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Chapter 44 Chapter Forty-Three

Despite his disdain for the Jews, the vicious Ofer has the audacity to believe that the Brickers' Residence will provide him with a safe hiding place, even if he has to change residences frequently to ensure absolute safety.Thanks to some carefully sifted perjury, Saihamana finally believed the Libyan shaman had left Egypt long ago, and dropped further searches.Now, he only needs to do routine inspections to prevent all night raids and riots. However, the wizard was not happy.For months, the situation has not improved.In the fifteenth year of Ramesses' reign, although he was thirty-seven years old, the kingdom of Egypt was still thriving.

The news from the Hittite Empire is also weird and disturbing.Of course, Ulitsubo insisted on a fight to the death with Egypt, but the offensive was never launched.In addition, the military buffer zone formed by southern Syria and Canaan is still occupied by the Egyptian army, which has experienced many battles and is capable of encircling and suppressing aggression on a large scale.Why is the impatient Wu Litai Shubo so hesitant?The brief information passed by the Bedouin could not provide any explanation for Ofer. In the south, Xie Na could not instigate the Nubian tribes to revolt.Negotiations continue endlessly without any concrete results.

In the palace, Dorante is still trying to manage her friendship with Yser in order to persuade her to take action, but Yser can't seem to make up her mind.As for Meba, the work efficiency was low due to the inability to obtain the text of the encrypted information that Yaxia passed on to Yameni.Although he knows all about the magical protection that young Kai enjoys, Ramesses' eldest son tries to learn it, and even Ofer thinks there is nothing he can do. After a long journey, during which several temples were built, Ramses returned to the capital again.Nefertari had a happy look on her face.Although the country is threatened by war, the royal couple is still deeply loved by the people, and everyone firmly believes that they can maintain the eternal prosperity of the country and defend the country from foreign humiliation.

For this reason, Ofer is worried.As the years passed, the hope of destroying Ramses gradually faded.He, the King of Spies, a man who had never doubted that he could not accomplish his task, began to worry about his way out, retreating and discouraged. When someone walked into Ofer's house, he was sitting at the end of the darkened living room. "I want to talk to you." "Moses?" "Are you busy now?" "Not busy, I'm meditating." "Ramesses is finally back. Based on your suggestion, I will wait patiently for him." Moses' firm tone rekindled Ofer's confidence, and he finally decided to take action.

"I called a meeting of the elders of the people," continued Moses, "and they decided to appoint me to persuade Pharaoh." "So getting out of Egypt is still a top priority." "The Jewish people will leave Egypt, because this is the will of the Lord. Have you also fulfilled your promise?" "Our Bedouin friends have sent the weapons and they are hiding them in the basement." "We will not use violence. But in case of attack, it is better to have a way to protect yourself." "You will, Moses, you will! Ramses will not tolerate a nation's rebellion."

"We don't want to rebel, we just want to leave this country and return to our blessed land." Ofer was secretly ecstatic.Finally, he was able to laugh out loud!Moses will bring chaos to Egypt, and all this will help Ulitsubo's military operations.Facing the twelve gods in the Azirikaya Temple, the priestess Putu Haipa has long hair in a bun and a bonnet on her head, lying on a stone bed like a dead body. She swallowed a dangerous potion.Will sleep for three days and three nights.There is no safer way to communicate directly with the dominant forces of fate and to spy on God's will than this.

The oracle that was unfavorable to Wuli Taishubo was not enough to guarantee the safety of Hadusil and herself, so she decided to take the method of cutting the weeds, but it was very risky. Of course, all the merchant class and a large part of the military, after a dangerous tunnel project, all threatened to support Hadusil, but he and Pu Tu Haipa had no illusions about their future at all, did they?Thanks to the gold of the Egyptian ambassador Yaxia, many high-ranking military officials demanded that the internal defense and border defense be strengthened, and the plan to attack Egypt was abandoned.However, once Wu Litai Shubo suddenly realized that they were plotting to rebel against him, was it possible that they would not change their original intention?

Wu Litai Shubo's practice of seizing power will be exposed sooner or later.Therefore, although Hadusil had support from all sides, he was still hesitant about this desperate battle, because thousands of Hittite soldiers would die on the battlefield. For this reason, Putu Haipa is willing to perform dream induction, and this state will only appear after forced sleep. Sometimes, the responder can never sleep forever; sometimes, after waking up, he will be insane.Although his wife insisted on her opinion, Hadusil still opposed it. Putu Haipa asked him ten times before finally getting his consent.

For three full days and three nights, her body remained still, only her slight breathing revealed the fact that she was still alive.According to the hexagram, she will open her eyes at this moment, revealing the instructions of the god of fate to her. Hadusill clutched the hem of his woolen coat nervously. The hour has passed. "Pudu Haipa...you wake up, please!" She seemed to tremble.No, he made a mistake, she didn't move at all.However, it did shake just now!Putu Haipa opened his eyes wide, staring at the rock engraved with the statues of twelve gods. Then, from her mouth came a voice, a deep voice Hadusil had never heard before.

"I met the God of Thunder and the Goddess Ixta, and both said to me: 'I support your husband, and the country will be on the right track under his rule. His opponents will be in danger.'" A gentle hand, a hand so gentle that it reminded him of honey and spring dew, the long-lasting caress aroused his fresh feeling, and a strong pleasure flooded him.Although Yaxia's fifth Hittite mistress has the advantages of the previous ones, he began to miss Egyptian women, the banks of the Nile and palm groves. Only love can dispel the dull and boring atmosphere in the Hittite capital.There have also been endless meetings with business representatives and several senior officers.Yaxia formally enters into a lengthy negotiation with Wuli Taishubo.He had other priorities: to capture Hadusil, round up his hideout, and hand him over to Uri Teshub.When the emperor's son returned from training the chariots, cavalry and infantry regiments ready for battle at any time, Ya Xia must regularly submit a detailed report to him.

On three occasions, Wulitshubo's men almost captured Hadusil, but he was always rescued secretly in the end. this time.When Yaxia and his mistress stopped flirting, Wu Litai Shubo came into his room. The warrior's eyes were stiff, almost looking straight at him. "I have good news." Ya Xia said while rubbing his hands with cream. "I have it too," Wuli Taishubo said with the enthusiasm of a victor, "My father, Muwatarli, has finally passed away, and I am now the unique master of the Hittite Empire!" "Congratulations, it's a pity that Hadusil is still alive." "Despite the size of my kingdom, he cannot escape my grasp for long. What news do you have to celebrate?" "It happened to be about Hadusil. According to a reliable informant, I think I know where Hadusil is hiding, but..." "But what, Yaxia?" "Would you like to promise me a peace deal once Hadusil is captured?" "You made the right choice, my friend. Rest assured that Egypt's hopes will not fail. Where is that traitor hiding?" "At the Temple of Azirikaya." Wu Litaishubo personally led a small commando team of twelve people. He was afraid that the deployment of a large number of troops might cause commotion, and then alerted the sentries and stimulated Hadusil to escape. Since it was Pu Tu Hai Pa who ordered the priests to provide sanctuary for the late king's younger brother, Wu Li Zuo Shu Bo will punish them severely. Hadusil was too careless, he actually lived in a place so close to the capital and so eye-catching, this time, he couldn't fly even with wings.Wu Litai Shubo hesitated whether to execute him on the spot or falsely accuse him.He lacks legal common sense, and even with all the preparations, he still prefers the first solution.Because of his position and authority, he was unfortunately unable to kill Hadusil himself, and had to entrust the menial task to one of his men.Back in Hattusa, Wulizuoshubo will hold a grand funeral for Muwatarli.And he, as his beloved son, would be the undisputed heir to the throne. Afterwards, he will lead a team of elite fighters to invade southern Syria. After joining forces with the Bedouin army, he will capture Canaan, cross the border of Egypt, and face Ramses, who made a fatal mistake because he firmly believed in peace, and the man named Jean. He thought he could sit back and relax, the diplomatic ambassador Ya Xia. He, Wuli Taishubo, the master of the Hittite Empire!A dream come true, no longer having to rely on the costly coalitions that Hadusil built.Wuli Taishubo believed that he was invincible enough to conquer Assyria, Egypt, Nubia and the whole of Asia.His great achievements will surpass all Hittite emperors. The small army is near the sacred cornerstone of Azirikaya, which houses several small temples.There, it is said that there lived a couple of gods and immortals, they were the thunder god Tai Shubo and his wife.The second half of the new emperor's name - Tai Shubo, doesn't it bear the name of this terrifying god?Yes, he himself is the God of Thunder, who strikes down the enemy with his thunder and lightning. On the threshold of the temple sat a man, a woman and a child. Hadusil, his wife and their eight-year-old daughter.These three lunatics threw themselves into the trap, even thinking that Wu Litai Shubo would be lenient to them. Wu Litai Shubo stopped his cavalry and savored the taste of victory.Ya Xia gave him a chance to kill the last enemy.After getting rid of this hateful family, it was time to kill the Egyptian ambassador Yaxia, who was useless anyway.That naive guy actually believed that Wuli Taishubo was willing to keep the peace!After waiting for so many years and going through so many trials, all in order to obtain the kingship! "Kill them!" Wuli Taishubo ordered his soldiers. When all the arrows were fired at once, Wu Litai Shubo suddenly felt a burst of pleasure.The insidious Hadusil and the arrogant Putu Haipa are full of sharp arrows, and their bodies are cremated... Is there anything more exciting and gratifying than this scene? It's a pity that the arrow never left the bow. "Kill them," Wuli Taishubo shouted impatiently. Suddenly, all the bows and arrows were directed at him. His army betrayed him!Could this be the reason why Hadusil and his wife and daughter have nothing to fear? Hadusil stepped forward to meet him. "You are my prisoner, Wuli Taishubo, surrender! Accept the punishment of the law." With a loud roar, Wuli Taishubo pulled the reins tightly, and the horse suddenly raised its front hooves.The archers hurried back in astonishment.He rushed out of the camp with the anger of a defeated warrior and headed straight for the capital. A flying arrow passed by his ear, but none of them hit the vital point.
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