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Chapter 5 Chapter 4 New Enemies

desperate challenger 大薮春彦 11062Words 2018-03-18
"Forgive me! I was wrong just now." Junko twisted her body and cried.The eyeballs protrude out of their sockets with fear, like a patient with Basedow's disease. "What a joke! I want you to understand today: the old me is dead." The belt in Takeda's hand was pulled towards Junko's shoulder. "Don't do that!... I was just kidding you just now..." "Well, I also want to play with you." Takeda's belt rang again.Takeda sneered, and wiped the blood on the belt with the sheet.Then he found a thin rope from the closet, bound the unconscious Junko's limbs, and stuffed Junko's mouth with a square scarf.It was late at night, and the TV station had already stopped broadcasting programs, so Takeda turned on the button of the radio switch and walked to the room that doubled as the living room.

Takeda piled up many foreign wine bottles in a corner inside the main entrance.As long as the chasing soldiers opened the door gently, the accumulated wine bottles would fall down and make a loud noise, alerting Takeda.Takeda moved the large mountaineering travel bag stuffed with 200 million yuan in cash on the sofa to the bedroom.The door connecting the bedroom and the living room was not only locked, but many chairs and tables were placed inside to form a barricade. Junko is still in a coma.Takeda came to the kitchen room on the back side.Through the kitchen door, there is a small balcony outside.There are iron railings on the balcony.On the wall on one side of the balcony, there is a large box made of transparent plastic, which is filled with a complete set of life-saving equipment for evacuation in case of fire and earthquake.Such as: flashlights, portable spotlights, gas masks for protection against poisonous gases produced by new building materials such as prefabricated panels, bagasse pressed boards, etc., entangled 40-meter-long rope ladders, fireproof clothing and gloves.When the fire escape is once blocked, it can be used for emergency.

Takeda moved these items into the kitchen.Barricades were then erected inside the kitchen door as well.Takeda took about two kilograms of red sausage and two bottles of beer that had been cold for a long time from the refrigerator, and returned to the bedroom. Takeda sat down on the bed with the sheets off, chewing with red sausage stuffed in his mouth, and pouring beer down his stomach.At this time, the announcer on the radio, who was broadcasting a light-hearted program along with a music record, stopped broadcasting short stories and began to broadcast a temporary news program. "About 00:00 this morning, a thug sneaked into the house of Daisaku Izumita, the president of Tokyo Carbon Corporation located in Shibakan Imazato, wounded Daisaku and his third son Masanobu, robbed 500,000 yuan, and fled. At the same time , the thug and his two accomplices who were watching the wind in the courtyard appeared to have a dispute over the uneven distribution of spoils. A gun battle broke out and two more people were killed. On the way to escape, seven police officers were seriously injured. The whereabouts of the thug are still unknown .

"The thug is about thirty-five or six years old, with a thin face and a strong body. He fled in a white Donghe rotary cylinder racing car. If anyone finds anyone acting suspiciously, or Please report to the nearby police station or call the white rotary racing car with Shinagawa Kenshichi-Seven X car number written on it. Moreover, the thugs also have pistols, so never go after them single-handedly. Such reckless things should be avoided as much as possible..." Quantian stated that the 200 million yuan was robbed as 500,000 yuan, probably because he was worried that his misappropriation of company funds would be revealed to the world.It must be for the same reason that he did not speak Takeda's name.Maybe it will also put pressure on the scouting team.In any case, it is impossible to leave here tonight.Takeda was lying on his back on the bed with his shoes on, staring at the ceiling with sad eyes.

Will Quantian really return half of the embezzled five billion dollars to the company and pay off the company's loan to the bank?For a period of time after that, there will definitely be several plainclothes policemen entangled around Quantian. It is too risky to get close to Quantian in order to find out.However, whether Quantian fulfilled his promise or broke it, he had to find ways to make it clear!Be sure to let him know what the consequences will be if he breaks his promise! ... Takeda murmured and closed his eyes.In order to accumulate strength, he decided to take a nap and rest for a while, but Takeda was full of thoughts and couldn't fall asleep no matter what. After a while, he fell asleep.

I do not know how long; a sound woke him up.Reflexively, Takeda curled his right foot to his chest, and pulled out a 22-caliber Warsaw PPK pistol from the concealed holster strapped to his trouser leg.It was exactly four o'clock in the morning. Junko was struggling desperately on the black carpet soaked by excrement, trying to break free from the square scarf stuffed in her mouth and the string tied around her feet.The ropes that bound her feet had loosened somewhat. Takeda jumped off the bed slowly, and tied the rope around her feet tightly again. "If you make a loud noise, I'll kill you. Try not to let the noise leak out. If it's too noisy, I won't be able to sleep!" After speaking, he sneered, took out a knife, and approached Junko throat.Blunt's good right eye was full of fear.She struggled.Injured left eyelid, like a keloid.Junko couldn't stand the fear, and lost her bladder again.

"Do you have a car?" Takeda asked. "Yes, yes. Here it is for you! You drive it, hurry up and go in!" Junko murmured. "Where are the keys? And the car?" "The key is in the drawer on the right side of the three-way mirror... the car is parked in the underground parking lot. It is a silver-gray Corona II with a metal roof." Junko even said the car number. "Really? How do you feel?" "It has become such a face... If I don't get a facelift, I won't even be able to go to the store." "Don't worry. I'm going to mess up your face so that you can't have plastic surgery!" Takeda said coldly.

"Don't do this! I can do anything else!" Junko twisted her face horribly. "I'm not what I used to be. I'm almost living in a nightmare now. Before, I was tempted by a shameless woman like you, and that time was just like a nightmare. But now, no matter what How do you seduce me, your dirty body can no longer arouse my enthusiasm." Takeda grinned, and took out the car keys from the drawer next to the three-way mirror. "What's the matter with you? About two weeks ago, two outsiders came here to inquire about you. They said that as soon as you got here, they wanted me to keep you and call them. If so , they gave me 500,000 yuan."

"Where to report, have they also said?" "The 263 switchboard..." Junko said a nine-digit phone number. It was a phone number that Takeda didn't know.Probably a new point of contact for Kullinger or the CIA. "That's right. Why don't you keep me and report to those guys, since there's half a million dollars to come?" "Because I love you. I thought, since those guys are after you, if I report to them again, you'll be in a lot of trouble." "Don't be kidding. You're afraid you'll be involved in the dispute, aren't you?"

"..." "Anyhow, you told me a good thing. Wait a minute, and you'll call over there and say you saw me and spoke. Well, my hiding place should be said to be Where? Oh, you say, if you don't get the money, you won't tell me where I hide, so tell them to bring the money and come here. And, you can say, if you tell you where to contact , you can go there in person." Takeda said with a grim expression on his face. "I'm sorry,... If you do this, I will be killed by them." Junko was so frightened that her face turned pale. "Kill? As long as you do what I say, I can let you live." Takeda said.

"I don't want you!...I don't want to be killed!" "As long as you do what I say, I can kill those bastards. Then you won't die." "Got it. I'll do as you say." Junko said out of breath. "Then, in order not to panic on the spot, let's practice the lines first. You say: After the work in the store is over, you have dinner with the customers, and when you come home, you find Takeda standing in front of the door. You just say Takeda let him into the house, and since then he has been trying everything possible to contact there, but Takeda is so cunning, so it has been inconvenient. Then, Takeda said that he himself was in danger, and asked me to find an apartment for him to hide in. Take out the coin from the travel bag and give it to me. Takeda finally went out just now, so I had to contact you. Takeda asked me to call him and tell him his phone number after he found an apartment for him. Me. If you can bring 500,000 yuan as agreed, I will tell you his phone number. Will you say it?" "I'll do my best. But we also make a pact: you can't kill me!" "Okay. That's the deal. But before you call, I have to finish a few small things." After Wu Tian finished speaking, he went to the kitchen and tied one end of the rope ladder wrapped in a circle to Yang He. on the railing so that in case of emergency, the rope ladder can be thrown down.The siren of the patrol car has long since disappeared, even from the balcony.In the hours after losing Takeda's goal, the police probably also slowly gave up. Takeda returned to the bedroom, turned off the radio, cut the string that was tied to Junko's feet, told her to go to the bed, sit in the chair, and then, dialed the phone number of the enemy's contact point, and put The microphone moved to Junko's ear and mouth.Takeda himself put his ear on it.The paging continued.After about thirty seconds, there was the sound of the other party picking up the microphone. The other party was cautiously silent. "It's me——" Junko said in a low voice, "Junko from the 'Yihuile' nightclub in Ginza. You told me: When Takeda came, ask me to report to you..." "Are you here? Where is it? In the store or in the apartment?" An unfamiliar voice asked anxiously.From the tone and intonation, it sounds like a Japanese. "I left this apartment just now. The actual story is like this—" Junko repeated what Takeda said.Then he said, "If you can bring the agreed money, I will give you the phone number of Takeda's hideout." "Hey, don't you get money from Takeda, but come here to rip us off. That's brazen enough, ah, okay. The promise is the promise, we'll bring half a million dollars Yes." After the other party finished speaking, he snorted. "When is it?" "As soon as possible. Within about forty minutes..." The other party hung up the phone.Takeda put the receiver on the phone, and Junko sighed loudly, sweat beading down her face.Takeda tied Junko into a chair, removed the barricade in the bedroom, then walked to the door and put the wine bottle stacked on the inside of the door back on the wine cabinet in the living room. Takeda unlocked the door and went back to the bedroom, remembering the intercom in the building.He flipped the switch and turned the volume up to the max.This way, you can hear footsteps in the hallway. "When these guys come, you say the door is unlocked! Do you understand?" Takeda ordered Junko. "..." Junko chattered and nodded.Takeda lit five cigarettes and let them incinerate.The magazine of the Warsaw PPK pistol has already been replaced with a spare magazine containing ten rounds of live ammunition. Half an hour later, there was the sound of the elevator starting.Then there were footsteps in the corridor.The footsteps belonged to two people, and they were walking towards the door of Junko's room.Takeda lowered the volume of the intercom to the middle, then moved Yizi and Junko on the chair to the cabinet where the intercom was placed, and told her in a low voice: "Just wait for those guys to speak, press the call button with your chin, and say what I said, don't forget, I've been aiming at you!" Takeda finished speaking, and moved to the dimly lit living room. In the room, he hid behind the sofa and activated the safety device on the gun. "Open the door! I'm the one who answered the phone just now." Through the intercom, a man's voice came from outside the door. "It's not locked," Junko replied.Takeda smiled slightly. At this time, the handle on the door turned, and the door opened slowly.But only a small crack was opened, as if someone was peeping into the room.Immediately afterwards, two men walked in from the door.Both held pistols against their waists.Both pistols are equipped with large silencers.One was about thirty-seven or eight years old, and he was a fat-faced Japanese, and the other was a slender foreigner who was over 1.80 meters tall.The hair is golden yellow.Both were characters Takeda had never met before.The Japanese pushed the door closed with his backhand, and asked: "Where is it?" The two approached the bedroom door. At this time, Takeda suddenly stood up like a shadow, raised the Warsaw 22-caliber PPK pistol in his right hand, and fired four rounds in a row.The faint sound of the shot was so sharp and so rapid that it sounded like only two shots out of four.The faint gunfire was blocked by the wall and barely reached the next room.The first two bullets pierced the left and right elbows of the foreigners, and the next two bullets shattered the Japanese elbow bones.Both dropped their pistols, howling like a pig. But that slender foreigner was very physically strong. He pretended to be slumped on the floor, and with his right hand, which couldn't move dexterously, he picked up the Kelut 38 that had fallen on the floor and was equipped with a silencer. Caliber repeating pistol.It was too late, and then soon, there was another brief, purple spark from the muzzle of Takeda's pistol.But although the other party took another bullet in his right wrist, he was not afraid, and changed the repeating pistol to his left hand.Takeda put the bullet between his eyebrows this time.The foreigner whose brain had been smashed was in unbearable pain, and fell forward on the ground, convulsing. "Don't shoot...don't shoot..." the Japanese bit the bullet and raised his bloody hands.Saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth. "Are there any other accomplices?" Takeda interrogated him after locking the door. "It's just the driver. The driver parked the car in the alley and waited for us.... Don't shoot... I still have a wife and children..." the man complained.The foreigner's body stopped convulsing at this moment. "What's your name?" Takeda asked the Japanese. "Nagai..." "Nagai? Wrap your hands around the back of your neck and keep still!" Takeda ordered.Then he walked briskly to the other end of the sofa, and Nagai wailed softly, wrapping his hands behind his neck.Ordering him to turn around, Takeda slammed the butt of his gun over the head, knocking him unconscious. At this moment, the foreigner who seemed to be dead suddenly wrapped his arms around Takeda's ankle and pulled him violently.Takeda was caught off guard and was dragged to the ground.The pistol in his right hand misfired, slipped out of his hand, and slid to the side of the sofa.The foreigner had opened his eyes at this time, but the gunshot wound between his eyebrows had made him blind.Still, his left hand around Takeda's ankle was very strong.Takeda's flesh seems to be strangled by him, and his joints are rattling.Moreover, the foreigner's right hand stretched towards Takeda's lower body.It's like the vitality of a protozoan!Takeda was so frightened that he almost cried out. But at this moment Takeda caught a glimpse of the repeating pistol that the foreigner had dropped on the ground, and he reached out and grabbed it.The hammer on the gun was already cocked, but Takeda pressed the silencer against the foreigner's face and pulled the trigger.Together with the muffled gunshot, the violent vibration of the pistol was transmitted from Takeda's hand to his shoulder.Brain spewed out from the back of the opponent's pierced head.Takeda thumbed off the hammer of the Klutt repeater, and the strength in his hand finally weakened as the second bullet entered the foreigner's body. Takeda trembled all over, and stood up.Pressing down on the hammer of the Klutt repeating pistol with his thumb, he slowly pulled the trigger.The force on the thumb is matched to the speed of pulling the trigger just right, and the movement is getting slower and slower.The hammer finally reversed slowly and returned to the safety.Takeda then pulled the magazine spring on the gun, opened the lotus-shaped magazine to the left, and pushed back the ejector lever to release six empty cartridge cases.Takeda picked out some of the shell casings marked with detonators and hammer marks, put them in his pocket, and then searched the pockets of the finally dead foreigner. There was nothing in his wallet that could reveal his identity.In the pocket of his trousers was a small leather case containing thirty thirty-eight caliber Speyshire bullets.Takeda took a live round from the holster, loaded it into the repeating pistol, and, closing the magazine cover, slipped the pistol into the belt on his trousers. Takeda then turned the safety valve on his own Warsaw PPK.The unique safety device on the Warsaw brand pistol was activated, and the hammer was automatically reversed, embedded in the steel parts, and did not hit the tail of the bullet in the ammunition chamber, causing a fire.Takeda pulled out the magazine on the handle of the gun, took out the live ammunition from the original magazine, and reloaded it. He inserted the Warsaw pistol into the dark holster tied to his foot, and grabbed Nagai with his right hand and dropped it on the floor. The S·W repeating pistol on the board.It was also a thirty-eight caliber pistol.Takeda dragged Nagai with his left hand and returned to the bedroom.After Junko heard the gunshots, she passed out again. Takeda also moved the corpse of the foreigner into the bedroom.Then, Junko and the chair were overturned on the floor and rolled.He searched Nagai's clothes, took out a Western-made razor, and kicked him to regain consciousness. Nagai, who regained consciousness, trembled like a dysentery patient when he saw the corpse of his companion.On the back of the foreigner's head covered with blond hair, there was a bullet hole.Bloody, almost as big and deep as a clenched fist, and facing the direction of growth. "Do you want to give you the same fate?" Takeda sat on the bed, held up the stolen S·W repeating pistol with a silencer, and pointed to the corpse. "Don't, don't! Don't shoot!..." Nagai pleaded. "Who is this guy?" "Jonny Green is a professional assassin from Washington. Just now, he was bragging about how fearlessly he knocked his opponent down after being shot three times. Now..." "Is it someone from the CIA?" "Yes. Besides Johnny, there are more than a dozen murderers who came to Japan to kill you." Nagai murmured. "how about you?" "..." "Say it!" Takeda casually pulled the trigger of the repeating pistol.Nagai sat on the floor.The wool of the carpet between the knees was beaten to fly.The gunfire was extremely dull, and a few thin wisps of smoke leaked out from the numerous vent holes of the large silencer.Nagai straightened his legs and fell face up on the floor. "I said....I'm a member of the Shibuya Yokokawa group." Spit bubbles came out of his mouth again. "Yokokawa group? Nonsense! The Yokokawa group has already been disintegrated!" A trace of uneasiness flashed across Takeda's face.About five years ago, the Yokogawa group used to be a powerful emerging violent group with a total of 60 groups and a total of more than 4,000 members. Those desperadoes and hooligans centered on Yokokawa, the team leader who returned from demobilization, colluded with the former Minister of State Kawano, who was once the general backer of the Conservative Party faction. developed its own power.In exchange for their service as Kawano's private soldiers, they did a lot of brutal incidents, but they were all covered up. However, in order to compete for the post of Prime Minister, the Conservative Party bureaucrats and the financial circles, who had been hit by Kawano before that, gave Kawano a death sentence in a secret court, so Kawano "died of illness".After that, in order to wipe out the violent groups instigated by Kawano, the government used newspapers, television and other tools to encourage itself, and launched a long-term campaign to eliminate violent groups throughout the country. The Yokokawa group was rightly hit by this storm.The old evils were exposed one after another. The upper and middle-level cadres below the team leader and the leaders of the subordinate organizations were also arrested one after another, and each was sentenced to more than ten years in prison.The Yokokawa group collapsed just like that.The streets of Shibuya have now become the world of violent gangs dominated by the Conservative Party's bureaucratic faction... "It's true. What I said was not a lie. I was just released from Maebashi Prison on parole a month ago with the condition of arresting you." Nagai suddenly had a defiant expression on his face. "However, the team leaders have not been able to come out of the prison, how did the organization rebuild?" "Don't you know? The government will soon commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Meiji Restoration and amnesty the world." "..." "You probably still remember the amnesty decree announced by the government on December 19th in the 31st year of the Showa era (that is, 1956) because it joined the United Nations? It was more than ten years ago. Before that day , whether you have committed a crime like a violation of the Public Office Election Act or the Political Funding Adjustment Act, whether you have been sentenced, whether you are in trial or have not been charged, you are all pardoned. This is the case." “At that time, the Conservative Party secretary Eto, who is now the Prime Minister, was the central figure in the bribery incident in the shipbuilding corruption incident. The Minister of Justice used his power to prevent him from being arrested for accepting bribes. But when he joined the United Nations Amnesty, Eto, who is a criminal who violated the Political Fund Adjustment Law, was completely pardoned. The new Minister of Justice who decided to issue an amnesty decree to join the United Nations held a grand congratulatory party in his home, and hosted a banquet for those members of the amnesty. Bin is of course Jiang Teng, as long as he has power, he can do whatever he wants, Jiang Teng is extremely confident, which is actually not difficult to understand." "..." "Eto, who is now the prime minister, wanted to amnesty the world in order to save his subordinates before 1970. For this reason, he came up with a plan to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Meiji Restoration." "His biggest purpose is to pardon all his party members and local councilors in the Conservative Party who were arrested for his campaign. He was arrested and imprisoned for violating the electoral law during the early Conservative Party presidential election. Not only did he want to make the crime go unpunished, but also, the restoration of rights was issued so that those whose citizenship rights were suspended Participate in nomination and public election campaigns, and vote again." "There is another big purpose is to let us, who are known as violent gangs, return to society. Can you understand? We will carry forward the spirit of killing one person when we see one person in response to the red riots in 1970 , to put out the revolution. That's why." "So, those leaders will soon have their sentences shortened, and they will return to society with their heads held high. Those leaders who followed Kawano before have now felt the power of Jiang Teng through their bones, and no one will follow him again. Eto is right. As long as we do it for Eto, the streets of Shibuya will belong to us again. In particular, we, the main members of the Yokokawa Group Headquarters, have been mediated by the CIA. Except for the team leader and two senior cadres who are still in prison, The rest are back in society. If the team leader and the others get out of prison at the same time, there will be a lot of trouble in the society. We just finished celebrating the reorganization of the group in secret. If I don't do this tonight If this is a stupid thing, then I will share some of the benefits of the amnesty and live a fair life..." "Fart!" Takeda spat on Nagai's face.Nagai's elbows had been shot, so he couldn't wipe the saliva off his face. "You were desperately hunted down by the CIA, Kuringer's assassins, and the Yokogawa group. It is conceivable that you have nowhere to go. However, as long as you save my life, I will let you escape to a foreign country. Before the arrest, I specialized in the business of selling Japanese girls to Southeast Asia, and stuffed many women in cargo ships. Therefore, I have a deep relationship with foreign cargo ships. I can help you escape to foreign countries. Please. You are dead, let me live! I will report to the CIA that your body has been incinerated!" Nagai said eloquently. "I'm not going to run away. However, in view of your good intentions in advising me, you can spare your life. About how many key members of the Yokokawa group were released on parole?" Takeda asked in a breath. "About fifty people..." "Where is the office? Is it still in the old place?" "The former office has been closed. The current office is in the Mitake Real Estate Building in Miyamasaka, which is run by the mistress of the team leader." "It's near the Jiudao ramp... It's located on the third floor of the Iioka Building next to the Lightbringer Hotel, inside a newspaper falsely called the Tokyo News Agency. It's a secret branch of the CIA..." "Thank you." Takeda said, pushing the hammer of the repeating pistol. "Don't, don't do this! If you kill me, the Yokokawa group won't ignore you!" Nagai moaned. "If I let you live, then I will really be hunted down by the Yokokawa group!" "Bastard... shoot if you want. I'll tell you something you'll be interested in: No matter which way you go out, you're not going to get out of this building alive! In fact, this apartment, Already surrounded by my companions. As long as we haven't gone out in 20 minutes, they will break in!" Nagai laughed viciously. Almost at the same time, the footsteps of several people running in the corridor came from the intercom in the room. After a while, there was a violent knock on the door, which was mixed with the shouts of several people shouting "open the door". Takeda pushed the hammer of the repeating pistol with his thumb, and extended it with the barrel Well and Junko smashed their heads off, and then, after turning off the light, they ran from the kitchen to the balcony. At this time, the group of men in the corridor began to shoot at the keyhole on the door.Takeda held the repeating pistol in his mouth, his face frowning at the stench of blood and brains coming from the gun.He put the rope ladder out of the gate.The rope ladder rolled in a circle, one end was tied to the handrail of the balcony, quickly spread out and fell down, and the other end immediately reached the lawn in the backyard.Takeda slid down the rope ladder. At this moment, shock waves, gunshots and bullets suddenly attacked from downstairs.It's a rifle.The bullet grazed Takeda's shoulder and hit the side wall of the apartment, and the splashed sparks scattered together with the painted cement powder.Takeda pulled his feet out of the rope ladder reflexively, and using his hands as the axis, his body swung recklessly like a pendulum. The bullets struck again, and the three bullets hit almost at the same time.However, due to the violent swing of Takeda's body, the shooter's eyes were confused.The bullet missed its target slightly, missing Takeda's body at all.Takeda swayed his body wildly, when he noticed that there was a window in a room on the sixth floor on the lower right side.The lights were off.Taking advantage of the rebound force, Takeda suddenly kicked the window. The window panes were kicked into pieces and scattered in all directions.Just when the rifle bullets hit again, Takeda jumped into the window again like a pendulum, using the rebound of his body.He sank to the floor, and the broken glass cut through Takeda's trousers and dug into his buttocks.Takeda immediately stood up like a cat again. There appeared to be a bedroom.In the extremely dim light, a naked man and woman hugged each other on the bed in the corner facing the window, screaming like chickens about to be slaughtered. "I'll kill you if you move!" Takeda threatened, taking the pistol from his mouth to his hand.Then he bent his body and ran to the window. There are more and more bullets coming up from below.Several bullets passed through the window and hit the ceiling of the room Takeda had jumped into.Takeda backed away for a moment, moving into the dimly lit living room.No bullets were fired into this room. Takeda opened the curtain a crack and peered down.He saw five or six men resting their elbows on the hoods and trunk hoods of the three small cars parked in the alley, their feet hunched over, their carbines and hunting rifles raised, firing upstairs. Takeda wiped off the cold sweat with his sleeve, and slightly opened the window. The men in the alley, not noticing the change, continued to shoot futilely towards the ceiling of the bedroom.The distance from Takeda is about fifty meters. Takeda replaced the repeating pistol.This kind of pistol can be used at close range, but if it is more than twenty meters away, Takeda doesn't know where to shoot.In his right hand he replaced his trusty twenty-two caliber PPK pistol with the front sight device. Through the short barrel of the pistol, the small firepower lim bullet of the 22-caliber long-handled rifle fired, if it is fired at a target fifty meters away, it will not have great power.However, although it loses its power for wild beasts, if it hits a person, it will at least make him incapable of fighting and slowly walk towards death. This kind of power is still there. Of course, everything is done by It depends on where you hit....Moreover, even with the continuous-fire pistol that Takeda is holding in his hand now, its 38-caliber Speyshire bullet can kill people fifty meters away through the barrel of an ordinary pistol. Putting on the silencer will greatly weaken the firing potential of the bullet, and its power has to be doubted. Takeda quietly put the Warsaw PPK pistol out of the window through the crack of the window.There is an iron-like rule in shooting a gun: when shooting an object above from the bottom, the aiming direction should be slightly higher; and when shooting an object from above, the aiming direction should be slightly lower.However, when it is dark and the front sight is unclear, the front sight is more difficult to see than the V-shaped notch on the rifle gauge. If it is a little higher unintentionally, the bullet will deviate from the target by far, but on the other hand A 22-caliber pistol firing a 40 Klein bullet, if the range is adjusted to 25 meters as Takeda did, the trajectory will be six inches lower when hitting a target 50 meters away. Takeda calculated these figures in just a split second, then aimed at the face of a man on the left, and quietly pulled the trigger.Takeda saw him fall on his back.Hit him in the face!Takeda then shot the rest of the men quickly like a machine gun.The group of people suddenly turned over and fell to the ground one by one like puppets used as shooting rakes.Takeda smiled and opened the door to the room. Takeda fired a few threatening shots towards the left and right sides of the corridor with the repeating pistol in his left hand, and then jumped out of the door.There was no one in the corridor.Takeda dared not use the elevator, for fear of being locked inside.He ran down the stairs and jumped into the underground parking lot. The garage keeper is absent.Probably because it was getting brighter.However, he might be shivering in a blanket wrapped in a blanket because he was so frightened by the snatching. However, as long as he stopped Takeda, he would definitely get a bullet between the eyebrows, and he would remain silent forever. There were about thirty cars lying in the garage, including Junko's silver-gray Corona II, number 1900. Takeda opened the door of the car with the key he had stolen, and sneaked into the driver's seat.He felt a sharp pain in his buttocks, which made his brows wrinkle.It was the shattered glass embedded in his ass, and Takeda hadn't realized it until now. Takeda's inner thigh was also soaked in lukewarm blood.However, do not waste time due to pain or other reasons!Takeda inserted the key into the engine hole with the stearin ingot, turned it, and started the motor.The accumulated trip on the car showed 3,000 kilometers.Takeda put his two arms on the assistant's seat, and drove the car out of the underground garage. At this moment, three cars parked on the street at the entrance hurriedly chased after him. The siren of the patrol car was getting closer, and Takeda reversed the car and turned into an alley.In the headlights of the car, Takeda saw five or six men lying on the street.Both held rifles and carbines in their hands.Takeda drove his car into them.There were screams and the sound of wheels hitting flesh and bone.After the Corona wobbled past the men's bodies, Takeda slammed on the brakes and jumped onto the road.At his feet lay a banana-shaped M2 carbine for the U.S. Army with 30 magazines.Takeda picked up the gun and pulled out the magazine.After weighing the weight, Takeda knew that there were about 20 rounds left in the magazine, which seemed to have just been replaced. At this time, the car that was chasing after him turned around the corner of the street and came galloping.武田右手握住枪抦,抵住腰间,接连不断地扣动了板机,由于武田左手使劲地按住了因反冲而往上震动的枪身,所以枪弹命中率很高。 弹仓里的子弹转瞬间就一扫而空了。尾追而来的三辆车子,车身上嵌满了弹孔,车前窗玻璃被打得粉碎,一头撞到了停在路旁的同伙的车上。武田从一个被轮胎辗烂了脸的死者身上,夺来了一条卡宾枪弹仓带。弹仓带上插着八个弹仓,除了其中的一个已经打完,其余的七个弹仓里都装有三十发实弹。武田扔下了卡宾枪上的空弹仓,换上了预备弹仓,然后回到柯罗娜车上,继续向前驶去。 东方的天空终于渐渐明朗起来了。大街上车子很少,所以很难混在车流里逃脱。回到远在南多摩丘陵地带的洞穴里的隐蔵处,更是困难之至。于是,武田决定主动出击位于九段的CIA的秘密支所。那帮混蛋肯定以为武田逃命都顾不及,绝不会冒险反攻他们的。 一穿出小巷,埋伏在路旁的巡逻车就鸣着警笛,红色的旋灯一亮一灭地追踪而来。扩音机以令人听而生畏的声音,命令武田停车。武田决定利用这辆巡逻车。他急刹住车,从车窗里透出脑袋大叫道: “不得了啦!那边发生了可怕的枪战,流弹还飞到了我的车上。” “关上前灯,下车到这边来!”警官通过扩音机,命令他道。 “现在可不是能随心所欲地命令人的时候!谁知道什么时侯又会被流弹击中呢?!”武田愤怒地顶撞了一句,又发动了汽车,慢慢地朝前驶去。 “停车!”巡逻车的左右车门打开了。两个手按着腰上的枪套的警官从车上跳了下来。枪套上的扣子已经解开。武田刹住了车子,握着装有消音器的连发式手枪的右手藏在背后,从柯罗娜车上走了下来,并随手推起了击铁。警官们在柯罗娜车前灯耀眼的光线照射下,紧蹙着眉头走来。当他们一眼看到满是血迹的裤子时,惊愕地瞪大了眼睛。武田等待着他们伸手到枪套里掏枪,以后的一瞬间里,武田把枪抵在腰间,扣着板机的食指,在零点零二秒钟内两度屈伸,打出了两弹。两声沉闷的枪声,几乎是连在一起扣响的。无论谁听起来,都似乎只响了一枪。
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