Home Categories foreign novel bloody triangle

Chapter 6 second quarter

bloody triangle 西村寿行 3035Words 2018-03-18
The dying man could not move, not even hum.I don't know if he is still alive. After driving a lot, I haven't found a place like a hospital yet. Xianbo Zhizhi thought: What an unlucky guy, he had a traffic accident in this kind of place.If there was a traffic accident in the urban area, he would have been treated by a doctor long ago. A white motorcycle drove up from the front. Xianbo breathed a sigh of relief.He deliberately drove the car to the other side of the road and stopped.He wanted to stop the white police motorcycle and take himself to the emergency hospital. Who knew that the police in the car didn't care that Xian Bo had violated the traffic rules, and drove the car to go around on the other side of the road.

"Hey, stop!" Xian Bo honked his horn and roared. "What's the matter?" The motorcycle stopped, and the voice was angry. "There is a traffic accident victim in my car, can you take me to the emergency hospital?" "Over there." The policeman pointed to the right. "You go straight along this road and turn right at the main intersection. Turn left at the second intersection, then go forward and turn left at the pharmacy ..." "Hey, don't talk! Take me there, everyone is dying!" "I'm off work, I have to go home!"

The motorcycle sped away suddenly, suddenly, suddenly. Xianbo was very angry.He turned on the radio, which was broadcasting funny stories.While listening, Xianbo drove towards the direction indicated by the police.On the way, he suddenly realized that if the wounded man was still conscious, he would definitely complain about the show.So he turned off the radio. Along the way, Xianbo asked passers-by several times where the hospital was located.Every time he asked, he got mad at the policeman on the motorcycle.He felt that the quality of the police had dropped to a terrible level. The hospital was finally found.

He introduced the situation of the traffic accident to the registration office.Two nurses carried the stretcher.The two of them wanted to drag the wounded out of the car, but they couldn't because it was too heavy. "Come on, carry your head!" Xian Bo waited and watched without saying a word, but was scolded by the nurse.He hurried to help and carried the wounded out.The wounded were quickly carried away. An ambulance drove out of the hospital in a hurry. Xianbo stood there in a daze.His hands and pants were covered in blood, as was the back seat of the car. After waiting for about 5 minutes, no one came out from the hospital.

Xianbo became angry again.On such occasions, it is common sense to write down the names and addresses of those transporting the wounded.Because transporting the wounded may be the only clue for the police to understand the accident. Besides, after the wounded recovers in the future, I am afraid that he will have to express his gratitude to the person who sent him to the hospital! Without knowing the name and address, it is impossible to talk about these things. Let them go! ——Xianbo returned to the cab. He didn't want to be thanked, but he felt that whether it was the policeman he met on the road or the hospital in front of him, he didn't even understand the basics of common sense.

He drove the car angrily with blood-stained hands. ——It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon on August 2. In the morning paper the next day, a small report was published with the headline: 3 dead in reckless driving The wounded person who was sent to the hospital by Xianbo died later in the hospital.The identity of the deceased has also been ascertained: Homa Kawai, a technical officer at the Geological Survey Institute of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. As soon as Xian Bo put down the newspaper, he forgot about the matter. August 25.Xian Bo came home late at night. His home is in an apartment building on the edge of Shinjuku.It was bought after he sold the small amount of land left by his parents after his death.

He went into the room and turned on the light. Suddenly he stopped still and drew his pistol.He felt something strange in the bathroom. When I opened the partition, I saw that there was no one inside. He went back to the living room, sat down on the sofa, and frowned.The pistol was on the table. Then, Sinbo took out whiskey from the pantry and poured it into a goblet.While drinking, he looked around the room. The room looked very messy, as if some psychopath had crawled in and made trouble.Everything had been turned over and some had been poured out.The closet was empty.From the bathroom to the kitchen, it's a jaw-dropping mess.

While watching, Xianbo drank whiskey and drank several glasses in a row.He couldn't be bothered to sort it out. After drinking the whiskey, he lay down on the bed and soon fell asleep. The next morning, he went straight out. After meeting with Mine Takehisa in Shinjuku, Mine Takehisa asked, "Hey, what's the matter!" "What's the matter?" Xian Bo asked angrily. Wu Jiu has a gentle temperament, more than ten years older than Xianbo, and he likes to drink very much, as if he lives in this world to drink. "You don't look good!" This morning, Xianbo's face turned blue. Although he was only thirty-five or six years old, he had lost his previous vigor.

The two walked side by side. "Is it too much in color?" Wu Jiu asked again. "Don't talk nonsense, I'm hungover." "Oh, why don't you drink again at home?" "Drink, I don't know some bastard broke into my house and stole something. The house is like a typhoon. How can I sleep if I don't drink." "That's another stupid thief!" Wu Jiu said with a smile. "They are all fools." Xian Bo was still angry.He estimated that it would take at least half a month to tidy up. "So, what was stolen?" This time, Wu Jiu was very serious when he asked the question.

"What was stolen from my house? Is there anything in my house to steal?" Xianbo has been thinking about this question - "What to steal?" But after thinking about it, he still can't think of a satisfactory answer.You said you wanted to steal money, but there was no sign of looking for money.Is there any one that puts money everywhere?However, everything from books to cupboards, closets, and quilts has been thoroughly checked. Don't think it's a money grab. However, what is that to steal?I don't have a clue yet.Besides, Xianbo doesn't have any valuables.

Maybe it's a mistake, but that's impossible. The words "Senba Naoyuki" are clearly written on the door. "Have you reported it to the police?" "Are you talking about me?" Xian Bo looked at Wu Jiu. "Hey, just because you're a policeman?" Wu Jiu said with a smile, "However, it's really a bit strange. Ordinary thieves, how can they steal like this?" Wu Jiu suddenly suppressed his smile. "That's right, it's too much." "Is the door locked?" "Of course it's locked." "Is there any clue then?" "No." "Ok." Wu Jiu looked up at the sky, the sky was shrouded in smog, and the summer sun was not so poisonous. "It seems to be quite hot today, damn it." Wu Jiu muttered. In the evening, after 10 o'clock.Naoyuki Senami and Takehisa Mine were walking towards Shinjuku Park.They came from the Twelve Club, intending to walk across the park to the Shinjuku Police Station. In the Shinjuku Police Station, a search headquarters has been set up to solve a case in which a housewife was raped and then murdered during the day. There have been two similar cases so far. Xianbo and Wu Jiu were sent by the top to search the headquarters. Since this case is related to the reputation of the Metropolitan Police Department, they usually go home late at night. Before the gate of the park, Xian Bo stopped his steps. A small truck stopped next to him with a screeching sound.Xianbo turned his head to see what happened. The top of the truck was stretched.Six or seven men jumped out of the hood and rushed towards them. Xianbo was about to draw his pistol and was hit on the wrist.Then, he was almost hit on the head.Xian Bo turned his head to the side, and as a result, the stick hit his shoulder heavily. At this time, a person hugged Xianbo from behind.Xian Bo slammed his elbow into the man's stomach, but the man was thrown off. All of these men were carrying batons like batons.Three of them dealt with Wu Jiu, and four of them surrounded Xianbo. Xianbo knocked down the front one with a dagger barrel.However, at this time someone hit Xianbo on the shin.Xianbo bent his legs involuntarily.Then, another stick on the back.Xianbo was in pain as if his spine had been broken. Xianbo fell to the ground.Still, he hugged one man's foot desperately.As a result, the man landed on his buttocks and fell down.Xianbo wanted to snatch the stick from the man's hand.Who knows, just as he stretched out his hand, a kick flew from the side and kicked him in the face. "Quickly, get it in the car!" someone shouted. Wu Jiu was fighting, with a chubby body, but his movements were quite agile.He'd already dropped one and kicked the second guy's crotch.However, another guy came around behind him and hit him on the back of the head with a wooden club.Wu Jiu felt dizzy for a while, bent his knees, and fell forward.The moment he fell, Wu Jiu grabbed the pistol. Xianbo got kicked in the face, and felt that there were stars in front of his eyes.Several people surrounded him, grabbed his hands, and dragged him to the car. His eyes could hardly see anything. Xian Bo exhausted his last strength in his waist and legs, and when he was being dragged into the car, he stood upright with all his strength.As soon as he straightened up, he ran away, and the two fell on the car, and they both screamed. However, he failed to escape.Someone kicked him under the saddle from behind, and he fell again. At this time, gunshots rang out.It turned out that Wu Jiu fired a shot into the sky. "Run!" I don't know who called out, and the group all jumped into the car.The truck roared into motion.Xianbo drew his pistol. He aimed at the truck's tires and pulled the trigger. "Hey, stop! Look! Where are you hitting?" Wu Jiu shouted. Sinbo's bullet shattered decorative tiles on the exterior of a building illuminated by lights, and strayed from the direction of the truck. Wu Jiu ran over.Xianbo's face was swollen, and his eyes became slits.Xianbo forcefully separated the swollen eyelids with his fingers, and continued to shoot with only one eye. "It's hit!" Xian Bo shouted. "Fool, that's the building!" Wu Jiu grabbed his pistol.
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