Home Categories foreign novel a piece of snow
a piece of snow

a piece of snow


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 267399

© www.3gbook.com

Chapter 1 1. Camellia

a piece of snow 渡边淳一 10644Words 2018-03-18
At dawn, there was an earthquake.After a while, a phone call came. At first, the ringing of the phone came from a distant dream, and gradually came into consciousness.Still in a haze, Iori stretched out his arm from the bed and picked up the microphone. "Are you awake?" The voice was soft, but a little vague. "It's seven o'clock." Hearing these words, Kasumi Komura's dignified face appeared in Iori's mind. "Are you still awake?" "No, I thank you." When saying goodbye last night, Iori asked her to wake herself up at seven o'clock.The clock on the bedside table by the pillow read exactly seven o'clock.

"Snowing!" Iori raised his upper body and opened the curtains.Looking down from the twelve-story apartment building, the street is covered with snow, and even the top of the car parked in front of it is also covered with snow. "Has the snow stopped in your place?" "basically……" In the light of the morning glow, a snowflake is falling.However, it seemed impossible to continue. "I'm still here. After all, it's still the countryside!" The hall where Kasumi lives is one station before Chigasaki, which is supposed to be warmer than Tokyo.

"There was an earthquake this morning. Didn't you feel it?" "I don't know. What time is it?" "Around half-past five. It wasn't a very strong shock. However, the shade of the electric lamp shook for a long time." "You were up then?" "Yes……" Iori remembered that Kasumi curled up on this bed last night.When she was wearing clothes, she seemed to be very thin, but in her arms, her breath-holding body was full of plump warmth. "So, since then it has been..." "If you fall asleep, you won't wake up."

On the other end of the phone, Xia seemed to be laughing softly. "Can the job be done?" "No problem, you did me a great favor." Iori must finish writing the manuscript and hand it in before noon today.The reason why Xia wakes herself up in the morning is to get up earlier to do this. "Go outside and get some fresh air, and you'll wake up soon." "I want a cup of coffee." "Then, goodbye..." Hearing that Xia was going to hang up the phone, Iori wanted to say something more, but swallowed it back.If we talk about what happened last night, this snowy morning seems too bright, even a little dazzling.

Putting down the microphone, Iori got into bed again.It was so easy for someone to wake me up, it was almost time to start working. To be honest, it was just seven o'clock, which was quite ample time.The manuscript is due at noon, but it is only a ten-page manuscript, which can be finished in at most three hours. However, he does not intend to start writing immediately after waking up.Iori is not used to waking up early in the morning, and it takes a while to get her mind active.He needs a moment to have a cup of coffee and read the newspaper.However, even so, seven o'clock is too early.Eight o'clock was too late, but Iori hoped that Kasumi would call him early in the morning.

"Can you wake me up tomorrow morning?" When I was begging Kasumi last night, Iori kept staring hard at her expression. Her husband was home, could she really call early in the morning?When Iori begged her, he felt a bit jealous in his heart, and also had a mischievous mood, wanting to see the embarrassment on the other side's face. However, Xia just tilted her head to consider for a moment, and then quickly nodded in agreement. "What time is it?" "seven o 'clock." There was no visible change in her face. Iori knows little about Kasumi's life.The most he knew was that her husband was an art dealer with shops in Kamakura and Ginza, and that she had only one daughter.As long as she doesn't ask, Xia will never take the initiative to talk about her family, and Iori doesn't intend to forcefully ask the bottom line.Although separated, Iori also has a wife, so he has no right to question her.

Inquiring into the family can only hurt each other.Whether it is Yizhi or Xia, on this point, they have already made up their minds.As long as it is not a very special situation, you should never step into the other party's territory.However, he also occasionally develops mild jealousy.Xia was so tender and affectionate last night, after she reached the climax, she still felt inseparable.However, as soon as nine o'clock passed, Xia gently raised her head from her arms, got up and left.Then, an hour later, she sat in front of the vanity mirror with the same prim face she had when she first arrived, and got dressed.

"Tomorrow at seven o'clock..." Iori intends to punish her for this attitude a little bit, and solemnly announces to Kasumi. After receiving a call from Kasumi, Iori seemed to have completely woken up from sleep.He walked to the door in only his pajamas, took the newspaper, and went back to the living room.This is a three-bedroom apartment. The room connected to the entrance is fifteen mats in size and is used as a living room, as well as a bedroom and a study room. There are three rooms in total.However, it is seventy-six square meters, but it is spacious enough to live alone.

The living room faces south, the curtains of the balcony are half opened, and the light of morning glow leaks from the mesh curtains.The sun had just risen, and the feet of the sun were growing. At the end of the light, there happened to be a couch.Between it and the opposite sofa, there is a glass coffee table with a camellia in a slender vase on the table. This was what Xia took to put in the vase yesterday. "Before I went out, I saw this flower blooming in the yard. It's very beautiful..." Xia explained her reason for bringing the flowers in this way. This camellia looks like a camellia, but it's not a camellia.It only has one white flower, but it is not full, and it just keeps the shape of a bell.Its shy appearance has been loved by tea Taoists since ancient times, and this camellia is quietly blooming in the side doors of many tea houses and in the courtyards of temples.

Xia said that she brought it from home casually, but Iori thought of the white camellia as a garden full of camellias.In front of the dense camellias, there is a washbasin, and a stone lantern can be seen in the distance.This camellia may bloom in that shade, or it may stand quietly in the place where the sunlight shines through the cracks in the bamboo forest. In short, since it is a courtyard where camellias are in full bloom, the courtyard must be very quiet and full of fun. "Do you know why it's called Camellia?" "I heard it was brought back from China by a man named Tuozhu."

"That's what your husband said..." Yizhi almost said it, but quickly shut her mouth. If you say such a thing, the jealousy is too blatant. Jealousy does not match this white camellia. Xia picked up the flower branch and cut off the leaves with the scissors she brought.Like the camellia, this camellia requires extra care when pruning its leaves.From the sidelines, the large amount of leaf pruning is simply cruel. "It's like you." "What did you say...no..." Iori agreed vaguely, feeling that Kasumi arranging flowers in the twilight was just like a camellia. On the surface, the camellia seems to be inserted there inadvertently, but if you look closely, it stands tall in the morning light.Adding one leaf seems too much, and subtracting one branch seems too little.To the extreme, a compact space is created. Looking at the flower, Yizhi remembered that Xia did not take the flower scissors away last night.He felt as if in a dream, doubting whether it was real, opened the drawer of the decoration cabinet and found that there was indeed a small box containing flower scissors. She leaves her flower clippers, presumably to mean that she will visit with flowers again.At that time, he had thought so naively, but now he saw that there was only a pair of flower scissors left here alone, but he felt a little uneasy. Iori tried his best to recall the scene of last night clearly.He was a little dubious, as if everything was like a dream.In this hazy half-awake, Iori murmured softly to himself: "Rogue..." When he pulled her to bed last night, Xia whispered, "Don't make me a rogue!" What exactly does this mean? Does this mean that it is rogue behavior for a well-bred married woman to sleep with a man other than her husband?Or did she mean that Iori was a scoundrel for luring her into doing so? But after all, although Xia's body was a little stiff, it gradually became softer. Iori leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes. At this time, Xia's slutty figure from last night appeared in front of her eyes.It was white and soft flesh.Iori was engrossed in the memory, opened his eyes, and found that the camellia in front of him was swaying slightly.How is this going?He focused his eyes again, and seemed to hear a slight creak, and felt the whole house shake. "It turned out to be an earthquake..." Xia told him that there had been an earthquake this morning.This could be another aftershock.Looking towards the balcony, the hem of the see-through curtain is also slowly shaking.Iori put the half-smoked cigarette back in the ashtray, and stared at Camellia again.In the morning light, the flowers on the branches are swaying gently.Seeing it, Iori thought again of Kasumi's thin neck and face that turned away. "If it keeps swaying like this and eventually destroys, then I don't care." Just as he was thinking this way, a slight earthquake stopped in the tired air. After the earthquake stopped, Iori got up and went to the kitchen to drink coffee.Over forty and a half years old, living alone is always somewhat inconvenient.From sipping a cup of tea to answering the phone to tidying up the laundry, you have to take care of everything yourself.However, every other day, the maid will come to clean the room in the afternoon, simple meals and laundry can also be handed over to her, but Iori always sends the laundry to the laundry room, and eats most of the time is to eat out.Fortunately, the apartment is located in Qingshan, and there are many restaurants and eateries around, and the takeaway will be delivered immediately.Although it cost more money, he basically didn't feel any inconvenience. However, in addition to this, real life is always accompanied by many trivial chores.He often forgets where his sweaters and socks are.Sometimes the cigarettes I bought broke, and I had to rush to the bank to withdraw the money.In addition, when guests come, sometimes they have to make black tea and coffee by themselves.When I was writing manuscripts and looking up information, I was disturbed by all kinds of things, and my heart was very heavy. "Or go home..." Xia said this while drinking coffee yesterday.However, even if it was a little troublesome, he still wanted to be alone.For the current Yizhi, he would rather not have convenience, but hope to choose freedom. This is the creed he established when he left the family.It can even be said that it is precisely because she has left home now that she was able to meet Xia. Yizhi turned on the liquefied petroleum gas in the kitchen and boiled a pot of water.In addition to a microwave oven, there are three liquefied gas stoves in the kitchen, which is very spacious and a bit of a luxury for one person.Dust often accumulates around the liquefied gas stove, and there are remaining spots left by the splashed water, but today's liquefied gas stove is shiny and sparkling.The stainless steel sink and the sewer stoppers have also been cleaned, and the used paper cups in the tea tray have also been collected in the corner. The dish rack in the left hand is covered with paper towels, the washed cups are arranged on it, and a cloth towel is covered on top.Unlike maids who clean up like an errand, Xayah tidies up neatly. Xayah cleaned up the sink before leaving.Just this action also reflects her meticulous character.After drinking coffee and reading the newspaper, it was already eight o'clock.People seem to have gradually started to move, and there is a sound of passing cars under the window.However, perhaps because it is slightly away from the street, the sound is not disturbing. Iori finished drinking the coffee in the cup, smoked another cigarette, and sat down at the table.He goes to the university to give lectures once a week.As for the afternoon, I usually go to the office.Although he is an architect, he has recently become very interested in art.The invitation card on the table now clearly states: Matisse's painting exhibition will be held at the nearby Modern Art Museum, and his representative works from the early Fauvism to his later years for more than 60 years will be displayed at the same time. Ten pieces.A magazine asked him to write an essay in connection with this exhibition. "I don't know why, Matisse is very unlucky in Japan..." Iori wrote this sentence, and then began to think. Although Matisse and Picasso are called the greatest painters of the twentieth century at the same time, he is not only inferior to Picasso, but also compared to Van Gogh, Utrilo and Munch. It's also a big difference.The reasons for this are obvious: Matisse's paintings, except for an early period, are bright and colorful and effeminate. The Japanese prefer gloom to brightness, and simplicity to softness.Or it can be said more practically that the Japanese find it difficult to accept the extravagant bright colors and simple flat composition, but prefer to find literature in paintings, or seek spiritual meaning from them.They saw the honesty in Miller's "Evening Bell", felt the city's melancholy from Utrillo's "White", found the uneasiness of life in Munch's works, and were deeply moved.Compared with this, Matisse's paintings are too colorful.He simply ignored literature, spirituality and human life.Color is color, just to emphasize its own meaning.In short, the Japanese seldom appreciate painting itself, and always have a problem with observing through the painter's life and activities.They juxtapose the madness of van Gogh's ear-cutting with his paintings, and they resonate by savoring Juritelau's paintings through the eyes of his life as an illegitimate child and his loneliness. In short, the Japanese love words like "poverty," "distress," "loneliness," "madness," "death," and "suicide."Even though people actually hated it, it was intriguing to see others have this encounter.Matisse, however, does not fit into any of these intermediate categories.Matisse's life was full of luxury and extravagance, very gorgeous, giving people the impression that he spent his life in light and affluence.Matisse received very low evaluation in Japan, the reason is that he has such a luxurious and soft impression. Iori stopped writing here.He naturally thinks of Xia from the words "luxury" and "mellow".On the surface, she looked as quiet and shy as the camellia blooming beside the tea room, but after she left, she left a luxurious and soft aftertaste.Iori woke up from the momentary thought, and sat down at the table again. Paintings should be seriously appreciated as paintings.As for the life of the painter behind the painting and his poverty and distress, it has nothing to do with the painting itself.A painting is an independent painting, never any accessory.As long as a painting itself is beautiful, gorgeous and moving, it is a good work.At least I hope to appreciate Matisse's paintings in this way. When talking about Matisse's "Dance", a critic especially emphasized that there is a gap in the ring holding hands with the dancers, and made a long speech on the reasons for it.But do these places actually make sense?Regardless of whether the rings connected by hands are separated or connected, as long as people can feel the beauty of jumping people and the rhythm of joy through this painting, that is enough.This reviewer has completely distorted the standards by which the audience was prepared to take it seriously.After writing this, Iori smiled wryly by himself. Speaking of which, as far as art is concerned, I am also an art critic.He commented on others, but in fact, maybe what he said was nonsense. "Be careful..." Iori said to herself, and suddenly thought: "But..." It is precisely because I am engaged in art criticism that I have the opportunity to meet Kasumi. A month ago, he went to attend the 88th birthday celebration of a well-known painter named KS.It was at this venue that he met Xia.It was a drinking party that day, and all kinds of people were free to talk to each other.Among the crowd, he noticed a woman in a light gray satin kimono.He felt as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.The other party also seemed to be a little surprised, stopped and nodded gently. A few minutes later, an art critic surnamed Muraoka came over with Kasumi. "This is Gao Cunxia, ​​the wife of the manager of Yingshantang Gallery, her maiden name is Munakata." Having said that, the scene of fifteen years ago flashed in Iori's mind. "So, it's Munakata Hisashi's..." The woman smiled and nodded. Hisashi Munakata was his classmate in college. After graduation, he joined the A newspaper office and died suddenly in New York eight years later.He still remembered that they had hardly met each other after graduation, so he only heard about it later, and they had gone to mourn at home.Munakata's home is in a very quiet place near Kichijoji Park.At that time, it was Xia who first came out to receive him.Fifteen years have passed since we met this time, but Xia's face at that time is still in my mind.After the reception, Iori declined Muraoka's invitation, stayed in the hotel, and had a drink with Kasumi in the bar of the same hotel. When there were only two people left, Xia told him again that her husband was unable to attend because of an urgent matter, and she was attending the meeting on his behalf today.Of course Iori knew that Yingshantang was a well-known gallery with shops in Kamakura and Ginza.He used to stop by this shop when he was in Ginza in the past.However, Iori didn't ask about the gallery at all, just talking about her deceased brother and their friends.However, in the middle of the conversation, Iori was also able to infer Kasumi's current living situation based on her dress and demeanor. Since she is the hostess of Yingshantang, she will not be short-changed in life.In fact, the silk kimono she wore at that time, with flying egrets embroidered on the hem, was very graceful.The movements are elegant, and only from the outside, it seems to be very happy.But Iori was still looking for the shadow of misfortune in her satisfied expression.There will probably always be some dissatisfaction, right?This is not seeking satisfaction from other people's misfortune, but just an instinct of a man to have good intentions for the other party.Consciously or unintentionally, Xia entertained lightly, and at nine o'clock, she looked at her watch. "Do you want to go back to the church now?" Hearing Iori's question, Kasumi had a puzzled expression on her face for a moment. "How about another drink? And the tram!" Although he thought nine o'clock was still early, he also realized that it would take more than an hour for the woman he had retained to get home, which seemed a little out of the ordinary.Xayah, however, complied obediently and drank another glass of brandy. Thinking about it now, it seems that this glass of wine decided everything.It was after another drink that Yizhi and Xia chatted more casually, and finally plucked up the courage to ask her out for dinner. Since then, he and Xayah have seen each other twice.Finally, when they met for the third time last night, Iori got everything that Kasumi had.Considering that the other party is a married woman, this process may seem a little too bold.But on the other hand, maybe it's natural. To use an inappropriate old saying, the relationship between him and Xia may be said to be like "dry wood meets raging fire".However, there is no memory of ever being in love between the two.Fifteen years ago, when they met, he only remembered a few words with Xia about his brother, and then they broke up after visiting the shrine. However, since then Iori has buried his thoughts of Kasumi in his mind.However, as the years passed, he finally failed to find an opportunity to approach Xia more actively.If it is said that the good feelings that arose when they met fifteen years ago were nostalgia, then it is no exaggeration to say that the current state is like dry wood.After finishing the manuscript, it was past eleven o'clock.The agreement was to hand in the manuscript at twelve o'clock, and there was still more than an hour left.Iori put the finished manuscript into a paper bag, put it on the table, and went back to the living room.In the early morning, the white snow covering the street had completely melted, and only some residual snow remained on the edge facing the northbound road and in the corner of the children's park.The lifespan of a snow scene seems to be no more than a few hours. Iori looked away from the balcony, and then poured the warm coffee that he brewed in the morning into a teacup.Everything has become very convenient now, and the coffee can be brewed just by turning on the switch, and this device is also installed to keep the coffee from being cold all the time.He originally thought that this kind of convenient thing must taste bad when made, but after trying it, he found that it is convenient and tastes good. Just a few months ago, Iori thought coffee sets were necessary to make coffee, but now those coffee sets are sitting under the sink, covered in dust.Iori had just taken a sip of coffee made with this handy gadget when the phone rang.He picked up the phone and knew it was Shengzi Aizawa from the Harajuku office.At two o'clock in the afternoon there were two guests, followed by a celebration of the publication of an architect friend at the Imperial Hotel at six o'clock.She called to remind him of these things, and of course Iori didn't forget.He said he must be at the office by two o'clock, then hung up. Iori's architectural office is located in Harajuku, and it's only a 20-minute walk from Aoyama Apartment.It's more than enough to go out at half past one.He opened his notepad to check his schedule, and just as he took out a cigarette, the phone rang again.Iori lit his cigarette, then picked up the receiver. "Hey……" The voice was soft and cautious.He knew right away that it was Xia. "Ah..." Iori replied with such a happy voice that even he himself felt strange. "Now, will you?" "Can." "I seem to have forgotten something by accident. Isn't there a small box for combs and razors by the sink? Is there a hair clip in there?" "Is it a hair clip?" "I may have forgotten a clip, can you look it up?" Iori went to the sink this morning, but found no card issued. "I don't remember issuing cards!" "Have you read it?" Having said that, I have no idea.Although I went to the sink, I brushed my teeth and washed my face as usual, so I didn't pay attention. "Please check it carefully! If others see that kind of thing, they will definitely find it strange." Iori put down the microphone and walked towards the sink.On the front is the faucet, and to the right of the white-tiled sink there is a small box for a comb and a razor.The two combs are scattered on top of each other.He opened the comb and looked inside the box. A U-shaped hairpin was exposed under the comb.That might be what Xayah was talking about.Iori got it in his hand, went back to the living room and picked up the microphone again. "There is one." "Sorry for being careless. Please throw it away." Iori felt amused when Kasumi called in a panic after forgetting only one card. "No, I want to keep it safe." "Don't be kidding me! Please. I didn't want to call you about something like this." "No, I've heard your voice twice because of it." Iori played with the hairpin in her hand and said in a low voice. "What are you doing now?" "what……" "How's the snow?" "It stopped after that. It's almost gone now." "How's the camellia?" "..." "I looked at the flower this morning and thought about you all the time." The topic changed suddenly, and Xia seemed a little confused.After a while of silence, she asked, "Is the work over?" "Just finished, I'm in a daze. I wanted to call you, but I kept holding back." Iori stared at the camellia on the decorative frame and said, "I'm afraid to call you and cause trouble." "Sorry, please wait a moment." Suddenly there was the sound of putting down the microphone, as if Xia had left.Kasumi didn't answer right away, and Iori felt that Kasumi's husband might be there.From this, Iori thought of Kasumi's home.Her home was probably a huge mansion by the seaside.From the windows facing south, you can see the wide sea of ​​Shonan, and the Izu Peninsula appears in the distance.The courtyard is located around the living room, and a tea room is built in the corner, and camellias bloom beside it.Her husband Shotaro Takamura stayed in this quaint house.It was noon now, he might be having a light breakfast, or he might be meeting guests in the inner room.The reason why the call was interrupted was probably because her husband was looking for her on business.Xia was snuggled in her arms last night, how is she treating her husband now?As soon as he thought of this, he felt as if someone was coming, and Xia's voice came from the microphone. "Sorry for keeping you waiting." "Are you busy?" "No……" Although it is negative, it has no confidence.Probably her husband had something to do with her. "Then I'll hang up. Next Tuesday, no problem?" Iori reminded her again of the time agreed upon when they broke up last night. "Six pm." "yes." Xiake replied politely, and then said: "Throw away the hairpin!" "Wait until you get here on Tuesday." After he finished speaking, he put down the microphone and heard a click.The interior returned to its original tranquility. After waking up, Iori found that the hairpin was still on his right palm.Before going to bed last night, Xayah had untied her hair at the sink.Xia's hair style is fluffy on the sides and pulled into a bunch at the back.It turned out that it was made of several hairpins.There may be more than twenty cards issued, maybe more.When she got home, Kasumi had her hair styled back; at least in Iori's opinion.Probably due to the short time and rush, one of the dozens of issued cards was forgotten. Iori thought, it doesn't matter if Kasumi forgot to issue the card, but she made a special call because of this, which is very cute.In fact, there is no need to panic about this kind of thing. Most women will not care about it even if they forget to issue the card.Seriously?Or forgetting a card issuer just to make a phone call? From the looks of it, Xia didn't look like a woman playing tricks like this.Yizhi comforted herself and said: Xia attaches so much importance to card issuance, it shows that she is very serious about herself. Almost as soon as he put down the phone, the doorbell rang.He thought, it seemed a little early for the editor to pick up the manuscript, and when he opened the door, it was a maid. "There was an earthquake this morning, and it snowed." The maid said as if to tell Iori, who usually gets up late, some big news. "I know." "Did you even notice the earthquake?" Seeing Iori nod her head, the maid showed a discouraged expression. "Did you get up so early?" The maid's name is Tomiko Hirakawa, fifty-two years old, with a slightly fat body.She has been familiar with her since she came to work as a maid more than a year ago.A broken mouth would be a flaw, but she does everything she's asked to do well. "Would you like something to drink?" The maid took off her coat and went to the kitchen. "Let's have a cup of tea!" Iori walked into the study, ready to send the mail.Two letters and a postcard, and he hurriedly wrote a postcard.He returned to the living room with the mail to find the tea already brewed. "It's really clean today!" Tomiko herself sat down to have a cup of tea, and looked around. "yes……" He responded vaguely, and was about to pick up the tea bowl, but found that the hairpin was still on the table.Probably because I heard the doorbell just now, I hurried to open the door and forgot. In the middle where the two sat facing each other, the sunlight from the balcony made the hairpin glisten.Iori wanted to hide the hairpin, but if she reached out to get it now, it would be more conspicuous.The maid is already very sensitive to such things, and may have already noticed it.Or it was because he had already discovered that, so he deliberately said such a sarcastic remark just now. I was too careless.But hiding it now would be unnatural.Iori settled down to drink tea.He had just taken a sip of tea and put it back into the tea bowl. Fuzi stretched out his chubby fingers, picked up the hairpin as if picking up trash, and slipped it into the ashtray next to him. "Anything else?" "No, not anymore." Although it was still early, Iori was already preparing to go out.He took off the pajamas and coat he had been wearing since he got up in the morning, put on a pair of dark brown trousers and a striped jacket of the same color, and chose a tie with a brown bottom.On the left side of the bed in the dormitory, there are Japanese-style wardrobes and Western-style wardrobes. Iori always takes out the clothes she likes from them and puts them on.If my wife was here, she would definitely have prepared odds and ends such as ties, socks, and handkerchiefs, but now I am alone, and I have to do everything by myself. If you tell the maid, Fuzi, she can help, but it would be troublesome for others to take care of your trivial matters.Iori only told Tomiko to iron the clothes and wash the ordinary clothes, and sometimes the buttons fell off, so she helped to sew them.If she was asked to do even more tedious things, it would be unpredictable as the so-called suspicion of men and women.Of course, Tomiko didn't have such thoughts, and Iori didn't have any special feelings for Tomiko.Fuzi was nothing but his paid servant. But seeing each other often in the same room creates a sense of intimacy with each other, and because of intimacy, women's feelings will be revealed.Tomiko said "the house is really clean" as soon as she entered the room today, and deliberately picked up the hairpin on the table in front of Iori, all of which are close to such feelings.Tomiko was over fifty years old and no longer felt that she was a woman, but it didn't seem too pleasant for another woman to come into the room she was responsible for cleaning.Tomiko's work ethic certainly won't be affected by this, but she may feel her territory is being violated. Iori wanted to ignore this feeling as much as possible, but when it was obvious that another woman had slept here like today, the problem became complicated.Of course Tomiko would not criticize or question directly, but her attitude always seemed indifferent.Although she doesn't make obvious comments, she sometimes shows displeasure. He thought it was troublesome to use a woman, but he couldn't do everything by himself.It's really uncomfortable for a man to live alone.Although it was still early, Iori asked Tomiko to hand over the manuscript to him when the recipient came, and then left the apartment.As usual, go through Aoyama Street, come to Omotesando, and then go to Shinjuku.Sometimes he walked over, a walk.After arriving on the street today, he hailed a taxi.The snow had melted, and only the sun-soaked sidewalks bore traces of the morning's snow.Probably because it was lunch time, there were not many cars on the road, so I arrived at the office before one o'clock.He was about to go directly to the director's office inside, when Aizawa Shengzi, who was typing, had already turned around. "good morning!" Shengzi has been working for Yizhi for four years.In addition to her, there are nearly a dozen male and female employees working in the firm, but all the secretarial work is undertaken by Shengzi.Yizhi can roughly perceive her emotions through Shengzi's greeting in the morning or her expression.The tone just now was bright but lacking in enthusiasm.It sounds thoughtful on the surface, but it has no emotion. "Where's Miyazu?" "He said to go to the library and be late." As Shengzi said, he brought two documents and put them in front of Yizhi. "This is the offer from the East Asia Industrial Company. The minister will come to the company at two o'clock." Yizhi didn't look at the document, but stared at Shengzi.Her thin face was a little pale, and the sunshade shutters left a streak across her face. "Yesterday was really miserable. It ended up being ten o'clock." Yizhi looked at the document and said, but Shengzi walked towards the bookshelf without saying a word. The office occupies half of the south side of the building.The director's room is at the far end, about 15 square meters in size. Iori's desk is facing away from the window, and a sofa for receiving guests is placed in the middle.The bookshelf is on the right, taking up an entire wall.One of the glass doors is now open. From Yizhi's position, you can see the back of Shengzi standing in front of the bookshelf and closing the door.The beige suit fit well on the tall and thin body. "Can you drink tea?" "Yeah, let's drink coffee!" Iori looked at her back and recalled the scene of last night. Yesterday was Shengzi's birthday, and we originally planned to have a meal together.Then Xia called and suddenly canceled.Shengzi's unhappiness today may have something to do with this matter. However, Shengzi would never know that he had a tryst with Xia yesterday. Shengzi was not in the office when Xia called, and he told Shengzi that the dinner was canceled because Professor Yutu suddenly wanted to see him.Shengzi also knew that Yutu Shizuo was Yizhi's mentor, so he couldn't just ignore him.In fact, when he told Shengzi that he couldn't have dinner together, he saw Shengzi showing a disappointed expression, but after hearing the reason, she nodded obediently.Iori always thought she had figured it out. Today's attitude, however, is decidedly anomalous.The action of making tea and placing it in front of Iori is also unnatural.The back figure who walked towards the door just now also looked very cold. The hearts of young women are fickle.Just now he was dancing with joy, but after a while he suddenly looked sad.Some things don't matter to men, but women are particularly distressed.Especially a serious woman like Shengzi tends to think about little things.Today's depression may be nothing more than temper tantrums.Yizhi stopped Shengzi who was about to leave. "I didn't go yesterday, how about next Wednesday?" Shengzi's head twitched suddenly, and Yizhi especially liked the line from her fragile neck to her chest. "No, there's no need." "Why? What's the matter?" "You don't have to worry so much." Shengzi's soft hair hung down to the front, and her slightly drooping forehead appeared shorter. Hearing her refusal, Iori looked at the document again.Since the other party refuses, there is no need to insist on inviting her.She was at best a clerk working under her own hands.But although I thought so in my heart, it was hard to let go. He loves her deep in his heart, and has been in love with her for four years, and all the work has been entrusted to her, and at the same time, he has a little braid in her hands. "What's the matter with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Shengzi didn't answer, just said hello and said "I'm leaving", and left the room immediately. There was only one person left, and Iori leaned back in the chair.The shutters were partly open, and the sunlight seemed to be streaming in through the cracks in the windows.The sun was shining brightly outside, and there was only silence inside under the faint sunlight. In this silence, Iori thought about Shengzi and Xia.In terms of age, Shengzi is seven years younger than Xia, only twenty-eight.She originally graduated from the Fine Arts Department of a women's university, and later became interested in architecture. Through an introduction from an acquaintance in a construction company, she met Iori.Probably because his father was engaged in education work, Sheng Zi was a little bit skeptical and difficult to accommodate.She herself seemed to be aware of this, and for a while wanted to break through this bondage.She accepted Yizhi's love more obediently, which seems to have something to do with this mood. 然而,生就的倔强脾气并未因为他们关系加深而有所改变。像工作一丝不苟一样,笙在爱情上也毫不妥协。一旦陷入爱河,她就一心一意地爱这个人。她甚至认为,要是对其他人产生好奇心,就是不够纯洁。像她那消瘦但匀称的身躯一样,她的思想严格而狭隘。不过,伊织正是迷上了笙子那种不苟通融的性情。有时看到她过于严谨,心里感到沉重,但反过来说,他又欣赏她那毫不妥协的性格。和笙子在一起,他常感到面对的不是一个二十八岁的女人,总是感到很拘谨,宛如跟一个少女相处。 与此相比,霞就显得温柔而多情。她没有棱角,有一种浑圆地包容一切的宽容。不过,这并不是说霞缺少节操或者过于随便。性格同样倔强,但却比较内向。或者也许是因为她处于为人之妻的地位,言行显得沉稳。总之,在认真而又神经质这一点上,两个人也许十分相似。
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