Home Categories foreign novel Fairy · Ghost · Dwarf

Chapter 43 second quarter

Fairy · Ghost · Dwarf 西村寿行 1009Words 2018-03-18
Shinoda Tatsuo's wife Fumiko was sleeping on the double bed, and Tatsuo put one hand on Fumiko's chest. They are a couple who have been newly married for three months. Suddenly felt pushed from behind by someone, and immediately sat up. The lights were on.Under the light, stood a masked man.The man held the sharp knife in his hand and pressed it against his chest. Did not dare to speak out.Wenzi also woke up. "If you dare to speak out, I will kill you!" Shinoda nodded, the sharp knife had touched his chest. "I'm a dwarf, put your hands behind your back!"

Shinoda obediently put his hands behind his back, and his hands were tied around the neck with wire.Hearing that it was a dwarf, his body froze. Hoarse voice, short stature.It used to be thought that what people said about dwarves might be a lie.There are security chains on the house and double locks on the balcony windows.This was on the twelfth floor of the thirteenth-floor apartment, and the only place to infiltrate was the small window in the kitchen.The small window was opened on the vertical wall on the north side of the building, and it was impossible to enter unless someone who could climb the wall.

The mouth was sealed with tape. As soon as I heard that it was a dwarf, I knew that Wenzi must be insulted by him. There is nothing he can do but obey his orders and save his life first. "You, come here. Don't make any noise, or I will kill you." The dwarf greeted Wenzi with his hands. Wenzi's body shrank like a stone.Because of fear, I wanted to shout but couldn't make a sound.The body kept shaking. Only raped. Get out of bed. "Take off!" Take off your pajamas on command. "Forgive me, please!" Wenzi knelt down in front of the dwarf. "No mercy! Get down!"

The sharp knife dangled in front of his eyes.Wenzi got down.Knees and hands trembled. The dwarf stroked Wenzi like crazy.This is the woman's body that I picture in my mind day and night. Shinoda watched with frozen eyes. The dwarf put all his strength into his arms and hugged Wenzi. Unable to tell what it was, it shattered in Shinoda's heart.Maybe it's the emotional fragility of men and women?Shinoda always believed that Wenzi belonged to him alone.I always thought of that face and limbs.Even each nail is its own.But this Wenzi has become a dwarf woman. The dwarf let go of Wenzi's hip.

"You." The dwarf said to Wenzi: "Wash away! I want to sleep with you in my arms." "Please. Please go back. Please." The tape on the mouth is about to come off.Shinoda begged. "Shut up!" The dwarf stood in front of Shinoda. "If you are not honest, I will kill you." Hit the cheek with a sharp knife edge. "Don't do this, don't do this!" "Do you want to borrow your wife?" "Borrow, I will borrow." "Then, I can spare your life." The goblin reattached the tape. Wenzi stood up and glanced at Shinoda, but there was no will in the eyes.To disobey the dwarf's orders means death, and there is no choice but to obey.

Naked, walked into the bathroom. When I was about to take a shower, I noticed the lipstick on the sink. Remove the toilet paper roll."Dwarfs Invaded My Home. Please Help" was written in large lipstick on the end.And write down the room number. Then take a shower. On the way back to the dormitory, the roll of toilet paper was thrown from the small window on the kitchen where the dwarf invaded. The goblin sat on the bed and waited. "You, lie down!" Following the voice, Wenzi lay down on the bed. The dwarf then lay down beside him.
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