Home Categories foreign novel polluted strait

Chapter 12 second quarter

polluted strait 西村寿行 4931Words 2018-03-18
"Yeah, that is to say, the prosperity of the past has suddenly reappeared in Iwaneiso. But the pollution of the sea is getting worse, why are there now schools of mullet fish?" Nakaoka also has some feelings for the sea, he has been attracted by Liangji's words.When he was a student, he also liked diving.It is for this reason that he feels the charm of the sea far exceeds the mere investigation of the case. "Nobody understands that. But the sea is out of sorts these days. Sometimes a small school of mullets will pop up out of nowhere, and then suddenly there will be a lot of sea crabs, and then they will disappear all at once. There was no trace. I can't remember when it was, but on that beach, a big squid was climbing up like a madman. I saw the brown eyes of the squid, and I felt cold all over. They panicked, almost It's like being frightened and going crazy because of the signs of a catastrophe." Liangji spoke in a low voice.

"Is it possible to think that these mullets also came here because they were disoriented by pollution?" It is said that sometimes they gather because they have lost their instinct of self-preservation. "No, mullets are spotless!" "Immaculate?" "Yes." Liangji spoke with certainty. There are indeed concerns about contamination of the fish.It is for this reason that the technicians from the County Fisheries Research Institute came to investigate.The technician once said that when creatures, including humans, are in crisis, they will fall into a blind state due to group psychology.It is not uncommon for groups of insane groups to wander the sea like ghosts, sometimes due to the destruction of their habitat.Liangji also heard that not long ago, thousands of mullets appeared in the sea area on the factory side in the sea area facing Suitan where fishing is prohibited, and it became the center of everyone's discussion for a while.A survey ship commissioned by the Citizens' Union once scooped up mullet and dissected it.It was found that the internal organs of the mullet, which should have been light red, had turned yellowish brown and gave off a foul smell. Just touching them with your fingers caused the intestines to rupture and a lot of industrial sludge flowed out.

But Ryokichi has unshakable faith.Because although many inspections have been carried out on the fish caught near Qingdao, no conclusions have been made about pollution.It is also possible that this area is the only remaining sea area.Ryoyoshi is convinced that the mullets that gather in Iwaneji after more than ten years cannot be the frenzied fish that have lost their instincts due to pollution.It was because of their sanity that they began to gather in Iwane.And indeed, as Ryokichi believed, examinations of dozens of mullets showed that they were not contaminated. "It was past mid-December, and the number of mullets suddenly increased..."

Liangji narrowed his eyes into a slit, and spoke in a trance.He knew that the feeling of intoxication at that time still lingered in his heart for a long time. A few days after the messenger appeared, the desolate sea where no fish shadows could be seen at all began to see fish swimming continuously, and the sea surface became warm.Liangji hired fishermen to mend the nets.He himself just watched the movement of the fish in Yangenji day and night.The mullets that start to gather don't swim very much.Some stopped in the crevices of the rocks, some were hidden in the depths of the seaweed, and each found their own sphere of influence.Liangji patrols and monitors all day long.Originally there was only one in the crevice of the rock, but after two or three hours it had increased to several.There is no sound, and it is impossible to tell when they are multiplying like cell division...

Every time the tide ebbs and flows, the density of fish increases, and mullets come in a steady stream.They kept swimming from the depths of the ocean, moving slowly through the gaps where their companions lived, increasing the density of the entire school of fish.Sometimes Ryokichi stared motionless into the eyes of the mullets, as if he had lost consciousness.The eyes of these mullets glisten behind crystal-like eye masks, as if in a dream.Yes, these fish probably do dream.No matter which fish it was, they all stared at the beach in pursuit.That unshakable desire is indeed in a haze. Liangji thought: the mullets are bewitched, and they even forget that they are fish after being bewitched.He quietly brought the boat closer to the shoal and observed with the water mirror.The bottom of the boat has a draft of more than one meter deep.The mullets should have been alarmed by this, and they fled swiftly and disappeared, but they did not move.When people observe through a glass mirror and their eyes meet, they don't take it seriously.It seems that they will not move when poked with a thin stick, nor will they be interested in their prey even when harpooned.What caused them to become this state?

Gradually, Liangji was completely fascinated by the school of fish.Step by step, he was also driven into a state of madness by the mullet.Sometimes he even felt that he was a fish too, that he was swimming alongside them in the ocean, agitating the fish's gills to breathe, and even feeling the rubbing of the cool scales of his companions.Sometimes he suddenly woke up from this dream-like state, and at this time he felt the happiness of being a fisherman refreshing his heart, and his heart was extremely satisfied. Liangji loved these mullets.He no longer has the courage to go all out fishing in Iwaneji with Akimune Shuhei more than ten years ago.At that time, he was full of confidence and determined to catch them all.The desire made his sleepless eyes bloodshot, but he continued to direct the fishermen.At that time, although he had looked at the school of mullet, he did not remember ever paying attention to the eyes of a mullet.

Seeing only the forest, but not the mountains——Ryokichi regrets every time he thinks about it.Perhaps this kind of valor was the cause of Akimune Shuhei's death.If Liangji had been integrated with the mullet at that time as he is now, he might not have suffered a disastrous defeat in the fight with the unprecedentedly huge school of fish.He only saw a school of fish, but he did not consider the wishes hidden in the holes of each fish. Liangji believed that this was the reason for the failure. Liangji now thinks mullets are very cute.More than ten years have worn away Liangji's Fanggang blood and eliminated greed.He was just the messenger of fishermen eager to see mullets again.His current state of mind is precisely the state he reached because of the inspiration of this idea.So now Liangji only has a very pure wish in his heart, hoping that he will not suffer another failure in mullet fishing this time.He felt that as long as he was careful, quietly surrounded the school of fish in the white sand-like rocky root, and then released their demonic will, there was no difficulty in this kind of thing.

After December 20, he deployed four ships in Yaneji to monitor day and night. The speed at which fish flocks gather increases dramatically.At this time, there are fish swimming everywhere on the sea.This season is the most critical moment for mullet fishing.Fish-stealing boats will come stealthily by night.Due to the dense fish population, the fish-stealing boats can catch as long as they stick down with a harpoon, and they can harvest hundreds of catties without any effort.If the net can be cast casually, the efficiency can be improved even more.At this time, this must be prevented at all costs.

Mullets are not afraid of predators, nor are they afraid of death, and they allow themselves to be caught.But as the density increases, it gradually becomes sensitive to the sound.The irrational will of an individual is suddenly sublimated into the will of the entire fish group. During this rapid development process, their nerves to detect abnormal sounds become particularly sensitive, and sometimes just one or two engine sounds will cause the mullet to flee quickly.This is just like the herd of cattle fleeing violently when they hear the gunshot.Surveillance ships surrounded the sea and entered a state of alert.

At this time, a hippie girl came here. She was wearing a pair of shabby shorts, a red waterproof jacket, and a handkerchief wrapped around her head like an Indian. She was about twenty-two or three years old, and she carried a rather large backpack on her back. "This old man is Mr. Liangji, right?" The girl called herself Seto, and talked with Liangji in a bright voice.Liangji had heard of hippies, but this was the first time he had seen them with his own eyes.Although her dress is peculiar, her appearance is no different from that of ordinary people.The yellow hair on her body has not been taken off completely, she is shining with golden light, and her skin is also very fair.Seto said that she came here after seeing the news of the phantom fish school in the newspaper, and hoped to work here.

"Working?" Liangji felt very embarrassed. "I don't intend to ask for wages, as long as you give me food. However, I can't always be the leader of the fire. I want to be a fisherman." "Fishing?" "Yes. In ancient times, didn't women also go to sea to work? I also hope to go to sea. I heard that there are mullets gathering in Yaneji, which makes the sea red. I can't wait. How should I say? I I think that fish may be the heart of the sea. The sea facing death finally ignites... In short, I want to see the heart of the sea with my own eyes and touch it with my own hands. Do you understand what I mean?" Understand?Liangji could only be dumbfounded. Ryoyoshi wakes up Akimune Osamu who is sleeping after returning from surveillance all night, asks him to entertain Seto, and goes to sea by himself.He shook the scull, and suddenly remembered the past.When I was as old as Seto, I was constantly dreaming of dreams of prosperity.Whether he goes fishing in the ocean or on land, he is willing, in short, hopes to leave this narrow Seto Inland Sea.But in the end he couldn't get anywhere.But he has developed a skill, as long as he observes the sea surface, he can see the movement of snapper and squid.Even if fish are caught from the sea tens of feet deep, it can be guaranteed that the fish will not be hurt or scales will be removed.Through the cloud shadows reflected on the sea, he can draw a weather map and grasp the emotions of the waves. But he thought again, what is the result of this?The sea is dying, snapper, catfish, all fish that are worth a little money no longer appear.If the sea dies, he is as good as the wrecks thrown on the beach.He could only consider it a fruitless voyage. But this girl has no skills at all, but she suddenly came here to become a fisherman just to feel the heart of the sea. He could only sigh at her ease. "Isn't this girl just going to be Ah Xiu's wife?" The thought flashed through Ryoyoshi's mind.Liangji didn't understand the reason why Qiu Zongxiu abandoned his job and returned to the island.Qiuzong never mentioned it, and Liangji didn't want to ask more.But through Qiu Zongxiu's tired and dull eyes, he saw the shadow of Qiu Zongxiu's wife who had left.Loneliness is like an invisible big stone pressing on his silently tired back.Ryokichi decided that he was a weak man.He didn't have the energy to get up rather than stepping on others, nor did he have the courage to make a noise for something, he was just an honest person. When Qiu Zongxiu got the news of Mullet's arrival, his eyes shone brightly, as if he had changed himself.Of course, if you can catch everything in one go, you can indeed make a fortune.Qiuzong originally planned to raise prawns if the octopus farming went well.For Qiu Zong, the appearance of the mullet is a rare blessing for him to bid farewell to the past. Liangji also hopes to fulfill his sweet dreams.No, not just wishing, but certainly satisfying.But at this moment he felt a trace of uneasiness from Qiuzong.He forgot to eat and sleep just to devote himself wholeheartedly to mullet hunting.This is going too far.Liangji believes that in this energy of forgetting to sleep and eat, there is his longing for looking back on the past, and also his determination to avenge his father who died due to the fish flood.If that is the case, then there is no need.Vengeance against Dahai is only the thinking of people on land. If Miss Seto can be Qiuzong's daughter-in-law, she should be able to make up for this shortcoming.When they met for the first time, he just took a rough look at her, but he felt that she had the vigor of a primitive person who went out to sea to fish, which was exactly what she said.Thinking of this, Liangji recalled that her body in shorts was indeed strong and burly. At the end of December, the "heart of the sea" begins to reflect the sea a fiery red. "It's so beautiful, Uncle Liang." Seto held his breath and whispered. Liangji and Seto climbed up the cliff behind the beach and watched the sea side by side.The sea unfolded in front of my eyes, the cold wind was blowing, and there were waves of white waves floating on the sea.Below the waves, one can see an unpleasant rusty brown, as if a huge warship has sunk below.This is mullet. "It used to snow and flakes, and the cold threatened the sea. The result was that iron brown reflected in a bright red flame. At night, it was like thousands of lanterns sunk in the sea." "However, the mullet is originally blue and silvery white. Why does it show this color? It's like the light of a lantern..." "why?……" Liangji didn't know the reason either.He thought that the sea surface turned red at night maybe because of the fireflies.The energy that turns the sea iron-brown during the day must be the heat radiating from the flesh of the mullet when they gather.According to the technicians of the Fisheries Laboratory, when the mullet forms a huge school, there is a lack of dissolved oxygen in the sea, which causes this phenomenon.But Liangji just believed in the heat. "I always feel unhappy..." Seto lay on Ryoyoshi's shoulder. "You fisherman is really worthless." Although Liangji said so, he felt uneasy in his heart.It seemed to him that there was a huge sea ray lurking in the depths of the iron-brown seabed, and that this sea ray might soon move and flee to the depths of the sea. "I didn't know it was like this. Now I always feel as if the demons and ghosts gathered to take revenge on some kind of force. Maybe they will crawl to the shore one after another soon!" "It's going to climb up. This iron-brown mass will move soon, slowly advance and retreat, and then suddenly climb up the shore. At that time, they looked like they had taken off their scales and were bare. Climb up like a body." That day is imminent. "Don't scare me!" "Didn't you say you want to touch the heart of the sea?" "I just thought that fish were for people to eat. But with this appearance, maybe people will be eaten by fish." Seto licked his lips that were dried by the sea breeze. Liangji thought, this really looks like a girl's idea!It's the heart of the sea, it's monsters, and it's going to be eaten by fish. Liangji really admires Seto's novel idea.Liangji never thought about it that way.He thought to himself, what kind of mood did the girl's parents allow her to run around?He had asked about Seto's parents and where she lived, but she never said anything.Seto just helped cook, rowed the boat to monitor the sea, or learned to mend fishing nets with a strong curiosity. At night, she lived in a small wooden house with Liangji and Qiuzong.Akimune didn't show concern for Seto, and it could be said that there was no such time at all, and everyone was exhausted when they went to bed.But Akimune accidentally looked at Seto's plump body with shining eyes, which did not escape Liangyoshi's eyes. It is said that after Seto arrived, he once asked Qiuzong to give her part of the reward after successfully catching mullets.Liangji remembered that Qiuzong had said that this might be a kind of deception by a novice who was not at a disadvantage. "After catching the fish, I'll give you one too." After a while, Liangji said. "Really? Uncle Liang. I'm so happy!" When Seto heard Liangji's words, an innocent smile suddenly appeared on her face, as if she had forgotten about mullet. Liangji wanted to ask her what she wanted the money for, but he swallowed the words again.She also participated in labor and therefore cannot be considered a fraud.Maybe this simple way of making money is popular among young people in the city, but Ryokichi doesn't want to make irresponsible remarks about it.The girl's fear of the iron-brown sea softened Yoshikichi's heart.The sea in front of me is about to ignite flames on the surface of the sea, maybe this is the last flame.It was because the girl wandered about that she developed an earthy but keen sense by which she saw the cry of life in the flames of destruction.In Liangji's view, this is just a kind of instinctive observation of fishermen. Liangji thought, after the mullet hunting, the girl would leave here with the money she got.Then he felt a pang of desolation.
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