Home Categories foreign novel bloody triangle

Chapter 52 Section VIII

bloody triangle 西村寿行 1939Words 2018-03-18
Keiko was pushed to the ground by the man. This was the fourth man, and there were two more. Keiko endured with her eyes closed.There was nothing she could do right now, she wanted to scream, but her mouth was blocked as soon as she screamed.She is surrounded by these six thugs. On the way home, Keiko was suddenly attacked without even shouting.It was carried into this tent.The group carried Keiko into the tent and laid her horizontally on the ground.The man took off his pants without saying a word.There was madness in the man's eyes. The man roughly stripped Keiko's clothes, pinned her to the ground, and began to tease her indiscriminately.

Keiko closed her eyes, thinking of her husband.It was the same when she was first insulted by her husband.The eyes of the husband who is hungry for women are fierce and divine. Keiko was terrified of such a man's lust. It took about an hour and the gang rape was over. Keiko still had her eyes closed.His waist seemed to be broken, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.She knew standing up was the same, they wouldn't stop at once. "Girls, what's your name?" Keiko gave her name.She had no strength to resist, and a gust of wind blew her to a place she had never been before.The rough behavior of those guys is completely beyond imagination, they have lost their reason, and they have become the slaves of men's sexual desire in an instant.

Keiko cannot have a will of her own.I want to say that there is no one who is like-minded.When they said they would kill you, they had no choice but to nod and say yes.These thugs simply don't think women have the same life as themselves.All these people think about is to capture women for their own pleasure.Almost like an emperor. "What are you and that man doing here?" Keiko answered their questions truthfully.She had no room for consideration, and her consciousness was still floating in the air with the sudden wind. The man was riding on Keiko, asking questions like asking the bottom line.

Keiko's answer was the same as what she said to Xianbo and the others. "So, your husband killed someone and took the gold dust..." The man stopped talking suddenly. "Do you know where the placer gold is hidden?" "have no idea." "If you don't tell me, I'll kill you." "I really do not know." The man grabbed Keiko's hair with his hands, like a rein. Keiko raised her head and endured the man's torture.Fear froze nerves when insulted by six men who were so rough. "After a while, lead us to your house." "yes."

"Kill your husband, you can serve us! Do you understand?" "Ah! . . . yes." Everyone is done again.Keiko couldn't move at all, lying on the ground. "Girls!" the man yelled. "yes." "Put on your clothes and lead us to your house. We will attack in one breath and kill your husband—the murderous devil. We won't kill you. You should hug you as much as you want, don't worry." "yes." Keiko finally braced herself up. "Hey, where did the footsteps come from just now—who is it?" The man's tone changed.

The men picked up the pickaxes and walked out of the tent. Keiko thought maybe her husband had come.Apart from being humiliated, Keiko wasn't worried at all.The husband is a good archer, and the arrows are coated with poison.Besides, he knew everything in the mountains like a wild animal. The men came in after a while, all with livid faces.The first person who insulted Keiko seemed to be tall. He looked about 40 years old, fat, with a protruding chin, and seemed very arrogant. The person who made the footsteps outside seemed to have fled. "Go, take us there." A rope was tied around Keiko's waist.

"If you are dishonest, I will kill you, you know?" "Yes." Keiko nodded and walked out first. The men followed out of the tent. There is a glimmer of starlight in the night sky, and the direction can be seen roughly.Keiko led the gang forward.She felt that on the way, some of these guys were going to be shot by her husband's poisoned arrows.The husband must be hiding in the shadows and waiting. However, there was no sign of her husband.It was quiet in the dark night, only the sound of men's footsteps. After walking for about half an hour, I came to the river, where I did my laundry.Cong climbed up the slope here, and in front of it was a continuous forest of shrimp and pine.

Not a single arrow flew. Keiko gradually felt uneasy, and her husband should go to find herself.As soon as she heard footsteps near the tent, Keiko felt that her husband had quietly touched her.Keiko didn't hear footsteps, but she believed that was the case. ...Perhaps the husband quietly approached, and Keiko was still being gang-raped in the tent.The husband pricked up his ears and listened, unable to bear it anymore.At that moment, lust rushed up, forgetting even the humiliation, she moaned, and her husband heard her voice. Although the wife was gang-raped, she was still aroused.

A picture of hell was left deep in the husband's mind. —was it abandoned? Keiko felt a wave of fear come over her.The husband abandoned himself.He thinks she is ugly.I don't know where my husband hides the gold dust, and he can take it out at any time.Would he have escaped elsewhere alone? Out of the forest.From here is the rock field, with rocks stacked into cliffs. "On this?" The head stood beside Keiko. "Yes." Keiko felt a chill all over his body.What would I do if my husband abandoned me and ran away?Will those guys kill themselves after gang rape? Keiko's feet were shaking.Trembling, she climbed onto the rocky field.

After a while, Keiko stopped in her tracks. A dark house stood in the middle of the cliff, and the house was lit with lights, and the lights came out from the cracks. —The husband is at home! Keiko stood still.Why didn't the husband go to her?Feeling dangerous in the dark? Keiko felt that the time of death was imminent.Even if the husband was at home, he would be easily knocked to the ground by those guys, tied up, tortured and asked him to tell where the gold dust was hidden, and then killed by them. "Wait." The man whispered. "Take off your clothes, take off all your clothes, don't dawdle!" the man ordered, covering Keiko's mouth with a towel.

Keiko stripped naked.She can't resist.The man threw her clothes aside. "If you don't want to die, don't scream, don't make a sound when you walk, otherwise, I'll stab you." The man wrapped the rope around Keiko's neck and held it with his left hand.Holding a dagger in his right hand, it reached Keiko's back. Keiko started to walk forward, she knew this life was over.She regretted that she was with the murderer, maybe it would be like this sooner or later. Before he died, he encountered such brutal abuse.
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