Home Categories foreign novel polluted strait

Chapter 5 first quarter

polluted strait 西村寿行 3649Words 2018-03-18
On the evening of February 25th, the fourth day after Akimune was arrested, Matsumae Shingo received the visiting police from Nakaoka. "The mental appraisal has come to a conclusion." Nakaoka stood the whole time, with his hands in his jacket pockets, his expression very serious. "What conclusion?" Matsumae asked straightforwardly. In the early morning of the second day after learning that Akimune was arrested, Matsumae went to the reconnaissance headquarters to visit Sergeant Takada.Gao Tian's reception was very cold.Confident on his oily face, he simply replied that Choojong himself was now in a psychiatric hospital, but that he was absolutely certain that he was the murderer.

Matsumae pointed out that judging from the situation of Qiuzong at that time, it was difficult to imagine that he could kill An Gao, which made people feel that there might be articles on his fingerprints; The area of ​​residence still retains the impression created.Therefore, Matsumae suggested that he hope to consider these situations and conduct an in-depth investigation of the entire background.But not only were his proposals coldly ignored, but he himself was taken as a witness.For this approach, Matsumae was very angry. "Didn't you know that blue water contains cyanic acid?"

"Why did you send Qiuzong away instead of reporting it to the police?" From Matsumae's point of view, these questions are completely malicious. "It's unreasonable!" Matsumae thought of this, and made up his mind to find out what secrets were contained in the "blue water" that Qiuzong brought to the Ministry of Public Hazards.If Qiuzong is innocent, he should be rescued naturally.In addition, Matsumae always felt uncomfortable if he didn't give the police a little color. "I'm going to go to the home of the appraiser now, are you going with me?"

"Why should I go?" His tone was filled with distrust of the police. "Because you are the guardian. If you don't want to go, you don't force it." Nakaoka turned around. "Wait a minute." Matsumae felt that Nakaoka had no intention of trying to persuade him, and seemed to let him go, and Matsumae panicked. "I didn't say no!" The two walked out of the pollution province side by side.Although Matsumae was considered tall, but when the two of them stood together, Nakaoka seemed taller than him.Just the mere fact of being taller than someone else engenders a sense of superiority, and Matsumae shrugged deafly in frustration.On the way, Matsumae asked: "Is there any progress in the investigation entrusted to the county police station?"

"I have received an answer, but I have not learned anything more detailed than the newspaper reports. The defendant's family has come to Tokyo, but this person does not know the situation, and no clues have been obtained from him. By the way, the autopsy As a result, a report was made, and the estimated time of death was between 8:00 p.m. , blind in both eyes. However, no eye disease was found during the autopsy. Of course, as for internal medicine, there is no abnormality..." "Does this matter have anything to do with Qiu Zongxiu?" "No." Nakaoka shook his head slightly.

"Your surname is Nakaoka, isn't it!—I have an idea. It is said that the victim used to work on a transport ship of the Shikoku Oil Company. For example, it is a ship that discharges waste liquid. Assuming the scars on his face It was caused by the discharge of waste water, so can it be considered that his blindness was caused by the splash of waste water? Then the headache and seasickness can be explained..." Matsumae tried it out.He was eager to learn about the abilities of this ruthless-looking policeman. "The ship that drained the liquid?—but the autopsy didn't reveal anything unusual!"

Nakaoka glanced at Matsumae.Seen from the side, his face is very alert. "If the symptoms are mild and the toxicity is a volatile gas, what will happen? Will it not be detected?" "Because it's a forensic autopsy! But do you have any clues about this venom?" It seems that he is not hooked, not much interest. "For example, the refinery needs to add tetraethylene lead to gasoline. This tetraethylene lead is highly poisonous. If you inhale this gas, you will die. Moreover, this substance can also penetrate into the body through skin breathing and produce psychoactive substances. Symptoms such as confusion, convulsions, and pulmonary hemorrhage eventually lead to death from distress. According to reports, there is currently no cure, and some people suddenly fell ill after two or three months, and some even lost their minds."

"Well, tetraethylene lead!" Nakaoka nodded slightly and quickened his pace.Seeing that Nakaoka was not interested in the temptation he proposed, Matsumae decided that he was a person without enthusiasm.However, his expressionless look may just be a façade. It was almost seven o'clock in the evening when they arrived at Professor Seiya's home in Komazawa, Setagaya Ward.In addition to serving as a professor of psychiatry at T University, Professor Seiya also serves as a legal instructor.He had a beautiful silver-gray beard and was beginning to age. "I have already told the police headquarters. As for the formal identification, it will take some time, but it must be mentally abnormal."

The professor brought out the black tea with a smile on his face. "I have heard about your report. The reason why I came to visit again is to find out whether Qiu Zongxiu can be the prisoner in this case even though he is mentally abnormal?" Nakaoka asked bluntly. "Your question is so difficult to answer! However, this should be a matter for the police station!" The professor replied with a smile. "Even if it's your personal opinion!" "Akimune came to Tokyo from Kagawa Prefecture and visited the Ministry of Pollution. Therefore, it can be seen that he is able to do this kind of action to a certain extent. But if he is determined to be a criminal and punished, I can only provide an appraisal to show that this is the case. It is insanity caused by mental abnormality. So I think it may be acquitted due to inability to be responsible. As for whether he constituted a crime, this is not within the scope of my work. Mental illness also has various symptoms, and it is difficult to reason inference."

"Could you please explain the various symptoms you just mentioned and Qiuzong's symptoms." "Okay! Now that you've come. Generally, we roughly divide mental disorders into three categories. The first is the symptoms of obvious physical lesions, such as progressive paralysis, cerebral arteriosclerosis, Traumatic brain injury, senile dementia, etc., this kind of mental illness is generally called organic mental illness, which also includes mental illness similar to epilepsy symptoms caused by medical diseases. The second type is schizophrenia and depression, which may have Physical lesions. The third category belongs to the symptoms of abnormal mental quality, including stupidity, sexual desire reversal, abnormal personality, or mental reactions caused by some abnormal experience. ——Through the identification of the patient, I think he belongs to the third category mentioned above It is a kind of mental disorder caused by abnormal experience. Of course, this also takes into account the situation reported in the newspaper, but the final identification requires various medical identification of the detailed parts. "

"The abnormal experience you mentioned refers to..." "Take a recent example! For example, when climbers die in winter, many suffer from hallucinations. In the midst of heavy snow they suddenly see houses, rivers, or fruit trees laden with fruit. Sometimes in despair they hear The chatter of the rescue team. Some reports even said that once all the victims had the same hallucination at the same time. In this case, the fatigue and drowsiness produced during the death can be said to be an abnormal experience.” "That is to say, Qiu Zongxiu once had some kind of experience, causing mental disorders due to physical pain?" "No, the so-called experience does not necessarily have to involve physical pain. Mental pain can also cause insanity." "So maybe the mullet fiasco and octopus deaths reported in the newspapers were the cause?" "possible." "Do you think that if An Gao Kyouji is the destroyer of this series of events, then Qiu Zongxiu can still hold a grudge after causing the disorder?" "The patient has developed a language barrier, and psychological tests are ineffective, so it is difficult to draw conclusions. But according to common sense, at least there is no possibility of vicious crimes such as homicide. As far as the crimes of mental patients are concerned, schizophrenia Among the patients, there are many vicious criminals who murder and set fire. This is because the hallucinations and delusions are obvious when suffering from schizophrenia, and it is easy to have the concept of being killed by someone who comes to kill themselves. Some of them have hallucinations because the neighbors glanced at them, and the result is that the neighbors want to kill themselves. , so I thought that, in this case, it is better to kill the other party before being killed, and then suddenly rush to kill the other party or set fire to it. But the patient in this case is a mentally abnormal person who is already in a state of insanity, similar to this There are very few cases of killing people of the same species. As for the fingerprints on the container where the poison was released at the scene, of course it cannot be completely denied, but if it is indeed a criminal, this case is very rare.” "Is it possible to think that he is pretending to be mentally abnormal?" "If the patient is indeed a criminal, it is a planned murder. He even wiped off his fingerprints, so I also wondered if it might be an abnormality in disguise. But according to the brain wave examination, there is no doubt about the mental abnormality." The professor came to a conclusion decisively. "What about the blue water?" "It seems the patient has some sort of particularly strong fixation on blue water. But it's not clear what that is." "Have you had an anesthesia analysis?" "No, I haven't done it yet. Because he is too weak." A wry smile appeared on the professor's face, "Even if I did, I can't tell you." The professor had sensed the reason for the police's visit with their protectors. "Wait a minute, what's the deal with the anesthesia you're talking about?" Matsumae, who had been silent until now, interrupted and asked. "It is to inject the patient with hypnotics of the Balbituric acid family." "Then what will happen?" "When the hypnotic agent is slowly injected intravenously, the patient will remove the inhibition and say everything. Sometimes it will restore the memory that has been lost. So it has another name, called 'honest serum'. It is said that when used on criminals, he All crimes can be confessed without reservation. It may work for the patient in this case, but anesthesia analysis is prohibited from being used in justice, because the use of drugs to deprive people of free will constitutes a violation of human rights." "It is for this reason that I invited the protector here." Nakaoka's voice was very quiet. "After the anesthesia analysis, we can tell the result to the protector. Of course, the premise of doing this is to benefit the patient. However, as for the patient in this case, even if we find out the truth about the blue water and determine that the patient is a murderer, I'm afraid it won't be possible. Nothing could happen worse than acquittal for incapacity, or no prosecution for insanity." "Mr. Police," Matsumae said in a strong tone after the professor had finished speaking: "As a protector, I object to this." "be opposed to?" Nakaoka looked at Matsumae calmly. "Yes, against it. Isn't your approach a bit too shameful?" "why?" "Of course, you are trying to use me to make Qiu Zong a prisoner, so you should have made it clear from the beginning." Matsumae said coldly and decisively. "I don't think Qiuzong is the criminal." "Let it be! The problem is the mental state you cops are going to rely on narcotic analysis. It looks like you have no confidence in reconnaissance without drugs. I must not betray Chojong." Nakaoka's calm demeanor was only superficial after all. "That's fine too." Seeing that Nakaoka just nodded happily, Matsumae was surprised, but at a loss.Matsumae expected Nakaoka to burst into flames, or at least blush, but to his surprise, he showed no expression.Matsumae thought, this is really an incomprehensible person!
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