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Chapter 22 6. Rewards

lust 西村寿行 4846Words 2018-03-18
A total of fifty-two group members were mobilized. The commander-in-chief is Ryuzo Yashishima, the leader of the Yasoshima Group. September 2 at nine o'clock in the morning. Yashishima led all the members forward on the mountain road. When all the members set off in threes, threes, fives, the police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department, who specialize in monitoring violent groups, had already noticed.At the same time, the Nagano Prefecture Police Mobile Team will also intervene.For this point, the gang has long been mentally prepared.Before the mobile team moved, they had actually made arrangements.Whether it's the Portuguese police, the CIA agents, or the KGB members, none of this clause is condoned in the constitution of the Japanese gang.

The constitution of the Japanese violent group is closely related to the fate of the Yashishima violent organization. They attacked on a large scale and completely surrounded the deer salt hot spring sanatorium.The three people, Francisco Dirgard Police, Nakago Hiroaki, and Ino Ji, were half disabled. Probably these three people! Beat 'em half to death and break their fingers. Takako Liu Ze could not spare her lightly.Heard she once played a rape game with the Dirgard police.Let people strip off their clothes, tie their hands behind their backs, and tie their legs separately to two wooden sticks.Then, use the pose above.Seduce Dirgard to play with her body.

This behavior cannot but be said to be shameless. Shameless—Yashishima is very proud of being able to use this word. A person must live worthy of himself if he is alive.But Takako, a stinky woman, let a foreign devil play with her shameful parts of her body, which is really outrageous. Yashishima's eyes were bloodshot. He thought that after he caught Takako, he would strip her completely naked, tie her to a big log, insert the thicker end of a grinding pestle between her buttocks, and break all her parts .Also, break her fingers.Let her know the fate of betraying Yashishima and casually seducing other men.Let her experience the power of violent gangs.

They prepared two pistols, and each carried a dagger in his arms.There are also forty wooden knives bought in Suwa City. No matter how capable Yi Neng and Zhongxiang are, they should be beaten to the knees and beg for mercy. Yashishima was thinking about something on his mind while driving the mountain road. A grain truck driver brought news of the attack by the Eighty Islands gang. The coachman, who was about to go down the mountain after transporting the grain, saw a group of people rushing up the mountain aggressively, and immediately went back to report the news. "Are those Japanese hooligans here?"

When the landlady ran in panting, Zhongxiang was drinking wine. "Run quickly! There is a road leading to Mount Shiomi from the back mountain!" The old landlady was so frightened that he lost his color. "Don't worry about it? You just need to find a shelter for the passengers." Yi Neng was eating the small fish for drinking. But Dirgard looked disheartened.He developed a deep fear of these Japanese hooligans.He has no power, no weapons, and lives in a foreign country, and the resulting loneliness and sorrow can be imagined.Dozens of people came aggressively, and this group of hooligans were all coming for him.Because he played naked rape games with rogue women.

Japanese hooligans must avenge this revenge. Not only in Japan, but also in Italy and other countries, sleeping with other people's women is tantamount to stabbing a hornet's nest. Fear mixed with homesickness. Takako has ignored Dirgard since that incident happened.Takako looked down on Dirgard.But, what Dirgard couldn't understand the most is that whether you despise him or look down on him, have you forgotten all about the countless times of sex and thoughtful service?And Dirgard still remembers all this, when Takako was so fascinated by him.And now... the heart of a foreign woman.It's really hard to figure out.

"Should we go out for a walk?" Nakago slammed the wine bottle on the table. "Hurrah!" Yi Neng also stood up. "What should I do?" Takako looked at Yineng and Nakago. At the beginning, Guizi also emphasized: You can't escape, there is no leader if you escape, but now, she is so frightened that her face is pale and she is at a loss. "You and Dirgard hide in the closet!" After speaking, Yi Neng walked out of the room.Ino and Nakago were wearing wooden clogs from the hotel and holding sticks in their hands. The hotel is surrounded by native forests.There is a stone paved road leading to the hotel.

At the top of the stone steps, Yineng and Nakago sat down. The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly through the trees on the stone steps. "Yineng." "what's up?" "How about we hand over Dirgard and that woman? One million is fine, two million is fine." "You mean sell them?" Yi Neng lit a cigarette. "Yes. In this way, we can still get a sum of money. Only now do I understand that money is very important. You and I are both guards, so it is impossible to make a fortune!" "Throw away such stupid ideas of yours!"

"Wouldn't it be better if we got the two back right away?" "But that would be too immoral." "Is it immoral?" "Too wicked!" "Really? I thought it was a good idea!" Nakagoto's tone was not so harsh anymore. "They are coming!" Yi Neng could see a dark mass coming up from below. "That looks like a forest of wooden knives!" Nakagoto's voice was a little dazed. A dark group of people suddenly stopped advancing on the stone steps: "Is it Zhongxiang and Yineng? Those two guys." Yashishima's cry was harsh.

"Exactly!" Yi Neng replied. "You should surrender honestly! Otherwise, I will kill you!" "It's ridiculous! How can a wooden knife kill people?" Nakagoto sneered.He laughed and took off his clogs. The two men in front had already drawn out their pistols. At this moment gunshots pierced the sky. All the bullets hit the sky behind him.Then, the clogs in the hands of Zhongxiang and Yi Neng had been thrown out, hitting the faces of the two guys with pistols, Zhongxiang and Yi Neng walked down the stone steps barefoot.Each of them held a five-foot-long wooden stick in their hands.The two sticks went into the wood of the wooden knife.

It seems that these guys have never practiced swords.Nakago and Yi Neng beat the group of guys heartily, their two wooden clubs flying up and down.Every movement is accompanied by the other party's bloody head and broken shoulder. The two wooden sticks were moving and killing, and the opponents fell to the ground one by one. It only took a few minutes to decide the winner. Zhongxiang was very disappointed, he didn't expect fifty people to be so vulnerable! The sixteen members of the violent group could no longer stand up. "Come out quickly! Eighty Islands!" Zhongxiang yelled. "Come out one million yuan in cash, and I can return these sixteen guys to you. If you don't pay the money quickly, you are really looking for death. These people are almost finished. How about it? One million Yuan, it’s cheap!” "Stop making fun of me!" There was a crying sound from the other party. "You are too unwise to be the leader. If you don't believe me, you can come over and have a look. These guys are about to die. It's really pitiful, so young. It's only one million yuan, which is very cheap. It can save A dozen young lives! How about it, you are too close to the door." "..." "This miser, what are you going to do? Speak up! Otherwise, if the price is reduced to 800,000 yuan, it will be a deal. Ah, Yashidao, speak up!" "..." In the black gang, there was still no sound or movement. "I said, Yi Neng, what price do you think is appropriate?" Nakago looked at Yi Neng with uneasy eyes. "How about half a million dollars. But this is the last concession." "Bashidao, listen clearly, it has been reduced to 500,000 yuan, and it can't be lowered anymore. How about it, you can make a move this time!" The cry was almost pleading. At this time, a man came out of the black gang. "I can't stand your viciousness. I'll give you half a million yuan, but on one condition!" It is Eighty Islands. Yashishima understands that the opponent is very powerful and cannot be defeated without more advanced weapons. "We will not agree to unreasonable demands." Yashishima saw Nakago's suspicion: "I'll offer another 500,000 yuan, which means one million yuan, how about it?" "Ok!" Zhong Xiang quickly agreed. "Give your precious son to me!" "Give the woman to you? Are you trying to play tricks?" "In the beginning, I had that plan, but now..." Yashishima's face turned red. "Then you mean you want to make out with her, don't you?" "Exactly!" Plans to grind the pestle and cut off the fingers were forgotten.It has been defeated so badly that they had no choice but to retreat.In this situation, Yashishima suddenly felt a strong desire.Of course, the root cause is monk hatred and jealousy.After a big defeat and not being able to hug your precious son, that is really unlucky, and you can't rest in peace even if you die. "Understood!" Zhongxiang nodded: "But one thing, you have to pay attention, if you go back to torture her, she will definitely leave you. On the contrary, you should treat her well, so that women will not Run away. And I will like you Yashishima even more than before! Isn't that right, Yineng!" Zhong Xiang stretched out his palm and took one million yuan. "Wait here for a while, I'll bring that woman over!" Leaving Yashishima and Ineng behind, Nakago returned. "There are really such rich people!" Yashishima shrugged and muttered something. He beckoned the other members to come, and everyone was busy carrying away the dead or injured. "Takako, how about it, come back with me! I will treat you well!" Yashishima begged, but Takako didn't say a word. Nakago and Ineng watched as Takako walked down the steps step by step, being held by the wrist by Yashishima. Takako's butt is plump and beautiful, and when she walks, she is even more charming.Yi Neng watched Takako's back, and tapped Nakago's chest with his hand. "We'll settle the account later!" "no!" "You guys are too rigid!" Zhongxiang yelled and took out the bag of money. The helicopter was approaching them and was circling overhead. "Did you have an affair with that woman!" Zhong Xiang asked suddenly while handing over money to Yi Neng. "Only one time!" "Then, I'll make it up to you!" As he said that, Zhongxiang only took 50,000 yuan, and handed over the remaining 450,000 yuan to Yi Neng. The helicopter was about to land in the courtyard in front of the spa. "It's likely that there will be new disputes again, just wait and see! We are waiting for them!" Watching the landing helicopter, Nakago called loudly. Three people stepped off the helicopter, and Nakago and Yi Neng immediately turned their heads away. When they got to the room, they started drinking. The three men broke in without even saying hello. "Not bad! All three of you are still alive." The first person to speak was the Police Chief Tadakichi Soda. "Didn't I already tell you that I never want to see you again!" While talking, Nakago didn't look at Zongtian's face. "You can't say that!" "Don't do that. You're going to kill me. Did you bring the arrest warrant?" "Mr. Zhongxiang, why don't you be so hasty!" "What's 'jun', I don't remember you calling me 'Zhongxiang-jun'!" "We have something very important to come to you two!" Chief of Police Department Shogo Uchida took over the conversation. "We're not police officers anymore, don't you forget that too?" Nakagoto's attitude is extremely rude. "I want you two to be reinstated!" "reinstatement?!" While drinking, Nakago glanced at Yi Neng. "To tell you the truth, we have already thought of a good way to make money. Just now we have earned one million yuan. Don't talk about it here, go back quickly! In addition, the damages after dereliction of duty, severance pay, what do you plan to do? How much to pay! Go, and stop dawdling here!" Seeing Zongtian's face, Nakago felt very disgusted. "We can pay the money, and 100 million yuan is no problem." "One hundred million yuan……" Nakago stared at Uchida in silence for a while. "Yineng, what are you doing there? Why don't you pour wine for the officer, that's the officer!" "I don't drink alcohol. In addition, not only will I give you 100 million yuan, but I will also give you a promotion, two grades, and become a police officer." "No!" Zhong Xiang shook his head: "We don't want to work under Zong Tian. All we need is money." "If you hate the Metropolitan Police Department, you can also go to the Police Department of the National Police Department to be a foreign affairs policeman. It just so happens that the Chief of Police is also here. At first we thought that the Police Superintendent is at the same level as the Chief, and you can accept the role of the Police Superintendent. What about the job!" The immediate supervisor of the Police Superintendent is the Superintendent of Police. There is only one police chief in all of Japan.You can't set up three police directors at the same time! In fact, even if there were three police directors, Zhongxiang and Yi Neng might not necessarily submit. "How about it? Yi Neng, shall we listen to their ideas?" "How about the position of police supervisor, let alone, 100 million yuan is not a small amount. Anyway, the job does not seem to be too ordinary." Zhongxiang suddenly turned his head to the side, and took a big sip of his wine. "In order to save Prime Minister Negishi's daughter, I escaped from death several times, but I didn't get a penny!" Yi Neng also rushed his back to Uchida angrily. "Anyway, can you hear us a few more words?" "Hate!" Zhongxiang resisted: "My life and Yi Neng's life are like 100 million yuan, which is too cheap. Forget it, we have already planned, 500,000, 1 million to make money bit by bit, and don't think about anything else There is a way, and I am getting older anyway, what do you think? Yi Neng." "Sir," Yi Neng turned his head as if he suddenly thought of something, "How do you know we're here?" "The information was provided by the No. 4 Search Division. The police in charge of the violent gang discovered it as soon as it started to act." "Yineng, let's just pretend we've never heard of such a thing. Let's take Dirgard out to fight!" Nakago raised his body as he spoke. "Mr. Zhongxiang, how much money do you want to cooperate with us?" "100 million yen for one person. 200 million yen for two people. Of course, it doesn't matter if it's a reward for success. But we still have one condition!" Nakago said this to Uchida. "There are still conditions!" "But pay us a huge search fee and let us spend it as we please. Because we are risking our lives. Dead, we will never get paid again." "Understood. There is really no way. Well, we agree to this condition." "Really agree?" Zhongxiang looked a little embarrassed. He felt as if he had fallen into someone else's trap.The other party readily accepted all the conditions, 200 million yen, a large amount of search expenses, etc., which can not help but make people a little surprised. "Is that really the number?" "Of course, I'm not joking. This time, we really gave in again and again. In fact, if there is no order from the Prime Minister, it may be difficult for the Metropolitan Police Department to pay 10 million yuan. Your stubbornness. But I am really convinced. If it weren't for the special circumstances, we would have gone back by helicopter." "It doesn't matter if you go back!" "Of course if possible..." Uchida sighed. "By the way, where did the money come from?" "Financial world!" "Finance?" Nakago looked at Uchida in surprise. "Don't you know the seriousness of this incident?" Uchida is no longer willing to explain any more.He was afraid that after knowing the truth of the incident, the other party would raise the price again. Uchida briefly introduced the situation. "Not good! Dirgard, let's go to Lisbon right away." Before listening to Uchida's introduction, Nakago and Ino stood up almost at the same time.
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