiasis-like skin exuded the kind of arrogance common in political circles.Matsumae held back his anger and talked about the situation.He imagined the scene of this fat body cuddling with a woman on the bed just now.Who would want to meet them in a place like this?But things that involve politicians often start like this.

"This matter, you..." Hou Teng seemed to want to say something, but stopped immediately and frowned. Hou Teng anxiously picked up a cigar and looked at Matsumae.Hou Teng thought to himself, this man looks very imposing.There are people like him in the local government and the central government, who report to themselves in various activities.It is with them that we can prevent problems before they happen and make no mistakes. "If what you said is true, this matter is a bit tricky. I'll let them investigate immediately. But the police in the Metropolitan Police Department are a bit troublesome. When the police are always..."

The police cannot be trusted when it comes to murder.If the news brought by Songqian in front of him is true, Hou Teng will be forced into a difficult situation. The establishment of Shikoku Petroleum Company and Shikoku Petrochemical Company involved Hou Teng's political life.The establishment of these industries would have been a necessary step in the desperate desire to rid a poor agricultural county.But city councils and county councils fought so continually against the creation of the oil industry that they finally had to dispatch mobile police units to force it through.Finally, he announced to the people in the county a strict guarantee that the public nuisance would never be allowed to spread, and it finally subsided.Before the words fell, someone now discharged the highly toxic waste liquid into the sea, and there were dead people because of it.In this way, he can no longer escape responsibility.

Of course, the responsibility lies with the enterprises, but the local governments and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry have the responsibility to supervise enterprises and give them administrative guidance.If there are many victims and deaths, the position of the minister will be lost.Hou Teng also had to take political responsibility.What's more, the Seto Inland Sea Protection Law was enacted not long ago.Not long ago, in 1971, the leaders of the eleven prefectures and counties and three mayors signed the Seto Inland Sea Charter.Once the fact that highly toxic waste liquids are usually allowed to be discharged into the open sea is made public, the consequences will be irreparable.

"I've already talked to him. This policeman has a dark and nihilistic look. I wonder if he will follow the orders of his superiors to give up the investigation. But it should be noted that the murderer of Kyoji Anko will be caught one day. If Qiu If Zong Xiu is a prisoner, the background investigation will probably not be carried out any further..." "Is it possible that he is not a prisoner?" "It's hard to say that there is no such possibility..." "Is it possible to make him stop reconnaissance..." Hou Teng tapped his forehead with his fingers.

"This is probably impossible!" "You are an expert in this field, do you have any good ideas?" "The first thing to do is to investigate whether there have been poisoned dead fish, and if so, find out who picked them up, and check the state of health of those who ate them.—This is an order from the Minister. We'll talk about it later." "Okay, that's it. In short, let them investigate secretly. Maybe it's worrying, that's fine." "Then I'm leaving." Songqian saluted and stood up. "Wait a minute, it seems like you just said that you started the investigation to save a friend, didn't you?"

Hou Teng stared at Matsumae's eyes and asked. "That's it..." "In an emergency, please don't think about your friends." The tone was mean and weighty. "I can't agree to this. Although the investigation is my job, and sometimes it is suspended due to the order of the superior, but this investigation involves my friend. However, no matter what I find out, I will not disclose it easily. That's all I can guarantee." "Oh, that's what happened." Hou Teng frowned deeply. Matsumae went outside. Under the illumination of the green neon lights, the dark street is sleeping in silence, only the sound of footsteps.Matsumae recalled that he had experienced the same situation several times.

Political Responsibility - Political leaders will presumably secretly investigate victims of poisoned fish.However, even if someone dies, as long as no one is aware of the problem of discharging toxic waste, they will probably do it quietly and secretly.Matsumae hadn't paid much attention to these things in the past.It seems that it has always been Matsumae's job to write records without recording with footsteps.Even if he raises objections to the political negotiation organization, it will not solve any problems.But only this time, it seems impossible to do so.There may be conflicts.If the issue of blue water is involved in the discharge of toxic waste liquid, Matsumae must not ignore it.

Suddenly, the indifferent and cold face of Nakaoka police came to his mind.His superiors' strict secrecy ban on the discharge of toxic waste will be conveyed to him tomorrow.How will he treat this order? "Who murdered An Gao?" Matsumae had a premonition that no matter who the murderer was, things would develop in an unexpected direction.
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