Home Categories foreign novel Ghost Shadow
Ghost Shadow

Ghost Shadow


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 154006

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Chapter 1 Primer

Ghost Shadow 西村寿行 7092Words 2018-03-18
It was almost noon when Keisuke Yamaoka came to the upper reaches of the Kotogawa River. Yamaoka was extremely cautious when walking on rocky terrain.If you pass the same road as last time, it is easy to leave footprints.Keisuke Yamaoka tried his best not to leave even those footprints. With every step, he tried his best to avoid places with soft soil and grass, and stepped on hard soil roads and rocks as much as possible, so as not to leave traces of walking. His whole movement is cautious. He knows that a little carelessness can lead to serious consequences. The hill goes into the center of the rocky terrain.

In addition to the shotgun, lunch box, etc., he also specially brought a tape measure and a notebook to measure and calculate the size of the stones needed to fill the entrance of the cave. As long as the size of the stones is measured, its weight can also be calculated. Come, in this way, it will be clear which specification of the chain block needs to be used. Only with correct design and construction can the cave be filled as soon as possible. The hill was getting closer and closer to the cave. Suddenly, his heart almost stopped beating. At the cave entrance, place a hunting rucksack.

Yamaoka's legs trembled uncontrollably when he saw the rucksack. At first, Yamaoka even doubted whether his eyes might be hallucinating!But he took a closer look, and found that the rucksack was still in sight, and it was by no means a hallucination. Immediately afterwards, he thought again, could he forget this backpack here last time?But he touched the backpack he was carrying, and this fluke was immediately ruthlessly smashed to pieces. --who is it? ! Someone must have entered this cave!With trembling steps, Yamaoka quietly peeped into the cave.There was a sound, like someone talking, reflected from the cliff to the entrance of the cave.Yamaoka felt as if dozens of people had entered the hole.

Yamaoka also got into the hole. —It's over, it's all over! He was desperate. The sight of the hill suddenly became dim, and the surrounding rocks seemed to be shrouded in the setting sun. The edges and corners on it disappeared, and it looked gray. The trembling in his feet quickly spread throughout his body, and waves of chills swept over his skin, from his bone marrow, muscles, and under his skin, it seemed that there were bursts of cold air rushing outward, snatching him away. With the heat on his body, his heart seemed to be hollowed out by someone. Yamaoka stared at the scenery in the sunset with a absent-minded gaze.

——What should be done is good! When he thought of this, it was just a thought. Shan Gang had already fully estimated that everything might be irreversible. No matter who discovered this secret, the palace would disappear. I have already tasted it in my dream. He stared blankly at the sky. The only way to develop together——Suddenly, this idea popped up in Yamaoka's mind.Can we share this palace together?Judging from the roaring sound waves coming from the cave, it was definitely not a person who entered the cave. What if an opponent rejects his offer? ! If the opponent has a large number of people, Shan Gang is hard to resist.

What if the people who entered the cave were geologists or other expeditions? !If someone had discovered this cave before him and organized a huge expedition... Then there is no way to think about it. Despair almost tore Yamaoka's body to pieces. With what kind of mood did he discover this cave! ——Keisuke Yamaoka muttered to himself with trembling lips, and his voice sounded trembling too. The palace of light faded from his retinas like a red-hot coal cooling to ash. "It's over, it's over, it's over!" While muttering to himself, Yamaoka lowered his eyes, his hands tightly grasped his knees, his fingernails turned blue and bloody, and the veins on the back of his hands were exposed. Looking at it, Yamaoka's vision blurred.

These hands have not even caught a lucky opportunity. They are so pale and weak. They have gone through the sad life of a small employee. They have not been able to earn a little happiness for themselves and their families. What is the use of it! Yamaoka was filled with infinite sorrow. His tears could not be stopped from welling up in his eyes. Suddenly, his wife's mocking expression appeared in his mind again.He had a premonition that from tonight onwards, his wife would refuse to have sex with him. Even if she was willing to lend her body to him again, he would no longer be able to muster up the courage to hug her.

"It's all over..." Yamaoka muttered in despair and sat down on the ground. At this time, he suddenly heard the sound of someone talking from inside the cave. Yamaoka hurriedly got up from the ground and fled.As he ran out, he thought in a trance, what is this doing?Why do you want to run away?I shouldn't have run away, I should have stayed here to defend my right to discover this cave in the first place! However, he couldn't bring himself to stop.His two legs couldn't be controlled at all, and he ignored all those hopes, decisions, and so on, and kept running towards the outside of the cave.

After clearing a few rocks, he took cover in the shadow of a cliff recess. Although the cave cannot be seen from here, the surroundings can be observed.Shan Gang hid there like a criminal waiting to commit a crime, staring at the direction of the cave entrance. After a while, a man and a woman came out of the cave. The man was about 30 years old, and the woman was only 27 or 28 years old. They both looked like amateur hunters, with a double-barreled shotgun on their shoulders. The man and the woman were arm in arm, smoking a cigarette while walking outside. Yamaoka heard their loud voices.

"It seems to me that another expedition is very necessary." "Yes, this cave is really deep! I don't see any stalactites or anything. I think this is a strange cave." "Well, maybe this is the secret treasure house where someone hides the secret treasure! I saw traces left by someone trampling on it. This proves that someone has passed through here repeatedly." "Huh? It's interesting!" The figures of the man and woman disappeared behind Yanyin. Shan Gang crawled out of the cliff recess and approached them quietly. He initially judged that the pair of "intruders" who entered the cave looked like a couple or lovers, not some expedition team.But that's all there is to it, and it doesn't mean things are likely to turn around.That sense of despair has not diminished in the slightest.

At this time, the voices of the man and woman suddenly disappeared. Yamaoka cautiously approached the rock, feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what measures to take.The man had just said that it was necessary to go on another expedition, and the situation had developed to this point, and the only way for Yamaoka was to negotiate with them. It can be explained to him that there is a palace of rock salt deep in the ground, but at the same time, he must understand that Shangang is the discoverer of this palace and has sovereignty, and he can only cooperate with Shangang to mine it. Before that, Yamaoka wanted to see more clearly what kind of man and woman this was. He poked his head out from behind the rock, peeped quietly, and in an instant, he hurriedly retracted his head. He saw the man lying flat on a rock, his lower body completely exposed, and the woman stripped off her lower body dress. Yamaoka's heart beat faster and faster. The blood rushed to his brain, and there was a fire of lust in his brain. He stared at this scene with bated breath: the sun shone straight on the completely naked bodies of the two men and women, dyed with a layer of golden brilliance. The man is standing. When he took off his clothes, he looked extremely strong and tall.His body was full of muscles. Looking at the naked man, Yamaoka couldn't help but feel fear.He had a premonition that he was far from being able to compare with the man in front of him, and the obvious difference between them made Shan Gang immediately decide to shrivel up. He couldn't imagine what would happen if he had to bite the bullet and negotiate with this man.Maybe this is just my own wishful thinking.Go tell this man that this cave was first discovered by him, Keisuke Yamaoka, and he wants him to jointly excavate, but the ownership should belong to Yamaoka... The man will definitely kick him before he finishes speaking. Kicked down. This is obviously not an opponent who can negotiate on an equal footing. Thinking of this, Yamaoka began to look at his opponent with hatred, and he felt more and more inferior to this man, because Yamaoka never had much confidence in his ability.In a contest, Yamaoka would only be a sad loser. The man's body was so strong that it fully demonstrated the strength and strength of a man. This alone made Yamaoka feel ashamed and full of despair. Yamaoka crouched mournfully behind the rock. Yamaoka swallowed hard and stared at the man making love.A gust of wind blew the woman's hair, and her face was set off so beautifully that it was so provocative that Yamaoka swallowed hard. Under the monotonous movements, the woman showed a painful expression on her face. She seemed to have forgotten everything now, allowing the man to enjoy her body in a leisurely manner, and endured it silently. Yamaoka also became short of breath. He stared at the scene in front of him, and suddenly thought of his wife Zezi.The wife is openly sleeping with her lover. Her lover is probably like this man today. Although she is very indifferent to Yamaoka, in front of this man, she will be enthusiastic and indulgent, letting him go. Rape her in various positions, but feel extremely happy... A strong hatred welled up in his heart. From this woman, he saw his wife's ugliness. At this time, the woman yelled loudly as if there was no one else around. The man also responded. "Forgive me—!" She yelled with forgetfulness! ——What a pair of beasts!Yamaoka muttered in his chest. In this abominable scene, the figure of the couple becomes the wife and her lover, united as one.But for a long time, I have suffered their contempt and ridicule, and I have endured great humiliation. The man and woman in front of him plunged Yamaoka into a desperate situation.Ninety-nine percent of them seem to want to take the next step of the expedition, which will destroy the palace that Shan Gang is about to acquire, which is really a slight loss!Yamaoka seemed to have experienced a nightmare.What a devil this man and woman shot down the hill again into the abyss of misfortune! The pair of demons performed this sexual game in front of him as if they wanted to shrink Yamaoka even more. The woman turned her head and shouted something. Yamaoka was pale and stared at her intently. His hands holding the shotgun had lost their color, and they were trembling all over. This pair of hateful beasts ignored the existence of Shan Gang at all, so crazy!An uncontrollable rage rushed to his forehead. They want to take that palace from themselves! They must be eliminated immediately! A murderous intent rushed into Shan Gang's heart in an instant.This killing intent was actually a subconsciousness buried in his heart long ago, out of an instinct of self-protection. Never fail here!If he suffers another failure this time, it will mean that he is a permanent loser, and he will lead to self-destruction. A soft shell was unknowingly torn apart by Yamaoka himself. Shan Gangping took the shotgun and walked out. "Don't move!" He yelled coldly in a low voice. "Ah!" The man let out a strange scream, taken aback.The woman also screamed in fright. "Don't move! If you move, I'll kill you!" Shan Gang held the trigger tightly and aimed at the man. "This... this, this..." The man didn't come back to his senses for a long time, "What is this... what..." Yamaoka said nothing, just pressed the man with a double-barreled shotgun, with a murderous look on his face. "What are you doing?! Who are you?!" The woman withdrew her body from the man in a panic, grabbed a pair of underpants, and covered her lower body. "Don't, don't shoot!" "Put down the gun! That's too dangerous!" The man had no blood on his face. Your shotgun is leaning against the rock next to it, only a few steps away, but it is these few steps that prevent him from moving. The man should have noticed this.In fact, as long as he judged Shan Gang's character based on this point, he could see that he was a timid, unconfident man with a shabby face. However, the man didn't seem to have considered all of this at all, and was completely frightened and at a loss by the sudden situation in front of him. He was shaking so much that he even forgot to grab a pair of pants or something to cover his lower body. Yamaoka noticed this, and the man who looked strong, tall, and muscular just now seemed to have become shorter. He was just wearing a devil's mask just now, but at some point, this mask has disappeared. Yamaoka suddenly felt a little more confident. Thinking about it carefully, this man is probably not a big deal. Shan Gang noticed that he didn't bring a hound, just like himself, he carried a shotgun and went up the mountain to hunt.What's more, what he was more passionate about was having sex with that woman. This must also be a jerk, Yamaoka thought to himself.Not only did he not show the slightest sign of attempting to resist, but he also stood there trembling helplessly. Taking a quick look, this guy has thick bones and seems to be quite a bit taller than himself, but he is so ostentatious and useless. "You, what are you going to do," the man asked tremblingly. "Go, let's go, go back to the cave just now!" "Please, let us go!" the man begged, "I listen to your orders!" "..." "Do you want this woman? Her name is Sumi. If you want her, I will give her to you! I just ask you to let me go, please, please forgive me..." The man begged Shan Gang with his hands clasped together. "You mean, let me enjoy this woman?!" "Yes, do whatever you want! Just spare our lives!" "Ah, no! No! I don't want to do that kind of thing with this man, I won't do it—" the girl named Sumi cried out in despair. "I can't help it! The only way to survive is to do this! You, just go with this gentleman, please!" "No, I don't!—" The woman immediately forgot her terror. On her clear and delicate face, there was an expression of incomparable contempt for that man.She seemed to feel that what Shan Gang wanted was to possess her body, so as long as she finally agreed to Shan Gang's desire, she might be able to save herself.So, it looked like she was slightly relieved. "Go! Take your clothes and backpacks, and walk into the cave naked!" Yamaoka tightly squeezed the trigger with his index finger, aimed at the man and ordered sharply. The man and woman in front were walking towards the cave, and the only source of light illuminating the channel was the flashlight in Yamaoka's hand. The light of the flashlight also shone on the naked buttocks of the man and woman. Their buttocks were very plump and firm, and they looked taut. Yamaoka kept a sufficient distance from them, always on guard against the man's possible counterattack.He didn't dare to slack off at all, his sickly personality made him extremely alert. "Where are we going?" the man stopped and turned to ask Yamaoka. "Go forward! Otherwise I will shoot!" Shan Gang roared.Due to the extreme tension, he raised his voice very high, and the voice immediately caused a complex echo in the cave, spreading like a ghost once, twice, three times... until it disappeared. There was fear in the man's voice, he wanted Yamaoka to fuck the woman in front of him.But Yamaoka thought warily that this guy must be looking for a chance to get his shotgun back, and anyway, he had a sinister purpose. "Go further in! Go quickly! Or I'll kill you!" Shan Gang also yelled frantically in terror. "Sir, what do you want to do to us? We have never done anything wrong to you, and we have never known you! Do you want to, do you want Sumi? - I also agree to let her go You! Really, Sumi and I will never report you after we go out, please believe me, if you don't believe me..." The man turned around and begged again. "If you say one more word, I'll kill you!" Shan Gang's undead voice echoed in the cave. The man fell silent, turned around and walked forward again. They moved towards the depths of the ground step by step. In the tense and flustered situation, Yamaoka also repeatedly calculated the location of the murder in his mind.He finally decided that it would be best to kill them in the cave. If it is outside the cave, disposing of the body is a hassle.Once the whereabouts of these two people are found to be unknown, after two or three days, search personnel will definitely enter the mountain to search. They may be relatives and friends of the couple, or they may be a search team sent by the police. Yamaoka didn't know the normal life habits of the couple, but he knew very well that if someone went hunting in the mountains and was diagnosed as missing, the police would first conduct a thorough search of the relationship between the couple.If the motive of their disappearance can be ascertained from these relationships, it will certainly help the next step of action, but even if no clues are found, the police must estimate that they encountered an unexpected situation during hunting. Sex, thus sending personnel into the mountain to search. It is very likely that they will be equipped with police dogs to track the traces of the missing persons. However, after two days, the smell of the footprints will completely disappear.Generally speaking, even if someone reports a missing person, the police will not send a search team on that day, and usually will not take action until the next day, so Yamaoka is not afraid of this. The problem is the bodies left on the ground.If the method of burying is adopted, it is difficult to find any proper method to ensure that it will not be discovered.The search team will definitely focus on this problem, as long as they find any fresh ground-breaking traces, they will never let it go. After much deliberation, Yamaoka decided that it would be better to leave the corpse in the cave.Even if the police find the cave, they may not necessarily be able to find the body from the cave. The man and woman in front were still walking forward.They have come to a spiral steep slope.An unusually bright light was emitted from the snow-white buttocks of the pair of men and women. With the subtle changes in the footsteps of the three of them, it caused a slight echo in the cave, and sometimes it sounded like someone was beating a wooden drum far away, making a sound of "woo--, woo--". After a while, it became the clamor of birds, or else, it was like the creaking of a group of huge rats. What a wonderful resonance. Waves of slight tremors passed over Shan Gang's body, like gusts of cold rain hitting his whole body. The naked man and woman have quieted down now. They walked down the deep passage in silence. When the light of Shan Gang's flashlight shone on their buttocks, Shan Gang suddenly felt a strange fear. He knew that he was going to the gate of hell with them. After walking for about thirty minutes, I came to a corner, and on the right side of the corner was a deep rift. "Stop!" Shan Gang yelled. The man and woman stopped at the same time. "That woman, you, I just want you to come here!" Shan Gang took off his luggage and put it under his feet, pointing a gun at the man. "Xumi is yours!" the man yelled, "You can do whatever you want, I...I absolutely dare not disobey!" "I know! Don't move!" Shan Gang dragged the woman over. Only when the man stood blankly in the halo of the flashlight did Shan Gang see clearly the face of the man he had kidnapped.I saw him leaning against the cliff without moving. Yamaoka aimed at the man and pulled the trigger. "Bang!" With a loud noise, the cave trembled. The gun in Shan Gang's hand fell to the ground, and the flashlight also fell to the ground, and the cave was completely dark for a moment.In the darkness, there is only a huge echo roaring.Yamaoka covered his ears with his hands, only to feel a pressure that was enough to rupture the eardrum against his face. The hill crouched down in the darkness, and the roar echoed in the cave, "Bang-bang-bang-!" It was like ten thousand cannons firing together, heavy and dull.The sound approached from far away, rattling the cliff walls and the roof of the cave, and then slowly spread to the distance, like a giant beast roaring and rushing past. The voice gradually died down. Until it completely disappeared, its lingering sound still rang in Shangang's eardrum for a long time. Yamaoka reached out to fumble for the flashlight that had fallen to the ground.He secretly prayed that it must not be damaged by the shock!Otherwise, he had to return to the surface by the light of candles, and he didn't have many candles with him.He couldn't help but tense up. Finally, he found the flashlight and turned the button. The light shot into the hole again, in the light, I saw the man's face covered with bloodstains, rolling on the ground, his head had rolled to the edge of the rift, his eyes were still wide open, as if full of terror, death Stare fixedly at the top of the cave. The woman crouched at the foot of the mountain, covering her face with both hands, her fingers seemed to sink deep into the skin, covering her face tightly. Yamaoka slowly approached the man's body, observed it, and then kicked the body into the chasm with his feet, only to hear the body fall into the deep ground. The flashlight shined on the woman, and she was still curled up in a ball like before, neither crying nor shouting, just like a solidified fossil.Shan Gang threw the man's shotgun, backpack, etc. into the rift valley. These things tinkled and jingled in the cracks of the cliff for a long time before falling to the bottom of the valley. At this time, the woman stood up. Yamaoka intends to humiliate her before killing her.The way she stretched her plump buttocks toward the man still seared Yamaoka's mind.After killing the man, Yamaoka still couldn't undo the scenes of the man and woman having frantic sex.A nameless anger welled up in his heart. He felt as if he was becoming the man just now.It was easy to kill this woman with a gun, or strangle this woman with his hands, but he must first vent his crazy lust before executing her. The woman looked up at the hill.Her face was pale, and her eyes were wide open.Then, she knelt down in front of the hill. Silently, she propped her hands on the rock, touching her forehead to the ground, and kowtowed repeatedly, then hugged Shan Gang's leg and remained motionless like this.Yamaoka could feel her body shaking violently. Shan Gang's body also trembled, and the appearance of this woman caused the dream world he had just established to collapse again.
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