Home Categories foreign novel Shadowless lamp

Chapter 19 Chapter Eighteen

Shadowless lamp 渡边淳一 9161Words 2018-03-18
At dawn, the howling wind woke Lunzi up. She was lying on her back, her eyes slowly looking around.There is a window to the left of the bed, but the curtain is still dark. Turning on the desk lamp next to the pillow, I looked at the clock, it was just half past five.At this time, it is a different matter in summer. It is the end of December and the sun will not rise yet. The cold wind knocked lowly on the dark window, beside the pillow, there was still the book I read before falling asleep last night, a book about love written by a female writer.I thought I would fall asleep while reading, but the more I read, the more awake I became, and I couldn't fall asleep.The book writes: There are various forms of love, and letting yourself get lost is the real love.Rinko watched and thought of Naoe.During this period of time, there seemed to be some changes in Naoe, but it was hard to say clearly.If I really have to force myself to say it, maybe my face has become haggard and my eyes have become sharper. I am already tall, but after losing weight, I look even taller.

However, what Rinko really felt was not this physical change, but a sense of loneliness from Naoe's sharp shoulders to his back.Naoe never mentioned his loneliness and sadness, but Ke Lunzi could see it.In fact, when the two met alone, Naoe was still as calm as usual.More than cold, sometimes even cruel.He was asked when he visited him according to the order of the dean's wife; yesterday he suddenly said "you come here" to her, and she was robbed by him after she went; .Although Lunzi still wanted to stay with him for a while, he finally came back as he said. She was used to Naoe's whims, and although she didn't know how he treated other women, he always treated Rinko like this.

For this, Lunzi didn't hold a grudge. Naoe wanted to ask for it from him at the time, and when he felt bored, he drove him back, and did exactly what Naoe asked. Although it was a bit like a toy, it didn't matter.Rinko thought this way, no, to be honest, Rinko didn't think about whether it was good or bad at all, but just followed Naoe's words.Just like this, Lunzi is very satisfied. Even so, he seemed restless.Naoe used to have a feeling of restlessness, sometimes after a sharp glance, he would start reading on his own regardless of whether other people were talking or not, and sometimes he would ask "what do you want to say," and start by himself first Get irritable.When he frowns, taps his fingers on the table, and keeps making small movements, it is when he is most anxious.After Rinko understood this, like a timid squirrel, she tried hard to understand Naoe's heart.Guess desperately, sometimes you guess right, and sometimes you don't guess right.When she guesses wrong, Zhiting will not yell at her, but she will turn her back or say "Go back".

And this kind of anxiety has become more intense recently, not only the expression on his face that can be seen from the outside of the sword, it seems that his whole body has become very irritable.There is no specific reason, but Ke Lunzi feels like this, just like a wife who has been with her husband all year round and understands her husband's thoughts very well. Why?After Lunzi put down his book last night, he thought about it for a while.There are many Lunzi who don't understand the things in the hospital and their own affairs.In fact, although Rinko has a physical relationship with him, she doesn't know anything about Naoe's true heart.If possible, Lunzi would also like to know.However, even if you ask him, I'm afraid he won't tell you, and even if you know what's wrong, what can you do?Lunzi already wanted to give up, but he didn't want to give up on his own initiative. If he could know, he still wanted to know.If you don't know anything, but just follow and follow him silently, you will feel uneasy and very hard.

During this time, Rinko heard many rumors about Naoe and other women.Basically everyone in the hospital already knew about the relationship between Rinko and Naoe, and the news that reached Rinko's ears was only restrained and intermittent.But sometimes just because of the parties involved, occasionally hear rumors of embellishment.On the surface, the nurses seemed to try their best to hide it from Lunzi, but in fact, there were still some people secretly gloating at Lunzi's pain. On the night when Huacheng Junko came to check, Naoko and Junko went out by car together, and the news reached Rinko's ears the next day.Some people even said that it seemed that the two should have had a relationship that day, and there were rumors that their relationship was already very suspicious when Junko Huacheng was hospitalized.Some people also said that before going out with Junko, he had stayed alone in the reception room with the dean's wife.There was a time when I was alone with my wife before, and my wife had a good impression of Naoe, and Naoe wasn't at all.Some even said that when Naoe was on sick leave, his wife forced Rinko to visit him, in order to embarrass Rinko on purpose.Things didn't end there, and there were rumors of Naoe taking walks with young women from time to time.The woman was said to have looked like a barmaid, with flamboyant attire and bronze-dyed hair.

According to the clerks, the dean's daughter, Ms. Mikiko, also likes Naoe. It is said that Mikiko once said that if she were replaced by Dr. Naoe, she would marry him.Both mother and daughter are close to Naoe, and Naoe manages all this very well.It was also rumored that Naoe seemed to have many women besides this.Lunzi didn't believe all of these rumors, thinking that most of them were baseless rumors.However, on the one hand, despite thinking this way, on the other hand, I feel that it may be possible. In Naoe's room, there were indeed dropped earrings, hairpins lost on the sheets, and a phone call from a woman.Although the rumors cannot all be true, half of them may be true.Lunzi felt very painful.

Simply do not know that kind of thing.However, this was just a momentary thought. Once someone said something mysteriously, she still couldn't help but want to hear it.She pretended to have nothing to do with Naoe, and listened nonchalantly; the friend who whispered the news to her also let her pretend, and told her nonchalantly.The feigned intimacy washes away the jealousy of the women. Last night, it was almost three o'clock when Lunzi fell asleep in the cold wind.Rinko's room had only one gas stove, and the fire was weak, so it got cold quickly.Her room was on the third floor of the nurses' dormitory. The only advantage was that it was close to the hospital. Most of the mortar building had been damaged.I heard that after the construction of a high-level hospital dedicated to differential patients in Nakameguro, it is planned to change it to steel bars, but that is likely to be four or five years later.At that time, will Lunzi still be in the hospital? Five years later, Lunzi will be thirty years old.Even then, it doesn't matter if Naoe is still with him.Of course, even if she didn't get married, Rinko would be satisfied. Rinko never expected greater happiness than this.

The strange thing is that Rinko never thought of combining herself and Naoe in the form of a couple.I even felt that if that was the case, the relationship between the two would immediately disintegrate.Marrying a wife, starting a family, being an ordinary husband, this kind of thing Naoe hates the most.Although this idea is unusual, Rinko has no objection to it.Before she knew it, Rinko had been transformed into a woman suitable for Naoe's taste. How could this be? Sometimes Rinko feels incredible. Whenever someone asks her "what do you like about Naoe", she can't answer, so she can only answer "it's not a specific point, but just like Naoe himself".In Naoe's thoughts and actions, there is a certainty of someone who has seen the end of the world.Although he looks cold and sloppy at first glance, deep in his heart there is a kind of tenderness that examines people's hearts.It is neither childish and conceptual like Xiaoqiao, nor selfish like the dean, but like a living person who wants to swallow all good and evil in one bite.If there is anything different, it is just a little sad.

Rinko occupies a room of eight tatami mats by herself, and the other rooms are occupied by two people.However, besides her, the only official nurse living in the dormitory was Akiko.But because the marriage contract with Xiaoqiao is going well, Akiko will move out of the dormitory soon.After that, only the nurses or trainees in their twenties remained.The other older nurses are either married or living in rented rooms with lovers. Rinko also thought about moving out of the dormitory, not because she wanted to be extravagant, but that way she could meet Naoe freely, entertain him in the room and cook for him.Although the dormitory does not have a fixed closing time, it is very free, but it is still very embarrassing to go in and out late at night.Although no one appointed him, Lunzi was the oldest, so he became the person in charge virtually.

Rinko told Naoe two months ago, "I want to move out of the dormitory." At that time, she didn't think about getting financial support from Naoe, but just wanted to hear Naoe's opinion.I just want to confirm the degree of intimacy with him by asking him.Although my salary is not high, one person can still afford to rent a room the size of six tatami mats. However, Naoe just said, "Let me know later when you decide", neither saying "yes" nor "no".It feels like saying, do whatever you like.Rinko waited for an answer, but Naoe didn't talk about it at all. Rinko's determination to move out of the dormitory, which she had basically made up, was shaken.In Rinko's intuition, Naoe doesn't seem to want Rinko to move out of the dormitory and rent a house. Although he doesn't understand his real intention, Rinko doesn't want to force her to do what Naoe doesn't want her to do.Although it would make her feel embarrassed to live in the dormitory among the young nurses, but since then, Lunzi no longer wants to move out of the dormitory.

Last night, Lunzi couldn't remember exactly what time he went to bed at the end.I just remember looking at the clock just after two o'clock. Even if it is half past five, I only slept for more than three hours, and I was still in a light sleep amidst the sound of the wind. I thought the sun would rise soon, but it was still dark around the window.It will be the first month in four days. The first month is very exciting to say, but when I think that this year will end in four days, my mood is completely opposite.Ever since I turned twenty-three, I have become more anxious every year, which is independent of the feeling of wanting to live with Naoe, and another feeling. "Doctor, what is he doing now?" Rinko turned off the desk lamp next to her pillow, and finally realized that the outside had begun to turn white. Looking at the slightly whitish window, Rinko missed Naoe.I want to see him, I want to see him, let him hug me, it doesn't matter even if I am treated roughly, and suffer blinding humiliation, as long as it is Naoe, no matter what.If it was another man, he would even vomit, but as long as it was Naoe, he would feel very intimate.I don't know when this started. On the one hand, Lunzi was puzzled by her transformation, and on the other hand, she felt very satisfied. The hospital normally works until the 29th, and then rests for five days until the third day of the first lunar month.This New Year's Eve, Rinko decided to go back to his hometown in Niigata where his mother and brother-in-law lived in the morning on the first day.This decision was made because Naoe No. 1 was going back to Sapporo.Naoe's mother and younger brother seem to be in Sapporo. As the eldest son, he came to Tokyo without getting married or taking care of his mother. From this point of view, Naoe should be a willful man. Anyway, the two will be on duty together on the 31st.On New Year's Eve when everyone was resting at home, I was on duty in the hospital. Although I thought it was meaningless, for Rinko, as long as he could be with Naoe, he was satisfied.And if you start to rest from the 1st, the working time will be delayed accordingly, you can rest until the 7th, and the train will not be too crowded by then, which is also a good consideration. Once she woke up, Lunzi couldn't fall asleep anymore, and it was too early to get up.There is only one road across the dormitory from the hospital. If you go to work at 8:30, you can get up at 7:00 to comb your hair. Lunzi slowly turned his head, lying on his back.It was only white at the window just now, but it has diffused to every corner of the room at some point. There were intermittent sounds of glass bottles colliding outside the window, and the sound of bicycle brakes in the distance. It seems that the milk station and the teenager who delivered the newspapers started working. Lunzi subconsciously touched her breasts with her right hand. Although Lunzi's breasts were not big, they were firm.Caressing and lifting from bottom to top, Rinko felt that the left breast was bigger than the right one.Since being caressed by Naoe, Rinko's breasts have gradually grown in size, but the breasts on both sides are not normal, and the left one is even bigger.It doesn't matter now, but if the gap widens further, people may notice it when taking a shower.During this period, Lunzi felt very shy, and went to the dormitory and the bathroom of the hospital as much as possible alone. "that…" A month ago, when meeting Naoko, Rinko begged him in a low voice: "Don't touch this side all the time, the size will..." Rinko closed her clothes tightly, suppressed her shame, and endured Naoe's gaze. Naoe looked at it, and seemed to agree, and then he also caressed the right side two or three times, but before he knew it, he only touched the left side again. Maybe it was Naoe's hobby, Rinko didn't say anything, although Rinko was a little concerned.Now, the breasts in the hands already have a noticeable difference.Although I feel a little shy, but if Naoe caused it, there is nothing I can do about it.When you think of breasts, you naturally think of Naoe.Naoe must still be asleep, there is no doubt about it.At this time, while thinking about Naoe's sleeping position, Rinko began to imagine the scene of other women lying beside Naoe. Just imagining, Rinko would feel dizzy and have difficulty breathing.Although he would scold himself for being boring, he was still attracted by the imaginary horror, and couldn't help but think about it again. In order to get rid of this delusion, Rinko squeezed her breast again and got up in the cold. A new day has begun.It's a new day, but it still hasn't changed for Lunzi.Follow the rounds in the morning and return to the duty room to follow the doctor's instructions.After the doctor goes to the outpatient clinic, follow the doctor's instructions to give medicine, inject, check and collect blood.In the afternoon, although there was no operation, I still had to patrol the ward and fold gauze in the rest of the time. This afternoon, Rinko was folding gauze with Akiko Takagi and Tomoko Kawai, when the pager of Yuzo Ishikura Ward No. 412 rang. "Mr. Ishikura's place, I can go." Rinko pressed down on Tomoko who was about to get up, and stood up.In this ward, although the patients under the doctor's responsibility are fixed, the nurses are not.Except for the outpatient nurses, the nurses in charge of the ward will take care of the patients in the ward as long as they are free. Therefore, Yuzang is not just responsible for Rinko.However, Yuzang's attending doctor is Naoe, and Rinko will definitely attend every visit in Naoe. From this point of view, Rinko will naturally take more care of Yuzang. When I went to the ward, I saw that Yuzang was lying on his back, holding the end of the pager with his right hand.Five minutes ago, the escort said hello and said he was going to buy bleach, and he just went out. "Old man, what's the matter?" When Yuzang saw Lunzi, he felt relieved, let go of the beeper, and raised his hand to his face. "here." While trembling, his hand slowly moved down, pointing to his lower body. "Pee, right?" Just by looking at the gestures, Lunzi knew it.The urinal was placed under the bed and covered with a cloth.Rinko held it with his right hand, and gently lifted Yuzang's blanket with his left hand. "Didn't you just untie your hand?" Yuzang shook his head. It may be because of being bedridden all the year round, but Yuzang's crotch exudes a strange smell. It was a mix of sweat and urine, and also the smell of dry death. "Then, wait a moment." Lifted Yuzo's underwear and placed the urinal between his malnourished, slippery mummified thighs.After the position was fixed, Lunzi put the thing Yuzang put into the mouth of the urinal. "Okay, old man." After a while, a patter of urine came out, but it was less than five milliliters. "Is it ready?" Yuzang nodded. "Just a little bit, please bear with me if you're not in a hurry." Just as Lunzi was speaking and picking up the urinal, her left hand was grabbed from behind. Rinko could feel the slender and rough hand holding her, but she still didn't realize that it was Yuzo's hand lying beside her with her lower body exposed.Although there were only two people in the room, You Zang was so close that you could grab them with your hand, but this wonderful illusion still occurred. "let me go!" Turning around and raising his hand, Rinko realized that Yuzang's hand was entangled with him, an arm that looked like it would break if he touched it, tightly wrapped around Rinko's arm like an ivy .As the arm was raised, the wrinkled hand wrapped around it, extending along Rinko's hand to her upper body. "Hate it, let go!" Looking at the creeping ivy, Rinko thought of the skin of some kind of slimy reptile. "Help!" With all his strength, he broke free from his outstretched arm. At that moment, Yuzang fell to the bed like a branch whose foundation had been cut off. After breaking free, Lunzi took advantage of the situation to back away and ran to the door. "what……" Leaning against the door, Rinko stared at Yuzang in amazement, the little head on the pillow sank into it, and the hand that Rinko had just grabbed was hanging helplessly beside him.It was a thin, pale hand that was discarded like dead wood, and it was hard to imagine that it was still entwining itself like a snake just now. "Are you okay?" Lunzi asked softly.Yuzang closed his eyes and opened his mouth slightly. "grandfather?" Shaking his hand on his shoulder, Yuzang's mouth moved up and down slightly.Seeing this, Lunzi was relieved, took out the urinal from his crotch, and covered it with a blanket. "Are you okay?" Yuzo didn't answer, but he was breathing.Rinko felt a chill on her back, and the coldness like being entangled by a snake still remained in her body. She really wanted to escape from this place as soon as possible. After putting the hand stretched out by the bed back under the blanket, Rinko hurriedly turned her body retracted. At this time, Lunzi noticed that Yuzang's eyes were shining, but the eyes were closed. What happened?Lunzi took another look.From the tightly closed eyelids, white drops of water leaked faintly, and the tears slowly overflowed, accumulated, and slowly fell on the cheeks. "grandfather." In the pale winter sun, Youzang's cheekbones were eerily raised, casting circular shadows around him.Lunzi felt that he had seen something incredible.What are those tears?Whether it's the sadness after being angry, or the grievance after being thrown away, or the anger of being knocked down on the bed, Lunzi feels as if he has done something too much, or something that shouldn't be done.Although it was obvious that it was Zang who did the bad things, but now the situation has reversed. Holding the urinal that only contained a little urine, Lunzi nodded slightly and left the room on tiptoe. Back in the nurse's duty room, the head nurse had already arrived and was taking the medical records of two or three people from the shelf in the hospital. Maybe it was because the head nurse was there, but Akiko and Tomoko continued to fold the gauze without saying a word. "What's the matter?" "nothing." Rinko answered Akiko's question vaguely, and sat between the two of them.On the plate in the middle are freshly washed gauze piled up like a hill. Flatten the four corners of each piece, fold them into four and put them into the sterilizer.If the gauze is used once and then thrown away, the management of the hospital will be in trouble. Rinko straightened her hair, and when she reached out to the pile of gauze, Akiko said, "Hey, what's going on? Why are your hands so red?" Having said that, Lunzi looked at his hand, from the wrist to the back of the hand, there were strips of red scratches printed on it. Lunzi's skin is very fair, so it is easy to leave marks on the back of the hand and other places. "Where did you hit?" "Well, accidentally." Lunzi was afraid that it would be found to be a hand-shaped mark, and withdrawing his outstretched hand would make people suspicious, so he had no choice but to use the other hand to take the gauze. "Doesn't it hurt?" "fine." The actions of the three are still going on silently. Where did all that strength come from? Rinko looked at the red mark while thinking about the fallen Yuzo. "Shimura." The head nurse called. "Yes!" Lunzi replied, holding the gauze in his hand, raising his head. "Come here." The head nurse walked out of the duty room holding the medical records of three or four people.What's the matter?Lunzi came down to the corridor under the watchful eyes of the two. "I have something to tell you, come to the locker room." The dressing room is next to the utility room on the third floor, and there are individual cabinets lined up inside. There is a sofa and a large mirror in front of it. Iron hooks are hung on the roof, and small things such as socks and white coat straps are hung on it.The head nurse went in first, and after confirming that there was no one inside, she closed the door.This often happens every time the head nurse has a private, confidential conversation. "Is there a problem?" Lunzi slowly sat down beside the head nurse. "It's about the injection." The head nurse put the medical records under her arm on her lap, and took out one of them, with Ishikura Yuzo's name written on the cover. "Mr. Shicang often uses anesthetics, right? Every time he complains of back pain, he will inject him with an Opistan. It's nothing, but..." The head nurse moved the medical records outside so that Lunzi could also see the medical records. "This week, yesterday and Monday three days ago, is it like this every other day? That old man, did it hurt so much during this time?" "It often hurts at night." "I also heard him complain about pain overnight, but at other times, non-narcotic painkillers are basically enough. For example, I used Noblen the day before yesterday, and I used Vitamin before, but it didn't help. Narcotics." The head nurse flipped through the medical records. "As long as you are on duty, you will definitely use anesthesia." Rinko understood roughly what the head nurse wanted to say. "Also, it's basically Dr. Naoe who prescribes." "So you suspect something is wrong, don't you?" "I don't want to ask why, but I think it's a bit overused." "I don't know about this kind of thing, you should ask Dr. Naoe." "Having said that, I think I should ask you first before doing this." Rinko recorded the use of anesthetics in the medical records because Naoe and Rinko were often combined on duty.Moreover, Naoko would definitely let Rinko do it when he was taking anesthetics during the day.However, unlike during the day, for some reason, at night Naoe always said "I'll do the injection" and insisted on getting the injection in person, which is very rare for Zhie who is not willing to come into contact with patients. Rinko noticed this starting about two months ago.At the beginning, when Naoe said "I'll do it", Rinko would immediately stand up in a panic, but Naoe said "the anesthesia must be injected by a doctor" and walked out of the duty room. If Rinko chased after him, Naoe would say "Get an injection, don't follow everything!" and send her back.Now that Rinko thought about it, Naoe may have used narcotics from time to time since then.Probably pretending to use it for the patient, and kept some of it for myself.When she went to Naoe's room and found the injection tube for the anesthetic, Rinko once thought "Could it be..." If you have a cold, it is impossible to inject the anesthetic, and Naoe may have gotten it back from the hospital in this way. "It's the same with this person." The head nurse picked up another medical record, a fifty-two-year-old patient with aplastic anemia. "Although it is not as frequent as Mr. Ishikura, it is also prescribed by Dr. Naoe." This patient was also given the injection by Naoko himself when Rinko was on duty at night. "I asked Xiaoqiao, and the pain of this person seems to be lighter than that of Mr. Ishikura." Did that come from Doctor Xiaoqiao?If so, it will be troublesome.It was impossible for him to be fooled like a nurse, Rinko felt that Naoe was being forced by an invisible net. "Does Dr. Naoe like to take anesthetics?" The head nurse stared at Rinko. How much does the head nurse know? Rinko was stared at by the head nurse just like that, thinking that if she spoke badly, it would put Naoe in a difficult situation. "Can't anesthesia be used?" "During the last anesthesia inspection, someone warned that it was overused, so I have been paying attention." So, the head nurse will find out about this time.Rinko wants to see Naoe sooner so she can tell him about it. "Just wanted to ask you to see what you know." "have no idea." Rinko did know about Naoe's injection of anesthetics, but even if she knew, she only found out when she was sent by the dean's wife to visit the doctor a few days ago.As for whether it has been used before or just now, it is not known.However, Naoe obviously began administering anesthesia to the patient about two months ago. Even if Naoe started injecting, it was at most since then, and during the ten nights with Naoe, I did not see him suffering from the withdrawal of the drug. , I haven't seen him injecting, even if he uses it, he shouldn't be addicted.Although Lunzi said this to herself, she was still worried. "So, what's the problem with that?" "Now, if the situation doesn't develop further, there should be no problem. However, I hope it's better not to use it as much as possible. First of all, giving such a weak old man an injection of anesthesia, wouldn't that advance his death date?" Rinko also thought about the same thing. From this point of view, the head nurse may not have noticed that Naoe was injecting anesthesia. "In short, I hope you will pay attention to it." "OK." "This is between you and me, don't tell others." "I see." Seeing Rinko nodding, the head nurse walked out of the locker room in satisfaction. At four o'clock, Lunzi came to the clinic from the duty room on the third floor.In the afternoon, when there is no operation, Naoe usually stays in the outpatient clinic or pharmacy. There were no patients in the afternoon, so there was no need for Naoe to visit the clinic with Xiaoqiao. If there was a need to examine an inpatient, the two would take turns to visit the clinic.At other times, Dr. Xiaoqiao is usually in the outpatient clinic. Rinko had been to the pharmacy, but Naoe was not there, so she came downstairs thinking she was probably in the outpatient clinic. Although it was difficult to talk to Naoe alone in the hospital, if he used an excuse to talk about the patient's affairs, it would not attract so much attention.Just now, a patient who was hospitalized with a concussion said it was a back pain. Lunzi thought it was a good opportunity and came downstairs.As she expected, Naoe was in the outpatient clinic alone, and Dr. Xiaoqiao was not there.Naoe put his legs up on the round stool the patient was sitting on, and was reading a book; next to him was the nurse Akiko Nakanishi, fiddled with her hair boredly at the window.Now is the most leisure time for outpatient clinics. "doctor…" Because Rinko came in, Naoe raised his head and left the book. "Mr. Kawasaki from 403 says he has a headache." "yes?" Naoe thought about it for a while, looked up, and immediately said, "Do you have a fever?" "No." "Give him six opiates today, then take an X-ray of his waist, and wait for the results tomorrow before diagnosing." Rinko picked up the prescription slip from beside Naoe, and wrote down the name and dosage of the medicine.Even if you don't write it down, you can remember it. Ke Lunzi is going to use this time to ask if he can meet Naoe tonight.Maybe Nakanishi Akiko sensed Rinko's mood, so she still looked at the window and pretended not to know.Seeing her like this, Lunzi quickly wrote a few words on the back of the prescription. ——Can we meet tonight—— Then put it in front of Naoe.Naoe immediately turned his gaze to the piece of paper, crumpled the paper into a ball after reading it, and threw it into the trash can below. "no!" Hearing Naoe's voice, Akiko who was looking at the window turned around. The short opportunity disappeared like this. Lunzi had no choice but to say "Then I'll get him a medicine tray", then hurriedly changed the topic back to the patient, and then walked towards the exit of the outpatient clinic. Just as she was about to go out, there was a shrill laughter outside the door, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Mrs. Ritsuko appeared at the door.Seeing that Lunzi was there, Madam was surprised for a while, but immediately returned to her original smile. "Doctor, it's all right." Sawada, the X-ray technician behind Mrs. Ritsuko, was holding a large tray, and the film was floating in the tray filled with water. "It's so embarrassing to be seen by others." Even so, Mrs. Ritsuko didn't look shy at all.Zetian fished out the newly developed wife's waist X-ray from the water and put it on the fluorescent plate on the table. Miss Nakanishi, who had been in a daze, and Rinko, who was about to go back, gathered beside the bright fluorescent board as if attracted by a magnet. "How about it?" The lady's voice was delicate, and although she didn't touch it with her hand, her forehead almost touched Naoe who was staring at the fluorescent board.Just seeing this scene, Rinko felt his cheeks burn.If possible, I really want to kick the lady out.In two connected semicircles, there are five or six bones overlapping like building blocks, and each bone has protrusions that extend left and right like tentacles. The semicircle is the pelvis, and the overlapping one is the spine. Son also knows. After seeing the front view of the skeleton, Naoe looked at the profile view again, and a key-shaped white shadow could be seen around the pelvis, "Ah, what is this?" "It was taken in a tights. These are the tabs of the tights." "Oh, it's been revealed." Deliberately ignoring Lunzi, the lady smiled happily. "Hi, how's it going, doctor." Acting like a baby like this must have happened that night.The waves in Lunzi's heart became more turbulent.However, Naoe's expression did not change at all. "No problem anywhere, good bones." "Really? Great." Madam clapped her hands in front of her chest like a girl, and looked at the people around her. "I also thought, what if there is something wrong with the bones." "Such a good bone, no problem." As Naoe said so, his eyes were still staring at the fluorescent board without blinking.Looking at Naoe's profile under the fluorescent light, Rinko remembered seeing X-rays in Naoe's room.
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