Home Categories foreign novel Fairy · Ghost · Dwarf

Chapter 22 Section VI

Fairy · Ghost · Dwarf 西村寿行 3552Words 2018-03-18
January 6th.The bandit murder happened. In a corner of Linjiang City, there is a high-end residential street. Seta Katsuyoshi's family lived at the end of the street, a large house.The yard alone is 1,340 square meters.The Seta family used to be the landlord in this area, and Seta Katsuyoshi opened a karate school in Tokyo.Seta has won the championship in international boxing many times. In addition to karate, he also practiced Shaolin boxing. Seta had just turned thirty-four at the time. Wife Machiko.Twenty-eight years old. The incident happened at midnight on the fifth day. Seta and Machiko had already gone to bed, and they had just entered the bed.Machiko was held in Seta's arms, and his chest was so thick that it felt like a rock.It's great to have a home-worked body, and it feels good just to be cuddled.

Not long after going to bed, Seta heard voices downstairs. It was the meowing of the cat at home.The name of the cat is Dahei, he is the big one among the black cats, and he is famous for being good at fighting. When it sees a dog, it will attack on its own initiative.Ordinary dogs run away when they are attacked by a big black, as if they don't want to be scratched. Dahei often beat dogs, but once he failed, the opponent was a hound.Dahei rushed forward and grabbed Dahei with sharp claws, but the hound didn't run away. Instead, he pushed Dahei out angrily with his head. Before regaining the stance, Dahei let out a piercing scream after being bitten by his hind leg.But the dog still didn't let go, and shook it left and right.

When the dog's owner came running, Dahei's left hind leg had been bitten off. Dahei was hospitalized with a comminuted fracture.There is no other way but amputation. Since the amputation, Dahei can no longer fight.One of the hind legs was missing for the bouncing function, and it was not convenient to even move. Dahei turned into a listless cat, rarely going out, mostly staying in the house or yard to catch sparrows for entertainment.Catching sparrows is also different from before, and I can't catch any sparrows.Due to the effect of mental depression, Dahei gradually yelled at people, and when he saw visitors, he yelled meowingly.

Seta got up. Dahei was still roaring. Someone must have broken in. Go downstairs.Whether it is a thief or a murderer, it is not a problem for Seta.As long as the opponent is not carrying a pistol, he will hit the ground immediately. Dahei roared again. "Who!" Seta came to the living room and turned on the light. In the large living room, stood a girl who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old.Dahei stood on top of the furniture and kept shouting. "Hey!" Seta approached the girl. "What are you doing? Where did you come in from?" Seta was stunned for a moment.In the middle of the night, it is reasonable for a thief to enter the house. What is the purpose of a girl running in.

The girl said nothing, her face lowered slightly.But his eyes were fixed on Seta.The face is very pale.Wear a short fur coat over jeans. "Hey!" Seta wanted to step forward and grab her shoulder, but stopped again. I felt as if I was fascinated by the girl's upturned straight eyes.These are a pair of cold eyes.Thought it was the eyes of a beast, not a human. "It turned out to be—" Katsuyoshi Seta spread his legs and took a stance naturally. "It's a ghost girl, you!" A ghost girl who is sure to cause terror and chaos in Tokyo.It doesn't matter to Seta whether you are a ghost girl or a ghost boy.To subdue is effortless.

"Why don't you answer?" If it's a ghost girl, catch her.If you catch the ghost girl, you can become a news person.The publicity industry will at least give several hundred million yuan in publicity fees. "You've come into the wrong house. Catch you and hand it over to the police." "Policemen?" The girl spoke. "yes!" "In that case, I will kill you!" "Kill me? This is so interesting. Who the hell wants to kill me?" Seta smiled.It's ridiculous psychologically.This is just a girl with the skill of killing dogs. I really don't understand how people are afraid of this girl.I heard that I had a battle with some old man, and anyone can defeat a retired policeman who is staggering.

"I'm here to kill you." The voice is childish. "yes?" Seta held out his hand nonchalantly. The ghost girl disappeared from her hand.Backed away without a sound.The movement is as light as a feather. Disappeared outside the door. Seta followed closely. The ghost girl stood at the door of the building. "Come out and kill you." After the ghost girl finished speaking, she disappeared into the courtyard. Seta also followed.Slightly nervous.Seeing the ghost girl's actions, I just realized that it's no small matter. The ghost girl stood in the courtyard.

Seta threw off the slippers.He was disturbed by the ghost girl's light movements.If it is not done well, she will jump off the wall and run away.If you miss this great opportunity, you will regret it.Take her down no matter what. He quickly leaned forward, and once he hit the vital point, everything would be fine.But it must be noted that its legs and feet are too fast to escape. At the moment when her wrist was about to hit, the ghost girl jumped into the night sky, floating lightly into the night sky.As he was floating up, his feet landed on Seta's face. Seta finally dodged it, an unexpected move.How could he have imagined that at the moment when he turned from stillness to movement, he would be far above Seta's head.

Seta turned her head abruptly, and the ghost girl was already standing behind Seta without making a sound. The night light shone slightly on the courtyard, and the face of the ghost woman looked extremely white in the light. Seta stepped on the ground. Although she was far inferior to the ghost girl, she still had the ability to jump.What I want to do is to catch it first, and rush forward with the wind. The ghost woman's body ran sideways, and Seta followed closely.The two ran into a parallel line. A cherry blossom tree with deciduous leaves appeared, not far from the tree, moving the body of the ghost woman, stepping high into the night sky.The ghost girl's white face swished a few times in the night sky, then stopped.The ghost girl grabbed a high branch.

However, in another split second, the ghost girl landed on Seta's head without a sound, and Seta dodged away. In the moment of dodging, I saw a black shadow moving on the roof of the second floor. As soon as the ghost girl's feet hit the ground, Lantian chopped off her palm.This slap was for real, but this slap full of murderous intent was missed. The ghost woman seems to be familiar with Seta's boxing style. When her feet hit the ground, her body bent low like a spring, and then her body bounced up like a spring, stepped into the air, and dodged behind her. Seta turned around.

At this moment, Seta stopped in her tracks. The ghost girl became two people.A ghost girl and a short man stood in front of her. "Are you a dwarf?" Seta felt uneasy for a while, knowing that it was the dwarf who moved on the roof of the second floor, and couldn't help but think of the incident where the ghost girl and the dwarf murdered Otake's congressman. On the second floor, the wife sleeps in the bedroom. "Your wife has been tied up. After killing you, I will play with your wife." The dwarf answered in a low voice. Seta was so angry that blood welled up.It seems to be true to say that the wife was tied up, otherwise, the wife would turn on the light and call the police. The ghost woman and the gnome ran side to side, moving as fast as wild cats and as soft as rubber bouncing. Seta was chasing him, running from left to right, several times getting within reach of his palm, but he couldn't hit it.The ghost girl and the dwarf both leaped high and flashed nimbly. Anxiety is deepening. This is not a fight, maybe it should stop, or go back to the room to protect his wife. The movement slowed down.Thinking can dull action.The opponent is like a butterfly flying in the air, and he is lured into this boundless flight.As I was thinking, there was a gap. The ghost girl seized the gap with strange dexterity, and jumped up from the right side. He floated up and kicked Seta in the head. Seta staggered a bit. The ghost girl kicked out with all her strength.Using the rebound force of the kick, he stood on the ground again. From behind Seta who was staggering back, the dwarf rushed up.The goblin kicked him in the back of the head.Seta collapsed on the lawn. Behind the fallen Seta, the dwarf followed closely.Seta felt a sharp pain in his back and knew that he had been stabbed by a knife.When you understand it, your breathing will also stop, and you will stretch your hands towards the sky a few times as if grabbing something, and then you will never move again. Before he died, Seta regretted that he should have been careless in the battle. The Oni and the Gnome looked down at Seta's body. "Walk!" The ghost girl turned around. The dwarf drew the dagger from Seta's back. The two entered the building. On top of the furniture, Dahei, who was missing a leg, was yelling. The two ignored it and went straight to the second floor. Machiko's hands and feet were bound with wire, her mouth was taped, and she was curled up on the bed. The ghost girl walked to the bed. "You come up and fuck her!" Commanded the dwarf. The dwarf nodded, and cut open Machiko's pajamas, only removing the wire on her feet.At this moment, the dwarf was breathing heavily, grabbed the stripped Machiko's feet, and pulled them away as if to split them in two. "Your man is dead. You are his!" Oni looked down at Machiko... Hamura Chiaki walked out of Seta's house, Hiroka Tomoyuki came out together, and the two walked side by side. "What a terrible event!" Hiroka's voice was gloomy. "This is the most embarrassing situation in the history of the Metropolitan Police Department!" "Understandable." Hamamura stopped and bid farewell to Hiroka. Turning around and walking, Hiroka's indescribably gloomy eyes remained deeply in his mind. Painfully understood Hiroka's expectations for him. Walk past the fringes of the press crowd, toward the bus station. Hamamura has twice as much distress as Hiroka, and it can even be said to be depressed.I just want to lie on the ground and roll a few times. The ghost girl and the dwarf kill again. Now, Bangcun believes that the ghost girl is probably his daughter Zhu Mei.The emerald mole on the right ear is enough to prove the mark. If you just killed Otake Ryohei and his wife, given the special environment in which the ghost girl grew up, it might be possible to be forgiven.However, that is no longer the case.To kill Katsuyoshi Seta, it can only be said that the ghost girl and the dwarf were too cruel. The killing of Dazhu and his wife is the prologue. The ghost girl and the dwarf were originally created for theft and murder. As long as there are immortals behind the scenes, they will continue.No, even if the immortal is gone, the habits will not change, right?As long as there is life, they will steal, rape, and kill. The goblin raped Machiko Seta.During this period, I heard that the ghost girl has been watching from the side, this scene has long been imagined. After the insult, he grabbed the money and tied Machiko to the bed. Afterwards, he heard that the ghost girl and the dwarf went out side by side like siblings.The ghost girl is the elder sister.I heard that the dwarves acted on the orders of the ghost girl. Hamamura was thinking about how they were raised.The ghost girl and the dwarf are all the same age.Every time the ghost girl commits a crime, she lets the dwarf rape the woman.Maybe it's the same at Otake's house? I heard that the ghost girl ordered the dwarf to "do it", and she must have ordered it like this when she raped Dazhu Qiuzi.If the ghost girl and the dwarf had a physical relationship, wouldn't the ghost girl order like this?No matter what kind of education you receive, because jealousy is instinctive, there is no reason why it should not germinate.Judging from the existing situation, it can be considered that the ghost girl and the dwarf have no physical relationship. ——Is the ghost girl a virgin? Hamamura shook his head in denial. Don't think so. Although he is only seventeen years old, his body is fully developed.On the mountain outside Hachioji, I still remember the weighty swelling of my breasts when I laid the ghost girl down sideways. The dwarf was full of lust and raped Machiko twice in a short period of time.According to this, it is not impossible not to have fun with the ghost girl.Is the ghost girl unwilling? I'm afraid not.Hamamura thought that it might be a kind of pity for the ghost girl to order the dwarf to "do it". The figure of the fairy squeezed into his mind again.Could it be that the ghost girl is serving the immortal's sexual desires and can no longer leave him?After the death of Ino Ten Girls, Immortals will not fail to shift their targets to Ghost Girls.The ghost girl didn't give up her body to the dwarf, so she was taught by the fairy like this?Or is there a gap in sexual skills? Hamamura's eyes were indescribably gloomy.
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