Home Categories foreign novel a piece of snow

Chapter 3 Three, two nights

a piece of snow 渡边淳一 14578Words 2018-03-18
The spring spirit once came and waned, and now it is picking up again. Among the red willows and green flowers, cherry blossoms are naturally in full bloom.Although this change is quiet, as if there is no sound, but in the mood of spring, the flowers are in full bloom, but it really stimulates people's senses. It is a rare opportunity for Iori to walk from the Aoyama apartment to the Harajuku office on foot.When I left the room, I planned to hail a taxi, but as soon as I got outside, I felt the spring, so I started walking unknowingly. It was rare for him to get up so early, and he arrived at the office at ten o'clock.As soon as he sat down in his office, Sheng Zi pushed the door open and walked in.

At first, Iori objected to setting up a separate room in the office, but the director and everyone were in a big room, and the staff felt restrained instead.As a result of consideration, the director's office was finally established.This is not Iori's own wish, but more to take care of everyone's emotions. On Iori's dark brown desk stands a slender vase containing a tuberose.The flowers are changed about every three days, while cleaning the house and arranging flowers is Shengzi's job. "good morning!" Sheng Zi's voice was loud today, but he still couldn't hear the joy from his heart.Standing in front of Iori, she immediately began to report on today's schedule in a serious manner, which is a proof.

"At 10:30, the Deputy Mayor of K City visited. At 1:00, he went to the Ministry of Construction to participate in the Central Construction Review Committee. At 3:00, he held the Multi-Structure Architecture Research Committee in the Development Technology Center. After that, the Environmental Renovation Committee was held in the Imperial Hotel, at 6 o'clock. Click to start." Recently, his work is not limited to architecture, and the scope of architects has gradually expanded to many fields such as urban planning, environmental renovation, and transportation systems.The central government, local governments, and non-governmental organizations alone have participated in more than forty institutions.These organizations often invite Iori to be a committee member, but he tries his best to refuse.Iori doesn't like socializing in the first place, and many of these meetings have a somewhat bureaucratic atmosphere, which makes people feel boring.It might be easier to have a few drinks with close friends, so now he has to accept invitations from several organizations just because of favors, and there are already more than ten of them.

Shengzi is wearing a sweater today, a blue skirt on her lower body, and a thin gold necklace around her neck.The slender face and simple clothing are very suitable. "You left the office at eleven o'clock, and you have arranged a car until the end of the meeting." Iori lit a cigarette while listening to her talk.Although the schedule is very tight, but if you leave it to Shengzi, you will never go wrong. "Also, I would like to ask for leave at noon today." "Where are you going?" "I told you last time that I was going back to the country on Friday afternoon."

Iori remembered that he had indeed heard her say it at the beginning of Zhou.At that time, Shengzi proposed that his hometown in Nagano would hold an event on the first anniversary of his grandmother's death. "Really? I remembered." Yizhi hasn't cared much about Shengzi recently, his heart has been occupied by Xia, and he has forgotten Shengzi. "Is there time to go at noon?" "At half past one, take the express train from Ueno Station." He seemed to have heard her say that too.Seeing Yizhi nod, Shengzi bowed, turned and left, her buttocks wrapped in a long skirt moved towards the door.Looking at it, Yizhi remembered that he hadn't had a tryst with Shengzi these days.

Half a month ago, it was Shengzi's birthday, and he couldn't meet her, and he couldn't have a detailed talk with her since then.In order to make up for the fault of breaking the appointment, he invited her to dinner at the beginning of the following week, but Shengzi said a little bluntly: He doesn't need to worry about it.He invited twice, but declined both times. Every time the reasons she said seemed to make sense, but in fact they were evasive.If it was in the past, he would have asked carefully, and would have said a few words of comfort, but now he let her refuse.He himself was too enthusiastic about Xia, and he felt a little guilty, worried that if he kept asking, she might pursue him instead.

"When are you coming back from Nagano?" Iori asked while looking at the leaving figure. "Sunday." Sheng Zi answered with his hand on the door. "Really? Safe travels!" Sheng Zi turned around slightly and nodded.Then, the white sweater disappeared outside the door, and Iori felt very sorry, feeling that he had lost something precious. After Shengzi left, Mochizuki Heita immediately knocked on the door and came in.Mochizuki is a young architect who came to work in Iori's office five years ago. He is enthusiastic and the leader of the staff.His hair was disheveled as usual, the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up his arms, and he bowed his head solemnly.

"Everyone decided to go to enjoy the cherry blossoms tonight, is the director going?" "Admiring the cherry blossoms on a moonlit night..." "The weather forecast said that it will rain tomorrow, so everyone decided to go to Shibuya to see flowers tonight." "Shibuya?" "A little in front of Ote Street, there is Songtao Park. Although the place is small, there are many cherry blossoms. The scenery is good." Hearing what he said, Iori remembered that he had been near this park before.He remembered that the park was located in the high-end residential area of ​​Songtao, and there was a pool in the middle.

"The opportunity is rare, but it seems impossible to go today." Tonight, after the symposium, I will meet up with my friend Muraoka.Suddenly, it was difficult for Iori to have time to participate.However, as far as the staff are concerned, Iori didn't intend to participate in it at first, but just wanted to play, so I just reported to him. "Okay then. I will donate, although it may not be enough." Iori took out three 10,000-yuan bills from his pocket.Mochizuki said embarrassingly: "No need, everyone paid the money." "Okay, that's it. Everyone's dues are not enough anyway. What time does it start?"

"If possible, I want to start at seven o'clock." The working hours of the office are from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, but in fact it is a formality. When the design work is busy, it is common to work overtime until 10:00 or even 11:00.These young people are full of energy, love their work, and don't care if it's late.In fact, designing this kind of work is often impossible to do intermittently. "Shall everyone go?" "Miss Aizawa can't go back to her hometown. Everyone else will go." Seeing Yizhi nodded, Mochizuki picked up 30,000 yuan in a bow. "Okay then! We're graciously acknowledging that. That's a big help."

"Isn't that the idea from the beginning?" "Sorry." Mochizuki smiled kindly, scratched his head and walked out of the room. After Mochizuki's figure left the room, Iori lit another cigarette, then turned the swivel chair and raised Erlang's legs.Spring is in full swing, and as it stands, Ueno will definitely be crowded with flower viewing crowds tonight.Iori imagined the scene where the staff exchanged cups and exchanged cups, but he couldn't forget that Shengzi was not there. Don't ask Mochizuki, he also knows that Shengzi will not go to enjoy the flowers tonight.Mochizuki and the rest of the staff have no doubts about this.In fact, she had a good reason to go to Nagano to participate in the Buddhist ceremony, and no one would mind.However, in total, the company only has eleven people.Among them, there are six people with architect certificates, including Iori, two part-time students, and the rest are female staff who do clerical work and sort out materials.Although there is only one person missing, everyone will go, which is still very conspicuous.However, Iori always thinks about this, or it may be completely overwhelmed.The reason why he was worried was probably because he had a special relationship with Shengzi and felt a little guilty. However, all the staff members know about the relationship between Iori and Shengzi.When it comes to other people's love, men are careless, but women are very sensitive.It was a woman surnamed Xiao Lin who first learned about their relationship.Once it is known, it will naturally spread among everyone. None of the members made irresponsible remarks about the relationship between the two people, they just thought it was a fait accompli and understood it.However, the two of them can't do whatever they want because of this.Shengzi was not that kind of girl in the first place, and Yizhi was also very careful about this.He always makes it clear that work is work and private affairs are another matter.At this point, the two acted cautiously, and it seemed that they would not cause trouble. However, on an occasion like tonight, even though it was accidental, the two of them coincided with other activities, which was a bit worrying.Even if it's okay, Shengzi often feels isolated because of her relationship with Yizhi.He is responsible for his work and has a good character. People tend to treat him differently just because he has a special relationship with the director.In this sense, Shengzi is both happy and in an awkward situation.Because of this, Iori feels sympathy for Shengzi when she thinks that today's incident may lead to Shengzi's isolation.Regardless of himself, he really hoped that Shengzi would have fun with everyone. While he was smoking a cigarette in the sun, the intercom on the desk rang.Most of the office's calls are answered by Shengzi, and then transferred to Yizhi. "your phone number." Hearing this, Iori suddenly thought that this was Xia's call.When Shengzi transferred the phone call, he always clearly explained who was calling and what unit he belonged to.Whenever she just said she had a phone call and didn't say anything else, it was often a personal call from a woman.It's a woman's phone number. If it's someone she contacts at work, she will also explain the other party's company and occupation.Iori also felt strange, wondering how she could distinguish so clearly, perhaps this is the unique sensitivity of women.Now he didn't say his name, but only told him that he had a phone number. He suddenly became nervous, thinking that maybe it was Xia, but what came out of the microphone was a delicate girl's voice. "Hello, is this Mr. Iori? Do you know who I am?" Hearing this question, Iori was momentarily stunned. "Which one are you?" "Dad, I'm Mariko." Only then did he realize that it was the eldest daughter's voice. "It's you! Don't scare people!" "But, Dad talks so seriously." "It goes without saying that I work here!" Iori said something majestic, and Mariko whispered to herself: That's how it is.Then she said, "I'm nearby now, do you have time?" Yizhi glanced at the clock on the table. At 10:30, the appointed deputy mayor of K city will come soon, and then he will attend the meeting of the construction province.However, the deputy mayor just came to visit, and it can be done in about ten minutes. "In twenty minutes, maybe we can see each other..." "Then I'll go to your place, okay?" "No. On the first floor of the office building, there's a cafe called Tiffany's. Wait for me there. I'll go as soon as I'm done." "Ok……" After Mariko answered in a long voice, she hung up the phone. The estranged wife has two daughters.The eldest is fifteen years old and has just entered high school this year, and the younger is a second grader in elementary school.The kids do hate Iori a little bit because he ran away from home.Both are girls, and the couple's rift can affect them a lot.But for some unknown reason, even in the current state of separation, the eldest daughter is still close to her father and calls him from time to time. After his daughter hung up, he checked the letters on the table, and the deputy mayor of City K walked in.Four years ago, after Iori was entrusted to design the art museum in K City, the two became acquainted. Today he came to Tokyo on business to visit Iori. He said that last fall, the art gallery in K City won the architectural design award and gained a great reputation, so he planned to designate the area around the art gallery as a special environment zone, and hoped that Iori would cooperate. "I'm a lazy person, I don't know if you can go when you want me to do things..." Iori politely declined, but in the end she couldn't refuse and accepted it. "In the future we will entrust it in the form of documents." After the deputy mayor finished speaking, he put down a bottle of nationally famous K City specialty wine as a gift, and then left.Yizhi immediately turned on the walkie-talkie and called Shengzi, handed her the wine for everyone to drink while enjoying the flowers tonight, and then stood up. "I go out for a while." "Shall we go to the review meeting?" "No, go to the cafe downstairs and then start." "Hurry up and start, there is not much time left, the car has probably arrived." "Okay! After you're done, get in the car right away, before you have time." Yizhi took off the jacket hanging behind her and put it on, looked at Shengzi as if suddenly remembering, and said, "When will you be back on Sunday?" Hearing this suddenly, Sheng Zi showed a puzzled expression. "Let's meet!" "..." "Go straight home!" "right." "Okay, I'll call your home." After saying this, Iori picked up the handbag full of documents, pushed open the door of the director's room, and walked to the big room. He saw the staff working intently, some drawing design drawings under the desk lamp, Others were meditating with folded arms in front of architectural models made of Styrofoam. "I'm going to Jianjian Province, don't make too much noise when viewing flowers." Iori said something to everyone, and the staff smiled and nodded. After leaving the office, even Iori himself didn't understand why he asked Shengzi to meet before leaving the office.In the morning, when she first arrived at the office and saw her, Sheng Zi's figure looked particularly coquettish.It was probably the beautiful buttocks that were tightly wrapped in the skirt that attracted him.However, Shengzi's daughter's phone call may not be unrelated.I talked with my daughter on the phone. There is no need to be afraid of gossip, but I am really a little embarrassed. I ran directly from the office to the cafe on the first floor, and saw Mariko was already here, sitting at a table by the window.Maybe it was a little timid alone, but when he saw Yizhi, he immediately raised his body and raised his hand.She was wearing a navy blue tracksuit and a brown tie, apparently the uniform of the high school she had just entered. "I called Mr. Iori when I came up, and I was shocked." "However, if someone comes to answer the phone and I call Dad, that would be too funny." Mariko knows that Iori and his wife had a quarrel and left home, but it seems that one of the reasons is that Shengzi who just transferred the phone. "Is this a school uniform? It fits well." "Thank you. But don't you think the tie is a bit rustic?" "It's not dirty at all. School starts?" "School starts next week. I'm going to Shibuya with my friends today." Mariko entered a high school in Aoyama from spring.Yizhi didn't know she had passed the exam until she received a call from herself. "Where's your friend?" "Just broke up. Daddy, can I ask you something?" Mariko mischievously showed an inquiring look. "Dad said last time that it was congratulations to buy it for me when I was admitted to high school." "You said you were going to buy a tape recorder." "But, actually, I'd like to switch to a VCR." "It's a big change." A tape recorder costs only 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, and a cheap one costs 150,000 yuan if you want to buy a video recorder. "But, I'm far away from school this time, and I'm so busy that I can't watch many TV shows, so I really want it." "Going to high school doesn't affect watching the evening show!" "There are some programs I want to watch during the day! Besides, on Sundays and evenings, sometimes I can't watch them because of something. Jun's family and Nakai's house have them. This is the era of VCRs! Just say yes! Please! .” Mariko bowed in prayer.There is already a kind of feminine charm in the eyes that are raised. "Okay! I'll think about it." "That's right, you agree?" "I mean, let me think about it." "Anyway, let me buy it? Dad loves people." Iori smiled bitterly, hesitating whether he should ask his wife about her situation. Iori's home is located in Jiyugaoka on the Toyoko Railway, about 30 minutes' drive away from the Aoyama apartment where he lives now, and it is a quiet residential area.The last time I went home was a month ago, when Iori was on his way to Kawasaki, and just picked up some letters by the way. Although I left home and lived in Aoyama Apartment, some of the mail was sent to Jiyugaoka.He sent notices of eviction to some of the more important places, but not quite enough.Whenever there is mail delivered to the home, it is very inconvenient to either pick it up or ask my wife to forward it.But when I think about it carefully, the mail sent to my home is now the only link between Iori and his wife.Without these emails, there would be no excuse to even make a phone call. However, Iori is not attached to his wife who has lived apart.If she agrees to break up, he intends to give her a good divorce with alimony.The house in Jiyu Hill covers an area of ​​more than 450 square meters, which is not a small fortune based on current prices.If she agrees to a divorce, besides the house, Yizhi can also pay a monthly living allowance to guarantee her basic life.From an economic point of view, Yizhi suffered a disadvantage, but he thought that since he left home on his own initiative, this burden was inevitable. He thought that there is no love anymore, even if they stay as husband and wife, it is meaningless.Still, that might be the irresponsible thinking of bystanders.As a woman, she has been bound to the family since she got married, and now she is over 40 years old. It is impossible to plan a new life immediately after divorce.Regardless of whether they broke up or not, at least in terms of household registration, it may be safer to maintain the status of the wife.Or perhaps out of revenge for her husband's misconduct, she insisted on refusing to divorce. From this point of view, it is not incomprehensible for Iori to understand her mood, although this stubbornness is meaningless. Iori took a sip of the juice delivered, and asked as if suddenly remembering, "How is everyone?" "Hey, Miko said she's going on a school trip to Kurashiki. There's an art museum there. But I wonder if the kid can read pictures?" "If it's a good painting, you can understand it as long as you look at it quietly." "But those kids were just laughing and joking." Mariko said in the tone of an older sister. "How is Miko's studies?" "I still just know how to play. At this rate, I can't get into high school at all." "You should persuade her well." "I told her, but she didn't listen at all." Iori smiled wryly, imagining the family of one wife and two daughters that he abandoned.Can a family be complete with just a woman?Only on the surface, the two children seem to have no major problems, but deep down, without a father, there will definitely be a shadow. "Also, Oscar suddenly vomited not long ago. He went to see a doctor and is fine now." Oscar is a badger dog raised by the Free Hill family and has been raising it for two years.Even now, whenever Iori goes, it always comes to get close. "Eat something unclean!" Iori said, as if unintentionally asked: "How is Mom?" "Hey, it's good." Mariko just said this, and then just drank the juice.Although he is only fifteen years old, he seems to have understood that it is best not to involve his parents.Iori nodded, and took out five thousand yuan from his pocket. "Give this to Miko, pocket money when traveling." "Great, but only for Miko?" "Don't you want a video recorder?" "But, the video recorder is for everyone to watch together!" Yizhi had no choice but to take out another 10,000 yuan in exchange for the 5,000 yuan. "Well, let's break it up, both of you!" He always thinks that he can't give his children too much pocket money, but now that they live apart, he can only give some pocket money to maintain the relationship between father and daughter. "I still have a job." Iori looked at his watch, and Mariko nodded obediently.Probably my father was often away from home since I was a child, so when I grew up, I naturally thought that my father should always run outside, which is easy to understand. "So, is the VCR okay? When will you buy it?" "Let me think about it, call again! Try to call the apartment." "But Dad is always away." Indeed, I always eat out at night, and I usually get back to my apartment very late. "Of course, the office is fine too." Iori picked up the bill and stood up.The meeting starts at one o'clock, and there is one person to meet before the meeting.After finishing the calculation and going out, the car is waiting by the building. "I'm going to Kasumigaseki, take my car to Omotesando!" "Why? It's much faster to take the tram directly from here." Iori thought that it would be a kind of compensation for not being able to have a good chat with her daughter so that she could stay together for a while longer, but Mariko didn't seem to take it seriously. "I'll take the state tram back. Goodbye!" Mariko waved her hand, turned around quickly and left.Iori watched the figure in the blue school uniform disappear into the crowd, and then got into the car. sunny.The shiny bodies of the side-by-side cars reflected bright light.Iori felt dazzled, avoided the sunlight, and thought of his home in Jiyugaoka again. From what Mariko said, everything seems to be going well now.It wasn't great that my father wasn't there, of course, but it seemed to be pretty safe. He had thought the children might be lonely when he was away from home, but maybe they weren't.Mariko was also very energetic today, and she didn't show any lonely look.On the contrary, it is to ask for what is necessary, and then go home without hesitation.You can't underestimate the character of the children. It's better to say that you are the one who is worried about the impact of leaving home.Iori thought about it, and smiled wryly. Most of the meetings held by the government are mere formality, with speeches and read-out of documents in the same way, which took a lot of time.Although many people came and took a lot of time, but there was no content, Iori only felt that it was a waste of time. However, most of the construction review meeting and the multi-structure building committee basically ended on time, and it was already seven o'clock in the evening when the symposium was finally announced in the hotel.Immediately afterwards, Iori met Muraoka who was waiting at the cafe of the same hotel, and decided to have dinner together first. "What to eat?" "Yes! Western food is a bit too greasy, how about Japanese food!" "Then I have a nice place to go." Iori went out and got into the car in front of the restaurant. "There is a small restaurant when you climb the Ichiguchizaka ramp at Kagiya Station. Today I invite you to eat something special." He and Muraoka are similar in age, have similar jobs, and have a good temper.However, Muraoka is an art critic and a part-time professor at a university.Regardless of the content, from the outside, Muraoka's work seems relatively rigid. "The chef in that small restaurant likes to gamble. Last time I played mahjong all night, I let him take away about 50,000 yuan." "You also lose sometimes!" "I'm not lucky these days." "If you are frustrated in the casino, you must be proud in love." "It's fine if this is the case..." Iori pretended to be fine and thought of Kasumi. "Those guys, are you good at playing?" "I'm not good at all, I just like it. I lose my head when I gamble. I heard that he went straight from the mahjong field to the fish market the next morning." "Can the food made by this kind of person be delicious?" "Actually, the work of a chef is better for those who are lazy and casual than serious people. People are too serious, but their skills are not good. This person is already in his thirties, and he is still single." "However, if this is the case, I'm afraid I will never be able to open my own store." "Some chefs are desperate to make money and open restaurants at a young age. In fact, they are not good at technology. Food should not be too rigid at all." "You can't follow the script, why put three spoonfuls of salt..." "Perhaps this is the reason why there are no famous female chefs." Speaking of which, Iori thought, what would happen if I asked Xia to cook?Such a clean and serious woman might not be able to impress her cooking skills. The car turned Yikouban from Yasukuni Avenue and stopped at the corner of the second road.They got out of the car there, turned left, and saw a sign that said "Yajima".From there, walk along the path for more than fifty meters, and you will find the small restaurant deep in the alley.There are a few bamboo trees planted at the door, walk over and open the wooden door, followed by a row of bar counters made of natural wood, which will be filled with seven or eight people. "Welcome!" The skilled but lazy chef greeted.As if hearing a shout, the proprietress came out from behind the curtain. "Long time no see. You never come. You see, it's so empty that even the cuckoo is singing." "It's better if there are few people in this place. If there are too many people in the restaurant, the food will be tasteless." "It's good to say that there are fewer people, but according to this situation, it should be closed." The proprietress is in her mid-thirties, with straight eyebrows and a neat face, but she heard that she had Bassetau's disease a few years ago, so her body was thin and her eyes looked big in comparison. "This is Muraoka, a university professor." Iori introduced Muraoka, and then peeked inside the counter. "What's there today?" "All kinds. However, fresh flounder has been added, and the gaki fish is also very fragrant." "Then listen to you. In the car just now, we kept saying that your skills are good." The chef didn't look happy, just asked what to drink. "Beer first. However, there are really few people!" Iori looked around again, there was no one else on the bar except the two of them. "It's been like this since April. Where did it all go?" "It's all because of the cherry blossoms. When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, no one has the heart to stay indoors." "So, after the cherry blossoms wither, will it be fine?" The proprietress spoke seriously, but she didn't look nervous, and poured beer for them.Iori and Muraoka lightly clinked glasses and drank them all in one gulp. "It smells so good! The cherry blossoms are in full bloom today, and the warmth is so uncomfortable." The tree sprout sauce is first placed on the counter, and the white sauce is mixed with bamboo shoots and angelica. As long as it is alcohol, whether it is Japanese sake or whiskey, Iori can drink it.He likes to drink sake the most, but when he drinks too much, he feels paralyzed, so he always stops halfway through the drink and switches to whiskey in the middle.However, in the face of Japanese food, I don't drink Japanese sake, and I feel that the taste is not right.Muraoka seems to feel the same way.After drinking two bottles of beer, they switched to Japanese sake. The first dish served was flounder sashimi, then boiled fresh bamboo shoots with wakame, and then came asparagus and dried fish in small baskets. "Is this sweet fruit?" "Yes. But I sprinkled it with a little salt." Iori took a sip, poured the wine for Muraoka, and then said as if he just remembered by chance: "How old is Mr. Takamura of Yingshantang?" "Probably past fifty." He thought Ying Shan Tang would be surprised when he asked Ying Shan Tang suddenly, but Muraoka's expression did not show any change. "So, there's a big difference in age between Xia and Xia." "Is she thirty-five or sixteen?" "That's almost twenty years old!" "It's not that much different. I heard that Mr. Takamura is the continuation." "Continuation?" "I have a daughter, it's time to go to college." "So, that's the child brought by the man?" "Probably so!" Iori stared at the freshly filled wine cup and fell silent.For Iori, this was the first time he had heard about Yingshantang and the child.If what Muraoka said is true, his impression of Kasumi will change. But it sounds like that might be the case.It was hard for him to tell, but there was something about Xayah that made her feel like she was living with a man of a very different age. "But why would such a beauty be used as a house fill?" "I don't know." Muraoka didn't know anything about Iori and Kasumi at all, only that they met at the banquet. After the banquet, because Iori knew her brother, the two chatted for a while.If you ask too much, Muraoka may see through his own intentions. The dish is steamed kaji fish in wine, served with brandy flavored wine at the same time.It seems that some wine was put in the steamed fish, and the dish exudes a fragrance. "Steamed fish in wine sauce, as people in Kansai say, is this right?" "That probably means tilefish." "Really? So the taste is indeed different." Iori likes steamed fish with wine sauce the most. When the taste is bland, he asks the chef to add more juice to make clear soup. As they began eating steamed fish in wine sauce, Muraoka asked, "Did you see Kasumi again after that?" "No……" Hearing this kind of question suddenly, Iori answered vaguely.The two were talking about Xia, and it was understandable to ask about Xia, but the question of "meeting" made people feel a little uneasy, as if they had already noticed that they were still interacting with each other.In fact, Muraoka had no such intentions, but just asked casually.He drank the wine cup with the same expression, and said: "I saw her at the National Theater not long ago. I was going to see Kabuki, and she happened to be there, with her husband." "Heyingshan Hall..." "Her beauty is also very prominent in that kind of place. I stopped and said a few words with her in the hall, and everyone turned to look." "What time is this?" "Probably last Friday!" On Friday, that was three days after Iori sent Kasumi to the church.When we parted in the middle of the night, Xia told him that her husband had gone to Kyoto.However, if what Muraoka said was true, he would have returned three days later. "Are the two of you on good terms?" "Of course, let's go to see Kabuki together!" Muraoka put down the wine cup and looked inside the bowl. "Look carefully, the Gaji fish is so strange." "dislike?" "It's not that I don't like it. I can see the face too clearly, but I'm a little scared." "The fish is the most delicious in the eyes, and the gills." Iori stretched out his chopsticks to pick up the eyeballs and the jelly around them. "The eyes are so white but not muddy, clear and transparent, the best to eat." Muraoka watched Iori put it in his mouth with a surprised expression.Iori has been suppressing an impulse, but finally he didn't shout out: I know this is cruel, but you forced me to do it!Sliced ​​angelica and tree buds are added to the steamed fish juice, lightly put some soy sauce as a condiment, and the steamed oil from fresh Jiaji fish floats on the juice just right. "If you check carefully, it seems that there are more than 100 kinds of gaki fish!" Muraoka said while holding the gills of the fish with his chopsticks. "Speaking of which, the king of fish in the sea has to count the Gaji fish." "Did you know that there is a kind of sakura negi?" "I've never heard of it. Is there such a fish?" "At this time of year, the Negaki fish near the Seto Inland Sea take on the color of cherry blossoms, so people call it that. They swim back from the open sea to spawn." "It's just a fish, but it has a very elegant name." "However, this sakura gaki was renamed wheat straw fish after spawning." "It's a big image change." "The taste is also greatly reduced, right?" Iori asked the chef, who nodded.When talking about fish, I naturally forget about other superfluous things, and I feel better.But as soon as the words stopped, Xia's shadow immediately appeared in his mind. "Speaking of which, how did she marry someone so much older?" It's Xia again!Muraoka said with a puzzled look on his face, "If you ask me, I don't know either!" "But, it's almost twenty years behind..." After saying this, Iori suddenly remembered the relationship between himself and Shengzi.He judges others, but in fact he and Shengzi are also twenty years apart.How can you talk about others without caring about yourself? "Probably because I like it, so I got married!" Muraoka's answer was very clear.But is it really that simple?Is there an unspeakable secret behind it?In fact, Iori has been looking forward to Muraoka saying: "Kasumi's marriage has failed." Iori hopes that he can at least say: "Although I don't like it, I finally got married, and now I don't love her husband. .” However, Muraoka did not seem to be able to say such a thing at all.Originally, Muraoka had no interest in Kasumi and her husband. Iori asked a little annoyed: "Haven't you talked to Xayah about this?" "How can I ask such a thing!" Muraoka said angrily, poured the wine himself, and asked: "You like Xia?" Muraoka never cared much about the affairs between men and women, but he asked this straightforwardly, and Iori staggered back for an instant. "How can..." "I thought you liked her." Iori shook his head slowly from side to side, and then said: "However, I always feel very concerned." "She's so pretty. Several painters seem to be drooling over her, too." Iori leaned forward, then hurriedly retracted.Since I said I didn't like it, if I leaned forward, wouldn't my true thoughts be exposed! "A famous painter once courted her. For a while, a young painter was fascinated." "Who is this?" "Whoever he is! It's just a rumor." "What about her? How?" "That kind of person is certainly not disgraceful. Besides, the opponent is the owner of a large gallery, a young painter, and naturally there is nothing he can do." Iori drank another cup. Xia is indeed a serious and shy woman.Even if one or two men pursued occasionally, it was impossible for them to become intimate.But, on the other hand, when thinking of the relationship between her and himself, Iori was a little confused. Iori and Kasumi were combined when they met for the second time after meeting at a banquet.But it was just a tryst, why did Xia give everything?If it is said that she is obsessed with herself, the explanation is very simple, and her self-esteem can also be satisfied.If it is said that he is clever in seducing women, maybe there is some truth to it.Coupled with the fact that I knew her brother in the past, there was a sense of intimacy, and I drank a little wine, which made a good thing.But even so, he hadn't expected Xayah to accept him so readily.Thinking of this, Xia's image changed a little.On the surface, she looks shy and cautious no matter what she does, but deep down she hides a brave and unrestrained enthusiasm.Although he thought it was unlikely, she might have slept with that coveted man too.Because of love, Iori has become suspicious now. There is a saying: "One steals, two maids and three concubines".According to this statement, Iori can be regarded as the happiest man if he steals other people's wives.Especially having an affair with a beautiful and wealthy married woman like Xia is perhaps the greatest pleasure for a man. However, if you think about it carefully, this happiness contains a muddled side.For example, although having an affair with someone else's wife is considered the greatest happiness for a man, for a husband, perhaps this wife has no merit at all.This married woman is someone whose husband is bored, stale, and boring, but who is treasured by others.This is completely an illusion, as the so-called lawns elsewhere are significantly greener.正因为是他人之妻,和她相爱才产生出一种紧张感。可是,反过来说,如果失去他人之妻这个条件,她也只不过是个平庸无比的女人。所谓“一偷”,就是指“偷”这一行为造成紧张而产生的情趣,但这未必和对这女人的真实评价一致。当然,话虽如此,伊织获得霞肌肤感受的欢悦,并不因为了解这一层而有所减退。即使去掉有夫之妇这一条件,霞也是一个充满魅力的女人。自己秘密地获得了一个有丈夫而又为人瞩目的女人,真是无比幸福。不过,在这幸福背后却也必然潜藏着不安。 首先,尽管相爱,说到底,这女人还是不属于自己。“偷”造成的紧张感增加了爱,但并不是想见时都能见得到。一切都必须首先察看他丈夫的情况,掩人耳目,秘密进行。这自然也是一种乐趣,但这种兴奋总是有限。如果仅仅满足于“偷”,倒好办了,但想要再往前迈一步,一切都将毁灭。说到底,“偷”仅限于“偷”,它的前景绝不光明。 这样看来,和为人妻者偷情,必须要有玩玩的思想准备,不能真心对待。 伊织现在自己也把持不住,说不清自己是不是能够仅仅局限于玩玩这种心态。 “M市的美术馆好像还是要委托给富川浩次。” 村冈突然谈起别的事。不过,这也许只是因为伊织一直在思索霞的事,所以听起来感到突然而已。 “最近他不断地设计美术馆。那家伙真有才能吗?” “既然有人找,自然是有才能啦!” 伊织不高兴地回答。 “可是,他设计的F市和G市的美术馆,外观花哨,看上去挺扎眼,但里边的内容却不敢恭维。尤其是G市的那个,采光又差,壁面也不稳定。那种算得上是好建筑物吗?” “这问题涉及到如何评价建筑物的标准。” “我自己号称美术评论家,说这些话可能滑稽,但最近一些评论家编织人事网,对于地方城市美术馆的设计以及人事安排干涉过多。” 村冈希望今天晚上见面,可能就是为了说这事儿。不过,伊织也并非不关心这个问题。 “我倒不是恭维,设计美术馆,还是数你,K市和M市的美术馆都具有独创性,而且很合理。” “我谢谢你的话,可是各人有各人的爱好。” “过去一谈到美术馆就是国立的。不过,近来地方政府也都不断开始建立新的美术馆,真所谓地方的时代。这当然会刺激美术界,不是坏事情。但是,问题在于外壳和内容。他们一说就是三种类型:乡土作家、世界名画和现代艺术。这未免太煞风景。再有就是购买一两幅价格昂贵的外国名画,吸引观众。” “当地的头目们也不断插手。” “就说这一次M市的美术馆吧,光建筑费就四十亿,再加上一年的采购费,又是一个亿。这么一来,不少耗子就跑来追逐特权。光是馆长的任命,有不少情况就令人觉得可疑。美术馆听上去好听,内情可未必美,里边有许多阴谋。” “我不想费那种事找活儿干。” “总之,富川那家伙不可信。” 喝了酒,村冈说话随便起来。伊织也因为跟自己知心的朋友一起喝酒,觉得很轻松。 “吃点米饭,或者面条?” 菜上到最后,厨师问道。 伊织早已饱了,村冈也同样谢绝。 又送上水果来,两个人离开“矢岛”时已经九点。在饭店和村冈聚齐来到这里是七点,算来已在这呆了将近两个小时。他只记得慢慢地喝了有数几杯,可来到外面才知道,自己“醉了”。 回想起来,当听说霞跟他丈夫去国立剧场时,他就开始猛喝起来。村冈对地方美术馆风潮的阴暗面感到愤慨,于是也不断举杯,后来喝得不少。 “再去一家酒馆喝点?” 两个人都不打算就此分手。伊织举手拦了一辆驶过来的出租车。 “可是,咱们好长时间没一块儿喝酒了。” “上次宴会上见面是二月末吧……” “是二月十八日。” 宴会后,他曾和霞在饭店的酒吧一起喝酒,这成了他俩发生关系的起始点,因此,伊织忘不了这一天。村冈靠在座背上,点着烟,突然想起来似地问道: “噢,你太太怎么样?” “还是老样子。” 村冈知道伊织已经分居,也了解他和笙子的关系。伊织离家出走时,被逼不过,只好交代了缘由。开始时,他不打算告诉任何人,但后来觉得,早晚也会知道,又觉得这个朋友信得过,所以就说了前因后果。然而,那个时候,村冈只是叨咕了一句:“不可理解”。他透露了自己的想法,但绝不更多地干涉私事。伊织喜欢的正是村冈这种很有节制的性格。 “这么说,还是不同意离婚?” "right……" 汽车左侧正是靖国神社的树林,一片漆黑。 “那一位女的呢?” “老样子。” 村冈掐灭了烟,说道: “不过,你挺累吧?” "what?" “各个方面呀……” 伊织顺从地点了点头,用不着村冈说,伊织这些日子确实感到疲劳。 “没有家庭,到底还是……” 伊织十分理解村冈想说的意思。分居过着独身生活,说起来自由,但这自由真让人厌烦。也许因为如此,最近伊织经常回家,一边收拾邮件,有时甚至想,不如干脆睡在这儿。每到这时,他都告诫自己:“不行!”之所以出现这种心态,大概就是因为已经厌倦了自由。 “可是,这样下去行吗?” “不,不行呀!” "So, what do you do?" 村冈再问,伊织也没法回答。 “我不打算干涉你的私事,但我不希望你破坏自己好不容易培养起来的才能。” “我根本就没有才能。” “别这么说呀!” “好吧!这事不用你多操心。” 没有稳定的家庭,确实很累,但他并未因此丧失了投入工作的热情。相反,最近倒是干劲十足。说不定离开家处于不稳定的状态,反而刺激出了新的工作热情。 实际上,伊织如今还没解决和妻子的纠葛,和笙子的关系也处于若即若离,最近又萌发出对于霞的爱。说起来,是他自己在制造疲劳的原因。 然而,虽然如此,他感到自己正在不断迸发出激情,向新的工作挑战。 “倒也并非事事如意就好呀!” “这我明白,但只有家庭安定,才能涌现新的活力吧?” "yes……" "Isn't that so?" “我不反对这说法,可事情也并不那么简单。” 村冈在大学里供职,工作是评论已经完成的作品,而伊织的工作领域却是从事新的创作。说来也许是借口,但他总觉得,如果缺乏某种刺激,就不可能激发向创新挑战的激情。 汽车在九段坂坡上拐弯,从护城河边上驶向银座,现在正按照两小时前走过的路倒着走回去。两个人在并木街七丁目拐角处下了车,走向大楼三层的一家酒馆。这是伊织十年来常光顾的酒吧,里边除了一张拐角的吧台以外,还有两个小包厢。在“矢岛”喝的是清酒,两个人到这里都改喝威士忌加冰块。村冈两年前患胃溃疡,说是太凉了刺激太大,兑了开水,还滴了两滴丁香油。他们在这里喝了一个小时左右,又到地下室的一家酒吧去喝。伊织也是这家酒吧的常客,还寄存了酒瓶。 “不过,我原来一直以为H市美术馆的设计会委托给你。” “算了,别再提这事儿啦!” 他在这里又是喝的兑水威士忌,后来到厕所去时,连自己都知道已经醉得很厉害。自己想站着不动,可身子却前后摇摆,手扶在前面瓷砖上紧闭双眼,于是霞的身影就浮现在眼前;在淡淡的昏暗之中,霞的背影正在不断脱下衣服,饰带已经解开,和服依然套在肩上,一个胳膊伸出了袖子。 “这可不行……” 伊织敲了敲自己的脑袋,要来凉毛巾盖在额头上,回到座位上,村冈看他回来,向他问道: “我说,你行吗?最近好像不能喝了。” “不,没问题。我倒是想问问,你刚才说的那个垂涎霞的家伙到底是谁?” 趁着醉意单刀直入,村冈吃了一惊: “你喜欢霞吗?” “别管。回答我的问题!” “后来又和霞见过面?” 经这么一问,伊织差点点头承认。他突然又摇了摇头说: “这种事,你管它干吗?” “我警告你,最好对她死了心。” "why?" “她是别人的太太呀!” “无聊……” 听到这句话,伊织泄了气。本以为他会说出多么重要的理由,结果却是如此平庸的道理:“别跟别人的老婆搞三角关系!”谁都懂这点道理。要是这种道理能够控制住迸发出来的激情,那任何人也无须苦恼了。 “按常理办事,那就别恋爱!” 伊织自己也无法控制自己,明知这样说太自私,但现在却不能不说这句话。 最后,两人又去了一家酒馆喝了一通。伊织回到公寓时,已经过了清晨一点。 如果是回到自己家,即使这个钟点,妻子已经脱衣服睡了,她也会爬起来把自己的衣服架起来收拾好,他还能喝上一杯热茶。可是,如今孤身一人,从点亮屋里的灯到沏茶,样样都得自己去做。伊织觉得口渴,在厨房喝了杯冷水,只脱了上衣,就仰面躺到了沙发上。他连自己也不知道到底喝了多少酒,只是感到胸部难受,于是松开了领带。然后,他闭上眼睛,在黑暗中想东想西。不过,心情并不坏。虽说喝酒时间很长,然而却是跟知心朋友一块儿喝酒。 伊织翻了个身,看见了屋角里的电话。过去每次喝完酒回来时,也总是想打电话,但每次都作罢了。然而,今天夜里,趁着酒劲,似乎敢打这个电话。伊织站起来,先拿起话筒走回沙发,从上衣口袋里掏出了记事本。他找着了电话号码,但又发觉时间已经过了清晨一点。 三更半夜打去电话,霞会起来吗?就算起来,她恐怕也会感到困惑。 他想干脆算了,但又想打个电话,捉弄一下霞。 听村冈说,她在和自己幽会三天之后和丈夫一起去看过戏。作为一种惩罚,她该在半夜里起来接接电话。想到这儿,伊织下定决心,拿起了话筒。 看着记事本,按完了号码,很快就传来电话的蜂鸣声。响了三五次,伊织正打算挂掉,突然传出摘起话筒的声音,接着传出了一个女人的声音。 "Hey, hello..." 刹那之间,伊织屏住呼吸,惴惴地问道: “喂,是高村先生的家吗?” “是高村家。” 声音虽然很轻,但无疑是霞的声音。 “我是伊织……” 霞大概吃了一惊。隔了一会儿,又传来低低的声音。 “您出什么事了吗?” 说实在话,伊织本没想到霞会马上接电话。深更半夜,一般家庭早已一片静谧。那所房子很大,电话铃响,恐怕不会马上有人接。再说,即使万一有人接电话,大概也是佣人。他虽然打了过去,但本打算响两三次就挂断。虽然对方没接电话,但他算是实实在在地给霞打过电话,心里也就满意了。然而,她突然接电话,伊织反而感到惊慌失措。 “这么晚打电话,真对不起。” 伊织对着话筒低下了头。 “也没什么事儿,只是想听到你的声音。你不方便吧?” "No." 霞的声音像春风一样从远处飘来。 “我刚刚回来。” “您喝醉了吧?” “刚才一直和村冈在一起喝酒,和他谈起你。当然没说我们的事。” 说着说着,伊织逐渐精神起来。 “这次什么时候能来东京呀?” 前不久你和你丈夫一起去看过歌舞伎!伊织好容易才忍住没说出这句话。 “下周见个面把!白天也可以。如果事先告诉我,我能安排。” “这个月恐怕不行……” “好吧,我再打电话。不然,您给我打电话?” “哎,今天已经太晚了……” “好吧!我等着。” “对不起了。” 电话挂断了,伊织慢慢地放回话筒。 只是打了个电话,然而他却觉得非常疲劳,好像完成了一项重要的工作。 开始时并没希望她接,但却听到了她的声音,真太棒了。但是,霞好像很慌张,又像很害怕。 她虽然接了电话,但大概到底还是担心身后的丈夫吧!然而,深更半夜,霞接电话时是什么样子呢?像上次在寝室一样,是不是系着内带,只穿一件白色长衫?或者穿着其它睡衣?想来不至于刚刚做过爱吧!话筒里传来的微觉沙哑的声音,至今还在耳边萦回。
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