Home Categories Internet fantasy Legend of Qi Tian 6·Wonderful Monkey King Finale

Chapter 50 ask avenue

Is this a dream?No!How could the consciousness in the dream be so clear? Wukong suddenly remembered that the current state seemed familiar!Yes, he remembered, when he was born, when he entered the Water Curtain Cave to hear the Tao for the first time, he had this wonderful feeling, but at that time, there was a burning lamp preaching in his ears, but now there is no sound at all . At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded! "Tao can be Tao, very Tao. Name can be named, very famous. The beginning of the unknown world. The mother of all things is named... the mysterious and the mysterious, the door of all wonders!"

what is this?Still! When Wukong heard this voice, he was both surprised and delighted. This voice...wasn't Ran Deng, and it wasn't that person from beyond the sky, but...itself?That's right, it's my own voice, coming from a mysterious space, and it reaches my ears sentence by sentence, every word enters my heart! Wukong didn't have time to think about why, the words and sentences of this scripture came like a tide, filling his heart. "He who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise. Those who overcome others are powerful, and those who overcome themselves are strong. Those who are contented are rich. Those who are forced have ambitions. Those who do not lose their place last long. Those who die without dying, live long!"

Those who die but not die live longer!What is death is the non-existence of the body, what is death is the loss of the spirit!According to this statement, like burning a lamp, it is only for the body to die, but in fact it is not dead.The essence of the Dharma of burning lamps is still passed down through the lineage of Maitreya, broadcasting to the world. After hearing this sentence, Wukong was very pleased. There is another preaching voice: "To the extreme of emptiness, to keep quiet. All things work together, and I will restore them through observation. All things return to their roots. Returning to the root means tranquility, and tranquility means returning to life..." This sentence is very difficult to understand. Wukong thought for a while before he understood, the general meaning is that the silence of the mind has reached the extreme, and if it remains unchanged, all things can grow vigorously, and all things return to their roots one after another, and that root is actually boundless silence, silence, Not dying, but returning to the essence of life!

I don't know why, after saying this Taoist scripture, the voice didn't sound anymore, as if deliberately giving Wukong time to think.Wukong thought of himself, at this moment, it is not quiet, so quiet that the six senses are not there, so quiet that the good fortune can not be perceived, so quiet that he only knows that there is me, but he does not know the world. Is this the extreme silence?Is it like this in the chaos? chaos!This word suddenly popped up in his mind, and Wukong suddenly realized that he had heard that above the realm of yin and yang, there is a state of chaos. However, chaos is the beginning of the creation of the world, no matter in terms of time or space, it is infinite. I don't know how long I will be silent in this state.

It's ridiculous, I am so confused, I have reached such a state, but I have not even the slightest preparation. If I knew this, I would do many important things in the world before doing it, that would be the right way.But now Wukong can't move at all, as if his hands and feet don't listen to him, only his consciousness can observe the details in this dantian. At this moment, the voice sounded again: "Know the male and keep the female, it is the stream of the world. It is the stream of the world, and the virtues are never separated, and it returns to the baby. Knowing its whiteness and keeping it black is the way of the world. It is the way of the world, and Changde is not indifferent , return to the infinite... Know its glory, keep its disgrace, and become the valley of the world. To be the valley of the world, Changde is sufficient, and return to simplicity."

This scripture is very difficult to understand, and Wukong only understood the sentence "Know the white, keep the black".In yin and yang Pisces, there is a distinction between black and white. This black and white is clearly divided in Laojun's world of good and evil. The black is evil, and the white is good. If we understand it literally, know the good and keep the evil?What kind of reason is this? No, more than five thousand words are eloquent, implying the way, how can it be so simple?Everything in the world has two sides, not only good and evil, but also truth and falsehood, beauty and ugliness, high and low, advance and retreat, light and darkness...

"Know the white, keep the black" should be to know where the world is bright, but to be able to stick to the dark.After careful analysis, it seems to say that there is no theorem about what is right or wrong, and whether it is big or small, sharp or blunt, they are all relative terms.In other words, from different angles, the judgment of things is naturally very different. Speaking of this, it seems to be still attributed to the phrase "not to lose one's heart", no matter what the world thinks of it, as long as you stick to your heart, you don't have to force others' opinions to block you. Don't lose your mind."

Therefore, in the Tai Chi diagram, there is black in white, and white in black, isn't it also a kind of tolerance and tolerance for this world? And the sentence "returning to simplicity" shows the tranquility, simplicity, nature, and originality of Taoism. The word "returning" should be a kind of calmness after reading all over the world and experiencing it.In the final analysis, we still have to return to the innocence that is kept quiet and inwardly concentrated. After figuring this out, Wukong suddenly felt that the black and white fortune ball moved slightly, as if there was a slight sign of separation.This movement is very subtle, but to Wukong, it seems to have opened up the world, because he can see clearly from the inside, this separation, the black and white threads of good fortune, are already irrelevant, there is no contact at all, just black and white. The silk and white threads are still intertwined, and it looks like a mess from the outside.

Wukong was thinking about how to separate the black silk from the white silk, only to hear the voice sound again, but this time, it was no longer a passage, but a passage he was familiar with: "...there is a bird named Yan It is a Peng, its back is like Mount Tai, and its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky; the one who swings its horns and climbs ninety thousand miles, with no clouds and energy, bears the blue sky, and then Tunan, and it is also suitable for Nanming..." This passage, of course, is "Xiaoyaoyou". Wukong is very familiar with this majestic scripture. "Xiaoyaoyou" is full of ideals and feelings of freedom.

If Wukong were to evaluate this unparalleled work, there would be only three sentences: "Xiaoyaoyou" is a journey of seeking "Tao", a journey of realizing "Tao", and a journey of "freedom"! Since seeking and enlightening the Tao, why is it related to freedom? In the final analysis, what is the Tao? There is a saying: "Husband and Taoism have affection and faith, nothing is invisible; it can be passed on but not received, and it can be obtained but not seen; it has its own root and root, there is no heaven and earth, and it has existed since ancient times; gods, ghosts and emperors are born in nature; in Taiji The first is not high, the six extremes are below but not deep, the congenital is born but not long, the longer than the ancients is not old."

To put it simply, Tao is a world that is innate and ubiquitous, like an antelope hanging horns, without traces.So beautiful, so wonderful, so much fun... It sounds really illusory, an ideal state that is elusive and elusive.He is now in the world of Journey to the West, soaring through the clouds and fog, moving mountains and seas can become a reality, is enlightenment still a rare thing? Since someone has cited "A Happy Journey", why not go down this road? Free, free, free! Freedom is the nature of human beings, no matter whether it is a fairy or a monster, it is inevitable. For example, the little fox, Hu Yu and Hu Zhi, were willing to fight to the death in order not to be oppressed by heaven; for example, the nine-headed worm and other immortals in the Three Realms racked their brains to escape from the realm that was imprisoned by humans; for example Huaguoshan Guanjiangkou demons, Meishan brothers, Jiuling Yuansheng, Dapeng and even Qilin Phoenix, none of them are fighting for freedom, even Tathagata and Kunpeng are actually fighting for freedom and getting rid of the shackles! Freedom, in fact, is free and easy!Free and unfettered between heaven and earth, and contented. In "Xiaoyaoyou", Kun came out of Beiming, in fact, to get rid of the limitation of space.As the saying goes, the sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly.In the eyes of ordinary people, the sea of ​​Beiming is already boundless and almost infinite, but in Kunpeng's heart, it is still limited.With Kunpeng's huge body, how can he move freely in Beiming? Therefore, Kun needs to be transformed!Turn into Peng! This "transformation" is transformation, abandonment, and transcendence. Only "transformation" can sublate the past, get rid of the shackles, and soar into the sky.To fly is to be free! What a magnificent moment! How painful should Kunpeng be in this world?He was also born of chaos, so he should cherish good fortune. Although the world is big, it cannot allow him to change at will. Therefore, Kunpeng seems to be the one who is extremely free in this world, but in fact he feels the most distressed in his heart.Only at the beginning of each Huiyuan, can Kunpeng have the opportunity to spread his wings and soar, and the moment he clarifies Yuyu, he should be happy, right? After that, he disappeared and hid silently, lest he disturb all living beings in the world.Now Wukong understands Kunpeng's heart more and more, no wonder Kunpeng must go out of the sky, he doesn't want much, in fact it's just the word "freedom"! And Tathagata, like Kunpeng, deserves more tolerance? Thinking of the Tathagata, Wukong couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. He used to have a lot of hatred for the Tathagata, but as he got to know the Tathagata better, these hatreds gradually faded away.The Tathagata is naturally wrong, but is it right to imprison the Tathagata in this furnace of heaven and earth?Although the world is big, it is not enough for both Kunpeng and Tathagata. The Tathagata is a person from outside the sky, he has his own world in his heart, just like himself, no matter how long he stays here, no matter how prosperous he is, his nostalgia and concern for his hometown will never be forgotten of. Alas, it's useless to think about it. The word "transformation" sounds simple, but how to "transform" it? Pushing others and himself, Wukong naturally thought of himself.Now, he knows where the "Tao" is, and if there is no way to realize it, how can he transform it? He doesn't want to change from a kun to a peng, but only wants to divide this sphere of good fortune into two, so that black and white can be clearly distinguished, and they can be assembled into a complete Tai Chi diagram.He felt more and more that only by doing this could he get rid of his current state. Wukong firmly believed that what he did was absolutely correct!
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