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An hour later, the body of the second victim was still in the glacier. Nieman became irritable.He had just heard the testimony of Philip Sadie's mother, very simple and oblique.The night before, her son had driven out at about nine o'clock, as he does every night.The car was a second-hand Lada, just bought.Philip worked the night shift at Ganon's University Hospital, starting at ten.She found the car parked in the garage the next morning, but Philip was not in the room.It means he came back, but then went out again.She contacted the hospital and found out that Sadie had called off work that night, saying he would not be on duty.So, he went to other places first, and then walked out after returning home.What does this mean?The woman, terrified, shook Nieman's sleeve.Where is her child?According to her, it was worrying: Her son had no girlfriend, never went out on a date, and slept at home every night.

The Sheriff put together all the details without enthusiasm.However, if Sadie is really the victim sealed in the glacier, based on these clues, the time of the incident can be roughly determined.The murderer had attacked the young man in the last hours of the night, killed him and perhaps mutilated him, and then moved to the Varenna glacier.The dawn chill freezes victims in ice.However, everything is just a hypothesis. The sheriff handed the woman over to another gendarme who gave her a detailed statement.With the files between his arms, he returned to his lair—the studio in the university.

There, he changed clothes, put on a suit, and spread out the files to start a comparative analysis of Rémy Goyois and Philippe Sadie, looking for a connection between the two presumed victims . He saw that the two cases had very little in common.Both men were in their mid-twenties, tall, lanky, with good features, chiseled, and crew cuts.Neither of them has a father: Philippe Sadie's father died of liver cancer two years ago; only Rémy Goujois also lost his mother, who died when he was eight.One last thing in common: Both young men have inherited their father's career.Goyowa is the librarian and Sadie is the assistant nurse.

As for the differences, there are many.Goyowa and Sadie go to different schools.They grew up in different neighborhoods, in different social classes.Rémy Gojois was born in the middle class, raised in an intellectual family and in a university environment.Philip Sadie was the son of an unknown maternity nurse at the hospital. He followed his father to work in the hospital at the age of fifteen.He still lives in his family's dilapidated house, next to Ganon. Rémy Goujois lives in books, Philippe Sadie in the hospital at night.The latter doesn't seem to have any hobbies.If there is, it is to hide in the aisle that smells of disinfectant, or play video games in the beer hall opposite the hospital in the evening.Goyova was refused enlistment, and Sadie served in the infantry company.One is married and one is single.One is an avid walker and climber, and the other never seems to leave town.One is schizophrenic and may have violent tendencies; the other is, as everyone said, "gentle as an angel."

It must be admitted that the only thing the two men have in common is their looks: thin face, size, and slender figure.Is it true that, as Barna said, the murderer chooses his prey based on their appearance? For a moment, Nyman contemplates the sex crime: The killer could be a repressed homosexual, obsessed with that type of young man.But the forensic doctor has clearly stated: "This is not his hobby, not at all." Through the wounds and mutilations of the first corpse, the doctor saw a kind of indifference, a kind of cruelty, and a kind of madness that has nothing to do with abnormal desires. Coherent torture.On the other hand, there were no signs of sexual abuse on the body.

what is that? The madness of the murderer may be of another kind.All the signs, the similarity and the time interval between the presumed victims point to the murderer being a psychopath.Suffering from an intense mental illness, he would continue to kill.Some other arguments can also support this hypothesis: the clues of the first corpse lead people to the second, the embryo posture, the gouged out eyes, and the corpse is placed in a strange place where few people go... However, Nieman has always Disagree with this assertion. First, in his experience, the concept of a "serial killer" was borrowed from the United States and was the subject of many literary works and popular films.But in real life, this extremely cruel tendency has never appeared.In a career spanning two decades, Nieman has hunted down murderous pedophiles, brutal rapists and sadistic sadists who went too far with the sadistic game.However, it is not strictly French that serial killers do not kill their victims without a motive or a sign.After analyzing this point, the police chief also found it funny, but the facts are in front of his eyes: the latest serial murderer in France is named Landroux, also known as Dr. Petiot. He has a taste of the petty bourgeoisie. Swag and legacy.But this case has nothing in common with the sensational bloodthirsty cases in the United States.

The sheriff looked again at the photographs of a young Philippe Sadie scattered across the desk, and then at the photographs of Rémy Gojois.The film of the first body fell out of the hard-shell folder, and the sheriff felt a sudden horror: he couldn't just wait with his arms waving.While he was looking at the Polaroids, a third person might be undergoing a horrific ordeal, a cleaver might be slicing into his eye socket, hands in plastic gloves might be ripping out his eye. At eight o'clock in the evening, Nieman got up and turned off the neon lights in the room.He decided to dig into Philip Sadie's life and maybe find some clues.

Or maybe it was just something else the two victims had in common.
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