Home Categories foreign novel crazy revenge

Chapter 14 Chapter Fourteen Nesting

crazy revenge 大薮春彦 6799Words 2018-03-18
They drove the car into a back alley in Setagaya, and replaced the license plate number plates stolen from other cars with the car they were driving. Wu Shan not only fixed the number plate with screws, but also forged a lead seal that said it was shipped by land, and it looked as good as the real thing from the outside. There is a key store with a large frontage on Setagaya Inu-dori.Takeyama said to Washio who was driving, "Please stop here." So Washio pulled the car to the side of the road and stopped.Wu Shan got out of the car, he went into the shop, but came out quickly. "What did you buy?"

Washio asked Wushan after starting the car. "A few key blanks! There is also a special file. I said I was doing this job in a residential area, so I sold it to me." As he said that, Wu Shan took out from his pocket nearly a hundred key blanks tied with wire.Each key is larger than ordinary keys, and they are made of unprocessed materials. "Oh, how many car keys do you want to duplicate?" "Yes. The rest can be processed at any time as needed." Wu Shan said proudly.When the car reached Qingshan Avenue, he went down and bought two fake beards and the same sunglasses for covering their faces.

They drove into the deserted area of ​​Qingshan Cemetery and dressed up. Washio put a wider fake beard under his nose, and Takeyama put a thinner one. Then, the two put on sunglasses again.Washio also wore a pair of thick-rimmed sunglasses.Wu Shan, on the other hand, put on a mirror with a silver-rimmed metal frame. Then, Wu Shan took out a small vise under the car seat, clamped the car key and the key blank, and started to imitate the car key with a file. It's ready in about an hour. This is exactly the same as the original key, even the English words "TOYOTA" (Toyota) should be cast on it, which is really seamless.

Washio inserted the newly made key into the keyhole, and inserted it smoothly. He turned it lightly again, stepped on the engine, and the car started to move immediately. "As expected of an expert, I am really convinced!" Washio said approvingly. "For me. It's a piece of cake. However, it's not uncommon to see people like me! However, once we find a place to live, we have to do a few things quickly." Wu Shan laughed smugly as he spoke. "I don't know if I should buy another printing machine? Because the vehicle inspection number and driver's license have to be changed!"

"You should still buy one." Wu Shan agrees with Yuanwei. At around three o'clock in the afternoon, they chose an ideal apartment to live in. This apartment is located across from Aoyama Gakuin and Aoyama Street near Shibuya.It is only about 150 meters away from the main street near the Shibuya sales office of Nissan Corporation built on the main street.The name is "Meisong Zhilin Building", which is a mixed French and English name. The apartment is nine stories high.There is also an underground parking lot for the accommodation staff.Washio and Takeyama rented room 405 on the fourth floor.

The rooms are small.There are two separate bedrooms, a living room, a dining room and a bathroom.There are only a few simple pieces of furniture in the room. The rent plus the management fee is 150,000 yen per month for two people, which has to be paid three months in advance, and a security deposit of 500,000 is also required.The parking fee is 30,000 per month. Although it is more expensive.But fortunately, other than that, the two managers didn't ask him anything, and they didn't even want to see his ID card. Both of them were using fake names, of course.They say to the managers that they are business people of commercial companies.Therefore, the administrator has confessed that the telephone installed in the room can be used casually.

After completing the formalities, they began to purchase a large amount of bedding, TV sets, cooking utensils, as well as a large amount of food, drinks, etc., and carried them into the house overnight. The kitchen and dining area is not small, and there is a larger freezer.So, if they don't want to go out, they can eat enough to last a month without going out. When they finished packing, they sat down to catch their breath.On the dining table were white wine, canned fish, and canned pork sausages made in China. Wu Shan set up two wine glasses, put ice cubes in each, then opened a bottle of brandy that was said to be seventeen years old, and the two clinked glasses.

The two of them drank a glass in one sitting. Wu Shan took a deep breath. Washio stood up.Go to the window and draw the curtains. Between the buildings lined with buildings.You can clearly see the endless stream of car lights on the Happy Street in Shibuya, pouring in like a flood. Washio sat down on the sofa. Wu Shan poured a second glass of wine for Washio and said, "Damn...my fifty million..." "Understood! But, you can save again!" Washio said reassuringly.Then he opened several cans on the table with a can opener. "According to what you say, it's not good for me to complain like this? Brother, have you really forgotten all about the past?"

Wushan took the second glass of wine and asked Washio. "I haven't completely forgotten. I originally planned to find the leader of the Sanguang Group and ask them to explain the situation at that time. It is said that people from the Yamano Group participated at the time." "Don't bother! Brother!" "why?" "I know how big brother feels. But if you do this, won't you die immediately? I don't want to get involved." "If I run into those guys. Will they kill me?" "No, big brother, you're smart. But you're not a superman either!"

"..." "How about it, please give up this idea! Two punches are no match for four hands!" "Okay, let's get enough capital first." Washio said in agreement. "Thank you! Come on, have another drink!" With that said, Wu Shan handed over the cup. After a while, Wu Shan became a little drunk.He stood up unsteadily and said, "I feel like I'm so irritable that I have to vent it. Brother, I can't hold it anymore. I want to go out and find a girl to relieve my boredom." "Then I'll stay here." Washio said calmly. "Brother, won't you go? Don't hold on!"

"I'm not insisting, I want to go too. However, I want to get used to it first. I'm afraid that my national album photos are also left in restaurants and places like this. If I go, someone may report to the police immediately. Informed." "..." "You go! Be careful not to fall off the beard. If you get caught, don't tell me, because I have a criminal record, and they won't let me go. If you tell, no matter where you hide, you are in I will kill you in prison too!" Washio stared at Takeyama coldly and said. Hearing this, Wu Shan could not help but tremble all over. "Got it, got it! I'm not that kind of bastard, I'll be very careful." "Okay, you go! Remember, call a taxi." "Understood... Then, I will try to bring some news back!" "Leave the pistol and the bullets. It's terrible for a woman to see!" "understood!" So Wushan put the S.W pistol on his trouser belt and the bullets in his coat pocket on the table next to the sofa, covered it with a weekly magazine, and found a down jacket from his dormitory to wear on his body . Washio waited for Takeyama to go out for a minute, then quietly opened the door facing the corridor, he also stuffed his gun into the canvas bag, and then pushed it under the bed in his dormitory. He walked out of the room and came to the elevator room quietly. He suddenly saw Wu Shan who was waiting for the elevator, so he quickly hid himself. After a while, the elevator came down from above, and there was the sound of the elevator door opening.After Washio waited for the elevator to start moving again, he returned to the room, put the rucksack that he had fired just now on his back, and walked out of the room. He came to the elevator and pressed the button.The elevator is coming up.The door opened, and Washio entered the elevator.He took the elevator down to the apartment's parking garage. He found his car, opened the door, put the canvas bag on the passenger seat, and quickly started the car and drove out of the garage.As soon as the car drove up to Qingshan Street in front of the apartment, he saw Wushan's back from a distance. Washio changed direction and speed from time to time, trying to keep a distance of about 30 meters from Wushan. After Wushan got on Qingshan Street, he stood there waiting for the bus, so Washio had no choice but to park the car slowly beside the sidewalk. Wu Shan waved his hand and got into a taxi, Washio followed immediately. Takeyama's taxi turned from Jingumae to Yoyogi, apparently heading for Shinjuku. Washio tried his best to get a few other cars between his car and Wu Shan's car, so that the taxi driver would not even notice that there was a car following behind. The taxis of Wushan gradually entered the bustling streets of government offices in Shinjuku District.But passing through Kagoki Street and driving into Nishi Okubo, the road is not so cluttered. Wu Shan stopped in front of a large "Turkish bath" on this street.The name of this bathroom is "Chizuru". Kuwei overtook the car.Then turned the car around and parked the car on the side of the road diagonally facing this "Qianhe" Turkish bath. He waited quietly in the car. When he had waited for forty minutes, he suddenly became nervous. He saw a few patrol cars with neither siren nor red lights on coming from the direction of Shinjuku and Waseda, gradually harassing the "Qianzuru" Turkish bath. These patrol cars surrounded the bathroom of "Qianhe" from three directions. The so-called "three sides" means that the alley around the "Qianhe" bathroom is too narrow for the patrol car to drive in, so they surrounded it on the outside. So Washio started the car and drove slowly. The target of these patrol cars is probably Wushan in the bathroom of "Qianhe", right?Washio thinks it must be because Takeyama, who hasn't touched a woman for a long time, dropped his fake beard because he was too excited.He was even recognized by a prostitute and informed the police. Washio drove the car towards the left fork of this avenue.Then he got out of the car, carried his rucksack, walked to a house near a building, and rang the doorbell. "who's that?" It sounded like a drunken building manager heard the doorbell through an electronic intercom. "Urgent telegram." Washio replied calmly. "Send it to the mailroom!" "No...they won't accept it." "Who is so rude! There is no way. Wait for a while, I will drive right away." The administrator replied helplessly. Washio took off his sunglasses, put them in his pocket, and took off his beard. After a while, the door opened, and a man in his fifties, whose face was flushed from drinking, walked out with his hands on his hips. "who is it?" Without saying a word, Washio gave the man a hard blow to the upper abdomen with his right hand, and then twisted his hand behind his back. The man suddenly lost consciousness and fell forward with his head.So Washio used his hands to support his body that was about to fall, and dragged him into the gate. To the left of the gate is the administrator's room.The TV was on in the room, and there were wine bottles and glasses on the table.There is also a bunch of keys hanging on the wall. Putting down the man, Washio quickly went up the stairs. At the end of the five flights of stairs, he found an iron door. He took out a bunch of keys that he had just taken off the wall, found one of them and opened the lock on the iron door.Go out from this door and you will reach the roof. At this time, he noticed that seven or eight policemen had jumped out of three patrol cars, and while drawing their pistols from their waists, they were outflanking the gate of "Qianhe". Washio quickly put down the canvas bag on his back, and took out his light machine gun from it.Immediately put a 30-round bullet clip on it. He aimed a warning shot at the policemen who were rushing towards the gate of "Chizuru". The seven or eight police officers were thrown into disarray by the sudden shooting.While quickly dispersing to the sidewalks on both sides, they blindly returned fire in the direction Washio shot. The police siren blared in the patrol car. Mandarin tail continued to lower its body to shoot warning shots.He guessed that the fierce gunshots would wake up Wu Shan, who was immersed in the passion of having sex with a woman, and would use this opportunity to escape. The patrol car that was surrounding "Qianhe" and the police car that arrived with it also got out of the alley.At this time, Washio just finished firing a magazine. Washio casually threw away the finished clip, and took out another clip.It was also a thirty-round magazine.Washio put it on. Dodging the policemen on the sidewalk next to the "Qianzuru" Turkish bath, at this moment they clearly saw that the person who shot at them was in a building about 40 meters away from them, and began to return fire with a target. However, these police officers did not carry many bullets with them.Each pistol can only hold five rounds, and there are only two spare magazines in the bullet box, a total of ten rounds. Therefore, Washio's strategy was to use up their bullets and extend the interval between warning shots as much as possible.And walked back and forth frequently on the roof. It worked.When Washio's second magazine had just fired about ten rounds, some of the policemen in front of "Qianzuru" ran out of bullets. These police officers are all hidden in the shade of patrol cars and police cars.Washio fired two or three bursts at the tires of these patrol cars and police cars. These bullets hit the hard asphalt road and the metal parts of the wheels, sending out sparks from time to time. Washio emptied his second magazine as he blew tires on all the patrol cars and police cars he could see. So, this time Washio installed another magazine with fifty bullets.Then he retreated from the roof, and walked down the stairs with the gun clutched to his waist. He went down to the first floor and found that the administrator hadn't woken up from his coma. He held the trigger with his right hand, and gently pushed the door of the building open a thin crack with his left.Then, he threw his body down and rolled out of the gate. There was no one in the alley. He closed the safety of the gun, put it back in the canvas bag, and drew a pistol from his waist. Putting the pistol in his pocket, he turned up the collar of his overcoat with his left hand and hid his face. He came out of the alley.Haven't seen any police officers in uniform yet.So he got into the car parked at the edge of the alley. The car started.Probably everyone on the street was afraid of being hit by the stray bullet just now, so there was no one on the street. Ten minutes later, Washio returned to the underground garage of the hotel. He turned on the radio in the car and listened to the broadcast.But there was no temporary news about the shootout in Shinjuku on the radio. He went back to the room.He put the chair next to the door and sat down.He turned on the transistor radio, dialed the news channel, put it beside him, and put the light machine gun on his lap. At this moment, news of the shootout that just happened in Shinjuku began to be introduced on the radio. I learned from the radio that it was Wushan, who was discovered by the prostitute who had fun with him as a prison escapee.Because in the pick-up room where these prostitutes of "Qianzuru" stayed, there were posted photos of all the prisoners who had not been arrested and brought to justice. During Washio's diversionary shooting with the policemen, Takeyama escaped. so far.Wu Shan, who escaped, has not been captured by the police.The broadcast also introduced that Wu Shan is a genius expert in safe theft. Just like that, Washio waited for Takeyama while listening to the radio. When it was about five o'clock in the daylight, Washio heard the sound of light footsteps from the corridor outside the door and the sound of a key being inserted into the keyhole on the door. Washio stood up quietly, put the gun tightly on his waist, put his index finger on the safety, ready to open the safety and shoot at any time. At this time, the door was opened. The door was pushed open gently.But Washio didn't move.From outside the door, a figure slipped in quietly. When Washio saw clearly that the person who came was Wu Shan, he opened the safety with a "click" with his index finger, then lowered his voice and shouted to Wu Shan: "Don't move!" "It's me, brother..." Wu Shan stiffened in reflex, he said timidly. "Good! Close the door! Be gentle!" Washio ordered sternly. "What, what's the matter?" Wu Shan asked tremblingly as he quickly closed the door. Washio asked Takeyama to turn on the lights in the room. "Brother, you are angry." Only then did Wu Shan see Yuanwei holding a mechanism gun and staring at him coldly.He was covered in muddy clothes and messy hair, with an unnatural wry smile on his face.His fake beard was gone, his sunglasses were gone, and he looked very embarrassed. Washio closed the safety of the machine gun again, put it on the chair, and walked towards Wushan. "Don't, don't... big brother..." As Wu Shan spoke, he covered his tense, tired and frightened face with his hands, and kept stepping back. "Do you know what stupid thing you did?!" Saying that, Washio rushed over and grabbed Wushan's collar. "I screwed up, too paralyzed!" Wu Shan said out of breath. "You don't want to do such a stupid thing, we are all over?! If I hadn't been conducting diversionary shooting, you would have been caught! Don't you know that if you are caught this time, you will not be sentenced to death ?!" Washio spat these words out between his teeth angrily. "Gu, it really is the big brother? Thank you big brother for saving my life!" "asshole!" Washio lightly lifted Wu Shan's body with one move.Wu Shan was suspended in mid-air, his feet shaking wildly. "It's enough to just catch you. But you will sell me out! I don't want to be caught by them!!" Washio was so angry that he didn't know how to get rid of Wushan to relieve the hatred in his heart. As the collar strangled Wu Shan's neck, he gasped desperately, but his face gradually turned from red to purple.Then, Washio threw Takeyama to the floor all at once. Wu Shan, who fell to the ground, was gasping for breath incessantly, and opened his mouth to inhale greedily.After a while, his complexion improved a little. "understand?" Washio still lowered his voice and asked sharply. "Got it. I'm so stupid. Forgive me this time?" "It's good to understand!" Washio went to the door, locked the door, and took the submachine gun from the chair next to the door with his right hand.He carried the chair with his left hand and placed it next to the table. "Let me have a drink. My throat hurts." Wushan stood up and said to Washio while rubbing his neck. "Is there anyone following behind?" Washio asked. "It doesn't matter." "How do you know it's okay?" "It's okay to be followed. I fled to the direction of Arakawa first, and hid in the compartment of a large truck. That car was a long-distance truck from Tokyo to Osaka. I didn't get out of the car until I got to this area. Jumped off. So it is impossible for anyone along the way to find out." "The car was driving, how did you get out of the car?" "It just happened to run into a red light. Of course, there was no car behind. Because it happened to be late at night, and there was another fierce gun battle." "Didn't the truck driver notice you? When you came down??" Washio still asked worriedly. "It doesn't matter. The opportunity is great. The truck is full of goods. And it just stopped at the stop line just past the crosswalk. So I got out of the car and walked slowly with the pedestrians crossing the crosswalk. walking." Wu Shan said very proudly. "Okay! Let's drink! However, if you are drunk and you want to go out to hunt for wild food..." "I understand, big brother, I still cherish my life!" After finishing speaking, Wu Shan went to the restaurant with his neck wrapped around his neck. After a while, he came out with three bottles of beer. "Brother, please!" While opening the bottle cap, he handed a bottle to Washio. "I don't drink." Washio said, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath. After a while, Wu Shan drank a bottle.When he poured the second bottle of wine into the glass, he sighed and said: "Come on! I can bear it! I don't know if my Miss Lily is still here. I said, it seems that there is a news program now." It's time, I don't know why I always feel a little uneasy. At that time, my beard fell out, and my sunglasses were taken off. I was going to come with that prostitute for the second time just like that. At this moment, a waiter came in to collect Delay fee. Because it was too late, I had to pay like this. At this time, this woman said that she was going to buy contraceptives, and left my room. She came back soon, but she must be in this period During the time, I told someone in the hotel about me. Just as I was entangled with this woman, the elder brother's gunshot rang out." "and after?" Washio asked. "Whatever, it's important to escape first. I knocked her out with a punch, grabbed my clothes and ran towards the gate. I was so panicked that I forgot to take my beard and glasses. As soon as I went out, I ran into Two men holding heart sticks and golf clubs. But when they saw the dagger I took out, they were scared and hid in the next room. As soon as I went out, I quickly climbed up the wall opposite the alley entrance. From the top of the wall Then climbed up to the roof of a Chinese ramen restaurant and a casino, and headed towards Kabuki Street. Then I changed several taxis in a row and headed towards Arakawa. What happened after that is what I just said.” Wu Shan shrugged his shoulders and said. "You said drunkenly that you went out to find a woman, and I followed you all the time! When I found several patrol cars and police cars surrounding the Turkish bath you entered, I felt that the situation was not good. Start diversionary shooting." "After I get a large amount of money, I will flee abroad. But, don't betray me, you want to take it all by yourself!" "Stupid. You can't trust me...Anyway, we've found a way, we've got money, and when we're abroad, we're going to have some fun with the blonde girl and the blue-eyed girl! Anyway, I'm not in the right mood right now." Small!" As he said that, Wu Shan drank beer in big gulps again.
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