Home Categories foreign novel bloody land

Chapter 28 Section VI

bloody land 西村寿行 3598Words 2018-03-18
On the morning of March 20, Saburo Negishi's giant truck crossed Rondonia and was about to pass through Gal. Rondonia is two hundred and fifty kilometers away from Korda Farm if you take the national road. "The only way is to take a shortcut." San Ling said to Shiro. After Gal, the next town is Robabita.Turning left from Robabita, there is a dirt road through the dense forest. Compared with the national road, it is of course much more dangerous, but it is closer to Korda Farm, and you can arrive at least 40 minutes earlier. "It has to be like this, it seems that my sister is very dangerous."

Shiro hugged Naoko. Had two infusions last night.Naoko is now so weak that she can't even drink whiskey. As soon as she woke up from the coma, she struggled desperately, as if there was some kind of life force in her body, and it was the life force that was struggling, not Naoko.Every time at this time, she was sweating profusely, and even the seat was wet.Naoko's life was dying and his body was drying out from the excess of sweat, and his muscles atrophied a little with every sweat.Now she was completely skinny, with sunken eye sockets, and her discolored skin looked like a piece of paper.

The true colors of cancer are exposed.What stood in front of the brothers was not Naoko but Ka, who had a human outline and was very ugly.It is indeed cancer that Shiro holds in his arms. "Shiro, Saburo." Naoko called softly, beckoning to them both with her feeble hands.The two brothers held Naoko's hands, put their mouths to her ears and kept calling her, for fear that she would lose consciousness again. The engine rumbled in the belly of the truck as it turned the dirt road from Robabita to the left.The rolled up red dust floated into the air. Saburo and Shiro's eyes were bloodshot, they didn't close their eyes all night last night, they took turns driving and guarding Naoko.Even so, neither of them fell asleep, and all their nerves were concentrated on one point: to take Naoko to her parents' grave while she still had a breath.Naoko's sister is the only family member and spiritual support for the brothers, but such a good sister is about to die.The two brothers swore in their hearts that no matter how much sacrifice they made, they would fulfill Naoko's sister's only wish before she died - to return to their parents' cemetery and visit their graves once.

Saburo, who was driving, felt indescribable hatred and anxiety in his heart. Although I didn't feel sleepy, due to excessive fatigue, I couldn't see the scenery outside the car clearly. An hour later, the truck entered the dense forest. "Sister, is it alright, Si Ling?" "Quick, speed up, brother. It looks like it's going to die." Shiro said with a trembling voice. "Pray to God . . . and pray!" "I know, I was praying from the beginning. But my sister's hands are cold and getting colder..." Shiro finally couldn't stop crying.

"Don't die, sister Naoko! I beg you, don't die, please!" While crying, Shiro gently stroked Naoko's hand. San Lang slammed on the accelerator, his vision blurred by tears. "Sister, don't die, don't die, don't die..." Saburo shouted as if chanting. On the side road opened by Pilin, few people walk and no cars pass.The red-brown dirt road stretches straight forward like a scar on the ground.When paving the road, first use a small plane to fly over the dense forest, sprinkle limestone from the plane to draw a white line, and then use a bulldozer to drive along the lime line, so that the road pushed out becomes a straight line.The road was pushed out, but there were few people walking, so the bushes began to grow again soon.

The truck makes a loud exhaust sound in the jungle.Such a large truck is like a block of iron, crushing the shrubs that have not yet matured, and advancing rapidly.The car began to crawl and entered rocky terrain twenty minutes later.After sliding down from the rocky mountain for a while, we entered a larger and denser forest. "Quick! Brother, my sister is not dead yet!" "Keep speeding up, it's almost here, ten minutes to go!" The big truck roared, the brakes rattling. On the right front of the car is a rocky mountain.A small truck protruded from the rocky hill.

Due to the shade of the trees, Saburo didn't see the truck rushing down, besides, he never thought that there would be other trucks in this wilderness.When Saburo found it, the giant truck had already crashed into the small truck.The pick-up truck crackled. "Oops!" "Run away, brother!" "But……" "No, my sister is dying, don't run away!" Shiro's voice was almost whining. "it is good!" Saburo reversed the car, and when he was a few meters away from the pickup truck, he saw the driver lying in the driver's cab covered in blood.

"No, someone is here! I have to make amends first, please wait for them to deal with it. If they don't agree, Si Ling, you can take my sister away alone." Several men ran down from the rock. Saburo understands very well that he cannot escape after killing someone.Although there was still time to drive away, he couldn't. After he gave instructions to the panicked Si Lang, he was about to get off the car. "No, don't go! They'll kill you!" Shiro tried desperately to stop, but Saburo got out of the car without hesitation. Si Lang put Naoko on the seat, approached the bridge and looked down, and saw that those people were menacing.According to his intuition, those people were Galimborough robbers.He realized that the situation was far from normal.

Saburo is surrounded by the gang, who poke him with gun barrels.Saburo tried his best to explain, but it was useless. At last he turned sharply and said loudly to Shiro: "Si Lang, you go, take my sister away!" Just after San Lang finished speaking, the gang of robbers dragged San Lang away. Shiro watched all this blankly, not knowing what to do.A pistol for body protection is inserted in the double partition of the driving platform, which is an essential weapon for drivers who drive long distances.He took out his pistol and considered whether he should go after him, and at that moment he felt a pain like a rocket piercing through his heart.Naoko was groaning, the ghostly Naoko was dancing with her arms out in the air, her sweat-soaked hair falling down her bony face.Naoko scratched her throat with her hands again.

"elder sister!" Shiro held Naoko's hand.Before this, Naoko had already torn off the bandage on her neck, and inserted her fingers deeply into the tumor as big as a bowl, as if she wanted to use her pus-stained fingers to dig out the collapsed cancer. It clearly reflects the hatred of cancer. "Don't do that, sister." Shiro pulled Naoko's hand away vigorously.He wondered where did his sister get such strength from her fingers? Naoko's hand convulsed in Shiro's, shaking strangely, as if touching a big fish.It was a struggle from inside Naoko's body.The struggle slowly gets weaker and weaker.

"elder sister!" Naoko's eyes rolled upwards. The trembling finally stopped. Shiro couldn't speak, he knew that his sister had died.When the trembling ceases, all motion ceases. "Did... die, sister!?" Shiro looked at his sister's hand.My sister's left hand had stabbed the tumor on her neck to pieces, and she was clenched tightly into a fist, which was covered with pus and blood. Shiro turned his face away, he couldn't bear to look any more.His vision was blurred and he couldn't see anything.Countless white dots appeared in the blurred vision. These white dots seemed to be the light dots sprinkled on the ground through the leaves in the dense forest, and they were like countless diamonds, shining on Shiro's retina. A bunch of diamonds disappeared, as if Something is moving.The moving things quickly expanded and swelled in the field of vision, and it turned out that there were about twenty people walking towards Shiro. Shiro gripped the pistol tightly.A group of people approached a large truck.Two of them boarded the truck bumper, one carrying an item in his hand.Shiro didn't know what they were going to do, and watched their actions quietly.When the man lifted something, he found it was a human head.One shattered a car's reflector, and the other hung a human head from the reflector's pole. Shiro stared at the bloody head, unable to recognize it for a while...but finally recognized it, it was Sanlang's!If it wasn't for my brother's head, why would the gangsters hang it on their car? He looked at the head again, it was indeed his brother's. "Kill you, son of a bitch!" Shiro yelled. "Okay, come on! Who am I, do you know me? I'm Antonio Tabales, he ran over my man and I executed him. Now give you the head back, hang on like this Go back to Lonia! Report to the bastard Bias in the police force that Antonio Tabales is going to kill them all, and tell them to wait!" The beard covered half of his face. Shiro looked at Tabalus. Shiro would never forget the name Antonio Tabales.He was the one who attacked Korda's farm five years ago!He was the one who killed his parents! Shiro's right hand gripped the gear lever.The engine of the giant truck was kept on, and a roaring sound with a displacement of 15,950cc came out from under the belly of the truck. The truck roared and rushed towards the group of robbers, rolling over their heads like iron blocks.There was a wail from the bandits. The truck was like a giant elephant stepping bug, and the gangsters who had no time to escape were crushed to blood by the wheels. Gunshots rang out suddenly, and the sound of pistols and machine guns tore apart the tranquility in the forest. A gangster fired a gun while running, and the windshield on the truck was smashed in an instant. Shiro's left arm was hit by a bullet, and he felt like he had been hit by a club, but he didn't have time to look at it, so he hurriedly bent over and slammed the accelerator. "Crush them to death!..." There was only this thought in his mind, and he was also shouting like this.The head of my brother was hung on the reflector post outside the driver's station. There was a big hole in the head, and it jumped with the bumps of the truck. The huge body of the truck rushed up the rocky slope. The roar shook the surrounding trees.The elder brother's head was thrown to the bottom of the pillar.The giant body with a self-weight of 7.2 tons rolled over the heads of the robbers, and the giant body rampaged at a speed far exceeding the escaped.The sound of wailing and the sound of engines surrounded the robbers crawling like insects. Shiro stared coldly ahead, he couldn't see anything except the gangsters who were fleeing for their lives.The robbers rolled and climbed to escape on the slopes of the rocky mountains, and the huge trucks bumped and bumped on the uneven dirt road.Shiro held the steering wheel tightly, like driving a ship sailing on the waves of the sea. Naoko's body turned upside down and hit the double deck. The gigantic truck passed the fleeing robbers at an alarming speed, and Shiro saw ahead a row of cottages covered with coconut leaves.The people in the hut realized that the situation was abnormal and ran out one after another. There were quite a number of them, about four or five hundred people, most of them only wore a pair of underpants, bare upper body, and carried rifles, pistols, and light machine guns in their hands. Shiro lay down on his upper body, grasped the steering wheel with his right hand, and kept stepping on the accelerator. The giant truck roared with thunder.It was in third gear now, the truck was going downhill, and the wind was howling in my ears. —kill them all! The bullets hit the truck, all the windows were shattered, and the body was riddled with bullet marks.Still, the truck roared and rushed. The huge body of the truck rushed into the crowd, and the robbers ran here and there.Some robbers hid in small houses. Shiro straightened his upper body, no longer thinking about safety. The truck crashed into the small houses lined up, and the leaf bunches flew away... After the straight body of the truck ran over, most of the small houses were razed to the ground. The transmission engaged first gear and the truck slowly turned around.The sound of the small house collapsing sounded again. Panting heavily, the giant truck rolled over to the remaining small houses.The branches and leaves of the coconut trees were flying in all directions, and the pillars were overturned.The truck chased the fleeing bandits all the way to the dense forest. There were desperate howls, and another twenty or thirty people were swallowed by this giant iron block.The car body floated up, blood stained the wheels and splashed all over the car body.The pieces of meat were squeezed between the wheels, the head and arms were sucked into the bottom of the car, and the blood flowed down from the chassis... Blood, fat, and muddy meat lubricated the wheels, and the truck slid... While panting and roaring, the huge monster kept attacking its target like a crazy beast. At this time, the gangsters all fled into the dense forest and disappeared without a trace.The fire-like sunlight shone on the rocky mountain, and dead bodies were everywhere. The truck climbed the rocky hill.
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