Home Categories foreign novel winning beast

Chapter 18 Chapter 18 Gifts

winning beast 大薮春彦 7699Words 2018-03-18
Probably because the wall of the leather tube is very thick and strong, the person who cut it did not cut it completely.However, due to Bangyan's sudden braking, the rest could not withstand the huge oil pressure just now and was completely broken.Oil sprayed out from the fracture, and in this way, the brakes completely failed. There will be no one else who will attack Bangyan except Anassis.It didn't work this time, but the gang did a great job anyway.If they had cut the pipe at the beginning, Kunihiko would have found out immediately, and their ambush would have been impossible. Bang Yan climbed out from under the car, took off his overalls, wiped the oil on his hands, and resumed the gentlemanly demeanor in the casino just now.

Bang Yan threw his work clothes into the trunk, took out a cigarette, lit it, and smoked it one by one, waiting for someone from the auto repair station. After a while, the pickup truck from the gas station approached Bangyan, and the mechanic who jumped out of the truck was a handsomely dressed young man with a silk scarf around his neck. "sorry to bother you." Bangyan took out a hundred franc note with his left hand and handed it to him.The right hand always seems to want to draw the gun all the time, leaving it empty just in case. If the repairman is also Anasis' subordinate, things will be difficult to handle, and we have to guard against this.Bangyan is always on high alert.

"It's awesome, now I have money to date her again." The young man took the money and raised his hand towards Bangyan to express his gratitude.Then the young man opened the tool box, took out the tools, and began to work while whistling. He drove the Ferrari down the driveway and checked it one by one, the clutch, the brake pads... Finally, he took out the broken pipe, carefully looked at it, melted it with an oxygen flame, and welded it again. Bang Yan has been standing next to the young man, watching him work.The young man at the gas station didn't look like Anasis's subordinate.He fixed the brakes, welded the broken pipe, re-lubricated, refilled the gas tank, got in and drove for a while.

"Your car has been repaired." The young man jumped out of the car and said to Bang Yan. "thanks." After speaking, Bangyan took out a few banknotes and handed them to the repairman.The young man got into the pickup truck again, started the engine, and disappeared into the night. Kunihiko sat in the front seat of the Ferrari again.He looked at the luminous Rolex watch on his wrist, it was already four o'clock in the morning. Bang Yan drove the car briskly along National Highway No. 1, and entered Nice in a while. The car stopped at the door of the hotel where he was staying, Bang Yan handed the car to the waiter, and the waiter parked the car in the hotel's parking lot.

The night shift receptionist handed the key to Bangyan, and Bangyan walked into the elevator, and the elevator went up to the fifth floor. After saying good night to the waiter, Kunihiko walked towards his room No. 508. Bang Yan walked to the door and stopped, looking carefully at the door frame.Bang Yan found that a small piece of tape clipped on the door frame when he left the room was missing. Bang Yan pulled out the Mauser HSC gun, loaded a bullet, held the key in his left hand, inserted it into the keyhole, and gently opened the door of the room. As soon as he opened the door, Bang Yan smelled a pungent glycerin smell of oil-free gunpowder.

Kunihiko opened the firing pin of the Mauser and walked gently into the aisle of the suite.He opened the door of the living room again, still silently. Kunihiko touched the light bulb in the living room with his hand and turned it on suddenly. Almost at the same time, he fell down on the carpet and held a musket in his hand. But neither bullets nor knives flew towards this side. At this moment, amidst the pungent smell of gunpowder, Bangyan seemed to smell a bloody smell. Bangyan quickly looked around the living room, and slowly walked into the bedroom with a cat. The suitcase next to the bed had three holes punched by a gun. It was a 22-caliber suppressor bullet, and there was still a lot of dust on the edge of the bullet hole.

There were still some bloodstains on the carpet next to the suitcase. It seemed that the bleeding had not been too long, and the bloodstains were still bright red and had not turned black. Although there was only one bloodstain, there seemed to be traces of a scuffle near the balcony. Perhaps the people who were killed or injured had been taken away. The large French windows across the balcony and the bedroom were wide open. Bangyan pouted, opened the door, and walked to the balcony. On the railing on the right side of the balcony, there was a rope made of women's coats. The person who broke into Bangyan's room must have used this rope to escape to the balcony of Bangyan's neighboring house or the balcony of the downstairs room.

No one was hiding in the bathroom either. Bang Yan took off his evening coat, turned on the faucet, and flushed hot water and cold water alternately. After taking a shower, he checked the room again and returned to the bedroom. Bangyan lay on the bed, put away his musket, and was naked, but took out a piece of clothing to cover his knees a little. Bang Yan picked up the suitcase again and carefully examined the bullet holes for a while. The inside of the suitcase had not been damaged, so Bang Yan opened the interlayer of the suitcase and folded the AR-15 automatic rifle in the interlayer, which was still intact.

The guy who broke into the room seemed to have shot a few times at the suitcase and then fled in a hurry. Bang Yan opened the second interlayer of the suitcase and took out the bullet box in the interlayer.Six rounds of thirty-two caliber bullets were drawn from the magazine and loaded into the Mauser HSC.Then he took out the firing part of the twenty-two caliber gun stuffed in his underwear pocket, ejected the empty magazine, and threw it on the ground. Bangyan loaded another round of 22-caliber bullets into it, and covered the tail bolt.He raised the gun with his left hand to take a few glances, and then opened the safety device of the tail bolt.

Bang Yan wiped the gun again with cleaning oil and re-opened the safety.Then he packed the suitcase, put it back in shape, put on the rear cover of his gun, got out of bed, went into the bathroom, and washed his hands. Back in the bedroom, Bang Yan stuffed the two guns under the pillow, took out the more than 10 million cash he won that night from his handbag, and stuffed it under the mattress. After closing the thick curtains, Bang Yan touched his bed naked, and after waking up several times, Bang Yan fell asleep. But after sleeping for a while, Bangyan woke up again. Perhaps because of his nervous tension, any slight sound made him feel that he could not sleep peacefully: the sound of cars passing by, the sound of dripping water from the faucet in the bathroom... even himself The sound of breathing has also become an obstacle to sleep.

Maybe it's due to professional habits. Bang Yan is more used to staying up late. He has had the experience of not sleeping for one or two days, and sometimes even three or four days. But like tonight, he was exhausted and exhausted, but he couldn't sleep no matter what. No, for Bang Yan, this is simply a painful torment. Bang Yan lay quietly on the bed, there was no sound in the room, but Bang Yan seemed to feel noises everywhere in his mind, and he was in a daze. , still dead silent. Bangyan tried several times to fall asleep, but was awakened by dreamy noises.In the end, Bangyan was finally discouraged, gave up trying to fall asleep, simply got up, lit a cigarette, and imagined while smoking. He recalled the scenes in the casino at night, Anassis' angry face, betting again and again at the gaming table, his elegant demeanor pretending to be calm, the two bodyguards with guns, and one of them was a long man. with brown hair.One cigarette burned out unconsciously, and Bang Yan lit a second one. "Anassis is so fast, he's going to ambush me on my way home." Bang Yan thought of the thrilling scene on National Highway No. 1 at night.If I hadn't reacted quickly, maybe Anasis would have succeeded.However, this time he suffered a disastrous defeat, and he would never let it go. But it's also really strange, I'm a Japanese, how could I have a feud with Anassis?Logically, I should also work and live like an ordinary Japanese.Am I destined to live such a life when I was born out of my mother's womb? Bangyan recalled his experiences over the years, his school days and childhood. In Bangyan's impression, his mother is always busy, and the people around him always seem to be smiling and amiable, without the coldness and ruthlessness here. Bangyan still remembers being punished by the teacher to stand for playing truant once, and finally fell asleep in the teacher's office, even if no one pushed him to wake up. Thinking of this, Bang Yan showed a smile on his usually ruthless face.But it's different now, I'm exhausted, but I can't fall asleep no matter what.Bangyan's thoughts were like a wild horse running wild, going here and there for a while, and gradually he felt less sleepy. In this way, I don't know how long it took, and my mind became alert again, as sensitive as ever.The noise of nature and the city outside is getting louder and more lively. Bang Yan listened to the roar quietly, and seemed to be a little intoxicated in his heart.But suddenly his ears pricked up, and there was a strange sound mixed with the roar. The sound definitely did not come from outside, but came from a certain corner of the room. Kuniyan tried desperately to hear what kind of sound it was, but it was mixed with the roar outside, and it was difficult to distinguish what it was. Bang Yan stepped out of bed lightly and tiptoed around the room, holding the Mauser HSC gun tightly in his hand, ready to shoot at all times. The voice seemed to be getting closer and clearer, Bang Yan stopped, held his breath, and listened carefully. "Tick, tick." The sound seemed to be the sound of a mechanical watch, but Kunihiko's Rolex watch was not on his hand. It had been placed on the table in the living room just now.Could it be the alarm clock in the hotel? It doesn't seem like it. The sound of the clock is louder than this.Bangyan listened to the voice carefully, feeling a sense of terror in his heart.He slowly searched for the direction of the sound, and finally found that the sound came from the leather sofa in the middle of the room. "Tick, tick." The sound seemed to be clearer, yes, it was coming from the sofa.Thinking of this, Bang Yan rushed up with a sword step and fell down next to the sofa. The sofa stood there like a wooden figure, motionless, but Bang Yan, who was lying on the side of the sofa, was covered in cold sweat and his heart was pounding. Bang Yan carefully checked the back of the sofa, but found nothing, and then lowered his head to look at the bottom of the sofa, which was also empty. Then he turned to the front of the sofa and looked carefully.Suddenly, as if he suddenly remembered something, he reached out and grabbed the leather cushion of the sofa.This is a three-seater sofa, and the three leather cushions emit a faint blue light. Bang Yan lifted the first cushion and checked it carefully. There was nothing inside except the sponge. Bang Yan lifted the second cushion and touched it again carefully as if afraid of missing something. It was the same as the first one, but there was nothing. So he lifted up the third cushion, and as soon as he picked it up, he felt that this cushion seemed to be different from the other two, as if it was heavier, and when he picked it up, the ticking sound seemed to suddenly become louder . Bangyan took the cushion closer and took a closer look, and suddenly understood what was going on. The seams of the cushion have been torn apart, and the thread there is newer than other places, and it's a little thicker. Seeing all this, no matter how stupid a fool is, he will know that the sofa has been tampered with.Bangyan picked up the cushion and put it close to his ear, and the sound of a clock ticking every second came from inside.Every sound seems to be counting down, every sound seems to be urging Bang Yan, and every sound seems to be a step closer to death, but at this moment Bang Yan is surprisingly calm. He looked around, looking for something like a knife to open the leather cushion, but he couldn't find anything. Bangyan can't look any further, maybe when he finds the knife, his life will be gone.Time was running out and there was no delay, Bangyan gritted his teeth. Bangyan himself didn't know where the strength came from, he just tore a big hole in the strong goatskin cushion with his teeth. As expected, there was a time bomb the size of a small alarm clock hidden in the cushion.The bombs were still ticking rhythmically. The sound seemed to be mixed with the call of the god of death, and the rhythm of the sound made people feel an inexplicable horror-the bomb was about to explode. Bang Yan picked up the timer of the time bomb, and the pointer showed that there was only one and a half minutes left. As soon as Bang Yan grabbed the bomb, he ran towards the big window connected to the balcony.Bangyan opened the window, and a fresh cool breeze blew in. Looking down from the window of the hotel, the city was quiet and peaceful.Most people are dreaming. Maybe someone was waiting around the corner for the explosion, maybe they were hiding somewhere in front of my eyes, peeking at me. It was almost dawn, but the period before dawn looked eerie. Right in front of the hotel is a wide parking lot, beside which there is a path for people to walk, which is specially built by the hotel for British guests who have the habit of walking.Next to it is the endless sea.The sea seemed to realize something tonight, and it was surprisingly calm. Bang Yan concentrated all his strength, raised his hand towards the front, and was about to throw it out, but seemed to have changed his mind, and pulled his hand back again. What a beautiful path it was, and Bangyan often went there for a walk in the morning and evening, perhaps thinking of this, he stopped.So Bang Yan turned around and threw it hard towards the sea.The time bomb drew an arc of more than 50 meters in the air through the window, and fell into the sea, splashing a burst of gray and white waves. When the bomb fell into the sea, the splashing waves subsided immediately, and the sea was still as quiet as before, as if nothing had happened. Bang Yan threw away the time bomb, let out a long breath of relief, and his body seemed to be going limp soon. Due to the excessive force just now, he felt slightly dizzy for a while, and he couldn't help supporting the big flower bed on the balcony.The glazed flower beds, wet with the evening dew, reflected faintly in the light of the street lamps.Bangyan seemed to smell a faint fragrance of flowers, mixed with the smell of sea water, which made people intoxicated. At this moment, only a loud bang of "boom—" was heard in the distance, which made people feel a huge tremor like the sky falling apart. A hill rose from the sea, and then the hill continued to rise, and then burst into countless fine white waves, like a building that began to collapse from the ground, and it was unstoppable. Due to the strong shock wave generated by the explosion, several mercury street lamps on Haibin Road were shattered into pieces. A row of five or six cars near the seaside in the parking lot of the hotel also had several holes punched by shrapnel. The windows of several cars were also shattered.In addition, many windows in hotel rooms were shattered. Bangyan also felt the strong air current rushing towards him. He seemed to feel that he was pushed by something, and he backed up several steps involuntarily.Looking at the window of my room again, I found that there were cracks in the glass, and several pieces were broken. The whole hotel was awakened suddenly, the lights in the rooms were turned on one after another, and there was the sound of opening windows, followed by the commotion of people. "What happened?" "What's going on?" The residents were overwhelmed by the sudden explosion and stared out dumbfoundedly. Bang Yan saw the doorman and security guard of the hotel rushing outside, yelling loudly, and the lights of a police car in the distance came flashing. Bang Yan seemed to remember something suddenly, and then he remembered that he still had a gun in his hand. He quickly locked the gun safety, put it in the holster, pushed open the door, and went back to his bedroom. Bang Yan opened the closet, took out a pajamas and put it on his body, and then covered his naked body a little bit, then he took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it, opened the balcony door, walked up balcony. It was even more lively below. Many people stood on the seaside road, looking out to the sea one by one.The police car had already arrived at the door of the hotel, and several policemen jumped out of the car.Hotel attendants were busy keeping order. "Everyone, please go back. You will know what's going on tomorrow morning. Have a good dream." Bangyan took a puff of the cigarette, and slipped through the fingers of the god of death again. He was glad that the smell of the cigarette in his hand made him feel very comfortable.He took another deep breath of air, as if to confirm that he was really alive. Downstairs became even more chaotic, one after another ambulances, road maintenance vehicles rang their alarm bells, and one after another, they sped towards this side. Before he knew it, the cigarette had been burned out, Bangyan put out the cigarette butt and went back to the bedroom. He fell on the bed all at once, and this time he fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow, and the noise outside seemed to have no effect. Bang Yan slept soundly, and he also had a strange dream, in the dream he was trekking in an uninhabited forest, walking and walking, there was always no end, every time he seemed to be going out soon, but when he got closer Only by looking at it is it just an illusion. Bang Yan was awakened from his sleep in the morning by the rapid ringing of the phone.He jumped up from the bed almost like a conditioned reflex, rushed to the desk in two or three steps, raised his hand and looked at his watch, it was already seven o'clock in the morning.Kunihiko paused for a while, then picked up the phone. "Is this His Royal Highness Patorovsky? There is a call from a gem dealer named Pierre. Can you take his call?" The soft voice of the operator of the hotel switchboard came from the receiver. "Come here." Bangyan touched his cigarette case around while talking, at this time he felt that his tongue seemed to be covered with moss, which was very uncomfortable.In my heart, I felt very suffocated due to lack of sleep. "It's already connected, please tell me." The girl at the switchboard said. After a while, Pierre's shrill voice came through the receiver. "I'm very sorry, Your Highness Patorovsky, to disturb your sweet dreams so early. But here are a few things that I have to inform you immediately." "Is there something urgent?" Kunihiko said as he turned on the lighter and lit a cigarette. "Yes, the gems you ordered earlier, and now we are ready." Pierre replied. Perhaps in order to prevent the operator from eavesdropping, Pierre deliberately concealed his relationship with Bang Yan, and said a routine first. "Very well, I see. I'll get up right away and rush to your place right away." "I'm very sorry for making you run errands yourself. The car from our store is waiting for you downstairs." Pierre hung up the phone. Bang Yan immediately went back to the bedroom, made the bed, went into the bathroom, took a shower, put on shaving cream, and shaved off his beard. Ten minutes later, a radiant Bang Yan came out of the bathroom.He took out the navy blue Wright Gray suit from the closet, put on a tie, and walked out of the room with a smile on his lips. After saying good morning to the attendant on duty, he went straight to the elevator. A boy from Pierre's shop was already waiting in the downstairs hall.Seeing Bang Yan, the boy came up to meet him. "Sir, please follow me." The boy led Bangyan to a Straun Model 19.Kuniyan tipped the guy five francs and got into Straun.The paper bag on his lap contained more than ten million francs in cash. The ambulances and construction vehicles on the seaside roads and promenades have disappeared, and the tranquility of the past has been restored, with very few pedestrians and cars. Louis started the car, and the car drove along the coastal road. "Did the boss call you just now? Just now, the boss found the body of a man named Andre in the Caruno Casino." Louis said to Bang Yan half-mutteringly while driving. "Andre was killed!" Bang Yan whistled in shock. "It's absolutely impossible for that kid to commit suicide. When he died, he still had an ivory dice stuffed in his mouth, and he held a push rod for adjusting chips in his left hand." Louis continued. "Go on." Bang Yan seemed impatient. "He was hung from a big tree in the courtyard of the casino, and he was beaten all over his body. He must have been hanged after being tortured and interrogated." Louis said, shrugging. "That guy Anasis must have ordered his subordinates to kill Andre." "It's probably like this. Last night, Anassis had a fiasco in the casino. Before you came out, he left in a car with three bodyguards, but the group of them didn't return home until 6:30 in the morning. During this period, They're willing to go back to the casino and kill Andre." After Louis finished speaking, he turned around, faced Bang Yan, and continued to ask: "The loud noise in the sea last night was originally reserved for you." "yes." "Where is the bomb placed?" Louis was very curious. "It's so damn dangerous. It's in the leather cushion of the sofa. It was about to explode when it was found. If you find it later, you and I will have to wait until heaven." "Don't forget to pick me up when you go." Louis kept joking while driving, and suddenly he stopped talking. "Look, there's a tail behind us, that's the Fiat." Bang Yan turned his head and saw a boy driving a car, and quickly rushed up.Louie said, keeping an eye on the rear reflector out of the corner of his eye. That Fiat has a tall body, and judging from its sound, its horsepower is not small.Now it is getting closer and closer to Bangyan's DS 19 car. There were four people sitting in the Fiat, all wearing dark black mirrors, with hideous faces.The sofa in the car was huge, and the two of them almost sank into the sofa. They were both wearing windbreakers with their collars standing up, making it difficult to see their faces. With the addition of big sunglasses, it was not easy to distinguish their faces. Bang Yan took out the Mauser HSC gun from the holster behind him, opened the safety, and cocked the ram. The Fiat 2600 accelerated again, and the car roared up and began to overtake. Fiat is almost parallel to the left of DS Nineteen. At this time, the right front window of that car slowly lowered, and a person in the car glanced at DS Nineteen. After a few seconds, a man in the Fiat suddenly raised his hand, as if about to throw something. Before the guy could throw the thing out, Bang Yan made a preemptive strike, pulling the Mauser pistol hidden behind his sleeve, and three bullets roared towards him. Three round holes immediately appeared on the rear window glass of the DS 19, and many radial cracks protruded from the holes. Bangyan finally saw clearly what the guy was holding in his hand. It was a high-explosive grenade, small in size but surprisingly lethal. Looking at the guy's face again, all three bullets hit him in the face, blood was flowing, and his face was beyond recognition. He fell headfirst on the driver on the left. "Put on the accelerator and run fast," Bangyan ordered. In order to prevent the Mauser from going off, Bang Yan clamped his fingers between the hammer and the firing pin, turned his head to look at the Fiat car, and secretly cursed that the acceleration of the DS 19 was too slow. The Fiat driver was in a panic, and Bang Yan took another look at him, thinking that he might not be the bodyguard of the two Anassis last night.This person looks like a typical Sicilian in southern Italy. The man was so terrified that he slammed on the brakes and pushed away his companion's body, desperately trying to find the grenade, but it was too late. With a "boom--", Bangyan heard the explosion of the grenade. Several pieces of shattered iron jumped onto Straun's body, making the car honking. The Fiat suddenly lost its way and hit the roadside sill. Flames and white smoke came out of the Fiat car, and after a while, there was another loud bang, and the fuel tank of the car exploded, igniting a raging fire. Fragments and pieces of human flesh rained down on Straun's car. The Fiat car had been bombed so badly that it was difficult to identify the original. One wheel that was blown off continued to roll, seemingly still chasing Straun.While driving the car, Louis spit out his breakfast on the steering wheel with a "wow". Kuniyan shattered the bullet-scarred Straun rear window with a Mauser butt, and threw the glass out of the car. This makes it impossible for others to immediately know that a shot has been fired in the car. Bangyan locked the safety of the gun, put the gun back into the holster behind him, picked up the empty shells from the front of the seat, and put them into his coat pocket. "You are also dragged into the water by me now, as long as you get involved with me, Anasis will not let you go, what do you plan to do in the future?" Bang Yan asked Louis. "Andre is dead, but his wife has not been arranged. It's so miserable." "The boss has sent his wife to hide in a hut on the mountain, and I plan to send you to hide there too." Louis paused, and continued: "I parked a car in the parking lot of the Le Al Yotte club in Monaco just for you. The grenade exploded just now, the police will definitely come to trouble me, I will send you to Le Al Yotte club." "Then what will you do next?" "I'll go back to the scene of the accident." "That's too dangerous." "That's the only way. I told the police that I ran away because I was afraid of the explosion." After speaking, Louis vomited again.
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