Home Categories foreign novel bloody triangle

Chapter 9 Section five

bloody triangle 西村寿行 2583Words 2018-03-18
The cable car is slowly going up.Now, it's quite a distance from the shore.At least, the firewood could no longer reach Xianbo.Xianbo grabbed the rope and looked back at the square where the logs were piled up. Those guys stood side by side on the lumberyard by the shore, watching what happened to Naoyuki Xianba.The hot sun shone fiercely on their heads. They looked almost like devils who had let go of their prey, and their eyes were full of regret and regret. devil! ——Xianbo cursed in his heart. However, the sound of the curse was soft, because a new fear struck Xianbo again. It turned out that his wrist holding the rope seemed to be dislocated, his body hanging from the rope felt extremely heavy, and his left foot was still bleeding.After being hit by a wooden stick on the waist, there seemed to be something wrong with the nerves, only that part had a feeling of freezing.

The hands holding the rope tightly hurt like being cut with a knife.Blood trickled out from the scraped skin little by little, slowly staining the sleeves of the white shirt red. It seems that it won't last long. At last the stream had crossed, and was now over the pine forest that had been built on the steep slope. If your arms still have the strength to climb the rope, you can clamp the rope with your legs and feet to support your body weight.But Xianbo could no longer exert such strength.He could only hold on to the blood-stained rope, dripping with sweat. Blood and sweat made the ropes slippery.Fear struck Sinbo again—this time fear of falling.Xianbo was too frightened to look down.Under his body, which was slowly rising, was a lush forest, whether it was pine trees or cedar trees.

Due to fear, Xianbo's body tightened even more.His nerves, concentrating on the fear of falling, were strained even more. Come on, come on, go up! ——Xianbo yelled silently in his heart. The woods still stretched out, and the tops of the trees shone in the hot sun.But the end of the cable car was nowhere to be seen. The rope began to become slippery, and the bloody palm began to slip.Xianbo broke out in a cold sweat from fright.He couldn't help screaming in a low voice, one after another. Xian Bo was mentally prepared to die. He didn't know how much longer he could last.The two hands, covered with blood, were now close to the end of the rope.It would be nice if there was a knot or something at the end of the rope.However, the end of the rope was bare.

Xianbo's left hand grasped the end of the rope. "Ouch!" Xian Bo let out a dying scream, as if he was about to be strangled to death.He closed his eyes.With a chuck, Xianbo's left hand slipped off the rope.The right hand still grasped the rope desperately. Xianbo's body was tilted, and his whole body was as straight as an icicle.Suddenly, Xianbo's body shook.At this moment, his right hand also slipped from the rope. Xianbo fell obliquely and fell down. He was in a state of shock and lost consciousness. At the moment when his right hand slipped from the rope, Xian Bo realized that he was falling into a bottomless abyss.After a while, his body was hit hard.He groaned and stretched out his hands and feet, tightly hugging the thing that collided with him, like a crab.

Xianbo's face and body were injured.Since the thing he was hugging tightly was not too hard, even though he hugged it tightly, he couldn't hug it no matter what. After a while, his body fell again, and Xianbo realized that he had fallen on the top of a tall tree, whether it was a pine tree or a fir tree.Soft, dense leaves grow on the treetops.Xianbo found that in the process of falling, he broke many branches and leaves. He frantically waved his arms and legs, trying to catch something.However, there was the sound of branches and leaves breaking in my ears. Immediately afterwards, Xianbo received a terrible impact, and his tailbone hit a hard object such as a stone heavily.He groaned "Ouch", his body stopped here and he didn't fall anymore.

However, Xianbo didn't know that he had stopped falling because he lost consciousness. When he woke up, he found that the wind was stroking his cheek.He vaguely heard that the sound of the wind was also mixed with human voices. After a while, Xianbo was fully awake.Looking around, he found himself hanging on a tall cedar tree, his thigh was caught by a thick branch, and he was lying on the side. He was completely numb to his tailbone and testicles. Xianbo grabbed the trunk and desperately shouted for help.Because he heard a voice coming from the slope, the voice was leaning towards him, and it sounded like there were several people.

Ah, that guy again? He thought that someone had come to save him, but who knew that was not the case.Those who came up from the foot of the mountain were those guys who attacked him just now.They seem to have been observing Xianbo's whereabouts.When he realized that Xianbo had fallen, he quickly crossed the stream and chased after him. Xianbo hugged the tree trunk and began to slide down.His head hurt like countless needles.At the same time, the tailbone and testicles also hurt badly.He suspected that his testicles had been shattered. There are still several dull pains in the whole body.However, he couldn't take care of all these, because those guys were only twenty or thirty meters away from him.

He hugged the trunk and continued to slide down.As soon as his feet touched the ground, he fell down, because he could not move while standing, and his testicles hurt badly.He crawled, crawled, crawled desperately. It seemed impossible to climb up the steep slope.Xianbo crawled towards the horizontal, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves and summer grass, as well as dense shrubs. There is a deep pit on the slope, which is the former site of a quarry.There was clear water on the area, Xianbo crawled over it, drank it like a dog, and then continued to climb up. When he was about to climb to the top of the mountain, he climbed towards the horizontal again.At this time, the voice of the group gradually disappeared.However, even so, he still couldn't settle down.Maybe they are following their own traces and approaching them silently!

Climbing and climbing, Xianbo came to the other side of the mountain. Below the mountain, the stream is glistening.Since it is a canyon, there are streams everywhere. Xianbo tumbled down towards the stream.In the water not far from the shore, there is a reed growing, and there is thick mud under the reed.Xianbo rolled into the reeds and fell into the stream. After his head was soaked in the stream, Xianbo felt that he was much more awake.Although he didn't count carefully, he found that there seemed to be twenty or thirty injuries on his body.Several of them were wounded by firewood.The wound covered with sweat, blood and mud was soaked in the cool stream water, and the pain was slowly relieved.

Xian Bo stretched out his hand and touched his testicles, it seemed that there was no injury, he heaved a sigh of relief.He had thought the testicle must have shattered. Soaked in the cool stream water, Xianbo's whole body began to relax, and his stiff muscles also softened. It was just at the critical moment of life that his muscles were as stiff as a stone.Once the tension was relieved and the muscles relaxed, he didn't want to move anymore. Xianbo grabbed the reed and closed his eyes. Somewhere, a little bird was singing. Xianbo didn't think about it.Because the terror of death still stubbornly remained in his mind.The moment he slipped from the rope just now, the horror cannot be described in words.

Suddenly, the bird stopped singing. Xianbo's nerves tensed up immediately.The chirping of the birds had just disappeared, and then came the human voice.Hearing the voice, there must be several people, and they are approaching the shore where Xianbo is hiding. "That bastard runs so fast!" The voice was full of anger, echoing around Xianbo. Xian Bo put his head into the water, his heart was pounding.Once discovered, it's over.He would be dragged out of the stream, tied up with ropes, and carried away like a blade of grass.As for where it was taken and what happened to it, it is unknown. "This kind of guy is rare." The voice was just above the head.It seems that there are several people. "It's still a policeman, what a waste. Such a person deserves to be a policeman?" "Bastard, do you want to swallow it all yourself!" "I don't know what's wrong with that thing. I don't think he can know what that thing is..." The voice was full of uneasiness. "We searched and searched, can we find it? Why don't we just rush to his house tonight, what do you think?" "That's a way!" The sound of talking disappeared, and then there was the sound of water, in the reeds where Xianbo was hiding, it seemed that someone was urinating. Xianbo didn't even dare to breathe out, lying motionless in the water.
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