Home Categories foreign novel Revenge Hunter

Chapter 4 Chapter 4 The Two Maids

Revenge Hunter 大薮春彦 9800Words 2018-03-18
This time he robbed Donghe Self-operated Company, and Yushan got more than 30 million yen. For him, this is a very beautiful thing. However, what is even more fortunate is that these banknotes are not new coins, and the numbers are not connected. When you take it out for use, you won't worry about being found. Because it is an old currency, there is no need to exchange it for US dollars in Hong Kong or Switzerland, and then exchange US dollars for Japanese yen, which can save a lot of trouble. After robbing Towa's self-operated company's delivery car, Yushan lived in the hut of the Komaba apartment, and went out to play billiards during the day.He didn't want to use billiards to make money, but everything went so smoothly, he could still win two or three thousand yen every day, and the money he won could be used as a reason for his usual source of living.In the evening, he went back to the house where he dismounted, changed his clothes and went out to play.

It took a week for newspapers, television, and radio to publicize the robbery of Donghe's self-operated company's money-delivery car, and the following week's weekly magazine reported the incident again.Not long after, the event that Donghe's self-operated company's delivery car was robbed was forgotten in people's memory. With 30 million yen, there is no need to worry about living in the bank for interest, but Yushan, who is eager for revenge, is by no means such an easy-to-satisfy person. After the incident basically subsided, on a Friday in February of the following year, Yushan came to the waiting hall of the Keio Line Meidaimae Station bound for Shinjuku, wearing a beautiful suit, smoking a cigarette, and looking at the stairs as if nothing had happened.

It was past nine o'clock, and Yushan had already passed several trams. When the tenth tram passed, a young woman came up from the escalator. This young woman is Shinyo Nakano, the maid of Yoko Tashiro's house. She wears a parachute-style skirt, her legs look strong and beautiful, and she wears high heels, just like the one she first saw at Yoko's house. I didn't wash it off, and the eyeshadow and lipstick looked like they were about to fall off. Hayama unfolded the newspaper to cover his face.Shindai rest every Friday has been confirmed.Shindai usually goes to Shinjuku and Ikebukuro on the rest day, and then returns to Urawa, Saitama Prefecture to spend the night at his mother's house, and then takes the first bus back to Tagi's house the next morning.

The express train to Shinjuku rolled over, Shinyo boarded, and Hayama followed, but they were not in the same compartment.Because this train goes directly to Shinjuku, and it will not stop when it arrives at Shinjuku, so there is no need to worry about Shindai getting off halfway, and it can also avoid attracting her attention in the same compartment. In less than five minutes, we arrived at Shinjuku Station. Hayama followed Shinyo at the ticket gate wearing sunglasses. Shindai first went to the department store above the station, and enthusiastically visited the clothing cabinets, shoe cabinets, decoration cabinets, and cosmetic cabinets, but in the end he only bought cheap embossed shells and pins.

After one o'clock, Shindai went to the department store in the center of Shinjuku again, but did not buy anything, and then went to Mitsukoshi Cafeteria to eat Chinese fast food. After eating, Shinyo went to the small movie theater in Utagoshicho, where she looked around timidly for a while, and bought a movie ticket.This movie theater is dedicated to showing pornographic movies, and just by looking at the titles written on the signboard, you can tell that there are sexually explicit scenes. After Shindai went in for a while, Hayama also followed, and saw that the corridor was full of orange peels and cigarette butts, and some hooligans gathered.

Yushan sat on the seat and took off his sunglasses. On the screen, a dirty man and woman were embracing each other, but there were many empty seats in the auditorium. Shinyo's seat was found immediately, and she sat with two or three middle-aged women, as if she was deliberately guarding against the harassment of an infatuated man. Hayama sat obliquely behind Shindai, under the dim light, Shindai greedily stared at the screen, it could be seen that she was very interested in sex. When Yushan was trying to figure out how to get close to Shinyo, he found a middle-aged man standing by the wall, as if he was looking for prey. After a while, this guy sat next to Shinyo, with an ugly face eager to talk, with his hands It was inserted in the deep trouser pocket, perhaps the bottom of the trouser pocket was torn on purpose, it can be seen that he has not worn underwear yet.

The middle-aged man secretly glanced at Shindai a few times, and finally stretched out his hand to Shindai's waist. Yu Shan sneered, watching his every move, as if the opportunity had come. Shindai wanted to push the middle-aged man's hand away, but his eyes never left the screen. Seeing her flushed eyelids, she didn't seem to care about the man's behavior. Seeing an opportunity, the middle-aged man grabbed Shindai's hand. Shindai seemed to want to pull his hand back, but she didn't know what her intention was. At this time, the middle-aged man stretched out his left hand in the deep trouser pocket, then took out his hand again, and pulled Shinyo's hand between his legs.

This made Shindai let out a soft cry. She stared at the middle-aged man with angry and horrified eyes, and withdrew her hand violently, wanting to stand up and leave. At this time, Yushan put on the sunglasses, stepped forward and grabbed the hair at the back of the middle-aged man's head, lifted him and pulled him back.The thing between the middle-aged man's legs stood up comically because he hadn't been satisfied yet. Shindai screamed again when he saw this, the women next to him booed, the lights in the venue were turned on, and the manager and bodyguards rushed over. "Send it to the police station!"

Hayama stared at the idiot and said.The rest of the audience looked at Shi Jun, who hadn't faded from the idiot, and laughed.Shindai's face turned red, and he left his position and wanted to leave. "Please wait a moment, girl. As a victim, I want to ask you about the situation." Hayama said to Shindai. "but……" Shindai looked like he was about to cry and panicked, as if he hadn't noticed Hayama yet. "Don't worry, your name won't be in the papers." As Hayama said, he skipped the position and twisted the idiot's hands behind his back.

The manager who rushed over said to Hayama: "I'm really sorry to bother you, please come to the manager's room, please?" After finishing speaking, he nodded like a grasshopper. "Don't worry, I won't mention the name of this movie theater." Hayama said to the manager. "Thank you very much, please take care of me anyway." The manager rubbed his hands and said. "Can you zip him up?" "Okay, okay, got it." The manager's low-spirited attitude towards Hayama made people laugh uncontrollably.But it's another face to the idiot with pale face and trembling with fright.

"Are you a human being? Without a guy like you, there will be fewer guests watching the movie. You are really the enemy of the film industry." While cursing, he even slapped the idiot.The dejected idiot burst into tears, and the manager then zipped up his trousers. "come over!" Hayama escorted the idiot out, and at the same time told Shinyo to follow, although his tone was kinder, it sounded indisputable. After arriving in the corridor, the lights in the arena were turned off again, and the inextricable scene appeared on Yinmu again.Hayama asked the bodyguard to call a taxi, and pushed Shindai up first.I sit in the middle, and the idiot sits on the left. "Go back to the Valley Police Station." The idiot's face was pale, and he was so frightened that he kept bowing to Yushan: "Master, please forgive me, I didn't do it on purpose... I will never do such a stupid thing again." "Still saying these things, it seems that you do these things often, don't you?" Yushan scolded the idiot angrily. "Really not, today is the first time..." The idiot's face was covered with sweat, and the taxi quickly drove to Dudian Street. "Okay, I understand! If you do that kind of thing again in the future, I won't forgive you." After Hayama finished speaking, he ordered the taxi driver: "Pause here." After the taxi stopped, the door on the left was opened, and the idiot jumped out of the car and fled into the crowd. "Please let me go back too." Shindai said to stand up. "No, you are also responsible for what happened just now, because you left a loophole for him to take advantage of. It's okay not to pay attention to your protector, please stay with me..." Hayama pretended to be serious and asked the driver to drive the car back to Tani Araki Town. The taxi stopped at the end of Ryotei Street, and Hayama grabbed Shinyo's wrist and got out. "You don't want to go to the police station, right? The dormitory of the police station is nearby. Come with me." Shindai had no choice but to follow Hayama. After walking for about a minute, they came to a tavern with a small signboard <Akashi>. "This is the dormitory?" As soon as he stepped on the terrazzo floor, Shinyo, who seemed a bit stupid, couldn't help but become vigilant. "Oh, it used to be a restaurant, but now the police station has bought it as a dormitory, and now sometimes it's used for banquets or something." Hayama explained to Shindai. Hayama had been to this tavern several times after he attacked the money delivery van, and the tavern maid was familiar with him, so she came to show them the way without saying anything. Hayama ordered the maid to bring wine and food. After the maid went, Hayama asked solemnly: "Where do you live?" While asking, he opened the notebook in a serious manner. The cover of the notebook is black imitation leather, which is exactly the same as the police notebook. Shindai was very scared, he lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Hayama, and answered Hayama's question with a heavy tone. Since Shindai graduated from Urawa Middle School, he has been helping out with the farm work at home. He only came to work at Tashiro's house in November of the year before last, three months after the death of Hayama's older brother Makoto Tashiro. Nobudai said that her mother opened a small shop selling agricultural products as a side business, specializing in selling fresh vegetables. Seiichi's wife, Yoko, often went to her house to buy vegetables, so she got to know her. Later, she went to Tiancheng's house to work as a maid. The tavern maid brought the food and drink. Yushan took out the tip, and the maid quickly hid it in her belt as if she had found a treasure, winked at Yushan and backed away.No matter how loud Shindai yelled, no one would come out to help. Yu Shan took a sip from his wine glass and asked, "Was your wife pregnant when you were working in his house?" "What's going on, asking this kind of thing...?" Shinyo raised his head and asked. Hayama took off his sunglasses. Shindai seemed to have finally recognized Hayama, his eyes became even more terrifying, he let out a slight exclamation, and stood up. "Please sit down, I have bought the people in this tavern, it's useless to call you no matter what, they won't pay attention to you. Since I saw you, I can't forget you. I like you very much, so the fake detective approached you .” Shindai folded his hands on his chest and stepped back, but to get to the entrance, he had to pass by Hayama. "Please sit down." Hayama said it kindly again. "Don't do anything stupid, or I'll die in front of you." Shinyo yelled loudly. "Really? I was going to teach you something fun, but you are like this. Isn't it more comfortable to experience it yourself than watching a movie?" Hayama also stood up, and Man slowly approached Shindai. Shindai grabbed the water stone in the alcove and recklessly hit Yushan. Yushan avoided the sudden attack and grabbed Shindai's elbow, and then pressed hard on the acupuncture point, and Shindai's hand suddenly dropped powerlessly. The water stone he was holding also fell to the floor. Hayama was laying Shinyo down on the tatami, and unzipping her "parachute" skirt. Although Shindai's strength is not small, but compared with Yushan, he is not an opponent.After a while, Shindai accepted Hayama, and his legs slowly loosened. Hayama hugged Shinyo and opened the partition of the dormitory with his foot, and the pink and purple futon was ready. From then until seven o'clock in the evening, Hayama fucked Shindai three times. Although Shindai didn't bleed, he still looked like a virgin.The reason why there was no bleeding was because when she was working in the field, she foolishly stuffed it with fruit and broke the hymen—this is what she said later. "I won't let you go." Hayama whispered in Shinyo's ear. "Really? If I get dumped by you, I'll die." The makeup was smeared, and Shindai's face became like a flower fox. She rubbed her face on Hayama's sweaty chest hair. "I'm not going back tonight, shall I call your home?" "Yeah, the grocery store near my house has a phone." "I'll fight." Hayama asked Nobuyo for the phone number, and pulled Jane over from the next room. After hanging up the phone, Xin Dai told the owner of the grocery store in a strong dialect, asking the owner to tell her home that she would not rest and not go home because of something to do today. Hayama asked the accountant to prepare dinner, then he stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Before the bathtub was full, he got into the shower first.Shindai also shuffled into the bathroom. Nobuyo's figure is very plump, with no looseness in the lower abdomen. Although the hands are a little rough, there is no wrinkle on the whole body. After washing off the makeup, Shindai seemed to be a different person, with a somewhat idiot-like expression on his face, but he looked even more beautiful. This time, Hayama got real sexual satisfaction, and while they were continuing to make love, the hotel maid informed that dinner was ready. They came out in cotton robes.The table was full of crabs, sea prawns, abalone, wild birds, etc. Shindai also drank some beer and smoked. "I have long wanted to eat such a delicious meal. In Suginami, my wife eats delicacies from mountains and seas, but I can only eat dry things and boiled fish every day." Shindai said. "If you are with me, I will let you eat good food every day." "Already with you!" "When I have a proper job..." "I'm willing to do anything for you, even if I go to a bar or a dance hall." As Shindai said, he turned from the table and hugged Hayama tightly. "I can't let you suffer. If I can get my brother's inheritance, I will fly away with you and live freely there." Hayama said while stroking Shinyo's hair. "Madam says you're a rascal. How much money do you have to quit?" "Okay, okay. I don't want to cause you any trouble. I must go and get back my property from that greedy woman. For this reason, I want to know all kinds of situations. Now let's repeat the old story, when you Did the woman have a big belly when she started working at her house?" "Well, it's not too obvious... I've been working with her for four months when she gave birth." "Did that woman really give birth to a child...or did she secretly adopt a child?" After saying that, Hayama bit his lip. "Maybe? She stayed at her mother's house during the confinement period, and returned to Shanbin's house after two months. I don't know the details, and I only saw the child twice." "Like my brother...? But maybe you've only seen my brother in pictures." "I don't know, but such a small baby looks like a monkey." "Who is that woman's man?" "I don't know. Of course, it's impossible for her to have a man. Today, the man is going on a date. When I rest on Friday, the man will come." "how do you know?" "However..., when I go back to clean on Saturdays, I often find dirty things, and when I do laundry, there are also men's underwear thrown in the incinerator." Saying this, Shindai blushed.Twist Hayama's thigh. Hayama tilted Shinyo's eyelids back and kissed her lips.It reminded him of Yoko's idiocy.Yoko gives Shindai a day off every week, it seems that it is not because of her virtuousness, but to get rid of the obstacles of her tryst. "Who is the man who doesn't know the woman?" Hayama moved his mouth away from Shinyo's lips, and said to himself. "Well, though, if you want to know, I think you'll find out soon enough." Shinyo answered breathlessly. "Who is it? Find out for me. Who is the maid in front of you?" "You mean Takako? Fujimoto Takako?" "Oh, Gao Zi, where is she now, do you know?" "She is married to the doorman of Donghe Automobile Company, and she often comes to Shanbin's house after marriage. However, as soon as Gao Zi comes, the wife will make a disgusted face behind her back. But she doesn't seem to cut off contact , and when Gaozi leaves, he always takes some pocket money." Hayama gently stroked Shindai's nipple with his right hand, and held a glass with his free hand to drink. When he heard Shindai say that Yoko gave Takako pocket money, the hand holding the glass couldn't help but stop: "Give pocket money?" "Yes, and it's not twelve thousand, it's tens of thousands every time." "So, what's the name of the man who married Gao Zi, and where does he live?" "His name is Hirakawa Saburo, and he lives in a commercial housing near the Murayama factory. However, it seems that the house was bought by my wife and given to her, saying that it was her retirement pay. My wife has always been stingy with me. Is Gao Zi so generous?" As Shindai said, her breasts began to swell and harden, her nipples were also wet, and she gasped slightly. "..." Hayama grunted slightly.He thought that Yoko would never be the kind of virtuous woman who could buy a house and give it to a maid. She must have some reason in Gao Zi's hands when she did this. Money, it is likely to use this money to gag Gao Zi. "Let's not talk about this, I miss you very much, let's do it again." Shindai experienced sex life for the first time, and became fascinated by men... The next morning, Hayama hailed a taxi to take Nobuyo to Meidai-mae station.When parting, Yushan repeatedly told Shindai not to tell anyone about himself, and agreed to meet at Keio Department Store next week. Yushan took another taxi back to Xiama's own house, fell asleep on the bed.His body was conquered by Shindai. Near noon, Yushan finally opened his eyes, went to the bathroom to take a shower in a daze, cleared his mind, and then took the Lanniao SSS car parked in the yard, and brought his real driver's license , carrying another 500,000 yen on his body, and went out. It was time for taxi drivers to eat, and the streets were not so crowded. Lannori SSS in Hayama went north through the ring road No. 7, and turned left at Ome Street at the land bridge of Kodanji Temple. After passing the irregular intersection in front of the Tanashi Police Station, the scenery of Musashino began to improve, but it was crowded with matchbox-like allotment houses and commodity houses everywhere, and there were hardly any open spaces. Towa Automobile's Linshan Factory is located between Hayashiyama Town and Hayashiyama Town. After crossing the Yamato-Nara Bridge and walking a little further, you can see the gray wall with a height of one kilometer on the left side of the road. Inside is the Linshan Factory. There are apartments and small houses across the road. Hayama found the police station and stopped the car, and then went to inquire about the residence of Saburo Hirakawa, the gatekeeper of the Towa Automobile Factory. In about three minutes, the patrol at the police station found out. Yushan thanked him and drove to Hirakawa's house. Hirakawa's house is in the Linshan Reservoir about 200 meters away from Ome Street, that is, facing Lake Tama.There are 30 to 40 houses in the residential complex. There is a lawn of 165 square meters and a flower bed of 49.5 square meters in front of the house.Hirakawa's house is one of them. Hayama parked the car at a distance on purpose, pushed open the painted wooden gate and walked towards the gate. The living room facing the lawn was hung with fine lace curtains, and there seemed to be no telephone wires. There was a pug barking sharply inside the gate, and Yushan rang the doorbell. After a while, there was a response from inside, as if Takako was asking: "Which one is it?" "A servant of the Tagiro family." Hayama replied. Takako opened the door and saw Yushan, and screamed in fright. Takako was wearing a kimono and looked about thirty-two or three years old. Behind her, a pug with a curly tail bared its teeth. "I haven't seen you for a long time. I surprised you when I came to visit you suddenly. I'm sorry! How are you?" Hayama said with a serious smile. "It really shocked me, where have you been?" Gao Zi calmed down and said.She was a very ordinary-looking woman with a round face and a small nose. "It's a long story, can I come in?" "Please! Please!" Gao Zi hurriedly said, hugging the pug to his chest, the dog was still barking just now, now it will be docile as if asleep. Hayama was introduced into a Western-style room that doubles as a living room.This is a room facing the lawn.Since the room is not too spacious, sitting in the living room can also hear the sound of Gao Zi preparing tea in the kitchen. After a while, Takako and Yushan sat down facing each other, and handed the tea to Yushan. Hayama said: "I heard that you got married, congratulations." The gas stove burns with a blue flame. "Thank you! How about you?" Gao Zi replied, seeming to have calmed down. "Not yet. Your husband is from Donghe Automobile. Was it introduced by Yoko?" "It was introduced by Madam's father." "Okay, but this house is nice. Excuse me, how much is it?" "It's just too small, afraid of being laughed at." "Did Yoko buy everything?" "How do you know?" Gao Zi was startled and dropped the spoon that was stirring the black tea on the ground. "I heard that you often get spying fees, right?" Hayama said with a grin. "It's too presumptuous! Please get out, are you just going to talk about such nonsense! Although I have been taken care of by your brother and sister-in-law, please don't come here to blackmail me." Gao Zi stood up with raised eyebrows, and the pug lying on the sofa barked again. "Really? Don't say teasing things. I just need to give the police a letter, and you will be arrested as an accomplice in the murder." Hayama bluffed unceremoniously. "You nonsense! Jiji, get this guy out of me." Gao Zi ordered the white long-haired pug. The pug was well trained to snarl at Hayama by leaping onto the table at the command of his mistress, a method he had grown used to chasing away snarky salesmen. "Damn plague dog." Hayama swung his right hand with the jumping knife, and the pug, whose neck was broken, let out a scream, and was knocked down on the cheap carpet, with its eyeballs bulging out of their sockets. Hayama brought up the pug dog that was still in pain, grabbed the two front feet and swung it left and right, only heard a terrible click, the pug dog dislocated its bones, tore its muscles and died completely. Hayama threw the dead dog into Takako's arms who seemed to be screaming.The protruding dog eyes just bounced off Gaozi's neck. Gao Zi slumped on the sofa, her eyes were white and black, and she passed out. Hanayama stood up slowly, bound her wrists with the four-inch single obi of the kimono Takako was wearing, and then covered her mouth with a tablecloth. Then he checked each room, saying that it was an inspection, but it didn't take a few minutes to finish, because the house was very small.The location of the bedroom inside the living room seems to be the most difficult to transmit sound to the outside. Hayama quickly closed the bedroom window and dragged Takako to the bedroom bed.Loosen the gag tablecloth so she can't yell but still be able to speak.Then they separated her feet and tied them to the bedposts. There is a hair perfume sprayer in front of the three mirrors.Hayama brought it over, and lifted the hem of Takako's kimono, revealing a pair of ill-shaped legs.Hayama tore open Takako's underwear, inserted the nozzle of the hair perfume sprayer between Takako's legs, and then kept pressing the button.The liquid sprayed out by porphyrin was cool, and Gaozi woke up. Gao Zi wanted to scream, but his voice was very small.Hayama pulled out the sprayer from between Takako's legs, turned it to the window, and then ignited it with a lighter, and the sprayer suddenly turned into a small flamethrower.Hayama brought Chi Chi's flame sprayer to Takako's face and warned: "If you are dishonest, your face will turn into a black burnt skin." "No, don't do that. I am willing to offer my body." A vague voice came from Gao Zi's mouth. "Don't be too complacent, who said I want your dirty body, I just want you to speak." Hayama said coldly. "I said, I said, put out the fire." Gao Zi said in horror. Hayama's finger left the button, the spray stopped, and the flame disappeared. "What reason did you seize that Yoko had to pay the secrecy fee? You saw Yoko or Yoko's man kill my brother." "No, it's not. When Makoto died, I wasn't in that house because of my rest." "You should have gone back the morning Yoko found the body, on Saturday, August 11th, two years ago," Hayama said. "In normal times, I would have gone back before nine o'clock on Saturday morning, but my wife told me that I could go back after noon." "That's when my brother died, so I suspect that my brother didn't commit suicide, right?" Hayama made a motion to ignite the sprayer again. "Yes, yes! My public holiday is Friday, you know. It was the 10th of August when I was off. I called my wife before I went out on the morning of the 10th. But the lady said I could go back after noon the next day. , She said that she was very tired recently and hardly slept, and planned to take some sleeping pills at night to have a good sleep. Since it is possible to sleep until noon the next day, if I go back to clean it early in the morning, it will disturb her." "..." "Afterwards, when I thought about it, Madam's face seemed so calm that it made people feel uncomfortable. Madam would show a cold expression when she was serious. Therefore, when I returned at noon on Saturday, a large crowd of policemen and newspapers had already gathered I was shocked to hear that Seiichi committed suicide, and I was also questioned by the police. Before the questioning, my wife took me aside and asked me to testify, saying that I had something to do so I didn't come back in the morning but at noon. " "You just testified according to what she said?" "That can't be helped, but after the seven-day bogey ended, I was shocked when I found out that my wife was pregnant. I knew that my wife hadn't had a period, and her diet had changed, and because her husband had infertility, So I have doubts." Gao Zi said while looking at Yu Shan's expression. "What? Say it again." Hayama groaned. "About half a year before Chengyi's death, Madam blamed her husband for not being able to be a child... No, I didn't intend to hear it, I overheard it... Madam rushed and said: 'You are the one who is worthless Guy.’ Her husband was very angry, and seemed to have asked the company’s entrusted doctor for an examination, saying that due to the wounds suffered in the war, he suffered from azoospermia and would be infertile for life. Her husband was very depressed because of this.” "What's the name of the attending doctor? Which hospital?" "It's called Kanzaki, and they opened a Kanzaki hospital in the Koenji section." "Bastard..., does my brother know about Yoko's pregnancy?" Hayama gritted his teeth like a wolf. "After thinking about it, he might know. Because he was very unhappy three weeks before his death, and he and his wife were very cold. Therefore, they didn't sleep in the same room... I didn't tell the police." "Which hospital did Yoko give birth to?" "Kanzaki Hospital. There is no obstetrics and gynecology department in that hospital." "So Yoko's lover is that guy Kanzaki?" "Kamizaki may have something to do with Madam." "Then, is there another real lover?" "..." Gao Zi closed his eyes. "Say, who is it?" "..." "Okay, I understand. Are you afraid that your face will turn black and burnt?" "You can burn it if you dare! But you will go to prison. Even if my face is burnt, I will never say the man's name. Although I was murdered by you, I will not say it because I didn't open my mouth." This secret will extract more money from Madam. With that money, I can do surgery to heal my face. At that time, I will ask the doctor to make my face as beautiful as possible." Gao Zi shouted with his face twisted. Hayama looked at the face calmly and said, "Understood, you deserve plastic surgery as you are now. Okay, I understand. Let's talk. If you don't want to, then I have to use this hair Perfume spray. Of course, at that time, I will not only burn your face, but I will also burn you as a woman." Hayama smiled with his lips crooked, and sprayed the sprayer again between Takako's legs.Takako struggled to gather her legs, and Hayama took out a bundle of 10,000 yen notes and shook them in front of her eyes. "..." Gao Zi's thin eyes widened as if they were about to burst. "This is your favorite thing. There are half a million. This is just a deposit. As soon as my brother's inheritance is in hand, I will give you more money." After Yushan finished speaking, he fondled Takako's face with the money . "Give it to me!" Gao Zi called.The gag cloth was soaked with saliva. "Can you say it?" "I said... say." "You have to tell the truth." Hayama put the money on Takako's chest and let go of the gag's tablecloth. "The lady's lover is her father." "Tacheng Kensaku! Stop talking nonsense." "Everyone thinks it's not true, but it's true. I saw it with my own eyes." Gao Zixuan pursed his thick lips lewdly and said. "See?" "No matter how stupid I am, I will find out the truth. The wife who can't get pregnant is pregnant. It must belong to another man. I want to find out who the man is. I plan to take revenge on the lady who is stingy but uses people wantonly..." "..." "Yes, that was two weeks after her husband's death. I reckon if Ma'am had a date it would be on my day off. Because she usually takes me wherever she goes, and asks me to take it with me." Luggage or order me to run errands... So on the day of taking a rest, I took out my deposit and found a taxi and waited for my wife's car to come out. Yes, I wanted to follow. But my wife's car never came out. At that time, A car drove into the house, and the driver was the lady's father." "..." "I thought that as soon as her father left, the wife would come out and waited for a long time in the taxi. But it was already evening, and her father hadn't left yet. I gave the taxi driver a lot of money to let him go, and then I never The back door slipped back. I had a premonition about this. I sneaked back to my room like a cat thief. It happened that the voice and intimate whispers came from the bedroom at that time. It was father and daughter I was doing that kind of thing in between, so I pushed open the door of my wife's bedroom desperately." "They were startled, weren't they?" "Both of them are naked and perverted. They hugged each other in fright and dared not move. So I said, I can't stay in this kind of filthy house and I want to resign. However, when I saw the brother of the dead master , I will tell him about it." "You used me, you are really good." "We are all bad," Gao Zi said with a grin. "Those two people knelt down naked in front of me like crazy, asking me to spare them, and offered to find a husband for me, buy a house and Conditions for payment of marriage expenses." "I see." "I'm a woman who can't get married. I want to marry a man, but not a boring bastard, but a handsome man. If I have a house, this idea will become a reality. So I placed it appropriately Shelf, I accepted the conditions they proposed." "So then you're blackmailing, aren't you?" "At first I didn't know how to divide the inheritance. I thought that my wife gave me a secret fee just because I didn't want me to publicize their father and daughter's adultery. It was because I suspected that the death of the master was not suicide. But one day after I got married, I was watching On TV, there was a scene that if the wife had no children and the husband died, the husband’s younger brother would have the right to share one-third of his estate. I also knew that a child was considered a child even if it was in the womb, but the child Not the master's seed." "My husband is a hardworking man and a poor man. His dream is to have an apartment for retirement, but no matter how hard he works, he can't save money, let alone have an apartment. Therefore, in order to supplement my husband's savings , I started to show my face to the lady again. Of course, my husband had no idea that I had caught the lady's hand, and said gratefully that the lady was very nice. Oh, untie the rope! It's time to hear this. Your brother's inheritance After one third belongs to you, how much will you give me?" Gao Zi made a disgusting coquettish gesture. "I'll give you one-third of what you got." "What a third, I won't give you a penny." Hayama muttered in his heart, and started to untie the straps that bound Takako's hands.It is clear that Yoko’s child is not of Seiichi’s kind. As long as Yoko kills Seiichi and pretends to be Seiichi’s suicide, Yushan can legally obtain the entire estate of his brother Seiichi instead of one-third.
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