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Chapter 1 The "Secret" Garden of Lust

Heterosexual 渡边淳一 2020Words 2018-03-18
On a dreary midsummer night, when I was perusing Watanabe Junichi's new book (the work of Naoki Award in 1998), a male friend came to me and confessed that he couldn't stand his girlfriend's "ambiguity" and "fornication" , more afraid of losing her. He is worried about his girlfriend's "too many books" love experience, worried about her indifferent attitude towards life, and has no confidence in the future of the two of them... What's worse, he has a symptom of compulsive sexual behavior: he keeps asking questions when making out Girlfriend making out with ex, ex-ex-boyfriend.

Poor guy, having sex and fighting at the same time, with an invisible horde of shadowy enemies.In other words, while enjoying the orgasm, you must also distract yourself from feelings of frustration, jealousy, and hatred. At that time, I was addicted to the promiscuity and decadence written by Jun Watanabe, and I only used one sentence to send my friends away: "Your mind is so multi-purpose, you have to worry, worry, and have to be busy without confidence." Series category. Marx, Engel, how could your 'love' not 'change'?" If you want to understand prostitution and chaos, change or remain unchanged, the irredeemable and insatiable passion and sorrow in human nature, you might as well open your purse or pocket and see the blooming violet inside.

Or, start by listening to the confessions of the book's heroine Fumiko Yano: I will do that later. It can be said that I took the first step that night... That night, in bed, I don’t know how many times I used my hands to touch the forehead and the forehead that Xin Dajiao had kissed. Cheeks, as well as the scene of Hinako making love, the stage of gradual deepening or improvement of people's understanding.This is Hegel's historical view of philosophy, indulging in the sweet smell of the situation. "That incident" means that Yano Fumiko shot and killed the married woman Hinako's lover Okubo, and accidentally injured Fumiko's dearest teacher Shintaro.

Why murder?envy?hate?Unknown madness?The media ignored it (because the simultaneous "Asama Villa incident" occupied an important page), and the prosecutors did not find out the real reason. It was not until after Bumiko was released from prison and before her death that the realistic novelist Wu Kai unearthed the early incident out of curiosity. The lust file in the depths of memory that has been dusty. A secret, Kotaro is Adam, Hinako is like Eve, the two are the prototypes of men and women, a perfect combination.Although as a student, Fumiko (acting as Shintaro's translation assistant) wrote it while studying philosophy and scientific works (mainly Hegel's works) during the years when she had an affair with the teacher, it hides the secret of experiencing Shintaro's skin through Hinako. The thrill of being wrong.Although, Shinta’s world of couples is not a one-on-one world, but a network of intertwined and intertwined erotic relationships with many sexual objects (Hinako maintains sexual relationships with another student Handa and coffee shop owner Soejima at the same time). A sensual satin feast.A shared view of sex. (Try to imagine the kind of pure sex that omits loyalty and possession)

Perhaps, the "promiscuity" defined by secular ethics reflects the deep "yearning" of human nature (at least some people's sexuality): I feel that the behavior of Shintaro and Hinako is a symbol of my own sex and happiness.Maybe I was an anomaly in the first place.That's why he committed such a terrible and shameful crime with selflessness. For example, "Rose Salon" co-translated by Fumiko and Shintaro: a room where men and women obey the laws of nature and keep having sex, eating, drinking, playing, and laughing. There is no morality, ethics, and reality. The child sought his lips to hold back the sad girl's face.

From this point of view, Bumiko is not a murderer or a victim of an emotional incident, but just a voyeur outside the window, the goalkeeper of the game rules (she killed Okubo because the other party "snatched" Hinako and destroyed their salon).Like Torikai who pursues her story, she acts as our substitute reader: acting as our proxy to glimpse into the depths of abnormal psychology and perverted eroticism. That is really a utopia of lust, where there is no jealousy or monopoly, only communication and sharing.Everyone is my wife, everyone can be a husband.Closer than the flesh, less than the soul.Are you yearning?

I suspect.At least, I can't.Does Watanabe Junyi firmly believe in this state? Seeing Hinako being snatched away by Okubo (a man who only understands "Love is monopoly"), Xianzi returning to the world, jealousy restored, and "ugly" humanity revived, the big stone in my heart finally fell to the ground. Bumiko blames Hinako for "cheating", saying that it's good, the stinky man made their sex little princess into a crazy little woman.Once the desire for monopoly is provoked, Shintaro, who has always been calm and elegant, "shares his wife's body with his students", also becomes suspicious, jealous, restless, and furious, and also recalls Bumeiyu's tragedy:

A Hinako who happily sleeps with thousands of people other than Shintaro is a saint, but a Hinako who entrusts her soul to only one man is a whore. I hate that chick.Maybe what a strange logic, what a delusional obsession I had behind Hinako.It turns out that Rose's salon-style sharing is based on a kind of monopoly: accomplices of lust, secret accomplices, almost paranoid exclusivity. (What's more, there is a shocking secret of life experience between the Katase couple.) While denying the single-mindedness of the body, they have deepened their spiritual dependence. Reading the late Bumiko's smile "squinting towards the light" (it is definitely a kind of spiritual beauty), I only felt a trance for a while, and then became suspicious of the original "doubt": using sharing to disguise exclusiveness, packaging madness with calmness, Use betrayal to stimulate the heart (betrayal evokes beauty)... It turns out that aphrodisiacs are not fake, but only a little deception, a desire and a drop of imagination.

To doubt is to believe.Can't do it doesn't mean don't want to. I suddenly thought of the 1954 Akutagawa Prize work "Storm Rain" (author Yoshiyuki Junnosuke), which tells the story of a melancholy young man falling in love with a sentimental prostitute, which caused serious hallucinations: he always couldn't get rid of his girlfriend and had sex with other guests scene.To make matters worse, she threatened to "keep the festival" for him: of course the body couldn't hold it, so she had to guard the soul, that is, not let herself reach an orgasm while doing business, and if she couldn't bear it, she would treat the guest as a climax. It was him, so the shadow of him continued to fight bloody battles among the students, Zhang Shuwei...

The japanese are bad and play this crazy pink mind game. I know that I am very bad, but I actually said to my loyal and honest friend who was bullied by women: "You keep asking her, is it for doubt or for belief?" "What's the meaning?" "You use suspicion of her to solidify the unbalanced relationship between you. Honestly, are you more excited every time you quarrel? You scoundrel, you use the jar of vinegar as Viagra."
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