Home Categories foreign novel desperate challenger

Chapter 15 Chapter Fourteen

desperate challenger 大薮春彦 7681Words 2018-03-18
However, Takeda's shots were very accurate.He pressed the barrel of the M16 rifle, which was vibrating violently due to continuous firing, with his left hand, and fired three rounds three times. Those staff members of the horse training team who were hiding in the vehicle parking lot at the exit of the Rixin Wharf, holding pistols and air guns to fight back, fell to the ground crying one after another amidst the gunshots. Several of the bullets happened to hit the gasoline tanks they were going to use to burn the Nisshin export Brunjie 1600. The gasoline tank exploded.Gasoline flowing all over the ground was burning blazingly.The wide exit vehicle parking lot was dimly illuminated by the flames.

Before Takeda knew it, he had already emptied five magazines, a total of one hundred bullets.He put the sixth clip into the chamber. In the parking lot, gasoline flames spread, engulfing four Brungers.The motor parts of the four cars seemed to have been soaked in gasoline, and the flames were already burning high in an instant. In the light of the fire, Takeda saw a few guys who were shot but still able to move, running around.Takeda turned the selector to the burst position and shot them in the leg or right hand. None of the attackers were left. Takeda got into the Crown car that was used as a shelter, started the car and drove to the wire fence at the entrance of the parking lot.

The administrator who fell on the side of the fence, although he was poisoned, was not dead. Takeda opened the car door, jumped to the ground, and dragged the administrator, who was foaming at the corner of his mouth, into the car. Next, Takeda pulled out the large cutter inserted in his back, and began cutting the wires of the barbed wire and the skewers that served as the frame. However, at this moment, an air rifle bullet flew towards him with the breeze.However, since it was fired from a distance of forty meters, the incoming force was weak, and the strong sea wind hindered the firing of the small and light lead bullet, so the bullet passed by Takeda's face, flew by.

Holding the clipper in his left hand, Takeda raised his short-handled automatic rifle in his right and fired five shots in a row.Among them, it seems that a bullet hit the target and made a sound. Takeda cut a hole in the barbed wire, dropped the cutter, and sneaked into the exit vehicle parking lot.From the burning gasoline and the firelight of the car, the situation in the parking lot can be seen to a certain extent. The air guns that fell on the ground were all spring-loaded air guns made in Germany.This is a new type of air gun manufactured by Germany in a deliberate effort to regain the top position taken by the Japanese pump air gun.In a short period of time, several world records have been set.

The shock wave of this air gun is extremely small, and the moment the gun is fired, the gun body only recedes by seven millimeters, and the shooter can hardly feel the effect of the recoil.Therefore, its hit rate is extremely high.If within a range of ten meters, the diameter of the gun target is a ten-point circle of one millimeter, then sixty shots are fired, and all sixty bullets have the ability to hit the target. At this time, Takeda walked up to a young man with a painful expression on his face who had been pierced through the intestines by a bullet, and asked him about the residence of the trainer boss Hayasaka:

"Where is Hayasaka? Tell me!" "I'm sick of it. . . . give me . . . give me some water. My throat is burning," the young man moaned. "As long as you say it, I will give you water to drink." Takeda said.In fact, if the young man was given water to drink, it would cause a burst of peritonitis and death. "The president is not here. This is under the command of the vice president." "Where's that guy? What's his name?" "Call Ueda. He should be in the office." The young man groaned. "Really? Thank you." "Water... give me some water to drink!"

"Okay. Just drink the water in the water tank." After finishing speaking, Takeda picked up his M16 rifle and fired a shot into the water tank of a Brunjie beside him.The young man crawled desperately to the dripping water tank. Takeda dived straight to the front of the two-story office building.This is a simple wooden structure building.Takeda ran behind the hood of a Brunger's car and crouched down.Then, facing the second floor, he yelled loudly: "Ueda, get out of here!" There was no response from upstairs. "Get down! Ueda. If you don't come down, I'll stab your nest!" As soon as Takeda shouted, he fired twelve or three shots upstairs.

"If you don't get out again, I will set fire to this building this time! I will burn you into a roast chicken!" Takeda shouted again. But at this moment, he found a man running out from the downstairs side.With a pistol in his hand, he was running towards the coast.On the wall there, a small motor boat was tied. Takeda smiled slightly, stood up straight, raised his gun flatly, and fired a shot at his waist. The man fell to the ground, but still supported his upper body with his left hand, lifted the pistol with his right hand, and fired aimlessly in the direction of Takeda.

However, if you use a pistol to hit a target at a distance of about 40 meters, if you do not aim carefully, it is difficult to hit the target.What's more, now he was shooting in a panic, so all the bullets missed the target by far. The pistol in his hand is the S. W. Chevs Speyshire five-shot pistol.The bullets in Ueda's pistol ran out in a short while.He dropped the pistol and crawled towards the motorboat. However, since Ueda's lower body was already numb, his crawling speed was extremely slow.Takeda watched the movement around him with both eyes, and slowly approached him.It's just a matter of lifting your feet to catch up with him.

Ueda is a thin and small man.He looked about forty-seven or eight years old.His usually violent eyes now showed a demented look from fear. Just as Takeda approached Ueda, the siren of the patrol car suddenly came from a distance.Moreover, the screams of police sirens are obviously increasing. Takeda saw the motorboat tied to the wall.The motor boat is about twenty feet long, and the engine is mounted on one end of the boat. After knocking Ueda unconscious, Takeda jumped onto the jet ski and lifted the engine cover.The boat was powered by three Borupo Pitt three-liter six-cylinder four-wing engines with 165 horsepower SAE.In addition to a monitor showing a full 500-liter gasoline tank, there were two other gasoline cans full of reserve gasoline.The key is inserted into the plywood of the driver's station.

Takeda pushed the transmission into neutral, pulled the valve mechanism, and turned the key in the engine hole. The starter started and the engine roared.And at this time, the roar of the police siren of the patrol car was getting closer and closer!Takeda jumped back onto the shore, picked up the unconscious Ueda's body, and jumped onto the motorboat. Takeda quickly untied the cable tied to the anchor, started the motorboat, and pressed the accelerator button. The bow of the motorboat was raised high, as if about to turn over, it cut through the waves and moved forward at high speed.As the speed increased, the bow of the boat slowly approached the horizontal position. Its speed was displayed on the speedometer, which was seventy kilometers per hour, or about forty knots.Takeda drove the motorboat towards Miura Peninsula.The hull was beating violently.Waves pounded heavily on the underbelly of the motorboat. Although Ueda's pelvis had already been shattered by a 5.6mm bullet from an M16 rifle.But he still didn't die.On the dark sea, Takeda slowed down the speed of the motorboat, turned his face, and looked at Ueda who was slowly regaining consciousness. "How are you feeling?" Takeda said. "Bastard!..." Ueda moaned and cursed. "You really want to kill me, don't you?" "of course!" "That's good. Since you still have the energy, I have the means to torture you!" Takeda said.A cruel smile appeared on his face. "You, what do you want to do?" Ueda said, trying his best to hide the timid expression on his face. "Are you the vice president of the horse training team?" "So what?" "Where is your president, Hayasaka, now?" "how could I know!" "It's not at home, is it?" "I said that if you don't know, you don't know!" Ueda said angrily. "Really?" Takeda picked up the mooring cable and stood up.Ueda struggled desperately.Takeda tied his hands behind his back and threw him into the ocean.Ueda sank into the sea at one point.However, as the motorboat picked up speed, Ueda was dragged out of the sea by the rope.His whole body was surrounded by droplets, and it became more and more difficult to breathe. "Stop!...quickly stop!...I said..." Ueda's yell, through the roar of the motor and the loud noise of the waves, was slightly transmitted to Takeda's ears. Takeda smiled and slowed the jet ski.In order to prevent Ueda, who sank into the sea, from being strangled by the propeller, Takeda drove the motorboat, spinning on the sea surface with a huge radius, and while reversing the cable, pulled Ueda, who was like a soaked chicken, into the motorboat. Takeda asked Ueda to lie on his back on the side of the ship, and punched him lightly on the stomach.Ueda spit out a lot of sea water. "Quick, tell the truth!" Takeda said. "You, you are too cruel! You are not a human, but a beast!" "Did I tell you to explain the problem quickly?!" "The president is in Mitohama's secret residence. He is waiting for news from us." Ueda groaned after finishing speaking. "Mitohama?" "That's right. A little ahead of the port is Koajiro Port. It's to the north of that port." Ueda said. "Where is the detailed address of the secret residence?" Takeda asked. Ueda gave the detailed address again.After hearing this, Takeda asked again: "After the training team burned down the Nisshin export vehicles, what is the next plan?" "I don't know. Only the president knows." "You still want to know what it's like to be dragged in sea water, don't you?" "You simply kill me with all your heart!" Ueda's body trembled due to fear and cold. "Then I'll have to lift you into the propeller's wing and crush you to pieces!" "It's up to you! Anyway, you don't know what you don't know." "Then I have to do as you wish." Takeda finished speaking, picked up Ueda's body, and put his feet on the propeller at the stern first. Ueda let out a loud cry, his whole body convulsed.Not a moment later, his head also drooped.Takeda dragged his body up again, checked his pulse, and found that he had already stopped breathing.Takeda couldn't help but cursed. Probably due to the shock, the heart ruptured.Takeda took an iron anchor, tied it to Ueda's body, and sank him to the bottom of the sea. On the way, the motorboat passed a gray American warship heading for Yokosuka Port.The waves stirred up by the warship almost overturned the motorboat.The motorboat crossed the Jojima at the end of the Miura Peninsula, bypassed the Muroki net at the mouth of Koajiro Port, and approached Mitohama. Takeda slowed the jet ski.The motorboat sailed into a deserted pond surrounded by natural rocks.Takeda turned off the motor, pulled out the key, jumped over rocks, and tied the cable to one of the rocks. Takeda hoisted the M16 around his neck and climbed up the cliff.There is no one around.A country road can be seen in the distance, but it is so narrow that it can only pass through traffic. Takeda walked in the direction of Koajiro along the dwarf pine forest growing among the rocks.The fishing village of Mihehama was left farther and farther behind by him. Soon, on a surf-beating shore, Takeda spotted Hayasaka's strikingly exquisite secret abode.Lights were on inside. This is a small reinforced concrete building with a high floor.From the wide balcony, there is a dedicated trestle bridge.A thirty-six-foot sea yacht and a small motorboat were tied to the pier. Takeda drew his S.W.38 caliber pistol. A knife was tightly strapped to the tip of the M16 rifle. Takeda tiptoed towards the small building.He saw that the wires were up, and there were telephone wires, so he climbed up the pole.But just when he was about to use the knife tied to the gun to cut off the wire post, he suddenly had the idea of ​​using the phone to lure Kullinger's men over. So, instead of cutting the wire, Takeda climbed off the pole again.Takeda continued to inquire about the small building.The night heron uttered a terrible cry and flew back among the trees. When Takeda dived to less than thirty meters away from the small building, the lights in the building suddenly went out.At the same time, a cry of suppressed fear came from the small building: "Who?" Takeda hastily crouched down behind the rock. "Who? Answer quickly." Another call came from inside the building.Simultaneously, there was a flicker of fire on the windowsill, and there was a faint shot.The bullet flew ten meters above Takeda's left hand. It must have been fired from the muzzle of a twenty-two caliber Ream Faye rifle.Takeda was confident that if he returned fire, he would be able to hit his opponent with a single shot.However, the M16 rifle, although it is also a 22-caliber gun, uses a bullet that is completely different from the small-powder Lim Faia Langfu bullet. The Ia bullet has much more powder than it, so the gunshots will be heard by the villagers. Takeda then lay motionless on the ground.He decided not to shoot unless his life was threatened. The S.W repeating pistol has been inserted back into the belt. There were seven or eight gunshots in the small building, and then there was silence.After waiting five minutes, Takeda moved quietly forward again.He went around to the side of the small building. M16 rifle, held against waist in hand. Takeda dived under the balcony of the small building.At this moment, the sound of running came from the balcony.And it wasn't just one person, it was the footsteps of two people.One of them seemed to be a woman. Takeda silently touched the corner of the balcony and leaned down.He saw a tall, stout man in his late fifties, holding in his right hand a 22-gauge Reem Faia self-loading rifle made of Lamington and as light as plastic, and in his left hand a The hand of a beautiful woman ran along the trestle towards the yacht. The woman was wearing a man's shirt, overalls, and espadrilles.This simple decoration made her look very attractive. The two ran into the yacht.The woman wants to untie the cables tied to the railing of the trestle bridge, and the man wants to untie the cables tied to the iron anchor buoy.The man's rifle was on the roof of the cabin. Just then, Takeda ran to the shallow bridge and yelled sharply: "Don't move!" The two stared at the swarthy muzzle of the M16 rifle that concealed the threat of death, and were frozen in horror. "Hands up, both of you!" Takeda ordered. The woman raised her hand first.This is an exotic woman with short haircut, twenty-two or three years old.The chest in the men's shirt is very full. The man glanced at the pistol on the boat.He puffed out his jaws and had a very serious expression on his face. "Raise your hands quickly! Otherwise, I'll kill this woman! Even if I kill a woman, I never frown!" Takeda said. "You're Takeda...?" Hayasaka moaned and slowly raised her hand. "Is it Hayasaka?" Takeda also asked. "..." The man didn't deny it. "Climb up the trestle for me, both of you!" Takeda ordered. "Shoot if you want!" Hayasaka said through gritted teeth.Since the sea was in front of him, the sound of the gunfire was swallowed by the sound of the tide, so it was impossible to spread it very far.Moreover, since the knife is tied under the gun body to act as a bayonet, the center of gravity changes, so the impact point should be slightly higher.Takeda figured even that out, holding his rifle to his waist.He really fired a few shots at the top of Hayasaka's head. Hayasaka's hair fell down one after another as if being pushed by an electric clipper. His head, due to the concussion of the shock wave, made him bend down involuntarily.The woman wailed, and was so frightened that she sat down on the ground.Her hands stretched down involuntarily, covering her plump lower abdomen.The overalls were soaked with urine. "This time, I'm going to knock your ears off! Next time, I'll knock off your nose!" Takeda threatened. Hayasaka waved his hands desperately and yelled, "Don't shoot!" Then he crawled onto the pier on his stomach. "You come down too! Baby." Takeda ordered the girl. Dragging her wet waist, the girl jumped onto the trestle. "Both of you undress me! If you have hidden weapons on your body, things will be troublesome," Takeda ordered. "Ming, understand. Please don't shoot!" Hayasaka moaned and began to take off his clothes. The girl also took off her clothes.Her waist was extremely slender, and her breasts were like two white rubber balls. "Both come here! Put your hands around the back of your neck." Wu Yin ordered. The two slowly approached.Hayasaka is like a dog that has been beaten and blinded. He is afraid when he sees someone raising a wooden stick.He kept moaning softly in his mouth: "Please don't hit me... because I have already surrendered." Takeda asked the two to walk in front of him, holding guns, and escorted them into the small building. "Honey, what's your name?" Takeda asked the woman. "It's called Keiko. If you like it, just take her away. But I hope you don't make things difficult for me." Hayasaka answered pantingly first. Keiko stopped walking suddenly after hearing this.Angrily, she grabbed Hayasaka's body and asked: "Say it again! Who is the one who says that I am the most precious person in the world every day?" "For me, of course I am the most important thing." Hayasaka muttered. "I really regret it! It turns out that what you said about divorcing your wife and leaving all the inheritance to me was just deceiving me." "You deserve to say such things! You are too greedy!" Hayasaka retorted. "This toad!" Keiko grabbed Hayasaka desperately and bumped his head against Hayasaka's body.Hayasaka also cursed and beckoned to hit Keiko. Takeda then raised the M16 rifle and threw the barrel of the gun at the two men.The two collapsed to the ground.Keiko spread her legs apart and stretched her legs. The French window at the junction of the balcony and the house was already open.Takeda crawled inside from the window and turned on the light.The room he was in was a living room that doubled as a kitchen and dining room.very wide.To the right of it is the bedroom.The bedrooms are also very spacious. Takeda turned off the lights in the living room and turned on the bedside lamp next to the double bed in the bedroom.The light from the bedside lamp was very weak.Takeda carried the two of them into the bedroom. Takeda put the two of them side by side, face up on the double bed.Then, Keiko's right wrist and Hayasaka's left wrist were tied together with a rope. Keiko's left hand and Hayasaka's right hand were tied to the wooden foot of the bed.Takeda tied Hayasaka's feet to the foot of the bed at the end of the bed. Takeda flicked on the lighter, burning the back of Hayasaka's foot.Hayasaka struggled to regain consciousness.Keiko was pulled by the rope in Hayasaka's hand, and then woke up as well. "You, what do you want to do?" Hayasaka asked timidly. "I just want to ask you a few things," Takeda said.Then Forkfoot sat down in a chair and lit a cigarette. "Before that, it's better to rape me first... I want to take revenge on this guy!" At this moment, Keiko suddenly gave Takeda a good look, and said in a coquettish voice. "Let's talk later!" "I don't want to! I want to let him see me in your arms in front of this guy." Keiko said panting. "Then listen to you. How can I ignore your kindness!" Takeda finished speaking, moved the coffee table to Keiko's right side, and put the M16 rifle and S·W pistol on the table. Takeda then stripped off his clothes.Keiko looked at Takeda's muscular body and became ecstatic, "Look carefully! Tsutsunao can't be compared with others!" Keiko scolded Hayasaka. Hayasaka watched Takeda overwhelm Keiko next to him, almost going crazy.Keiko screamed happily...After a while, Takeda stood up and wiped his body with a wet towel. Takeda put on his clothes, turned his face, and said to Hayasaka beside him: "Let's talk about business quickly. Who is the person from Kulinger who signed the contract with you? Tell me!" "At this point, what else can I say? Get rid of Keiko soon! Otherwise, don't even want to hear me say a word!" Hayasaka moaned. "After you say it, it's not too late to deal with her. As long as you say it, I will set you free." Takeda said. "I won't do it!" "Really?" Takeda took the M16 rifle with the knife attached, and stabbed Hayasaka's lower body. Hayasaka yelled in horror, "I know, I know!" "You know how powerful it is. Then tell me!" "It's Kurata—Eisaku Kurata." "Is that bastard?" Takeda couldn't help but pissed off when he thought of his old enemy, the head of Section 3 of the Kullinger Project... Kurata, who was from the Internal Affairs Bureau and was in collusion with the CIA. "Forgive me!... We do it when we have money, and we can't help ourselves. So, you can't blame us all." Hayasaka groaned again. "Don't talk stupid! I just want to know what I want to know!" "..." "Do you know that tonight, your subordinates and several staff members of Kulinger were all killed by me?" "Kurata has already told me on the phone. How did you know the address here? Except for Kurata and Vice President Ueda, I haven't told anyone..." "It's what Ueda said..." "Bastard..., I must kill him! This bastard!" "I've already done it for you. I've already taken care of him just now." After finishing speaking, Takeda gave Hayasaka a treacherous smile. "You, you want to kill me after I say it, don't you?" Hayasaka said in horror.His face was full of unspeakable fear. "No. I won't kill you. This guy Ueda attacked me when I was not paying attention, so I took care of him." In order for Hayasaka to open his mouth to explain the problem with peace of mind, Takeda lied. "Really?" Hayasaka asked as if begging for help.His face has calmed down a lot. "it is true." "..." "Apart from the plan to burn Oda and Nissin's export vehicles, what orders did Kurata give you?" "The next target is Nagoya Motor Company. However, all my subordinates are dead..." "It's not just this, is it? You must have received other instructions?!" "..." "Say it!" Takeda cut a shallow wound on Hayasaka's lower body with a knife.Blood seeped out. "I say! Donghe has been in frequent contact with Foster recently. Although Kulinger has captured the Samsung company, he is still unwilling to give up his ambitions for Donghe. It wants to let the car body produced by Samsung be equipped with Donghe's transmission. Cylinder engine. In this way, it will be more popular with consumers. Therefore, in order to destroy Donghe’s production order, they formulated a plan to mess up Donghe’s electronic computer management system. Because as long as Donghe is in trouble, Foster will get out of the way." "In this way, Tokyo Carbon Co., Ltd., which supplies carbon sealing plates for Towa's rotary cylinder engines, has already begun to take effect due to the consequences of Kullinger's destruction." "There have been more than fifty car accidents due to the excessive wear and tear of carbon seal plates. When the car is overtaking at full power, the seal plates will suddenly shatter, causing the motor to stop suddenly. This is not bad. Sometimes On the way of overtaking, because the motor suddenly stopped rotating like a sudden brake, it would collide head-on with the oncoming car. Donghe had already spent a lot of money to cover up the truth of this accident. After a while, there will be more car accidents. At that time, the truth of the car accident will be revealed to the world. It is for this reason that Kullinger decided to take the opportunity to implement the plan to mess up the electronic computer management system." Hayasaka Ki He spoke out of breath. "Really? Who and who are the directors of Donghe bought by Kulinger?" "Half of the directors bought by Kulinger have already transferred to Foster's arms..." Hayasaka mentioned the names of five Donghe directors who still looked up to Kulinger. "So, what about the people who were bought by Foster?" Takeda asked. Hayasaka answered one by one. "No wonder... Then, how do you plan to implement the plan to mess up the electronic computer management system? Since all your subordinates have been wiped out, it seems that Kulinger has to fight alone this time, isn't it?" Takeda Said. However, at this moment, there were violent machine gun fire from three sides of the small building—except the side facing the sea.All the window panes in the small building were smashed into the air.Holding the pistol and M16 rifle tightly in his hands, Takeda fell on the ground, secretly grateful for the shelter given to him by the steel and concrete building.
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