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Chapter 3 Chapter Three

shopping 大薮春彦 10611Words 2018-03-18
I slept for a while. Tsuyama got up from the assistant's seat and turned his face out of the car window. The mountains, paddy fields, and villages in the distance are divided by woods.The trucks are now heading south along the Sanriku coast.The roar of the Pacific Ocean can be heard on the left, but the water cannot be seen in the darkness.It took more than three hours to arrive in Aomori County. At this time, should we continue to move forward? Tsuyama rolled up the sleeve of his left wrist: "I'm hungry." "Yes, I've been running." Kuroda Teruyuki replied while holding the steering wheel.

Looking at the endless road, he proposed again: "Somewhere, stop if there's a good drive-thru, and get something to eat." "Eat? Forget it, let's move on!" "Well, let's go if you want to. If you want to rest in the motel, you have to go through Miyako." Kuroda deliberately pretended to be a little disappointed.The two exchanged seats, with Tsuyama driving the car, and the remaining photographer partner and Morio Miki lying under a quilt in the back cushions. Tsuyama and the others left Hokkaido Konomai after Tame Ryuji's dual Otto plane took off, and they shared two hidden trucks with nine wooden barrels. Set off.

Tongguan Xinghei traveled by land from Monbetsu Abashiri, loaded three wooden barrels on the hunting ship Hokutomaru hidden in Abashiri Port, and after refueling, set off from Abashiri Port to Tokyo the next morning. After Jinshan handled the three wooden barrels as national railway goods in Abashiri, he loaded the other three wooden barrels on a truck and together with his partners, set off from Abashiri by land and marched into Tokyo. He wanted to enter the mainland from across the Tsugaru Strait in Hokkaido, and he had to go through the Seikan Ferry as usual.If there is an East Japan Ferry between Hakodate and Aomori, there must be a Donan Ferry.

However, according to the same route of the Seikan liaison ship, it landed at Aomori, and because of the use of the Northeast Expressway, the central breakthrough was easily identified.There is a high possibility of ambushing the tracking team around the Hakodate trestle, it must be under control. Tsuyama therefore did not go that route.If you miss Hakodate, which way should you take?There are East Japan Ferry between Muroran and Aomori and Silver Ferry between Tomakomai and Hachinohe. For this reason, Tsuyama chose the route from Tomakomai to Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture, and slipped in from the Iwato side of Honshu.The specific time is after the daytime on April 12th, from the Tomakomai Ferry to the port of Hachinohe in the evening of the second day.

They landed. There are no abnormalities in the port or on board.Immediately after that, they followed National Highway No. 45, entered Iwahira from Aomori, passed through Kuji, Noda, and Fudai, and headed south through Iwahira County. So far, they have not found any movement from the enemy. What was unpleasant was Kuroda's babble: "What happened, the enemy actually missed us, and we succeeded." "The current situation may be successful, especially since arriving in Hachinohe, the explanation has become more and more correct. It may be that Domon's deceptive flight has diverted the enemy's sight, otherwise we would not be able to escape Hokkaido smoothly. "

Tsuyama thinks Domon is really all right? In the darkness, the cheerful smiling faces of my companions flashed in my mind. That guy is never reckless in these things. He muttered inwardly.Maybe the guys who tracked the Twin Ottos would be pissed off when they swarmed into the plane and opened the bucket to find it full of little rocks.They will step up their pursuit of Jin Shan and others. It was dark and cold outside the window. Although the hazy moonlight could be seen outside the window, the coast was still dark.The white road guardrails are connected in a sinuous way.Wherever the blinding headlight went, the woods and hillsides turned white.

On the national highway in the middle of the night, few cars pass by.There were several fresh meat trucks running in front of and behind them, and no one paid attention to whether it was a tracking vehicle. "Aren't you planning to go back to Daiichi Treasure?" Tsuyama asked Kuroda who was in charge of the steering wheel. "No. The company's executives Guduan and Qiucun will severely interrogate the internal staff. I seem to be working as a spy now because I use alum water to write. If I go back, I will end up dealing with private detectives. One sloppy and it will be wiped off the planet."

"Yes, such a betrayal happened. Even if you want to go back, it is impossible. But how did Daiichi Jewelry plan such a development plan?" Tsuyama seemed to be asking himself: "Developing these secret transportation routes, Especially the use of Soviet nuclear submarines, it is estimated that this is not something ordinary organizations can afford.” Kuroda replied: "The person who is called Daiichi Hoshi's real power faction, Taniyata, seems to have had the experience of being detained in Siberia before. In addition, in Japan-Soviet trade and economic cooperation, as well as among many related households, he can be called a Taisuke Kawashima, a politician. These two people often disagree, but they were partners during the time they were detained in Siberia. Since then, there has been a network of relations between Japan and the Soviet Union, right?"

Sure enough, Tsuyama thought. Got to the point.After the Second World War, a total of more than 50,000 Japanese were exiled to Siberia asylums from the senior generals of the Japanese army from Beiman to Huatai, down to the non-commissioned officers, military officials and civilians.After returning to Japan, these people held important positions in various high-level fields of society.Some of them were summoned by the KGB during the detention period, received re-education, transformed their minds, and received spy training, so that they formed a pro-Soviet black organization after returning to Japan, but they never showed off.

Jinshan believes that there must be such a black organization behind such a large-scale smuggling plan, otherwise, Daiichi Jewelry would not have such a great status as it is today.It stands to reason that the nature of the company is nothing more than acting as a broker in the gem industry. However, Gu Duan, who is in charge of the company, has connections with quite high-ranking people in Moscow, so he dares to organize such actions that ignore the law. If so, then they are certainly not limited to smuggling diamonds.After all, diamonds are decoration on the surface.Maybe it's just used as bait, or to spy on a bigger target—the regime, which is secretly planning right now.

Tsuyama suddenly guessed something.In any case, there is no direct threat from any side behind our ingenious seizure of huge Soviet diamonds.No, aren't there some hints in the words that came out of Kuroda's mouth?It can be concluded that those enemies who backed up and tried their best to recapture the diamonds still had a stage of smuggling and seizing diamonds just like us.Tsuyama may have felt the significance of the intelligence room. Tsuyama picked up a cigarette and lit the fire. Taking a deep breath, he stared intently at the dark night ahead. Or consider the action behind it.After a year and a half, the leadership group in the reformed Kremlin has gradually formed a completely new system.Since taking office, the young regime leaders have cracked down on corrupt cadres.As a result, power struggles and contradictions of personnel changes have been triggered within them.Some old forces are planning to defect to the West.In order to realize the escape plan, it is necessary to unite and win over some people in Japan, and through various links in the work, smuggling and other means are used to obtain funds. This is the most effective explanation.But the real intention remains elusive.Especially transport those diamonds to Tokyo, and after selling them somewhere, you can make a fortune all at once. The truth became somewhat clear in the process, Tsuyama thought. "So, where was Tsuyama-kun born?" Kuroda listlessly asked some gossip. "It was there. I was only three years old at the time. After the war, I returned to Shinshu with my whole family." "That place is Fengyuan?" "It's the real net." "Well, keep that place fresh in your mind. I'm talking about the north, where the motherland is lost." "Don't talk stupid things. I can't remember that place anyway. If Kawata was occupied by the Soviet Union, I would still be Japanese. The concept of Japan is the motherland, here." This matter has been ridiculed by colleagues.It was for the work of commercial production. I have been to the target sea area many times. At that time, I said that I really like the sea in the north. Tong Guan was very surprised when he heard it. It must have run out of fuel, Tsuyama murmured to himself while turning up his sleeves.The crocodile leather strap held an old watch, which belonged to my father.The hands of the watch pointed to half past eleven, and the truck had already driven to Guanguzhu. Entering the commercial street, the shutters have already been lowered. There were only white street lights.Turning right across the quiet street, the truck came onto National Highway No. 106. This road leads to Shenggang. Enter the Northeast Expressway from Shenggang, or enter the National Highway Line 0 along the river in Kitayama, and then pass through the basin of Shanxiantai in the north, and go south to Tokyo.Kuroda discussed with Tsuyama while holding the steering wheel. You should choose a route that is not discovered by the enemy.The line 106, which is called Guanyi Street, is not safe, it is nothing more than a shortcut.After running along the Yihe River for 30 minutes, I saw the drive-thru restaurant on the right side of the mountain. Kuroda shouted happily: "It's finally easy to find a restaurant!" Tsuyama looked ahead through the glass.It was an all-night drive-thru that wasn't very popular yet. "Okay, take a break at that drive-thru?" "What's the matter, I want to stay." "If the motel is nearby, of course I would." Kuroda slowed down the car and turned the steering wheel towards the side of the road. It was a small drive-thru restaurant against a mountain.Behind it is close to the miscellaneous woods, and there are huts where some local people collect crops. Drive-thru lights illuminate the parking lot outside.There were only two or three trucks in the spacious car park. Kuroda drove the truck into the parking lot. Turn off the engine and jump off first. Go around the carport and call your companions. Tsuyama shouted to Xu Yu who jumped off the bridge: "Hey, Kuroda! Wait, it's dangerous!" Tsuyama seemed to think of the fresh fish truck parked in the parking lot. The truck with the words Hachinohe Yunguan written on it has been following inseparably since it arrived in Hachinohe. It can't be by chance.It suddenly disappeared when entering the streets of Miyako City.If it was the enemy's car, they would definitely be the first to ambush in the drive-thru restaurant in the mountain gorge. The window of the drive-thru restaurant was brightly lit, but the cafeteria was empty, so it was probably closed. Just when Jinshan closed the cab door after shouting, gunshots pierced the tranquility of the gorge, almost at the same time. "You bastard, sure enough!" It's an automatic gun.He thought the drive-thru was taken. Pa... papa... counted five or six of the muzzles that were flashing red. Tsuyama knocked on the back of the car. "Everyone jump down and disperse!" Of course, all crowded in the truck is dangerous. Tsuyama bent down in the cab and picked up the Karasi AK-style automatic pistol that had been prepared.This was taken from that guy when Hong Zhiwu was attacked.The bullets are also loaded to the brim.He grabbed a clip and slapped the door open, jumped out and hid in the darkness of the van. Kuroda, who jumped off first, lay behind the truck's wheel and groaned, as if he had been hit. "Hey! What happened?" "The feet are a little..." At this moment, the bullets flew.Jinshan used the truck as a cover and fired back with a gun.The guys in the carport jumped off one by one.Creeping forward with the extant shotgun in hand.There was a rapid burst of gunfire, the glass in the drive-thru window was shattered, and the lights went out. Kuroda took the gun from the buddy and got into the back of the tire, breathing heavily: "Okay, it's just the thigh..." "Don't be silly, bandage the wound. If everyone rushes into that drive-in restaurant, they will be wiped out. You go back!" The number of people ambushing in the hall is unclear, and even their figures have not been exposed.But the muzzle flashes through the dark windows knew where they were. Tsuyama cocked the trigger towards the muzzle of the gun. By the moonlight, I saw a person covering his shoulders and twisting his body.The man was seriously injured even if he didn't die.The situation gradually changed. The enemies occupying the drive-thru quickly become a beehive, under fire from fellow men hiding behind the vans. However, the number of bullets fired by automatic pistols and automatic submachine guns remained unchanged.If there is a long gun battle in such a place, it may be discovered by a car coming at some time, which will cause other unexpected things. Tsuyama stood up abruptly. Taking two Coke bottles out of the pockets of his travel shirt and holding them in his hands, he turned to the back of the drive-thru. It's the same thing as last time. The door of the restaurant is closed. But with glass windows.Tsuyama stood by and removed the waste cloth from the mouth of the incendiary bottle, lit it with fire, smashed the glass on the window with the butt of his gun, and threw the bottle in. Bang, the Molotov cocktail shattered on the ground, spewing out two flames.The fire in the hall was dazzling, and roars and shouts were mixed together.The twenty-square-meter floor became a sea of ​​flames.Four or five men by the window pushed down the table as a cover and shot outside one by one. At this time, they were surrounded by the fire and howled loudly. Tsuyama backed out quickly and lay down on the other side of the building. Prepare to block the enemy's retreat. The enemy is now scattered like little spiders. Although he didn't have the same superb marksmanship as that of hitting the ankle, he still calmly aimed at the waists and buttocks of the men who escaped from the shop and pulled the trigger. Automatic pistols are pretty accurate.Two or three people were rolling around on the ground while screaming loudly.The remaining two fled towards the mountains with a limp, but Jinshan did not chase them. The drive-thru is empty.Red fire like a dragon sticking out its tongue spewed out of the window.It was only a matter of time before it all burned. Such a place is no longer possible to live in. "Hey, get up, get on the truck!" Tsuyama shook his hands to his partners. It was one o'clock in the morning. The moonlight is bright, and the wild scenery is clearly visible. The next day was a sunny day. Tsuyama stuck out his tongue while driving the car. Overhead, grass-green helicopters circled. The gorgeous sky was shattered by the huge rotating wings. It is on National Highway No. 106.The road stretches windingly along the Guanyi River Basin into the mountains.There is no problem with car traffic during peak hours, but if the mountain gorge is blocked by private cars at noon on a Sunday, there will be fewer long-distance trucks. "It's troublesome." Tsuyama grumbled, "That helicopter is circling above us." "This helicopter is different from the one that attacked Konomai in Hokkaido the day before yesterday. Maybe it's by chance?" "Don't use your brain. Could it be that by chance, a military helicopter of unknown nationality suddenly landed above us, circling non-stop." "Yes, I saw a mount for a twenty-millimeter cannon under the fuselage." A photographer named Asakura Kanjiro opened the window of the assistant's seat and reported while looking at the sky. Last night, Teruyuki Kuroda injured his thigh in the drive-thru battle in the mountain gorge. Today, Asakura Kanjiro is serving as the assistant.Kuroda was in the back carport, screaming in pain while being bandaged by Morio Miki. "What is the altitude of that helicopter measured by eye?" "About twenty or thirty meters. Although the pilot can't see it, judging by the type of aircraft, it's either a Slusk or a Bell UH-1 helicopter." "That guy is a military aircraft, much like a helicopter that sprays pesticides and transports wood. Where did this beast come from!" Thanks to the deep mountains and canyons on both sides of the road. Helicopters are not suitable for flying and landing rapidly in such terrain.Kitakami Mountains is known as Japan's Tibet.There are many bends along the river, and the helicopter tried to fly very low and failed.Jinshan thought that if he got out of the canyon, it would definitely attack like a wild beast.Simply stop to avoid its tracking. "What's going on?" Asakura asked a little confused. "Nothing." Tsuyama breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "We don't have any anti-air weapons. We can't be passively beaten anyway. Are the front and rear cars ready?" "Yes, the car driven by Kaneko and Sakazaki left an hour ago, and the other one is driven by Kogure." "Okay, let's open the enlarged map of this area in the deputy position, please don't be careless." Since last night's lesson, Jinshan and others have not let down their vigilance for a moment. This morning, when they left the motel near Lu Zhongchuan Station, they divided their companions into three groups and prepared other trucks.The wooden barrels were loaded into Jinshan's truck, but when and where he replaced the car was all up to him, one at the front and one at the back. Despite the arrangement, Tsuyama still thought, why is there such a trouble, how can we smoothly transport the Soviet diamonds to Tokyo? A strange thought appeared, maybe the helicopter wasn't here to follow, maybe it was from my side. It was difficult for Jinshan to find a correct answer.Finding clues to diamond smuggling can be a very confusing business.This is not a trivial matter, but involves a huge sum of Soviet diamonds worth 120 billion yen or more.If you make a wrong step, you will lose everything, and even take your life. Ah, the climax of the crisis has been reached today.Encountered several such crises.Last night was no more than a machine gun attack.Why are we doing such stupid things? All in all, it's a life-threatening job. For such work, several lawbreakers had to be assembled. Are things still that complicated? Tsuyama smiled secretly. I have had that thought for a long time.In the Sona Valley of Xinzhou, behind the jewel robber who broke into the watch house and killed his father and sister in the middle of the night is the gem industry venture enterprise--First Jewelry.Jinshan has long secretly made up his mind to expose his dirty behind-the-scenes transactions, and last night was nothing more than a wedge in this plan. But, not only that, there are two purposes, one of which is money.However, it is impossible to rush out to intimidate and cheat like bank robbers, computer crimes, etc. After all, this is 120 billion yen, an unprecedented large amount of money, and it will become a rich man overnight, so it must be owned Modern working methods. What's more, ordinary citizens will come to grab so many diamonds when they see so many diamonds. Where are these robbers? The panicked snatching dragged down the companions in the secret transportation.If they are exposed, as long as a huge amount of Soviet diamonds can be obtained, they will not give up such an opportunity no matter how cruelly they are tortured, even if they lose their lives. Jinshan once thought that with so many friends who cooperate, they will definitely regard money as more important than friendship and benevolence when they return home. Before each of them gets tens of billions of yen, those desperate adventurers will move towards their goals like wolves go ahead. Tsuyama thought of this and changed the driving direction. The road turns right along the canyon. "Kuroda, what's the matter?" Tsuyama asked while turning the steering wheel with ease. "Some fever..." "Haven't seen a doctor since the bullet was taken out of the thigh. Has the bleeding stopped?" "The wound is tied tightly, it doesn't matter." "Let's move it to the overnight bed. If the helicopter in the sky shoots with machine guns, the rear carport will be blocked by bullets as dense as the needle thread of a sewing machine." The truck has overnight beds behind the cab. Asakura climbed in and knocked on the wall of the carriage. The carriage and the overnight bed have a wide door that can be moved, which is also prepared in case.When I was at Bazhan Port, I bought it at a high price, and used a welding torch to connect the steel plate next door to make a temporary entrance. By the way, the roof of the bridge is covered with steel plates, which can withstand the bullets of automatic pistols and machine guns. Kuroda appears at the entrance and climbs into the sleepover bed. "The sky seems to be very lively. Could it be that the helicopter is chasing us?" While listening to the explanation, he leaned his injured leg, which was bound with rags, on the rough weeds: "Oh, it hurts... Hey! Didn't you say this place is comfortable?" "Don't worry about it. This is already a honeycomb in the car." "Kuroda-kun, move in a little bit, I have no room to come in." Behind him, Mori Oki got in. There is no room for two people in the overnight bed.Miki's fair feet were stretched out on the driver's seat, her skirt was shining with flares, and her beautiful legs were exposed at the bottom. Tsuyama thought to herself, what a beautiful and strange woman. Miki seems to be getting stronger and stronger. "Sit in the driver's seat?" "I want to sit next to Asakura-kun." "Maybe the helicopter's guns fired and shattered the front glass. Although that worthless face won't be on camera, it's still guaranteed." Tsuyama said deliberately sarcastically. "Ju Shan-kun, Jin Shan-kun, if you can grab a handful of diamonds, even if you lose your modeling job, you'll still have something to eat!" Tsuyama originally planned to prevent Miki from being involved in these dangers, and let her fly back to Tokyo from Hokkaido.But she refused such an arrangement, and would go back to Tokyo by truck anyway. Maybe it is because she knows that there are colorful diamonds in the barrel, and if she leaves, she will lose her own share. No matter what kind of trampling she suffers, Miki has learned to be everyone's mistress. Tsuyama held the steering wheel with his right hand, and put his other hand on Miki's lap.The knees are completely visible from the driver's seat, and the skirt covers the middle of the thighs. They are really a pair of well-proportioned model legs. As soon as she rubbed the flesh on her legs, Miki immediately clamped his hands between her thighs. "How would you feel traveling with a barrel full of diamonds?" "It's noble! Sleeping on a wooden barrel makes dreams come true. I'm a princess living in a diamond-encrusted castle." "Even if you die, don't leave this wooden barrel. Write this sentence on your face." Jin Shan laughed. "Really, if I got a bunch of them, I'd definitely do it. And, as a child, I've dreamed of it, and I'd be willing to die if someone decorated my dress with diamonds." "Okay, before the assignment, you have your handbag or suitcase ready." Having said this, Meiji suddenly put on a straight face: "Mr. Jin Shan, which one of the three wooden barrels behind is the real one?" "Want to know?" "think." "You don't want to take it away?" "It's disgusting. I used to roll a wooden barrel at the transportation meeting in elementary school, but now I can't do it by myself rolling this wooden barrel from the mountains of Tohoku to Tokyo." This woman dreamed of devouring the whole barrel of diamonds! "Yes, maybe the wooden barrels at the back were finally stolen, but the three wooden barrels were full of sand and stones." "Okay, give it a try!" "It's true, I won't lie. Even I have forgotten which one contained real diamonds. Among my companions here, no one knows which bucket is real diamonds." Indeed, only one of the three barrels loaded on the truck contained actual diamonds.There is a small red star mark on the bottom of the barrel, which is exactly the same as other barrels from the outside. At the same time, no one except Jinshan knows that there is such a mark. Of the two wooden barrels with diamonds in the back, one was loaded with Hokutomaru by Tong Guanxing, and the other was sent away as a national railway cargo.Each of these barrels contains diamonds.The rest are fake. What a dangerous scatter brigade.Even if a barrel can reach Tokyo safely, it will have to risk its life. Ah, driving like this if being followed by a Bell UH-1 equipped with a twenty-millimeter cannon, or a helicopter, then either of these trucks would be in trouble for exploding and burning, so it must be assumed. "Would you like to ask some strange things?" Meiji suddenly put on a serious face. "What is it?" "Tsuyama-kun is married." "Why are you asking these things?" "Anyway, I want to know. It's not a little strange that I don't know anything about Jin Shan himself during such a long trip." At this time, none of the companions in the back interrupted, because it was inaudible in the car if it was slightly lighter. Tsuyama was around forty-three or four years old, and when he worked in the company, he was not innocent about personal matters. To answer Miki's question, he should immediately say that he is married, but he has no wife now. Anyway, Tsuyama has been divorced before.He lived with the girl who came to the company to do daily work for three years, and because of a disagreement with her, he also separated from the girl when he left the electric boxing hall.That's about it. "Oh—then, if you succeed in plundering the diamonds, the fairies will come here uninvited." "Speak ill." "What a heartless thing! Not a bad word." Now Tsuyama is still single.Therefore, it is possible to do something adventurous like this, but in Omotesando's apartment there is a woman he lives with. Yan Yazi didn't know what happened.As Tsuyama drives, he thinks of the woman singing on the smoky stagnant club stage.Now he is a folk singer who has disappeared from the front line of TV.She also sings jazz, ballads and fantasies.They are never mutually bound by cohabitation in their careers.To Tsuyama, she is an ambitious woman. Tsuyama quickly erased Yan Yako's face. "What, are you still following?" Asakura scouted the sky from the assistant's seat. "Attention. The plane is flying at a low speed, coming down all the time, it is almost aimed at our truck, can't you defend yourself?" "Well, self-defense! Just like a highwayman." It was eleven o'clock in the morning to pass through the tunnel under Pinyi Hanoi in Iwahira Prefecture.After exiting the tunnel, pass through the streets of Guanyi, Menma, and Songcao villages, leave the river on the left, and enter the basin.There are vast fields all around, and the road stretches out like a straight line in the basin. When he felt some danger, suddenly, that guy came.It was machine gun fire.The helicopter above the head suddenly descended from behind like a beast, and fired with 20mm machine guns. "Get down!" blah blah—— blah blah—— Tsuyama almost pressed his face against the steering wheel. The roar of propellers mixed with the sound of machine guns, and the bullets hit the iron plate above the head. The carport was split open, and the sound of bullets piercing through the car body kept ringing.The entire truck was surrounded by a storm of smoke while driving. "Asshole! This is a highway, why don't you take another car, it's like no one else is there." Cars behind are nowhere to be seen in the rearview mirror.Neither did the front, and the helicopter took advantage of this opportunity.The helicopter rushed past again, and the machine gun fire also flew over the head. It turned back far away, and once again attacked like a beast. blah blah—— Gram, gram, gram, gram— Even though it was broad daylight, one could still see the light of the gun muzzle constantly shining under the belly of the machine, and the sound of the machine gun poured out on the wall panel of the cab like beans exploding into the sky. The road is a straight line, and it is impossible to get rid of the helicopter at all. It's dangerous if you slow down.Accelerate the speed, and the helicopter can pursue freely in the air.It doesn't work anymore. "Asshole!" Tsuyama murmured. Because of Hong Zhiwu's experience.Therefore, bulletproof steel plates were specially welded on the top of the cab. The key part was to prevent the tires from being hit. Fortunately, it was only hit on the bearing cap.It is possible to see the tire exploding while driving. Tsuyama speeds up. "I can't bear it anymore!" Asakura picked up the automatic gun. "Stop, it's useless." Tsuyama blocked his hand. "Without bazookas and anti-tank rockets, it's impossible to shoot down that helicopter. At least you have to go through the basin. Put your head down!" blah blah blah. blah blah blah. Keke, bang bang! Keke Keke! The 20mm machine guns hitting the truck's surroundings were terrific.Bullets hit fenders and mufflers.The windshield has been hit several times.The broken pieces of glass splashed everywhere, and Miki let out a miserable cry. A bullet pierced the driver's seat and entered the rear seat, narrowly missing Tsuyama's head and chest. "Dangerous, pull your head back!" Tsuyama pressed Asakura and Miki's heads. I also put my body on the steering wheel, like a circus truck. "There is still a while, and we will enter the tunnel in a while!" The reason why Tsuyama chose the No. 106 route from Hachinohe to Kuji and Miyako, and then from Miyako to Shengwang is that this route has the most tunnels on the automobile highways in Northeast China.The terrain and natural conditions are conducive to our military common sense.Just in case when being chased by aerial helicopters, it can save the day.Now that seems to be the case. The Mingbing and Yanshen Mountains, which are about 1,000 meters above sea level, are close to the right hand, and almost close to the district boundary sign.You can get into a long tunnel by crossing the boundary board. The car approached the tunnel at the district boundary. The helicopter fired another burst of intense bullets. Tsuyama stepped on the accelerator and the car moved forward rapidly.The speedometer showed 140 kilometers, but the pointer did not shake. Almost there, almost there! Tap-tap-tat! blah blah blah... The helicopter clung to it.It's about to hit the mountain wall! Tsuyama slams on the accelerator, and the truck rushes into the tunnel. Descending sharply, it was not clear, perhaps out of fear, whether the pursuing helicopter hit the wall or not, and was overlooked.Maybe he almost hit the mountain wall, and he must have made an emergency ascent again. But, this will do.Let's stop fighting here.Tsuyama took a breath under the orange lighting in the descent, and a smile appeared on his face. Ahead, near the middle of the tunnel, yellow electric lights were spinning, and a work vehicle of the Highway Corporation was parked there. It was the one that left first in the morning.A short while later, another truck was seen entering the tunnel from the rear.This is also the car that started about 300 meters behind in the morning. Tsuyama turned the truck to the work vehicle and engaged the clutch. "Load the barrels into the back truck." Asakura talked about other things to the people who got off the work truck. "Asakura, you go first. How about it? This truck is equipped with an explosive device. You drive this truck out of the tunnel, drive a certain distance, and stop at a suitable place on the side of the road." The battle plan was discussed in the morning, so there is no need to elaborate.Miki and Kuroda moved to the back of the truck, leaving only Asakura in the driver's seat to supervise the loading of the barrels. Tsuyama soaked the cloth in gasoline and lit it, and put it in the fender of the truck. The cloth was rolled up in many layers, so it could only smoke like smoke, and then put a bomb on the back of the fender.Then Asakura made an OK gesture. "Truth Attack Team!" Asakura said, and quickly started the truck. White and black smoke came out of the side of the fender.This guy seemed to be shot in a prominent place and was dying.Needless to say, the helicopters in the sky will also judge in this way. "Quick! Is it loaded?" Tsuyama looked back at the truck behind him. Three men hitched onto the gangway of the truck, which was the finishing touch of barreling. "OK, it's over." The photographer named Jin Zi replied. "What? I'll start off first with this work vehicle. It's exactly five minutes later, and you drive that truck to catch up." After giving the order to the truck colleague at the back, Tsuyama jumped into the cab of the yellow-bodied work truck.Wear a helmet and gloves.This kind of attire is exactly the same as that of the workers of the Road Public Corps.Then put the slave automatic gun on the bridge.Such work vehicles are often left on the side of the road and no one cares about them. They make their own decisions and only borrow them for half a day. Step on the accelerator.The work vehicle set off soon.The driving essentials of the work vehicle are the same as that of the truck. Once out of the tunnel, the sun is so dazzling that it looks like a pure white waterfall cascading down. It's too dazzling.Tsuyama squinted his eyes.The road was downhill, and only 200 meters away, a puff of black smoke blew up on the side of the road ahead of the turn, and I saw a truck parked there. It was the truck driven by Asakura. Asakura must be taking refuge. Helicopters circled overhead.After two or three circles, the helicopter was convinced that it was the target, and slowly descended like a vulture. Tsuyama watched from a distance while driving the work vehicle slowly.In addition to Tsuyama's work vehicle, the helicopter carefully inspected the cars moving forward and backward, and decided that Asakura's car might be the one he was looking for.The helicopter was preparing to land in the paddy field on the right hand side of the national road while making that annoying propeller noise. There is still snow left on the mountain.The paddy fields, still frozen hard before plowing, are perfect places to land helicopters. A giant helicopter of unknown nationality painted with grass-green camouflage put down its propellers, slowly descended vertically, and landed on the paddy field next to the truck like a strange bird resting with its wings folded. It looks like they are planning to grab the goods on the truck. A bunch of stupid pigs! The hatch opened, and three or four men in green combat uniforms with guns in their hands jumped out sparsely, and they ran towards the truck. They made barking noises. The two behind them hid their guns behind them and watched the approaching work vehicle. The actions of these people can be judged from the color. However, these people seem to be Japanese. Jinshan saw the timing and accelerated the speed of the car sharply. As he passed the truck that was belching white and black smoke from its fenders, he stopped briefly, as if in great surprise, but in fact to signal. Tsuyama drove the car away from the truck again, and the company's work vehicle ignored the burning truck and drove past it with a sense of peace of mind. Twenty to thirty meters ahead, Jin Shan stepped on the brakes, and the car came to an emergency stop. Those men in combat uniforms got into the cab and carport of the truck. After finding the barrel, they wanted to open it quickly and then move the barrel out of the truck. idiot! Tsuyama raised his automatic short gun in the reinforcement room and aimed it at the truck, but the guard man over there didn't notice.Tsuyama aimed at the explosive canister placed on the fender, and pulled the trigger with a blank expression on his face. The distance is actually only twenty or thirty meters.It's unbelievable to miss. Three shots in a row.All hits. In an instant, sparks flew and a puff of black smoke came out. Hiss... Dongdongdong...! The sound of an explosion came from under the car body, and the truck parked on the frozen ground suddenly exploded.The flames rushed straight into the carriage, and the men in combat uniforms inside screamed like ghosts and wolves. At this time, the hellish scene in broad daylight could be seen with the naked eye. One of the people left in the helicopter frantically started the propeller.It was very close to the work vehicle, and Tsuyama jumped out of the vehicle, raising the automatic short gun and aiming at the driver. Fired three shots in a row. The bullet hit the plane's engine. 金属材料上的子弹冒着火花,引燃油料,直升飞机就如同一颗火箭炮的炮弹一样,瞬间发生了巨大的爆炸,在水田里形成一个圆火盆,然后向四周扩散。 it is good--!Well done! 这是智慧的胜利,是利用地形的胜利。 这样就不会有猛兽追击了! 津山的脸上浮出一丝冷笑。 他用脚踩上作业车的加速器,开动了汽车。 跑到一公里处,放慢速度。后面响起喇叭信号。是留在最后的预备卡车飞速追上来了。后望镜朝仓就像演车技般地从窗外伸出身子,手指做一个V型暗号。 津山丢弃作业车向停在那里的卡车走去。 "Are you hurt?" “全都安然无恙。” “太棒了,下面只剩下突盛岗哪!” 是的,到达盛岗的时间还不到一个小时。从这里出去,便可以进入大动脉干线——东北汽车道。在东北汽车道上,交通量很大,敌人不敢鲁莽从事。 "Okay, let's go!" 津山跳上卡车驾驶室。 辽阔的原野,洒满暖烘烘的春晖。
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