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Chapter 27 third quarter

bloody triangle 西村寿行 1668Words 2018-03-18
Autumn is just in name. There is nothing to shade the sun in the rocky area, and the sun burns my skin like fire.It's cool to be in the shade, but it's hot outside. September 29. Senba came to Sanada Town.Akiko Tsuchida and Mine are together. Yasuya Kawai's birth house is in Kakuma outside Sanada Town.Not anymore.After Kawai's parents died, he went to Tokyo immediately. The old homes there have been demolished and new ones built. Through the introduction of the town office, I interviewed an elderly person who still remembers the Kawai family.His name is Rigao, and he also lived in the corner.

The corner is the climbing entrance of Yingping Ski Resort.The left side of the road is Yingping, and the right side is Jiaojian. There is the Jiaojian River, the upper reaches of which is the name of Jiaojian, and the upper reaches are the Jiaojian Mountains. Akiko Tsuchida selected nine places out of more than a hundred and dozens of triangular points surveyed by the National Geographical Institute, and the house side of Kakumayama is one of them. Agatsuma Mountain - Mount Shiki.The logarithm of the distance between the triangular points is 3.422791, which is roughly the same logarithm as the distance of the triangular points on the map left by Hejing—2650 meters plus a 50-meter error.

The line formed by Mt. Nagatsuma and Mt. Zashiki is used as the base, and the east and west sides are drawn as an equilateral triangle. The apex on the west side is the middle area between Mt. Kakuma and Mt. There used to be the old man of Hidaka. Although nearly 80 years old, the old man is still very tough for his age. In order to investigate Kawai Baoya's death, Feng's police card is very useful. "So, what do you want to know!" Hidaka has poured tea. "Regarding the history of the Kawai family, anything is fine." Xianbo became the main questioner. "History..." Hidaka was a little puzzled, and then looked at Mount Kakuma in the distance.The sun was burning in the sky.

Not only the Kawai family, but all the residents here are farmers.No other industry, very poor. The Hei family is a rich peasant here. However, the Kawai family has very few descendants for generations, Hidaka heard that many generations of his family have only one child. The previous generation was Kawai Baoya's father, who was younger than Hidaka.Be a man of integrity.Hidaka doesn't know much about his son, Paula, since he moved to Ueda City since middle school. Hidaka also knows about history. "For example, are there any family crests here?" Akiko Tsuchida asked.

"That's what it is." "Do you remember the family crest of the Kawai family?" "It's like a rhombus with a circle in the middle." Hidaka traced it with his fingers. If there is a circle in the rhombus, draw a line between Mt. Agatsuma and Mt. Zashiki, and draw a rhombus on the east and west sides using this as the midline. The apex on both sides is Mt. Kakuma. If the triangle between Mt. Agatsuma and Mt. Zashiki was drawn by Kawai, and if the treasure is buried with the family monastery as the back wood, then it is Mt. Kakuma. Of course, the vertex can also be drawn on the east side.It's near Kunshiro Farm in Tsumagoi Village.

But what about the circle? "How about the patron saint? Is there a shrine in this corner?" The rhombus of the family crest of the Kawai family does not necessarily indicate where the treasure is buried.The question was, what was going through Kawai's mind when he was drawing the two triangular points. Is it Kamon?Or the coat of arms of country legend?Or what geometric figures around it? However, if it is not the family crest or the coat of arms of the country, the geometric figures drawn by Kawai must be figures known to the heirs.However, Akiko Tsuchida, who had the right to inherit the map, could not figure out what this geometric figure was.

In that case, the family crest or some kind of crest is the most powerful. "There is a shrine, but there is no special coat of arms there." "yes?" Senba nodded and looked at Akiko Tsuchida.There was nothing left to ask, and the question itself was not clear.It's hard to say what else Kawai's graphics might mean. Akiko Tsuchida was also quite confused. "There used to be a man named Sanada Yukimura, right?" Feng, who had been silent all this time, asked about Hidaka. "Yes, Yukimura was born here, so his family's tattoo is six lines."

"Is there a shrine for worship?" "Have." "Is there any special emblem? For example..." "No." Feng can only ask so far. Before interrogating Hidaka, I checked the history of Ueda City and Sanada Town, but there was no record of whether there was a coat of arms. All three were silent. Hidaka poured tea into their respective cups with his hands, but stopped suddenly. "Yeah, I almost forgot. There are dark lines." "There are dark lines?" The three of them looked at Hidaka at the same time. "Yes, the dark lines of the Sanada family."

"where?" "Going up this road, there is Rock House Guanyin on the way. A very small Guanyin. The road goes straight to the top of Jiaojian Mountain. After that, there is a group of horses. Guanyin is right between here and the top of Jiaojian Mountain." "What kind of coat of arms is that?" Akiko Tsuchida also knew about these things. After Yukimura was captured, his brother was in the Eastern Army, so he was spared from death. After being confined for several years, he participated in the Battle of Osaka in the first year of Yuanhe. "During the Battle of Osaka, Yukimura died. Therefore, the treasure was preserved intact."

"..." "That's how it was buried. At the end of the Meiji period, there was a rumor that Yukimura's treasure was buried somewhere. So the treasure hunt began. And it was said at that time that the star crest of Iwaya Kannon It is the dark pattern of the Sanada family that indicates where the treasure is buried. That also makes sense. But when it was made, no one knows, only that it was made a long time ago, and the dark pattern is even less clear. " Hidaka grabbed his teacup excitedly.
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