Home Categories foreign novel winning beast

Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve The Jaguar and the Actress

winning beast 大薮春彦 4497Words 2018-03-18
At 2:30 in the afternoon, Date Kunihiko, dressed in silver and gray, drove through the fishing village of Son Traube in his handsome Ferrari. Because it was lunch break, there were no pedestrians on the road.The young people frolicking on the sun-dazzling beach are also hiding in the shade of the rocks or in the tents. On the sea where the water and the sky are the same color, seagulls are swimming.The osprey, which swooped down toward the sea, nimbly picked up fish with its sharp claws.Seagulls sang menacingly at them. Bang Yan's boat sailed away from the coastal waterway leading to the bay. Near the hillside where Milena de Montjeon's villa was built, Bang Yan abandoned the boat and went ashore. Olive fields, walking towards the villa.During the climb, the Italian coastline and Sicily in the distance to the left can be seen.

The scale of De Montjeon's villa is not very large, it is a modern two-story building.The nearest neighbors are at least four hundred meters away.On the northeast side of the sea on the second floor of the villa, there are a lot of glass, which can be used as a solarium. At this time, curtains were hung on the glass windows.Bangyan put on sky-blue corneal glasses in the shade of Kuzitian near the back door of the villa, wrapped his face in women's stockings, and of course carried a bag in his hand. Bang Yan took out two thin needles from the fold of the trouser legs under the trousers, and just like that, he quietly approached the back door of the villa.

The door lock was easily opened.Bang Yan tiptoed and slowly pushed the door in, and closed the door behind him. In the kitchen, a huge Swedish refrigerator hums like a bee.The bedroom of the villa servants, Mr. and Mrs. Pego, is next to the kitchen. Bang Yan put his body close to the bedroom door and listened for a while, and he could hear the slight snorting and grinding of teeth in the old couple's sleep.Bang Yan tried to turn the door handle with his hand, but found that the door was not closed. Bangyan broke into the bedroom gently.On the large double bed, the Pego couple with their old faces were sleeping soundly, back to back under a blanket.As soon as Bang Yan approached the bed, Pego's snort stopped, and he grabbed Bang Yan as if he had rolled off the bed.Pego, a former policeman, is a Frenchman of standard build, with a bulky build, at least six feet three inches tall, with gray chest hair extending to his navel.

"You thief, come and deal with me!" It seemed that Pego, who weighed 120 kilograms, grabbed Bang Yan's wrist in a Greek-Roman wrestling position and turned him over.At the same time, Bang Yan jumped away like lightning and kicked Pei Ge in the abdomen. Pei Ge fell to his knees on the bed. Bang Yan came behind him and grabbed Pei Ge with a judo technique. of the carotid artery. Mrs. Pego was awakened.She hugged the blanket and sat up, letting out a series of wails.But Pego was already physically and mentally exhausted at this time, sending out bursts of convulsions, and finally passed out.

Bang Yan then knocked Mrs. Pego unconscious again, and went out of the room to the utility room to get a rope. Bang Yan tied the two of them together, gagged their mouths with a sheet, and locked them both in the boiler room in the basement. Then he came to the living room on the first floor, pulled down his stockings to cover his face, fell heavily on the sofa, lit a cigarette at the same time, and waited quietly. When he was about to light his fifth cigarette, the phone beside him rang.Kunihiko moved a little and picked up the receiver. "Hi, hello, I'm Milena." As expected, Milena's voice that I heard at the movie theater came over the phone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, the Demond Pegos are out shopping at the market... I'm Madame Pego's nephew, named John. I'm here to play, and he's asking me to watch over the house." Kunihiko replied, pretending to be the voice of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man. "Is that so? Well, please pass on word for me that I'll start here right away and be at your place about six o'clock." "Understood, are you here alone?" Bang Yan asked tentatively. "Yes, please." Milena hung up the phone. At four o'clock in the afternoon - Bang Yan opened the huge refrigerator, took out frozen pork and French white wine and drank slowly.

The French Mosel white wine in the green bottle was produced in 1953.Usually, the strong aroma of this brand of wine is unique in the world, not to mention that it is an aged wine, and the taste is of course incomparable. At around 5:00 in the afternoon, Bangyan finished his meal and went down the hillside to tie the Langley boat. In front of Villa Milena.Walk out of the big courtyard of the villa.There was a marble stool in the east room of the villa, and Bangyan bent over and sat down.Looking at the sea surface reddened by the setting sun, at the same time staring at the jaguar climbing up the slope.

Soon night fell.At this time, there was an ear-splitting engine sound on the seashore boulevard, and an E-type racing car was speeding towards him. The jaguar drove away from the seaside boulevard, let out a heavy roar, and climbed up the hillside along the side of the villa.Kunihiko jumped into the Langley boat and inserted the key into the engine.Be prepared to run after Milena when she becomes suspicious. After arranging everything properly, Bangyan entered the gate of the villa.A gap was left in the door to observe the movement outside.The sound of the Jaguar's exhaust approached.

The beam of headlights caught Bang Yan's Langley boat tied in front of the villa.Then came an XKE Jaguar with a fiberglass roof.There was a sharp screech of brakes, the headlights faded, and the sound of the engine fell silent. The heavy door of the XKE racing car opened, and the legs in black suit pants stretched out, which looked really beautiful, and then the whole body came out, wearing a light yellow loose short jacket on the upper body.Over it was a satin deer-style work jacket with the front buttons unbuttoned. Milena De Montgane, with blond hair and shawl, stood beside the XKE sports car, put her hand inside and honked the horn desperately, as if she wanted to call the servants of the villa, Mr. and Mrs. Pego, to come out.

Bangyan opened the door without hesitation and went out. Milena took the car keys out, put them in her breast pocket, and stood there waiting. "You are John? Where are the Pegos?" Milena said. "Because there is a party, I went out." Bang Yan replied. "Party?" Milena frowned.Thinking of the Pego couple locked in the basement, Bang Yan smiled: "Yes, a party for just two, a family party for me and you." "Ah, you, who are you? What did you do to the Pegos?" Milena's face tensed up. "Quick, give me the car keys so I can open the trunk in the back and take out my luggage."

"..." Milena rushed into the cab of the XKE racing car, but because the door was too small and the person was too big, it was impossible to get in at once. Bangyan quickly hugged her from behind, and his bouncy breasts made his heart flutter. "Stop playing hide and seek with me, miss." Kunihiko whispered, while sticking out his tongue to lick Milena's neck with golden hair. "Damn, I'm going to call the police." Milena wanted to scratch him with her fingers, but Kunihiko caught her hands in one go. "Why do you call the police?" Bang Yan laughed loudly. Milena was exhausted. "I know, we've agreed not to make a scene, not to be so rough on me." "It's a bit too much to say rough, please give me the car keys." "It's in the right pocket of the jacket. What are you doing? If you want money, I'm sorry. I never carry money with me. If I go to the store, I always put the money in the survey book. of." "There are more important things than money, you." Bangyan said without shame, took out the car keys from Milena's jacket pocket, then opened the trunk at the back of the car and took out the suitcase. With her beautiful butt protruding, Milena stretched her upper body into the car.Picking up the handbag from the assistant's seat, she hastily opened it and took out an automatic pistol studded with pearls and diamonds.She threw the handbag casually and pointed the gun at Bangyan. It was a twenty-five-millimeter Bellett Minkus seven-shot pistol.Milena holds the pistol in both hands, and strikes a stance. Because of her nervousness, the hand holding the gun trembles. "Don't get close, I'll shoot if you take a step closer!" she yelled hysterically, with green pupils and glaring eyebrows. Bangyan was holding the suitcase in his right hand, smiling naturally.If something unexpected happens, Bang Yan will definitely be able to quickly pull out a pistol from the back pocket of his trousers and shoot Milena. "Be calmer, can I have a cigarette?" "If it's a trick, I'll shoot." Milena opened the gun safety. "Please don't shoot." Bangyan took out a special fiberglass cigarette case from his pocket with his left hand, then opened the case with one hand, took out a cigarette, put the case in his pocket again, and then took out a silver lighter from his pocket, the lighter With a diamond lens inlaid on it, Kunihiko pointed the bright lens at Milena, and then he pressed the shutter button desperately, and the shutter opened with a slight sound. Kunihiko held down the shutter, and five minutes later, the shutter closed.Milena, clutching her pistol, had been captured on microfilm loaded in a lighter. Bangyan ignored Milena holding the pistol in his hand, and approached her step by step. "You——, don't come close to me, or I'll shoot you! I told you!" Milena gasped and stepped back. "You shoot. You will become a murderer. It is newsworthy for a female star to become a murderer." Kunihiko still moved closer to Milena. "It's self-defense." "Really? I have a good friend. He will report the news that you killed me, along with the photos." "Stop talking nonsense!" Milena's back was blocking Franley's car. "Look, I'm going to take a picture." Milena looked in the direction that Bangyan pointed, and at this moment, Bangyan grabbed her hand holding the gun and unloaded the gun from her hand at the same time.Milena sat down with her face covered. "The gun has your fingerprints on it and could easily be sold to a news organization for a premium." Kunihiko removed the safety on the gun, wrapped it in a handkerchief and put it in his left underwear pocket. "To be honest, I installed a miniature camera in my lighter just now. If I publish this photo in a magazine, I'm afraid it won't be very good." "You evil spirit, do you want to kill me? Give me back the negatives and the pistol." Milena said in shock. "I'll give it to you later, let's have fun first, both of us." Bangyan took Milena's hand and lifted her up. When entering the bedroom on the second floor of the villa, Milena smiled without confidence and said: "I'll give it to you if you want it. But you'll have to give me back the film and the pistol." "I'll give it to you after the party." Kunihiko took off Milena's clothes under the bright electric light.The rosy skin made Bang Yan feel aroused. Three hours later, Bang Yan made Milena groan for the first time, feeling a kind of loss after venting. But Milena was so mesmerized that she almost fainted from the thrill of orgasm. With the arrival of the last pleasure, Milena leaned against Bangyan, with a dazed expression on her face, and then a trace of sleepiness struck her, and she let out a soft snort.Bang Yan had put the special lighter on the bedside table earlier, took a picture of the two having fun, and then took out the bullets from Milena's pistol. Staring at Milena's steady expression when she was asleep, Bang Yan leaned against her armpit and took a rest, his physical strength recovered quickly.An hour later Milena opened her eyes. "I have never met a man as exciting as you. I heard that the Japanese are very fierce. Are they all like you just now... I hope we can meet again." Milena looked at Bang Yan blankly, and said with a little shyness.There is no naivety in the expression. "I've never met a woman who cooperates with you so well and reacts so strongly. It's really admirable for you to hand yourself over to Anasis." Bang Yan echoed. "Do you know Anton Anassis?" "of course I know." "It's such a blessing to have a man like that waiting for me." Milena licked Kunihiko's lips with her tongue.Kunihiko gently pushed Milena away. "As you will soon understand, I am Dior Fernando Patorovski, the third prince of the Kingdom of Slovenia. Because the Patorovsky family was hunted down by Karpacia and killed by Anasi He was deceived by Si and took away many family heirlooms." There was a dark, thoughtful light in Bang Yan's eyes. No matter what woman she was, if she saw Bang Yan's eyes, no one would be able to support her. "Are you targeting me for revenge against Anassis? Unfortunately, I am not Anassis's woman. I just made him anxious, and he doesn't know me yet." With tears shining, Milena buried her head in Bang Yan's broad and thick chest. "Trust me, Milena. But you must never trust Anassis. So I want to surprise him, can you help me?" "Anything is fine as long as I can do it." "Yeah, Anasis pretended not to know anything about the Patorovsky family, so he won't meet me, you'd better introduce me to him. Yeah, you and I , it would be great if we could meet at the party from time to time." "..." "I want to fight that guy at the roulette table in the Monte Carlo Casino. Maybe I'll lose, and if so, fight him later." "I see. For you, I will take Anasis to the Monte Carlo Casino." "Thank you so much... I just said that there is a miniature camera in the lighter. I was just joking. How can there be a camera in this small lighter? I have a good friend, and I made it up on the fly." Kunihiko whispered, kissing Milena's neck lightly.Just then, the phone downstairs rang. "It may be from Anassis. I had an appointment with him in Monaco at ten o'clock." Milena stroked Kunihiko's hair and said thoughtfully.The hour hand was pointing to eleven o'clock. "Is it okay to let that guy hear the voice?" Bangyan said, picked up the telephone receiver on the table beside the bed, and handed it to Milena. Milena lazily took the receiver. "Hello, hello." "Milena? I'm Anton. How are you? It's past the appointed time, but your pretty face hasn't appeared yet. I'm worried, so I'm calling you." Bangyan could clearly hear the hoarse voice of Anton Anassis from Jianli.
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