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Chapter 45 Section fifteen

Dunk stopped before the keep's sept.Seven gods bless me for not being too late.The sword belt had returned to its old place, fastened securely around his waist.The gallows shield was placed on the injured left arm, and every time he took a step, the weight of the shield caused severe pain to spread throughout his body.Even if he was touched lightly, he was worried that he would scream.Dunk pushed the door open with his unwounded right hand. The sanctuary was dark and silent, only the dancing candles in front of the altar of the Seven Gods for illumination.Candles are lit most in front of the fighters, as is often the case during tournaments; many knights come here to pray for strength and courage before a match.The Stranger's altar was shrouded in shadow, and a single candle burned alone.The Holy Mother and the Heavenly Father each have dozens of branches, and the Blacksmith and the Maiden have slightly fewer.Kneeling Ambrose under the crone's lamp?Lord Butterwell, bow your head in silent prayer, seeking wisdom.

He is not alone.Dunk was about to approach when he was stopped by two soldiers, their stern faces looming from under their half-helms.The pair wore chain mail with the green, white and yellow waves of the Butterwells on their coats. "Stop, ser," said one of them. "It has nothing to do with people, so don't go forward." "It has a lot to do with him. I warned you he would find me." It was Egg's voice. Egg stepped out of the shadows beneath his Father, his bald head gleaming in the candlelight, and Dunk almost rushed forward , shouted happily, lifted the boy into the air, and hugged him tightly.Egg's tone made him hesitate.He sounded more angry than frightened, and I've never seen him so stern.And Butterwell was on his knees.So strange.

Lord Butterwell rose to his feet.Even in the dim candlelight, he looked pale and clammy. "Let him come here," he told the guards.When they had stepped back, he motioned for Dunk to come forward and speak. "I haven't touched a hair of the child. I knew his father well when I was Prime Minister. Prince Maekar must know that this was not my idea at all." "He will," Dunk promised.How is this going? "Peak. He did it all, I swear it by the Seven." Butterwell put a hand on the altar. "May I be struck by lightning if I tell a lie. He told me who I had to invite and who I had to exclude, and he brought the imp pretender here. I never participated in any act of treason, you have to believe Me. And Tom Heddle, he egged me on, I confess. He's my son-in-law, married my eldest daughter, but I won't lie, he's a part of it."

"He's your proxy knight," said Egg. "If he has a share, you have a share." Shut up, Dunk wanted to shout.Your big mouth will kill us both.But Butterwell was shaking like chaff. "Your Highness, you don't know that Huddle holds my castle defense team in his hands." "You must have a group of loyal guards under you," said Egg. "There are two here," said Lord Butterwell. "There are a few more. I'm too lax, I admit, but I'm no traitor. Foyle and I have been suspicious of Lord Peake's suitor from the beginning. He doesn't have the sword! If he is true Destiny, Bittersteel will definitely let him wear the 'Black Flame'. And those things like the birth of the dragon... crazy, crazy and stupid." The earl wiped the sweat from his face with his sleeve. "Now they've taken the dragon's egg, the one that the old king gave to my grandfather as a reward for his faithful service. It was still there when I woke up this morning, and the guards swore that no one had been in or out of the bedroom. They may have been It was bought by Mr. Peak, I can’t say, but the dragon egg is indeed missing. They must have taken it, otherwise..."

Or the dragonlings have already hatched, Dunk thought.If a living dragon reappears in Westeros, no matter who is its master, lords and commoners will race to follow. "My lord," he said. "With your permission, I would like to speak a few words to my... squire." "As you wish, ser." Lord Butterwell knelt and continued his prayer. Dunk pulled Egg aside and got down on one knee so he could talk to him face to face. "I should give you a big slap in the face that turns your head back and makes you have to look back on what you did for the rest of your life."

"You're right, ser." Egg still felt ashamed. "I'm sorry. I just want to send a raven to deliver a message to my father." So that I can continue to be my knight.The kid has a good heart.Dunk glanced over to where Butterwell prayed. "What did you do to him?" "Scare him, ser." "Yeah, I can see that. Before daylight his knees are worn out." "I can think of no other way, ser. When the maester saw my father's ring, he took me to them." "them?" "Lord Butterwell and Lord Frey, ser. There were some guards. Everyone fidgeted. The dragon egg was stolen."

"I hope you didn't steal it." Egg shook his head. "No, ser. I knew I was in trouble when the maester showed Lord Butterwell the ring. I considered pretending I had stolen the egg, but I didn't think he would believe it. Then I remembered hearing My father mentioned something that the Duke of Blood Raven said, meaning that he would rather frighten others than be frightened by others, so I told them that my father sent us here to find out information, and he himself led an army to kill him. The count had better be sensible, Release me and confess treason, or the head will fall." He smiled coyly. "The effect is beyond imagination, ser."

Dunk tried to grab the boy's shoulders, shaking his teeth.This is not a game.He almost growled.It's a matter of life and death. "Did Lord Frey hear that too?" "Yes. He wished Lord Butterwell a happy marriage and announced that he would return to the Twins immediately. Immediately afterwards, the Earl brought us here to pray." Frey could run, Dunk thought, but Butterwell could not, and sooner or later he would wonder why Prince Maekar and his host had not yet appeared. "If Lord Peake knows you're in the castle—" The door of the sanctuary burst open.Dunk turned to see Black Tom?Huddle is like a glaring King Kong. He is wearing chain mail and plate armor. The rain drips from the soaked cloak and forms puddles at his feet.More than a dozen soldiers stood on the left and right, each holding axes and spears.Blue-white lightning pierced the sky behind him, and carved an instant phantom on the pale stone ground.A gust of humidity blows in, causing all the candles in the church to dance endlessly.

Oh damn the seven hells.Dunk only had time to turn the thought away before Heddle ordered, "That's the boy. Take it for me." Lord Butterwell rose. "No. Stop it. Don't be rude to him. Tomard, what do you want?" Hedel looked contemptuous. "Not all are like you, with milk in their veins, my lord. I'll catch the boy." "You don't understand." Butterwell's tone became a thin trill. "Our time is over. Lord Frey is gone, and others will follow. Prince Maekar's army is coming soon." "Then we must seize this kid as a hostage."

"No, no," said Butterwell. "I want nothing more to do with Lord Peake and his pretenders. I don't want war." Black Tom looked grimly at his lord. "Coward." He spat. "As you say. No war is death, my lord." He pointed at Egg. "Whoever sees blood first will be rewarded with a silver deer." "No, no." Butterwell turned to his guards. "Stop them, hear? I order you. Stop them." But all the guards stood there confused, not knowing whose orders to obey. "Do I have to do it myself?" Black Tom drew his long sword out of its sheath.

Dunk drew his sword at the same time. "Stay behind me, Egg." "Drop your weapons, you both!" screamed Butterwell. "I will not allow blood to be shed in the sept! Sir Thomas, this man is the prince's valet. He will kill you!" "Only with his ability?" Black Tom grinned grinningly. "I've seen him goofy in jousting." "I'm better with a sword," Dunk warned him. Huddle answered with a hum, raised his sword and charged. Dunk shoved Egg back sharply, and turned to meet the enemy.He parried the first blow beautifully, but Black Tom's thump bit into the shield, shaking the wound and making his arm ache.He tried to counter with his sword at Heddle's head, but Black Tom dodged and slashed at him with his backhand.Dunk barely defended with his shield.Pine splinters flew, and Heddle laughed loudly, attacking hard, low and high and low again.Dunk took every blow with his shield, but each one was painful, and he found himself backing away. "Kill him, ser," he heard Egg shout. "Kill him, kill him, there he is." Dunk's mouth tasted like blood, and worse, the wound had opened again.He felt dizzy for a while.Black Tom's sword was splitting the kite shield to pieces.Oak and steel, protect me, or I will die, doomed to hell, Dunk thought, realizing the shield in his hand was pine.Dunk's back slammed into an altar, and he stumbled to one knee, realizing that there was no way out. "You're not a real knight," said Black Tom. "Are you crying, fool?" Those are tears of pain.Dunk struggled to his feet, shield in front of him, and threw himself into his opponent.
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