Home Categories foreign novel winning beast

Chapter 22 Chapter 22 Failure

winning beast 大薮春彦 3908Words 2018-03-18
This is a gray Mercedes-Benz 190, parked about 300 meters away from the villa, in the shadow of an orange grove. Bangyan was holding the box in his left hand, and the submachine gun in his right hand, with thirty-two bullets in the chamber.He pointed the gun at Clegory, and the three of them walked together to the car. In the distance are the lights of thousands of houses in this city, which is undoubtedly very beautiful at a glance, but Bang Yan is not in the mood to appreciate the scenery. Milena followed the two of them, her high-heeled shoes being caught by rocks from time to time, and Bang Yan held Clegory in front like a shield and circled the car for a circle to make sure that there was no one in the car.

"Squat down on your seat." He turned to Milena.Then he stabbed Clegory in the waist with a gun. "Drive, go to the place where your friend sailed to meet you!" Clegory started the engine with bloody hands, and the Mercedes-Benz drove rapidly towards the foot of the mountain.Due to the abnormally fast speed when turning, the inner rear wheel actually left the road and idling in the air.The steering wheel was wet with blood from a severed finger. When Clegory was going downhill, he slammed the steering wheel again, and the tires rubbed against the road violently, making a mournful sound. He turned his head and said to Bang Yan through gritted teeth:

"Throw away the gun, or I'll hit the guardrail, anyway, I'm already like this, it's better to die!" There was a frantic gleam in his eyes. "Don't be such an asshole?" Bangyan said, pulling out the magazine of the submachine gun.Unlike ordinary small pistols, although this submachine gun also uses pistol bullets, but in terms of mechanism, the chamber sends the top bullet of the magazine into the firing chamber, and enters the firing state when it is loaded.Therefore, except for the moment before firing, the barrel is empty anyway.Therefore, after the magazine was pulled out, there was no bullet in the chamber of the submachine gun. Even if Klegley snatched it, there was no need to worry about the gun being usable.

Clegory, who was holding the steering wheel, stared fixedly at the road illuminated by the lights in front of the car. "I'm going all out. It's my wish to die with a beautiful woman like Milena." Kunihiko handed him the submachine gun with the magazine removed.He snatched it away with one hand, and at the same time stepped on the brakes hard.The back of the car jerked up, bumped twice on the road, and finally stopped. Craigley's eyes were burning with hatred, and he put the gun firmly on Bangyan. Kunihiko grabbed the barrel of the gun with his hand indifferently. "Let go of your hands, you want to die!"

Craigley did not understand what the other party meant.Due to excessive nervousness and excitement, he didn't see the submachine gun's magazine being pulled out. "Xingxing, I won anyway, thank you for stopping the car for me." "asshole!" Craigley pulled the trigger with his uninjured middle finger. There was a clear and crisp sound of metal impact in the barrel of the gun, but of course this was not the sound of a gunshot, and the muzzle did not spit out flames. With a look of horror on Clegory's face, he noticed that the submachine gun had become a useless metal rod.Big drops of sweat dripped from his pale, bleeding face.

Bangyan slammed his palm hard on his neck.He collapsed to the ground. "What's wrong?" Milena leaned out of the car.Her hair is messy, and her makeup is already out of shape, but it shows her cuteness even more. "It's okay, you lower your body and don't let the outside of the car see it." Bang Yan couldn't help kissing her pink neck, then tied up Kreiger, wiped off the blood on the seat with a handkerchief, sat in the driver's seat, and threw Kreiger into the passenger seat. It's not too far from the coast road.Bangyan drove the car at an appropriate speed.Clegory quickly regained consciousness, his head bowed, his veins exposed, and he hummed loudly.

On the coastal road, Bangyan turned the steering wheel to the left and drove the car along the beach.He saw a high-power motorboat on the sea at a distance of about 50 meters. There seemed to be three figures on the boat, and one of them was sending a signal with a purple electric light flashing on and off. "That's the welcoming boat, what's your password?" Bangyan asked. "I have no idea." "Damn, do you want me to force you to say it?" Bang Yan lit the lighter and approached Craigley's tie. After a while, the tie burned upwards with blue flames.

"Ah - I, I remembered, if the matter is done, I will use the phone to send a signal every second." Bang Yan quickly parked the car to the place closest to the speedboat in a straight line. "Honey, just hide like this, I'll be back in a while." As he spoke, Bang Yan loaded the magazine of the submachine gun, and stretched out his hand to drag Clegory out. "Go!" Bang Yan pushed him in front of him, walked along the beach to the boat, and took out a small pen-shaped flashlight from his arms.The sea breeze blows with a damp and salty taste. Fine sand from the beach seeps into the boots.Bang Yan walked to the seaside with a gun against Craigley, and flashed a signal to the speedboat with a flashlight.

Bang Yan and Kele Geli crossed the beach and waded into the water, and Kele Geli suddenly trembled all over, as if it wasn't because of the waves coming in layers. "Stop it, it's a signal of danger, we will be beaten into a hornet's nest..." While speaking, two blinding searchlights suddenly shot out from the speedboat, intersecting and shining on the two people and their surroundings, as clear as day, Bang Yan hurriedly knelt down on the beach, he couldn't see everything in the distance for a while. The heavy machine gun on the speedboat rang out, and the rain of bullets stirred up a column of water around Bangyan.

Bang Yan rolled quickly on the ground, and at the same time the submachine gun in his hand also fired dense bullets, and the gun vibrated violently in his hand. Craig, who was beside him, was shot to pieces and fell into the sea screaming. Bang Yan paused for a while, and then fired again. "Wow——" a searchlight was smashed to pieces, and Bangyan rolled sideways to one side, and fired another burst. Thirty-two bullets were shot in an instant. Fortunately, one bullet shattered another searchlight, and the impact point of the machine gun immediately deviated.Bang Yan threw away the gun and ran towards the Mercedes-Benz.

After running for a few steps, the machine gun roared again, hitting Bangyan behind him in a beautiful arc.This time the people on the boat used tracer bullets, and the bullets traced an orange-red trajectory in the air. The shooter corrected the impact point with the tracer bullets, and the bullets chased Bangyan.This kind of fifty-caliber machine gun bullet, one shot will kill it. Bang Yan was desperately running the S-type, he was out of breath, and the gravel shattered by the bullets kept hitting him. He knew that as long as he stopped, he would die. Finally ran onto the road.Bang Yan flew and rolled onto the asphalt road.Due to the uneven height of the road and the sea, a dead angle was formed, and the machine gun could not hit him. At this time, the machine gun turned to the Mercedes-Benz car again. The glass of the car was shot in all directions in the beautiful arc, and the right door was full of bullet holes. Bangyan climbed to the side of the car and opened the back door, and pulled out Milena who was hiding in a heap in the car.The orange-red ballistics intertwined the net of death on them. Bang Yan pulled her to a blind spot where the bullets could not hit, and climbed back to the side of the car, desperately grabbing the box in front of her. The engine of the car burst into flames after hitting a few bullets and burned rapidly. Kuniyan finally held the box in his arms, and the clothes on his back were already scorched.He climbed to the side and quickly flipped the switch on the box. The suitcase was divided into two, and there was a disassembled AR15 automatic rifle in the bottom interlayer. Bangyan assembled it in a few seconds, and at the same time took out the infrared telescope from the other interlayer and buckled it on top of the gun body. There were also five magazines in the suitcase, each holding twenty rounds.Kuniyan took out a magazine containing Beton bloomers and inserted them into the gun, pulled the bolt, and dragged the box away from the burning Mercedes. Bang Yan rushed to the beach at a very fast speed. At this time, he felt that besides the sound of heavy machine guns, there were short shots of carbine guns. He saw six men wearing life jackets rushing towards this side stepping on the chest-high sea water. , The carbine in the hand shoots in a fan shape, without missing any suspicious targets. But at this time, Bangyan held up his gun and pointed the scope at the speedboat. In the lens of the infrared sight, two people on the speedboat appeared.One of them was shooting non-stop with an old Maxim water-cooled heavy machine gun, and the other was holding the bullet belt as an assistant, with a huge bullet box beside him. Bangyan aimed at the bullet box and calmly pulled the trigger.The butt of the gun moved back several times in a row, and the 0.223 caliber NATO-standard flowering ammunition fired from the muzzle accurately hit the bullet box of the heavy machine gun. The warheads contained high-performance explosives, which penetrated the thin iron skin of the bullet box, detonating thousands of rounds of machine gun bullets contained in the box. Before Bangyan put down his gun, there was a strong flash of light on the speedboat, followed by a huge explosion, and the whole speedboat was enveloped in flames. In the flames, the heavy machine gun and the two shooters had long since disappeared. There was another huge explosion, and the speedboat exploded into countless fragments. Several people in the sea fell down in a piece of steel fragments.The sea surged past and drowned them in the waves. Bangyan put on a regular magazine, picked up the AR15 and walked into the sea.After a while, the water rushed up to his waist, and Bang Yan carefully watched the sea around him, looking for the surviving enemy. One guy just seemed to pass out.Bang Yan grabbed his ankle and pulled him out of the beach, like pulling a dead dog.In any case, let this guy speak, so that he can find out the whereabouts of Prince Abe Lalu and Princess Katrinu, Bangyan thought so. Bang Yan finally pulled the guy to the beach, he bent like a shrimp, put his knees against his belly, and the man's mouth flowed out of the seawater of the big beach.The Mercedes-Benz in the distance is still burning with crackling walls.Bang Yan watched the surrounding situation unrelentingly. At this time, he couldn't be careless. After the explosion, the small boat sank slowly into the bottom of the sea with thick smoke and flames. When the hot burning wreckage of the small boat came into contact with the sea water, it made a sizzling sound, like boiling a pot. Bang Yan watched all this with cold eyes. The man next to him seemed to wake up from his coma. Kunihiko put an AR15 submachine gun on his head. "If you want to live, answer my question honestly, otherwise you don't want to leave here alive." The man raised his head and stared at Kunihiko out of breath.Bloodshot eyes are blue. "I, I don't want to die. I'm only thirty years old. I, I want to live. If I live, please forgive me." "Well, tell me, where are Prince Abelaru and Princess Katrinu being imprisoned now?" "Those two people, the divers who were hidden in Russia..." At this moment, there was a clear gunshot about 100 meters away on the left side of the road, and a string of bullets beat the man's chest to pieces, and Bang Yan's hand cavity was also grazed by a bullet, making it extremely numb . Bang Yan didn't think about it again, and raised his hand to fire five or six bullets. At this time, there was the sound of a car engine starting, and the sound of pistol gunfire came from that direction. Bangyan picked up his gun, bent over and rushed towards the road.I saw an open jeep speeding up and fleeing into the distance. Bangyan calmly picked up the AR-15 automatic rifle, the image of the jeep appeared in the mirror, and he lightly pulled the trigger. "Da da da……" The bullet sent sparks flying from the jeep's body, and the jeep made a sharp turn and disappeared into the darkness. Bangyan turned around and searched for the place where the gunshot was fired just now.He saw a person lying on the road, Bang Yan observed calmly for a while, confirmed that he was dead, and then ran over with great strides. The man is dead.Bang Yan broke his left hand with a shot, exposing Bai Sensen's bones. But it's not fatal. The fatal wound was five bullets from behind him.Obviously, it was the accomplice in the jeep who killed his own companion in order to silence him. "Look at your friend!" Bangyan shrugged mockingly, and ran quickly to the shade of the hillside where Milena was hiding. But Milena was not seen.An unknown premonition suddenly came to my heart. "Milena, answer me." Bang Yan called loudly, looking around.But he knew clearly that Milena was kidnapped by the people in the jeep, and there were scattered footprints of men in the place where Milena was hiding. Bang Yan had no choice but to stop shouting, but his eyes were still looking around vigilantly, and then he climbed to a hillside in the direction of Milena's villa. There was staggered gunfire from the direction of Saint-Tropez, and then it fell silent again. Bangyan thought of those French policemen who would only flirt with chicks all day long. If they really got into a fight with Anassis's men, they would lose the energy to flirt.The gunshot just now must have been that the patrol car was taken away again. Thinking of this, Bangyan cocked his mouth in a self-deprecating manner.
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