Home Categories foreign novel polluted strait

Chapter 13 third quarter

polluted strait 西村寿行 5376Words 2018-03-18
In the distance, a fishing boat can be seen at the mouth of the bay. "Is that Seto?" To Nakaoka's question, Yoshikichi just nodded. A girl in a red waterproof jacket and shorts walked towards the cabin with a small bucket, her waist was plump and her legs were long.Seeing her form conjures images of young beasts prowling slowly. "I brought you some side dishes." Seto smiled happily, and held up the keg to Liangji for a look.Inside there were three small fishes, a minnow and a crucian carp. "This is a great catch! It took me half a day to catch such a few small fish. Oh, what do you do?"

Nakaoka stared at Nakaoka innocently, with a mouth full of white teeth. "Sir from the Metropolitan Police Department. Just right, let Seto continue to tell you!" Liangji explained briefly, and went to the back with the bucket. "You're finally here. But Mr. Police, you have to promise not to check my account, or I won't say anything." It seemed as if her eyes suddenly lit up. "Ok!" Nakaoka turned his eyes to the sea and said coldly.He felt that the girl in front of him had the cleanliness of youth. "Would you like to go to the coast?"

Seto stood up and walked towards the beach.Nakaoka followed behind her.After crossing the sea wall of the bay, a white sandy beach unfolds in front of you.The sea water is clear and transparent, as if blue color has been added to amber.Seto was walking slowly on the beach, it seemed that she was thinking about the point of the conversation. "There's a crocodile poking its head out at the water's edge, don't you think?" Seto turned around and smiled at Nakaoka. "Crocodile?" "That's right! There used to be crocodiles around the Seto Inland Sea. Looking at the quiet water, I always felt that there would be a crocodile crawling to the shore to take a nap."

Nakaoka took off his shirt and put it on his shoulders. "Oh, so you don't know! Not only crocodiles, but 500,000 years ago, there were crocodiles in this place, as well as tigers, elephants, oriental elephants and bison. Fossils have been dug out from the strata, and it is said that these The animals are called the Nihewan fauna. During the Doli Ice Age, the Japanese archipelago, which was originally connected to the mainland, moved southward. It is said that at that time the gray beard and metasequoia trees formed a jungle. That’s why crocodiles are still enshrined.” Saying that, Seto sat on the beach.

"You know a lot! But why are you offering a crocodile? It's a little strange." Nakaoka lit his cigarette and turned his gaze to the sea.The god of Kinpira Palace was a crocodile, which certainly made him feel weird, but he was even more surprised that Seto would talk about crocodiles for no reason. "I think it's because Kimpiro Palace is a god that protects the safety of navigation. At that time, didn't crocodiles live in the river and devour pedestrians? In ancient times, rivers were the main arteries of transportation. If the crocodile got aggressive, it would be over." So I think that since people couldn't subdue it, they simply deified it. This must be the case. In Africa, the home of ferocious crocodiles, and even in the Middle East where the Nile crocodile is active, crocodiles used to be regarded as God. At that time, people threw sinners into the river. If the crocodile did not harm him, it would prove his innocence. This may be a bit too much. In ancient times, fear and belief were actually opposite, so this is also understandable. But when the crocodile died out, this fear disappeared. After the fear disappeared, the belief became solemn, so legends about the dragon god appeared everywhere, and this legend replaced the image of the crocodile. I think the original dragon The original shape may also be a crocodile. Therefore, wherever there is water, especially in the Seto Inland Sea, the legend of the dragon god is particularly prevalent—maybe this may be just my personal knowledge.”

Nakaoka glanced at Seto, her eyes seemed to be recalling the distant past. "It makes sense." "There is a town in the Takamatsu area called Shido-cho, you know! It is said that he was born there. There is a Buduoluoshan Shidoji Temple in that place, which is the eighty-sixth of the eighty-eight pilgrimage places in Shikoku. Here There are famous legends about the Dragon God. However, you may not be interested in such things!" "No." Nakaoka shook his head slightly. "That's great. This legend is about the era of the Qing Dynasty. Probably Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty sent various precious gems such as real light pearls, Sibang diamonds, and Huayuan chimes to the Japanese government. As a result, Dragon God Can't wait, it snatched the most precious real light pearl. This gem is also called flawless jade. It is said that this gem is very strange, no matter from which direction you look, there will be a Buddha in the gem facing you In addition, there are many legends. Finally, the local fisherwoman dived into the bottom of the sea and snatched the orb from the dragon. Then she cut open her own breast and hid the orb in her chest, and finally succeeded in returning the orb to the dragon. The original owner. However, she herself died. However, because of her outstanding achievements, the son born after her pregnancy became a minister in the capital. People think that this legend contains various meanings. Some people say that the dragon represents Pirates of the Seto Inland Sea. There is also a saying that the son of the fisher girl was actually Fujiwara who wandered around at that time, so this legend is a satire on the politics at that time. In addition, there is another understanding that this legend is actually It's about the death of the old and the hope of the birth of the new. It's as much a primitive form of emotional purification as Greek tragedy and other stories..."

Seto picked up a small stone and threw it into the sea. The stone floated deftly on the surface of the sea, and then sank. "But when I started fishing for mullet with Uncle Liang, I suddenly figured out something. I felt that perhaps the significance of this legend of the dragon god is just to warn people not to greedily hunt for the treasure house of the sea. Looting. The flaming fish is the heart of the sea. If a fisherman tries to catch it, he will be retaliated. Mr. Qiuzong and Uncle Liang have both been retaliated. Qiuzong’s spiritual trauma is particularly deep. These are all Because he has only greed but no faith. Qiuzong did not have that kind of awe of the sea. Thinking of this, I deeply feel the wisdom and wisdom of the ancient people. They created the legend of the dragon god to make people fear the sea, and this legend of the dragon god The root of it is the crocodile."

"You may be right..." Nakaoka recalled the history of Akimune introduced by Shingo Matsumae.His wife was taken by someone, and he returned to the island.In Nakaoka's imagination, he should be a cautious, vulgar and pitiful person.But Seto offered her perspective on Akimune through the crocodile, and it painted a vivid picture in Nakaoka's mind.Nakaoka thought, this Seto is by no means just a homeless girl.Her breasts in the sweater are very plump, and the hem is also very wide. Nakaoka thinks this is a person with great perseverance. "Let's talk about the topic!"

Seto folded his arms across his chest like a boy, and looked at the sky. That night, Seto and Akimune were working together on the surveillance ship.The moonlight was dim, and the surroundings were almost pitch black, and the Yangenji seaside was dark in the roar of the cold wind.The sea wind roared wildly, making whistle-like sounds from time to time. Seto stared at the sea in his winter clothes.Uncle Liang once said that the sea would soon become golden like a lantern, and now this scene has appeared before his eyes.After the sun goes down, the rusty color begins to change during the day, just like the dark night has cleared away impurities, and the sea emits a strange brilliance.To describe this scene, indeed only the term lantern is the most appropriate.The shoals of fish shone like thousands of reddish lanterns adorning the ocean floor.This kind of sight does not make people feel afraid, but makes people feel like a dream.The light-red luminous body wriggled slightly as if it was breathing.

"These fish are swimming toward the beach." Qiu Zong said with a sigh. Seto followed Akimune to observe Haijing.Indeed, in the sea of ​​reddish brilliance, schools of fish bustled, each of them with his head toward the sand.At this time, Seto was a little confused about the light source that produced the light.Ryoyoshi said it was heat, but from Seto's point of view, the school of fish appeared dark and had nothing to do with the glow.A lantern-like light emerged from all sides and surrounded the school of fish, a strange light that suggested that it seemed to be mucous membrane or amniotic fluid.

Suddenly, Seto was embraced by Akimune from behind.For a moment, she didn't know what was going on.Seto tried to stand up, but she was crushed between Akimune's legs as if bent.At this time, Seto realized that she was unable to resist, and she began to beg bitterly, but she didn't dare to cry out.Fish schools are very sensitive to sound, even just a strange sound will make the light red luminous bodies gathered on the beach gallop away like an avalanche.Thinking of this, Seto didn't dare to shout out.It was exactly this that Akimune had a deep understanding of and threw himself on Seto.The light in front of Seto's eyes turned into a broken golden light, and she bit her lips tightly. Akimune frantically put his arms around Seto's waist. "I'm sorry..." After the madness passed, Qiu Zong expressed his apology trembling all over.The bitter cold wind made him unable to keep his mouth shut, "Forgive me, I want to show the mullet!" Seto looked at Akimune's face from the side by the light of the charcoal fire in the cabin.After Qiu Zong apologized, he seemed to have forgotten what happened just now, and just stared at the glowing fish in ecstasy.When he occasionally turned his gaze, Seto saw under the reflection of the charcoal fire that his eye sockets had been darkened by the fatigue of the past few days, and his eyes were shining with light.For a moment, Seto felt that the light in his eyes seemed to be an incomprehensible creature. After that, Qiuzong never said a word. Seto couldn't understand why Qiuzong suddenly thought of such absurd things. On January 14, the work of casting the nets began. The morning before, Liangji walked out of the observation shed temporarily set up in Yaneji, looked at the dark sky, and said to himself: "It will rain when the tide goes out!" A sense of urgency to make a decision.This made the fishermen feel heavy and nervous.They know well that although Liangji was called a lunatic in the past, his frail body is now more and more authoritative. "Cast the net tomorrow." Liangji announced in a hoarse voice. In fact, everything is already ready. Just as Ryokichi expected, when the tide ebbed in the morning, hailstones began to fall on the dark sea.In an instant, the white rain feet completely sealed the sea surface. "Remember well, when the tide is low and it rains, people will die. People rarely die when the tide is high." Ryoyoshi put his hand on Seto's shoulder and said.Hearing this deep voice, Seto felt deeply that there was a manly figure hidden in the wrinkles on Yoshikichi's face.She did not experience this feeling either from the university professor or from her father.Liangji has always been known as the fisherman's god in the past, and in his wrinkled face hides a lifetime of rich experience in sea life. Liangji must concentrate his wisdom and strength to catch this flaming fish.As for the mullets, they reflect the ocean red, and under the guidance of the clock and compass hidden in their bodies, they come to a corner of the vast ocean to gather and fight the old fisherman to the death.In the climax of the unfolding drama that nature had arranged for, Seto was excited, even tempted to cry.In the evening, the rain stopped. "Look!" Someone lowered his voice and pointed to the sea and shouted.People whispered, causing a low commotion.Although the sun hadn't completely faded away, the rocky reef after the rain had already begun to shine.The dark brown sea is like a huge sea ray, as if it has just been baptized, the dirt has been removed, and its image is becoming more and more vivid.It was literally a huge beast. "It's coming, it's coming soon!" Qiuzong's voice seemed to be in his throat. "No, we have to wait for two or three days." Liangji said calmly, and then went back to the hut. Seto has been standing beside Akimune.Akimune's bloodshot eyes stared at the sea, and he didn't care about Seto.He has always been like this since that incident.He didn't have this kind of leisure for a long time, he was as anxious and restless as a chorea patient. Early the next morning they called up the hired fishermen.The work of casting the net began. The special method of mullet fishing in Iwaneiso refers to this.A trench was dug on the edge of the water after the sea had receded, and the nets were buried in a row from one end of the beach to the other.Soon, groups of fish will flood the beach with the high tide.When fish schools are all over the beach, immediately pull up the buried net.The so-called catch all catch refers to this fishing method.All that remains is to wait for the next low tide.The flames of the sea are all blocked on land.But because the net completely cuts off the retreat of the fish, the net is very dangerous and may collapse due to the pressure of the huge school of fish.Shuhei Akimune was buried in the sea for this reason. The pulled up net is to be hung on a pillar.In order for the net to withstand the pressure of the school of fish, it needs a large number of pillars.However, if there are too many pillars, it will affect the gathering of fish schools.The amount of fish and the cooperation between the pillars are very important.The pillars were attached with cross boards at the bottom, then they were buried in a deep pit and supported by ropes. When the net casting work started, the flaming fish had already approached the place where the net was buried. Seto worked hard among the fishermen.This work should be done with as little noise as possible, and all work done in the short time before the high tide begins.Seto thought while working, this is not so much fishing as it is a kind of fighting.In modern society, when it comes to fish, people always think of artificially raised fish, but here is full of romance.This is the last apparition of the sea, and the last battle that men wage against the sea.The fiery selflessness made this feeling even deeper.On the strong purple-brown face, the eyes are shining brightly.They seem to have forgotten the public hazards, the difficulties of life, the compensation, and everything else. They seem to have returned to the primitive age, with a bit of primitive features. The work of burying the nets is still going on, the high tide has begun, and the tide soaks the boots.Seto forgot everything, just immersed in the tense atmosphere of net burying work.At this time, she noticed that the sea water under her feet was beginning to become cloudy.The water on the shore should be transparent and clear, showing emerald green.When Seto inadvertently observed her feet, she couldn't help shouting and took a few steps back. There are two fish under the feet.The two fish, about fifty centimeters in length, swam up to Seto's feet and stared up at her.Seto stopped the foot he was about to step on, and looked at the mullet's small eyes.The eyes were expressionless, but clear and transparent. The mullet has forgotten its fear of people, its restlessness on the beach, everything.Looking at their eyes, it seems that they have even forgotten that they are mullets.There was a silent instinct in that look that only a mullet could understand. Seto tried his best to keep calm and stared at them.Anxiety welled up from the depths of her heart like a spring, and she stopped in her tracks.Fish forget that they are fish... Seto is suddenly afraid of all living things. Looking at it, Seto suddenly felt as if he had seen this kind of look somewhere before.That was Qiu Zongxiu—yes, after Qiu Zong insulted himself, his eyes under the charcoal fire were like this.At that time, Seto just felt that it seemed to be an indescribable creature, and it turned out that the real face of the frightening faint fire was the eyes of this mullet. So, is this... Seto remembered.It is said that in the era of the rule of magic culture, people would go to the rice fields to perform collective marriages and show them to the rice during the season of rice earing.People believe that the rice will be excited when seeing human marriage, and the more excited the rice is, the more abundant the fruit will be.Qiu Zong wanted to show Mullet the marriage, so he purposely stood on the higher hatch cover... But why did Qiuzong suddenly think of a spell-like ceremony and implement it?It didn't look like a desire, but rather like a ritual similar to the Black Mass.This is proved by his never showing concern for anything since then.Maybe Chhojong was as maddened by the gathering of fish and the fiery sea as the fish.It is said that Qiuzong's father was swept away by the same kind of fish on this beach more than ten years ago, and was eaten to death by the fish.Perhaps it was a vindictiveness, mingled with the desire to catch everything, that drove him to such an obstinate belief in everything that the phantasmagoria of conjuration suddenly brewed in his unbalanced mind?Or maybe he used the mullet to observe the mating, praying desperately, like the American observes luck on the rabbit's feet, lest the mullet should escape quickly or bring bad luck? Maybe there was something about his unfortunate past lurking behind the spell?His past is very bitter, leaving his wife, losing his job in a top company, and being forced to become a fisherman. Seto suddenly felt terrified.She felt that Qiuzong's desperate way of catching mullet was a bit abnormal.Indeed, Ryokichi shared the same tenacious beliefs.He insisted on waiting for more than ten years, and now he is in an unusually cheerful mood.But Qiuzong lost his composure and became sick.His eyes seemed to indicate that every moment he would cry out in fear of the mullet's escape.At the point of losing his mind, Qiuzong's eyes are exactly the same as those of the former mullet.
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