Home Categories foreign novel Fairy · Ghost · Dwarf

Chapter 6 fourth quarter

Fairy · Ghost · Dwarf 西村寿行 3225Words 2018-03-18
"Let's gamble!" The Minister of Criminal Affairs Minatokawa Yasomasa was very upset. "The society is in chaos, are you a little too rash?" "Ah, but..." Hiraga Akihiko lowered his head. "Have you not caught the clue of the dog killer?" "Not caught. The four dogs in Sijia are not related in any way. Unfortunately, except for footprints and weight..." "The Metropolitan Police Department came to give instructions. The Metropolitan Police Department asked us what we were doing. As soon as the rumor about the ghost girl came out, it got worse. Where are we going to save face?"

"..." "Blindly following the challenge of Inoue and others, your rash approach is hard to say that it will not be a problem." "what!" Hiraga still didn't dare to look up. "Do you think Inoue's dog can win?" "Hey, like Inoue..." "What should I do if I lose?" "this……" "The police didn't even catch the dog killer. Because of this, there was panic among the citizens. Although I don't know if it's a young girl or a ghost girl. Every night, the number 110 is overwhelmed. At this time, Inoue threw out a challenge. Book. If Inoue's dog is killed, there will be a whirlwind of ghost girls in Tokyo!"

"..." "How did the plan come about?" "What's your plan?" "Isn't it obvious! It's the police team to arrange the arrest of criminals." "Well, but—the police are not going to be dispatched, and Inoue also proposed that." "Forget it!" Minatogawa interrupted Hiraga with a stern tone. "The police must be deployed to encircle the Inoue's house skillfully so that the criminals will not be aware of it. Listen, as soon as the prisoner invades the Inoue's house, he must be arrested. Order to monitor the Inoue's house with an infrared monitor. You can use any means. Never Let the prisoner escape. Do you understand? It’s a different story if the dog of the Inoue family beats the prisoner.”

Minatogawa stared at Hiraga. "Aren't you convinced?" "No, follow orders." Pinghe lowered his head. "If your team can't handle it, you can ask for help from the homicide department. Or, you can transfer the search from your team to the homicide department." "No, there's no need for that." Hiraga raised his head. "As the psychiatrist Zhongguan said, there is something in this dog-killing incident that cannot be regarded as a simple crime. The possibility that the dwarf is linked to the dog-killing incident does exist. If Inoue's dog fails, it may be Some kind of unimaginable event must have happened. In order to prevent it from happening, the only way to arrest the criminal is at Inoue’s house.”

Minatogawa's eyes were filled with anxiety. Hiraga stood up and saluted. He walked out of the room with heavy steps. Inoue, who has issued a letter of challenge to the society, will never allow the police to ambush in his home.However, it is not easy to completely monitor the Inoue family in secret. Once they are noticed that they are under surveillance, everything will be over. Pinghe felt a strong sense of urgency. November 28th, midnight. Inoue Motoji was full of confidence and geared up. Since the statement was made, I have received 20 to 30 letters of encouragement and a similar number of phone calls every day, most of them from dog lovers, some of whom sent money in the hope of buying meat for dogs participating in the duel.

From morning to night, members of the Police Dog Training Association smashed through the doors. Full of pathos. "The day after tomorrow, it's finally here." Seven members get together.one of them said. "Can you really come? Ghost girl." Another slightly worried. "That's the problem." Inoue retorted. "The prisoner is not a fool who has a certain degree of knowledge about the habits and abilities of dogs. This is not something a fool can do. If so, he will definitely imagine what kind of dog my dog ​​is. If he imagines it, he will definitely shrink back That's what I'm worried about. That's all I'm worried about. As for whether the dog wins or the ghost woman wins——I never think about the future. I heard that many fools in society are betting and put their bets on the ghost woman's side. The guys will definitely cry. But, if the oni girl shrinks back in fear, there's nothing I can do about it."

The wine was served. Inoue's face was gleaming with wine. "But, is the ghost girl of the White Inu Shrine in the legend true?" "Whether he is or not." Inoue firmly resisted the question. "Even if it's the oni girl of the White Inu Shrine, so what? That's not a problem." "No matter what you say, I want to catch the prisoner and see what he looks like. After all, how did you beat the four dogs to death?" "We'll find out soon." Inoue said triumphantly. One o'clock at night.Inoue's house was still lit.Men's chatter and laughter came from the room.

Inoue's house is surrounded by woods.Shakujii Park is just around the corner.There are clusters of trees everywhere. A figure slipped out of the woods. A figure looms in the night.The faint light of street lamps in the distance is reflected in the space outside the forest.Through the phantom light, the figure appears to be wearing jeans.The body shape and movements are extremely gentle.It looks like a woman. The figure approached the fence of Inoue's house.Its footwork is wonderful, graceful as a snake.Before he saw his feet swinging, the figure had already arrived under the wall.

The figure crouched against the wall. The moment that followed, the figure had already jumped onto the wall much taller than himself, without making a sound.Not even the air moved. The figure disappeared from the wall. The figure walks through the bushes in the courtyard, like cotton balls fluttering.All resistance disappeared from around the figure, not even the slightest footsteps. A figure approaches the kennel. The two wolfhounds turned their noses towards the figure, sniffing the figure approaching from the night.However, there was no sound of roaring. When the figure stood in front of the kennel, the two wolfhounds wagged their tails.

A group of people came out of Inoue's room when it was close to two o'clock. Inoue Motoji was in front, and the others followed and walked towards the kennel.Everyone wants to encourage police dogs. Suddenly, Inoue stopped in his tracks. The kennel door was open. Inoue let out a strange cry. While barking, he rushed towards the kennel. Terror surrounded Inoue's whole body.The two kennels were originally locked, and the doors were opened, which meant that someone had trespassed. —Ghost girl! Terror told Inoue this way. Everyone ran over together. Inoue yelled loudly.He called the dog by name in a trembling voice.However, no response.

"A ghost girl?" I don't know who screamed. "Search, search quickly!" Inoue shouted at the top of his lungs. The men dispersed. There were noisy footsteps and voices in the courtyard. "Hey! Here! Killed!" I don't know who shouted. Inoue stood still.Hearing the cry of being killed, the blood ran cold.He wanted to run over, but his legs were too trembling to take a step, and he collapsed on the spot. "Where is the person—" Inoue let out a faint cry for help. He was picked up. Inoue, who was helped to the side of the dog's corpse, was speechless.Two proud wolf dogs lay limp on the ground.In the light of the flashlight, he saw the head of a bloody wolfdog. "what--" Inoue crouched down.The burst of cries was not so much a scream as it reminded him of the dog's death. All the staff guarded the dead body without saying a word.Undoubtedly it was the work of the ghost girl.Part of the skull is deeply sunken, visible from the outside. Tremors drive every body. Inoue once said brazenly: Ghost girls and the like are nothing.But the two glorious wolfhounds were beaten to death at once. The kennel was originally locked, but the two wolfhounds were brought out without a word and killed. "What's the matter—what's the matter—" Inoue gasped. Everyone has this idea.What a strange thing in the world.The ghost girl approached the kennel secretly.Break the door lock.While breaking the door lock, the two wolfhounds stared blankly at the ghost girl without saying a word. ——The ghost girl galloping to the east on a black cloud! Everyone thought the same way. A ghost girl with disheveled hair and a grin reaching to the ears. A tense atmosphere hangs over the courtyard. "ah--!" Suddenly, screams pierced the night sky. "Ghost, ghost, ghost girl!" A man pointed at the wall, and a woman stood on top of the wall. It was a young woman in jeans. The beam of the flashlight caught it. The woman stood silently against the wall.His face was as white as snow.She looked down at the crowd with her snow-white face. Under the illumination of the flashlight, the woman's eyes emitted a strange light. It was past three in the morning when Akihiko Hiraga arrived at Inoue's house. At this time, an emergency cordon has been set up in a wide area centered on Inoue's house. Hiraga inspected the dog and the corpse.Both dogs were hit in the same place.The depression of the skull can be clearly seen without dissection. The identification class has arrived. Hiraga felt hopeless. The eyes of the two dogs I saw a few days ago are now unconsciously looking at the night sky.The ferocity I felt then was gone now.The animal's intelligence disappeared from its eyes. It can be described as appalling. Dogs are said to have a sense of smell that is thousands of times more efficient than humans, sometimes a hundred million times more efficient depending on the scents they smell.But that overly sensitive sense of smell didn't help. Because he didn't smell his own corpse. He didn't even smell the smell of the dead body, but stared at the ghost woman who broke the door lock.Then Weiwei was taken out by the ghost girl in a nonchalant manner. ——Is the prisoner really a ghost girl? Hiraga thought as he watched the appraiser's investigation. Although she is an unimaginable prisoner, Hiraga never even dreamed that she was a ghost girl.Because the so-called ghost girl does not exist. However, the current Hiraga has been shaken. The group of people all saw the appearance of the ghost girl.Although it might not be a ghost girl, it was indeed a woman who killed the two wolfhounds.And a young girl. The girl didn't just kill the wolf dog this time.And stood on the top of the wall and watched the people who were first rioting and soon fell into fear and trembling. I heard that his face was as white as jade. --not human. Hiraga thought so.That's not something humans can do. The kennels are covered with densely meshed barbed wire.Suppose the prisoner wants to throw poison bait in, but he can't.So the prisoner didn't come down, but approached the kennel extremely quickly and broke the door lock. During this period, the two wolfhounds were silent. After being taken out, there was no trace of a fight. Killed cleanly. ——It’s a ghost girl. Hiraga groaned in his heart. Oni accepts Inoue's challenge.I was just worried that I would be ambushed by the police on the designated date, so I started two days in advance. According to the analysis of the prisoner accepting the challenge and coming to the house, it can be seen that the four dogs or four families that were killed before were not related in any way. "Is it a ghost girl..." Hiraga muttered. Hiraga pictured in his mind the white face of the girl standing on the wall.A pang of terror ran down the spine. It was a bone-piercing chill.
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