Home Categories foreign novel Fairy · Ghost · Dwarf

Chapter 38 Section five

Fairy · Ghost · Dwarf 西村寿行 815Words 2018-03-18
Nakane Keiko is still being raped. Younger brother Keiji watched with stiff eyes.For Huiji, her sister is a deified existence.It was nothing in childhood, but as he grew older, Keiji gradually looked at his sister with admiration. Such a holy sister, now lying in front of her eyes raped. My sister closed her eyes.The face with a distressed expression twisted. Keiichi twisted his bound hands behind his back.In the process of being insulted by the ghost girl, he has begun to loosen a little.Now, the unlocking has started. There was an eerie silence.The dwarf walked away from his sister.The older sister kept her original posture with her eyes closed.

The ghost girl is still riding on her body. Not without horror.The dwarf and the ghost woman once killed the karate master Katsuyoshi Seta.It is still a big question whether Keiichi in the early stage can pass. "You! Get down on the ground!" The dwarf ordered Keiko. Keiko lay down on the carpet as ordered.There is no other way.Only let him ravage. Keiko is already mentally prepared to dismiss the actor.Anyhow, survival matters.If you disobey, you will only be killed.Has made up his mind to endure any gesture. Huiyi is watching for opportunities. The cord buckles were almost all undone.

The ghost girl has her own awareness of actresses, and she has a strong jealousy towards women who are actresses. She will undoubtedly order the brothers to rape her sister, and will take actions that are completely insulting. Huiyi exhausted all his energy.The moment that followed, he jumped up into the air, and before he could stand still, he hit the dwarf's back.No time to remove the tape on the mouth.Hit the head of the dwarf who was concentrating on raping his sister with a murderous blow. The moment the clap was cut, the ghost girl let out a cry. As soon as the dwarf moved, it jumped up from his sister's hip like a bird taking off.The palm was chopped off.

The dwarf caught the sharp knife.Huiyi saw that the situation was not good.Terrified, she ran towards the door while peeling off the tape on her mouth. The ghost girl was already blocking the door, and the ghost girl was also holding a sharp knife in her hand. "kill you!" Huiyi turned around and looked back.The dwarf stood silently behind his back, with a sharp knife stuck in his back. These are the dwarfs and ghost girls who move like wind and electricity. The dwarf, who stabbed the sharp knife all the way in, slapped the handle of the knife again. Before Keiichi could make a sound, he stopped breathing.

"do you died?" the ghost girl asked. "Dead." The dwarf replied disapprovingly. The abuse continued. The ghost woman's approach was successful.Now Keiko's spirit has been destroyed, and she is in a state of imminent confusion.What kind of self-esteem and so on, all flew out of the sky. Even I don't know if I can survive in the future. Keiko caught in the sea of ​​humiliation is indeed pitiful.Hate myself for not biting off my tongue. In the end, Keiko was pressed in front of the ghost girl.
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