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Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Huge Money and Marlboro

winning beast 大薮春彦 5379Words 2018-03-18
"I understand. No matter what the task is, it must be carried out. However, there are some things I don't know how to judge..." Date Kunihiko opened his cigarette case made of special fiberglass, took out a cigarette, and put it in his mouth Here, he lit a cigarette with his exquisite lighter.This exquisite lighter is inlaid with exquisite diamonds. It looks like a lighter ornament, but in fact it has other secrets.Because there is a micro-camera in this lighter, and these exquisite diamonds are the convex lenses of the micro-camera. "What is it?" Director Ude of the Russell Branch of the Ministry of Intelligence frowned slightly.

"According to the information I have, there are currently four forces in Monaco. The royal family, represented by the king, tries to strengthen the royal power and strengthen the dictatorship by changing and suppressing the people who demand democracy. France has established a stronghold in Monaco, which has no direct tax. It also used high-sounding reasons to prohibit entrepreneurs in the country from selling their products to the country at black market prices, with the purpose of annexing Monaco; while the United States, with the help of Princess Guleses, almost occupied the chairperson of the special cabinet committee, down to the The position of the royal governess; the other power is the Greek consortium of the ship-magnate Anton Anassis. It is this which perplexes me."

"Why, what questions do you have?" "Yes, if that is the case, why should Britain get involved?" Director Ude was silent for a long time, as if he was considering whether to tell Bangyan something.Then, he sat up and impatiently rubbed out the cigar in his hand. "Stop talking! Just complete the tasks assigned to you!" Chief Ude yells at Bang-yan, but continues on. "From a defensive point of view, Britain has no disadvantages in maintaining relations with Monaco. It is a pity that our British Empire has now lost all military bases on the western Mediterranean coast. However, if your campaign is successful this time, Britain can sign a secret agreement with the Principality of Monaco, and it will be allowed to set up our British defense facilities on the territory of Monaco. Although Monaco is small in size, we can still gain a firm foothold underground and along the coast. In this way, Monaco will will become our British Empire's window to the Mediterranean."

"Yes, that's great, I get it," Kunihiko said with a smile. "YZ9, you are only allowed to succeed in this mission, not to fail. Once you fail, the whole world will know our plan, and our British Empire will become a laughing stock. You must not let the enemy know your true identity." The director's gray eyes were fixed on Bangyan. "I swear to Her Majesty the Queen..." While reciting the oath that had been repeated thousands of times, Bangyan secretly cursed the director who entrusted him with such a dangerous task. "Considering the specific situation of Monaco, in this operation, you will play the role of a noble son who is exiled in the Balkan Peninsula. By the way, he is the third prince of King Fernando of Slovenia who was exiled to a state in Romania, a communist country. We will make great efforts in advance. Spread the word. His original name was Dior Fernando Patorowski, and his English name was John Pidance. The real Prince Pidance is now living at his ranch on Luis Island, north of Sctrand. He lives a leisurely life. However, he is by no means a romantic handsome guy like you."

A rare smile appeared on Director Ude's face, but the smile on his face was unacceptable.He took out his travel passport and driver's permit from the desk drawer and put them on the desk. "This is a copy of John Pidance's passport and driver's license. This is your identification. This is the tragic history of the Patorowski family and the current Pato who took British citizenship and changed his name to Pidance. What happened to the Rowskis' ranch. Read it on the plane, stick it in your head, and destroy it!" With that said, Director Ude handed Bang Yan a bound material.

"clear." Bang Yan nodded. Then the director placed on the table a thick bundle of francs, with an American cigarette next to the banknotes.It was a standard size Marlboro with a filter tip. "You take the hundred thousand francs with you. Even though you're playing a prince in exile, if you're staying in a cheap hotel, and if you lose a hundred pounds at roulette and you have to check your wallet, that's going to show you something. If you don't have enough money, feel free to contact Pierre in our Nice branch. Just say John and he'll understand." Kunihiko's eyes were fixed on the thick bundle of brand new French francs, about 7.3 million yen.But at the same time he was wondering about the purpose of that disgusting looking American Marlboro with the filter.

"Please think about what will happen if your identity is exposed and you are captured by the enemy. At that time, they will use torture to interrogate you, and want to ask from you the real intention of our British Empire to intervene in Monaco's internal affairs. Spiritual Patience and physical endurance have limits. If you can't bear it anyhow, when you want to confess, please take a puff of this cigarette." Ude said in a sad tone. "..." "This cigarette contains cyanide. As long as you take three puffs, you will be free from pain forever. If you don't have time to light a cigarette, it's the same if you chew it and swallow it. In order to prevent cyanide from sticking to other cigarettes, The cyanide was contained in this Marlboro about a quarter past the end of the cigarette."

"Sounds terrible. Looks like I'll have to keep praying that I won't end up in that hopeless situation." Kunihiko replied half-jokingly and half-seriously, but his lips became pale with tension. "At half past three, you will take a direct flight to Turin, Italy. Perhaps Vitorio Tescana from the Milan branch will be there to welcome you." Ude seemed to purposely speak in a relaxed tone in order to relax Kunihiko.He took the plane ticket out of his pocket. "Vettolio understands. But why not fly to Nice, near Monaco?" "You fellow, have shipped you a Ferrari to Turin. Your Aston Mami is a nice car, but not as fast as the Ferrari. And the Ferrari, It is very suitable for the dissolute noble son of the East. Others will envy you and hinder you."

"Pull it down." "It's about 120 kilometers from Turin to Nice. Italy is a country with no speed limit, so it won't take long to cross the border with France to Nice. I guess when you just get familiar with the situation of new cars and You have already arrived in Nice when you keep to the right. When you arrive in Nice, stay on the coast street. Please contact Pierre of the branch office immediately. Maybe he will tell you some new information." Director Ude said . "It will be three o'clock soon. If I leave by plane at 3:30, I won't have time to get a change of clothes."

"It doesn't matter, I called your residence just now. Now, Mr. Deacon Thomas is on his way to deliver your suitcase to London Airport." Director Ude said, closing his eyes. At 3:20, the Aston Mercedes driven by Bangyan left National Highway No. 4, crossed National Highway No. 30, and rushed into the parking lot of London Airport. Near the entrance of the parking lot, deacon Thomas, carrying a suitcase and wearing a tall hat, stood there, raised his right hand, and greeted Bangyan. Bangyan honked the horn on the car and signaled to Thomas that Alton Mami stopped in the empty parking lot.

Kunihiko took out the Mauser HSC small automatic pistol from the holster under the controller and put it in his pants pocket. The deacon ran over quickly, and the tall hat on his head kept shaking up and down.He said to Kunihiko who opened the car door. "Don't worry, Charlie will drive the car back for you." He said, panting heavily. "I'm just going on a trip for a few days, please take care of my home, I will call you often." Bangyan took the black suitcase and handed over the car keys to the deacon. "understood." The deacon nodded and said. An hour later, the 707 BOAC airliner flying non-stop from London to Turin was flying over the hilly area of ​​Bruconio, France.Bangyan was sitting in the first-class seat, slowly sipping Sames's Scacchi sour cocktail, while carefully reading the materials about the Patrovsky dynasty handed to him by Director Ude.After a while, he closed the document and looked out the window. From a gap in the clouds below, the glimmer of light on the surface of the Ruhr on the ground could be seen, and it seemed that dusk was still a long time away.Kuniyan lit a Neve Carter cigarette, and his thoughts flew to the foggy night three years ago. On that night, he was taken to a small island. It was later learned that this small island was one of many small islands in the Polygis Sea to the northwest of Sctrand, and the name of the island was Denseny Island. This small island with an area of ​​about 15 square kilometers is the secret training base of the spy division of the British Ministry of Intelligence.This small island is exactly in the middle of the triangle formed by the Bala Islands, Ram Island and Skaj Island, and the distance from each island is about 20 kilometers. A slender airstrip extends from the center of the island, including a five-kilometer straight runway, where large aircraft can also land. The hangar where the planes are kept is in a cave in the low and steep Volda Mountain named after Minister of Intelligence Volda. The building of the secret training base is just below this hill.The place for administrative affairs and the instructor's house are well equipped.But the dormitory where the training personnel live is not the same thing, there is not even air conditioning. On the second day of arrival, intensive training began.Trainees are organized into groups of three, and each group is equipped with two instructors. The trainees have to get up early in the morning. From Monday to Saturday, the trainees have to practice karate, judo, wrestling, unarmed self-defense, fencing, and assassination for two and a half hours every day.Then take a shower, eat a hearty meal, and then rest for ten minutes. After that, there will be discipline training until noon. Subjects include: the making and deciphering of ciphers and codes, the making and disassembly of methods of communication, poisons, narcotics and gunpowder, the disassembly and anatomy of weapons and all machinery from mopeds to fighter jets, deception Methods of killing, killing, and extorting confessions from enemies or companions, effective methods of inciting coups and riots, and disrupting the enemy's front. After noon, there is an hour for eating and resting, and after the afternoon there are practical classes.In addition to two days of shooting training every week, if yesterday was diving into the bottom of the sea with a respirator on your back, quietly approaching a fake ship, and installing a magnetic blower under it, then today is training to fly a jet fighter, and the next day is training. Bazookas and rocket launchers on chariots were used to blast bridges, followed by re-bridge training. In terms of subjects, Bangyan's grades are also outstanding. In actual training, Bangyan's judo and karate levels are so high that he can in turn guide his instructors. In terms of shooting, Bangyan's achievements are also very amazing. The training of rifle and rapid fire skills is to shoot 200 yards standing 20 times in 80 seconds, kneel 300 yards 20 times in 100 seconds, and 500 yards ambush 2 times. Twenty rounds in ten seconds, and a live rake three hundred yards away.That is, let the goats run, and hit five of them within six seconds to form a group of training.According to regulations, it is necessary to shoot with the FN automatic rifle used by the British 0.308-7.6 mm NATO.After three training sessions, Bangyan got a perfect score.The average score of the students is only 470 points, and the full score is 800 points. The pistol shooting is to use a Wembley automatic pistol to perform rapid fire at 25 yards and 60 seconds and 30 rounds and slow fire at 50 yards and 50. The full score is 800 points, and Bangyan has never been lower than 770 points. His highest record is 790 points.The average score of the students is only 290 points, and Bang Yan has broken the record since the training base opened with a big gap. The training is not limited to the daytime, the combat training at night is carried out every other day, when you are exhausted and sleeping soundly, the instructors with the guns and metal necklines equipped with bayonets and camouflage bullets will come over quietly .The trainees who couldn't bear the long-term and constant tension left the training team one after another and were sent to mental hospitals. After Saturday afternoon, the students were sent to a luxury hotel on the seaside with all the entertainment facilities. In the hotel, there are women waiting for their arrival.The cadets then had to stay with the women until the next morning, which was their obligation.One student can have sex with three women if he wants, or two students can have sex with one woman. However, that is by no means a natural union of sympathy, that is also a battle.Those women, like them, were future spies. Both men and women, before breaking into the hotel, each play a specific fictional character, or must disguise themselves as a real person.Yet until Monday, he or she must fully play the part they play. Both of them have to hide their doubts in the love words between each other and in the crazy love, and then they have to peel off the other's fake mask and let him (her) show his feet.Corridors, bars, bowling, billiards, casinos and other places are all equipped with TV cameras and microphones, and the instructors sit in the office at the foot of Mount Walda to rate them. In this special battle, Kunihiko did not dedicate his heart to those women once, and Kunihiko absolutely inherited the tradition of outstanding Japanese men in this respect. He lingered on the bed for the longest time. He had been in a coma for seven times. When he was in harmony with the other party physically and mentally, he had also told some real situations, but the other party had never seen his true face. A year later, Bangyan graduated from the secret training base with the best grades, and was sent to work in the sabotage team as a reliable spy. He was placed with great hopes and became a specially invited spy.Due to the work needs of the Ministry of Intelligence, he entered the "Times" newspaper. As an espionage officer, Bangyan's annual salary is 1,500 pounds, hazard pay and overseas travel allowances are nearly 1,000 pounds a year.And if he added his annual salary at The Times of twelve hundred pounds, he would be able to maintain the house with the hunting park at Le Fold on this sum. Bangyan also hated this organization that took away his freedom at first, but recently, he regards missions as a means of daily life, and feels that when performing missions, he can satisfy his destructive instincts, and when he is chased to a desperate situation by the enemy He can also see how much he can endure, and he can try the fun of counterattack, so he regards the task as a recreational sports activity.For the sake of the country, for Her Majesty the Queen, he never thought of this at all. Soon, the 707 jetliner, which skimmed the mountains of Switzerland, had entered Italy, crossed the fertile paddy fields, and began to lower its altitude.The plane circled over the famous city of Turin, which has a huge Fiat car manufacturing plant along the Bo River, and finally landed at the airport south of the city. The setting sun seemed to be burning, dyeing the main building of the airport golden.As soon as you walk into the main building, your ears are full of the noise of Italian, which is low and then high, like singing, which makes you really feel that you have come to the southern country. Vetorio Tescana of the Milan Branch of the Intelligence Department is a typical Latin man, with a dark flat face, black lips, thick lips, and looks very sexy.He leaned his elbows on the counter of the customs office at the airport, flirting and joking with the customs lady there, without looking at Kunihiko, and stroked his mustache with his left hand for the third time. This is the secret code he wants to bribe the customs staff.Bangyan smiled wryly, carried his suitcase, and sneaked into the team.Soon, it was his turn. "Welcome to our beautiful country of the sun." The middle-aged staff member, who had seen Bangyan's travel passport with John Pidance written on it, opened his arms exaggeratedly and made a welcoming gesture.To Spain and Portugal, for a stay of less than three months, no entry visa is required. "Baggage is just something declared on the plane." Bangyan said proactively.There are only some daily necessities listed in the declaration form. "I see, I see. Have a nice trip. Maybe there's a pretty girl waiting for you." The staff member didn't touch Kunihiko's suitcase. Vitolio left the counter and walked over slowly.Bangyan kept a distance from him and followed him from afar. Vedodoo walked into the airport parking lot, where there were many Fiats, Alfas, Romeos and Laccias parked, but compared with a shiny silver Ferrari there, These vehicles suddenly looked sad and lost their luster. Even if you don't see the sign of the horse standing upright, you can recognize it as a Ferrari at a glance.The body is 4.3 meters long and weighs 980 kilograms.In a body slightly larger than Herman Meeks, there is a three-liter, twelve-cylinder, 280-horsepower engine.This is a Ferrari 250GT Bernette.It is different from the beautiful GT model produced after 1963, but the sturdy model of 1962.
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