Home Categories foreign novel winning beast

Chapter 17 Chapter Seventeen

winning beast 大薮春彦 5096Words 2018-03-18
"I'm very sorry, it didn't go as planned this time." Milena squinted at Yi Dabanghiko with her eyes, and said close to Anassis' ear. At this time, Milena must hate me so much, Bangyan thought to himself.It's the kind of loser-to-winner jealousy that's common in casinos. "This time it's my turn. Look, I'll take care of this kid." Anassis said bitterly. "I'll bet one million on the first half." He turned his head and said to the gambler again. "What, a million." The people watching on the side seemed to be stunned, unable to speak a word.

If the base is one million francs, then the difference between victory and defeat is seventy-three million yen. With this money, one can buy a large luxury yacht. "Okay, I'll bet one million on the second half." Bangyan said with a smile on his face, and stood up slowly while talking. The roulette spins fast, then slows down, and finally the ivory ball falls into the hole with a crisp sound. "Fifteen, win the second half." Andre's tone was also full of resignation, and then he pushed ten 100,000 chips from Anassis' table to Bang Yan with a putter. "This time I bet 1.5 million, but there is one condition. Every time we choose the other side first, this time we want you to choose first. What do you think?" Anasis said to Bangyan .His eyes were bloodshot.

"Okay, I'll bet the first half of 1.5 million." Bang Yan said.Bangyan kept nodding while talking. Andre, who was in charge of spinning the roulette wheel, did not disappoint Bangyan this time, and the 1.5 million chips were collected into Bangyan's account again, and Anassis lost all his chips. "What orders do you have now?" The head of table five looked timid and didn't even dare to look at Anassis. Anasis's lips had almost lost their color at this moment, and his temples were throbbing with veins.He took out the checkbook from his inside pocket, scrawled a few figures on it—five million, signed it, rolled the check into a small picture slip, and handed it to the supervisor.

"Please bring me some chips, I only want half a million." Anassis said. There is no more than half a million chips in this casino. After a while, ten chips worth half a million were placed in front of Anassis. "I put all the five million in the second half. Do you dare to follow up? If you are not so bold, you should go down as soon as possible." Anasis said to Bangyan provocatively. "Just play, I'll bet the first half of five million." Bang Yan said, turning his gaze to the pile of chips piled up like a hill in front of his desk. The spectators around held their breath, and there was no sound at all in the whole venue, except for a few coughs that broke the silence occasionally.

The director's throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he said with great difficulty: "Betting 10 million francs at a time has set a new world record in roulette. It is a great fortune for you and the casino to be able to witness this record-setting game in person." At the end, he seemed to yell a little. Bangyan didn't seem to care what the supervisor was saying at all, but just looked directly at Andre who was in charge of the roulette wheel. Andre's gaze remained the same, aggressive. In the face of the gamble of tens of millions of francs that will be decided in an instant, Andre must be very excited, but he can't tell from his eyes...

The drowsy look on Andre's face gradually receded, replaced by a strange expression distorted by distress, staring blankly at the edge of the table.Behind Andre, one of Anassis' bodyguards was among the crowd of onlookers.The man was so big that he almost blocked Andre. Bangyan's lips were slightly parted, and he kept staring into Andre's eyes. Across from the roulette table, there also stood another bodyguard of Anasis, with shaggy brown hair.The bodyguard's right hand was placed on the table, covered with a newspaper. "Just a moment please." Bang Yan said to the supervisor, got up slowly, with a smile on his face, staring at Anassis with both eyes, and then walked around Anassis' bodyguard behind Andre, and walked up to Anassis.

When he walked behind the bodyguard, Bang Yan deliberately touched the guy's elbow hard. The guy's vitals were touched, his arm went numb for a while, and the pistol in his hand fell to the floor with a bang. Since the floor was covered with thick pure wool carpets, the sound of the pistol landing was not loud, and the surrounding people hardly noticed it. Bang Yan kicked the pistol under the table, and slowly moved close to the ear of Anasis with a serious face, and said softly: "I'm sorry, do you know the brown-haired gentleman across the table from me, if you do, can you make him remove the newspaper that is covering his hand, it kind of diverts my sight. Please help busy."

"Of course I know him, you just go and tell him." Anassis bit his lips in anger, his face showing a fierce nakedness.Seeing Anassis' gesture, the bodyguard held the newspaper with his left hand to prevent it from slipping off his right hand, and pulled his right hand back from the table. Bang Yan nodded slightly to the bodyguard to thank him. Bangyan walked behind Andre again and returned to his seat.The bodyguard holding the gun behind Andre had already walked away, and the brown-haired bodyguard who was standing opposite just now also disappeared behind the wall of people.

"I'm very sorry to keep everyone waiting so long, so let's start now." While talking, Bang Yan took out a De Proma brand cigarette with the Turkish nation printed on it, opened the cigarette case, and took out one from inside. Almost at the same time that Kuniyan lit a De Proma cigarette, the roulette wheel began to spin. In the silence all around, only the crisp sound of small ivory balls that are constantly jumping and spinning can be heard. The ball finally stopped at twenty-five. "Twenty-five... the first half wins." Andre, who was in charge of the roulette wheel, casually reported the final result.

Anasis, who was holding Milena's left hand, stared closely at Andre with his bloodshot eyes, and the onlookers, who dared not show their anger, let out a breath of relief at this moment.Then, the spectators talked about the game just now in various languages. "How is it? Are you guys still playing?" The director's voice was even softer, and seemed to be trembling slightly. "Okay, I lost badly tonight. One of the creeds I believe in is to stop as soon as possible when I'm unlucky. Thank you for your service tonight." After saying that, Anassis stood up. "I'm lucky tonight, thank you. I've got enough money to get away with it for a while."

Bang Yan finished speaking in a mocking tone, and nodded to Anassis. "yes?" Anasis seemed to hold himself back desperately, and smiled through his nose.Pull up Milena.Without even looking at Bang Yan, he walked towards the exit with Milena on his arm. Andre put Anassis' chips in front of Bang Yan, and immediately felt as if he was going to faint, and sat down on his buttocks, motionless.Bang Yan took out a 10,000 ball in the yard and threw it to him. The cashier came over with a trolley, and Bang Yan loaded the pile of chips in front of him into the trolley, followed the trolley, pushed through the crowd, and came to the accounting counter. "Here is your list. You start to pay 1 million francs in chips, win 10 million francs, and tip 10,000 francs, totaling 10.99 million francs. Do you want to withdraw all cash or use our store Cheque." Inside the window, the accounting director said to Bang Yan while rubbing his hands. "I want all cash, and in large denominations." "If you want cash, can you wait here for a while." The accounting director whispered. 10.99 million francs is equivalent to more than 800 million yen. Although the big bet tonight will not affect the interests of the casino, it is difficult for the casino to take out so much cash at once. "Okay, I'll wait." Anasis must be thinking that Bangyan and Andrei have done something.He might bounce the check on the grounds that Andre was cheating, so he has to get the money tonight. Anasis and Milena were no longer in the special member lounge, and of course the two bodyguards were long gone. Bang Yan walked to the sofa, sat down and took a long breath, gently picked up the wine glass, took a few sips of the martini, and looked at the watch, it was already half past two in the morning. The guests returned to their respective roulette tables one after another, playing roulette with hundreds of francs or thousands of francs. After seeing the thrilling gamble just now, the guests seemed not interested in the roulette they played. . Bangyan picked up the third glass of martini and sipped it, when the head waiter of the special lounge came over and told Bangyan that the money was ready. Bang Yan drank the wine in the glass in one go, and stood up with a "huh".Walking towards the accounting counter, the soles of my feet are a little fluttering because I drank too much. "I've kept you waiting, please order." The accounting director pushed out a stack of large-denomination banknotes from the counter, rummaged through them, and threw them into the bag. "No need to trouble you." Kunihiko said as he walked out of the special lounge.The accounting director and the foreman of the special lounge seemed to be waiting for Bang Yan to say something, but Bang Yan walked out the door without saying anything. Bang Yan walked down the stone steps of the casino with brisk steps. His figure was very vigorous in the night. At this moment, he had forgotten the excitement of victory and was thinking about how to deal with the 10 million francs in his handbag. The money Bang Yan won was not his personal property, and he had to return the money to the British government intact after the work was over. This money will be used to fund foreign espionage activities. What a fucking waste of money tonight. Even if I give half of the winning money, it's better than using it as a spy for a son of a bitch.Bang Yan thought to himself, cursing the British government in a low voice. Perhaps the British Foreign Office intelligence service in Bloomsbury Street, London, already knew what was going on tonight. Perhaps Pierre of the Jewel House was not the only British agent in Monaco. Perhaps Pierre himself was a special member of the casino.If the 10 million won tonight is taken away by itself, the matter will be revealed immediately, and there will definitely be an uproar in the Intelligence Department... While thinking about these things, Bang Yan approached his Ferrari without knowing it, and the cars of Anassis and the bodyguards were gone. Bangyan habitually lifted the instrument cover to see if there was a bomb on the starter. After confirming, Bangyan closed the instrument cover again, started the engine, put the gear on, turned the steering wheel hard, and the car started. The car accelerated along National Highway No. 1 and flew towards Nis Bangyan's residence. There was not a single car on the road at three o'clock in the morning.The engine speed of the Ferrari car has reached 6,200 revolutions per minute, and the speed is 230 kilometers per hour. The cold wind came in from outside the car and blew on Bang Yan's face, Bang Yan woke up from his slight drunkenness. After a while, the car drove out of the border of Monaco and entered France, and Bang Yan couldn't help stepping on the accelerator of the Ferrari. Suddenly, 300 meters ahead, a large truck with a trailer drove onto National Highway No. 3 from a branch road next to it, just cutting off the way. Bangyan desperately honked the horn and stepped on the brake pedal with all his strength.The Ferrari car seemed to be pulled back suddenly by something, the speed dropped suddenly, and the tires of the car rubbed violently against the ground. When the speed pointer of the car reached 180 kilometers per hour, Bang Yan stepped on the brake pedal with his heel, and stepped on the clutch with the toe of his shoe, and put it in neutral. In the third gear, all actions are completed in an instant. The heavy truck and the trailer it was pulling came to a stop, and the Ferrari was only about two hundred meters away from it, but the speed was only reduced to one hundred and fifty kilometers.Probably because Bang Yan thought that these distances were enough to stop the car, he put the car in second gear again. The speed of the car engine at this moment exceeds eight thousand revolutions per minute.However, the brake pads suddenly lost their elasticity and sank in all of a sudden, never bouncing up again.Kunihiko suddenly realized that there was an ominous sign that the brakes had failed, and Ferrari suddenly accelerated and rushed forward, only one step away from the truck. At this time, the pointer on the car indicated that the oil pressure of the car had dropped to zero, and it seemed impossible to stop the car with the hydraulic brake system. Bangyan had no choice but to pull down the hand brake again, perhaps because of the enemy who pulled it too hard, the rear wheel creaked and a large puff of green smoke came out.The Ferrari, whose rear wheels had stopped turning, immediately lost its steering control, turning its head to the left and then to the right like a headless fly. Finally, the speed of the car slowly slowed down again. Bangyan didn't care much, and emptied the accelerator all at once. Due to the violent action, the strange sound of the car engine seemed to be torn apart by some monster. Then he put the gear in low speed again, and turned off the engine. The car made a strange noise, and the speed slowly decreased, but at this time it was only thirty meters away from the truck.If things go on like this, Ferrari will definitely crash into the truck.At this time, only a "bang" was heard, and Kunihiko realized that the lever had been broken. He then inserted the key into the trigger switch and started the engine. The engine roared again in an instant, and Bang Yan stepped on the accelerator pedal without stopping, and turned the brake to the left, and then pulled it back to the original position. Just as Bang Yan expected, the Ferrari car spun rapidly like a top.The four wheels were wiped out with puffs of blue smoke, and due to the strong centrifugal force, Bang Yan's body was thrown to the side, and the rotation of the car made him feel dizzy for a while. The Ferrari turned one and a third of a circle at high speed, Bangyan tightened the steering wheel again and turned the car abruptly to a stop. Then Bang Yan stepped on the accelerator desperately, turned the direction, and rushed forward another 300 meters in the direction he just came, and the car finally stopped.Bang Yan let out a long breath in the car, opened the door, and got out.His lips were now bloodless, and his eyes were expressionless. The heavy truck with the trailer seemed to be taunting Kuniyan, and this time it moved again. Bang Yan couldn't help shaking, and immediately took out the Mauser HSC gun from the leather holster on his buttocks, held it tightly in his hand, and walked forward. At this time, the heavy-duty truck turned around and drove into the distance, firing a row of bullets from the car window, the muzzle flashed orange flames, and the sound of bullets pierced the silent night sky. The sharp gunshots mixed with the unique roar of heavy truck engines instantly occupied the whole world, and bullets from small-caliber rifles hit Bang Yan's side one after another. Bang Yan knelt down on one leg and fired bullets at the front of the truck running further and further away. In two seconds, the muzzle had fired six Mauser bullets. The heavy-duty truck disappeared into the path. The range of the Mauser HSC was only more than 300 meters. Undoubtedly, the truck was out of the range of the gun. Bangyan himself did not know whether the bullets just hit.Maybe the Mauser rounds would have punched holes in the bed of that truck. Bang Yan re-locked the safety of the Mauser, put the gun into the holster, and picked up one of the empty bullets scattered around and put it in his pocket. At this moment, the gate of a ten-story apartment building next to the national highway opened a slit, and the light in the building shone on the road through the slit. Bang Yan walked into the door and passed a fifty franc note through the crack of the door. "The brakes of my car failed. I almost killed myself just now. If you don't mind, can I borrow your phone for a while?" Bang Yan took the initiative to answer. The man took out the fifty franc note from Bang Yan's fingers and opened the big iron door. It was an apartment manager who was nearly sixty years old. "What's the phone number of the nearest gas station or repair station?" Bangyan asked. The administrator didn't speak, but raised his hand and pointed to the phone inside. Bang Yan found the number from the phone book, and then dialed the number again. The gas station attendant on the night shift may have been awakened from sleep, and his tone was a little annoyed.But when Bangyan agreed to tip a hundred francs, the man's attitude turned a 180-degree turn and immediately became amiable. "Okay, I'll arrive right away with emergency repair tools, just wait a moment." Bang Yan thanked the administrator and returned to his car on the main road. Bang Yan drove the side of the car onto the sidewalk, opened the toolbox, changed into overalls, turned on the pocket flashlight, and with great difficulty got under the low-floor Ferrari and began to knock. As expected, the brake air pipe was cut off, leaving obvious cut marks, and the leather pipe was hanging down.Judging from the cut marks on the leather tube, someone must have done it on purpose.
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