Home Categories foreign novel first drop of blood

Chapter 46 Section 16

first drop of blood 戴维·默莱尔 1762Words 2018-03-18
Lambo's car roared into town, swerving every now and then to avoid motorcyclists who stopped and looked back.In the rearview mirror of his car, he saw the street behind him filled with flames, and the flames rose into the sky.In a short while, the raging flames rushed to the police car.He stepped on the accelerator and galloped along the main road, and continuous explosions sounded behind him, setting off waves of air.Now they will have to take a detour.If necessary, he should do the same again.The more trouble you make for them, the more scrambled they become.They will be forced to delay the chase in order to fight the fire.

A street lamp ahead went out.I saw the stab lights of a racing car flickering on and off, and the driver opened the door and stared blankly at the flames.Lambo swerved into the left lane and quickly attacked the low-slung headlights of the car.The car was caught off guard and hurriedly evaded and turned into the right lane.The Lambo continued to ram it, forcing it all the way to the pavement.The race car snapped the parking meter and crashed through the window of a furniture store displaying sofas and chairs.It was a soft landing, Rambo laughed to himself. He put his foot firmly on the gas pedal and looked around, surprised to see how little traffic there was on the street.What kind of town is this?Just after that, everyone fell asleep.The store is closed.The people from the bar hills are also silent, not singing loudly like other cities.Well, now the town has a little life, definitely injected some life into it.Seeing the police cars speeding by, the roar of the engine, the sight reminded him of Saturday night races years ago.Everything was going well now, and he felt confident that he would win.Sneaking down the hill onto the highway and approaching the patrol car through a mass of abandoned vehicles was not difficult.The policeman in the car must have rested on the side of the mountain, or came to the side of the road to chat with the truck driver.The key to the ignition was out, but starting the car wasn't a problem for him, just rubbing the red intersection to fire the engine and he knew he could get out of here in a few hours.Of course, the police will use the radio to notify the front to intercept, but most of the police may still stay behind him with the searchers, so the resistance in front will not be great.At that time, he will drive through the town and drive into the back road to hide the car.Then cross the continent on foot, maybe take a foreign train, maybe sneak into a vehicle, or even steal a plane.God, there are so many possible opportunities.

"Rambo." The voice on the radio startled him. "Rambo. Listen. I know you can hear me." This voice is very familiar, as if I heard this voice many years ago.But he wasn't sure where he heard it. "Listen to me." Every word came out loud and steady over the radio. "I'm Sam Trautman. I was once the headmaster of the school where you were trained." That's right, it's him.Although he was never seen, his voice was always echoing over the speakers in the training camp, delivering orders moment by moment.Run more, eat less, and sleep less.His voice always meant a tough grind.Teaser must have brought him here.No wonder they've changed tactics now.This bastard son of a bitch is going after his own student.

"Rambo, I want you to stop and surrender immediately, or they will kill you." Yes, the bastard. "Listen to me. I know it's hard for you to understand, but you should know that I'm helping them to protect you. They've already deployed another force to intercept ahead, and if you're lucky enough to escape, there are even more intercepting troops Stand by, they'll wait until you're exhausted before they catch you. If you think you have a chance against them, I'll let you go. But I know they've laid a net and you can't escape. Believe it I. Immediately surrender, leaving myself a way out."

Hum, look at me. A series of huge explosions sounded from behind him again, and the Lambo turned the car around, and the tires screeched as they rolled over the ground.The car pulled into an empty gas station.He jumped out of the car, kicked open the glass door, and flicked on the lights.He yanked a lifting hook and hurried out the door, using a crowbar to remove the lock on the oil pump.There are four pumps in a gas station with two hoses on each.He unscrewed the hose so that the gasoline inside sprayed the street, and he snapped the latches back in place so they wouldn't close after he left.When he drove to the street and looked back, he saw gasoline all over the sidewalk next to the gas station.He struck a match, and the flames moved so fast that in a split second the night sky was brightened with flames, and the rolling flames spread across the sidewalk, twenty feet high, and the front doors of the store cracked and the windows rattled Shattered, the scorching heat wave gave off a scorching smell, and burning gasoline spread to the vehicles parked on both sides of the street.He stepped up the accelerator and drove away from the scene quickly, and the sound of explosions kept ringing behind him.Humph, these troubles are all brought on by themselves.Because it clearly says "No Parking After Midnight" on the pole.He figured in his mind that once the pressure in the underground hose was relieved, the sparks pouring into the hose would flood the tank and explode half a block away.At that time, the police had to stop to put out the fire with all their strength, and the pursuit operation would be delayed as a result.

"Rambo," Trautman's voice came over the radio again. "Please stop, you are doing this for no reason and for nothing." Look at me, Rambo thought to himself as he snapped the radio off.His car was speeding in the middle of the pickaxe.In a few minutes, he'll be driving out of town.
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