Home Categories foreign novel first drop of blood

Chapter 42 Section 12

first drop of blood 戴维·默莱尔 3426Words 2018-03-18
Persevere, try again, get through it, Lambo keeps giving himself a pep talk. Still, in the darkness, he sat on the protruding rock, listening to the roaring water below him.He knew exactly what the sound meant to him, the monotonous torrent dulling his ears and slowly lulling him to sleep.He shook his head to keep himself awake, and decided to go into the hole with the bat while he still had some strength, but his body was motionless; the water was rushing, and when he woke up, he was still lying In place, an arm dangles over the edge of the overhanging stone.However, he has not yet awakened from his sleep, and due to exhaustion, he has forgotten that he is in danger of falling.How comfortable it is to lie here with his limbs stretched out, and he felt a deep sense of tiredness, his whole body was limp and numb, and the wound on his ribs seemed to no longer hurt.

You will die slowly here, he told himself.If you don't move quickly, the darkness and noise of the cave will make you weak, and over time you will lose the ability to make quick judgments. But I can't walk anymore.I'm exhausted and need to rest. But you were more grinded in Vietnam than you are now. good.That's why I don't want to keep going. So, just sit here and wait. I don't want to die.It's just that there is no power to restrain the chicken. "Damn it, get up," Rambo reproached himself aloud.The roar and splash of water drowned out his voice. "Get into the hole quickly, and there will be a chance to break through the blockade."

"That makes sense," he went on talking to himself.Although he tried his best to spur himself, he knew very well in his heart that if he encountered a bigger accident, he might no longer be able to defend himself. No.The most dangerous moment is now.Nothing could be more eerie and treacherous than this. Rambo was sure of it. So, in the dark, he slowly crawled towards the entrance of the cave.After a while, he paused for a moment, twisted his body and got into the hole.Think of it as a pudding made of tapioca starch, a smile appeared on his face thinking of this.However, when he stretched out his hand to grab a handful of wet dung covered with scabs, he instinctively withdrew his hand.The air stank of excrement and decay.In order to reduce the danger, he must speed up.Look, there's a ball of bat poop ahead, he laughed to himself.He paused for a moment, then mustered up his courage and burrowed into the soft soil covered with slime.The smoky air made him feel dizzy and want to throw up.Thick, wet dung came up to his knees, clinging to his trouser legs rattling as he trudged along.The breeze blows forward.

No.He was going the wrong way.The breeze here was blowing directly in front of him, and the air flow here was completely different from the wind he had been following. He might have made the same mistake in other things, and though he wanted to go all out, he knew he couldn't do it lightly.There were likely to be unknown falling objects on the ground, and he carefully stepped forward to detect the ground, avoiding the filthy objects. Suddenly, the screams and the fluttering of wings that filled the ears disappeared, and there was only the muddy sound of his footsteps and the dull splash of the small waterfall rushing at the entrance.The bat must have flown away.He thought he must have been asleep for a long time, unaware that the bats flew outside to feed when night fell.He struggled to walk in the direction of the breeze, and the stench that hit his face made him almost vomit. He insisted on wading through the mud, and slowed down after getting away from the stench.Unexpectedly, a drop of sticky stuff fell on his nose.

Rambo slapped it away with a wave, the hairs on his neck tingling.Suddenly, he saw countless wings flying in the cave.As he rested for a while on the edge of the protruding rock, the sound of the rushing water was deafening, and he did not hear the chirping bats still flapping their wings around him; he covered his head and couldn't help screaming. The swishing bats hit him, fluffy wings brushed his face, and high-frequency screams echoed in his ears.He waved his hands to drive them away, and then he covered his head and tried desperately to rush out of this terrifying land, but his feet were fettered, his knees slipped and he fell to the ground, the cold mud flooded his buttocks, soaking his entire lower body In the water.The bats like a dark cloud gathered and flew towards him mightily. He swayed and turned his body and slapped his hands indiscriminately. There were wildly dancing bats everywhere. He held his breath and crouched on the ground trying to fend off the invading bats.Tell them to swoop over from the right and beat and roll over his head.Lan Chi dodged, the bats dormant on his face made his hairs stand on end. "God!" he yelled, jumping to the left, slipping and slipping again, bumping his cheek against the wall.His mind was blank, he just mechanically covered his swollen cheeks and shook his body to avoid their encroachment.Facing the swarming bats, he was helpless.Suddenly, he felt that his body seemed to be expanding, and finally split apart. Except that the heart was still beating, the whole body lost consciousness.He no longer fought the bats, dropped his arms in total surrender, let them manipulate him, and shuffled listlessly along with them.However, at this frustrating and helpless moment, Rambo gradually understood the purpose of the bat.It turned out that they were not interested in him, but were eagerly flying out of the cave.Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing out loud. Although his whole body was still shaking, he felt a sense of relief.It must be getting late outside.After the leader of the bats gave a signal, they flew out of the cave in unison.But Rambo, who was in the middle of them, thought he had become the target of public criticism and was terrified.Rejoicing, he cursed himself secretly: You are such a stupid donkey, and you are foolishly fighting them, but you don't know that they are leading you out of the cave.

Lambo followed the bat up a steep ledge, carefully exploring the uneven ground with his feet.After a while, the flapping and chirping of the birds became familiar to him, as if he had lived with them all along.Bats gradually flew out of his sight, leaving only a few stray birds behind.For a moment, he was alone again.There was silence all around, except for the scraping of his hands and shoes on the rocks.The sweet evening wind was blowing strong, and he lifted his head to let it brush his cheeks, grateful for the bats, and even their departure made him feel sad, as if the bond between them had been severed, There is no further news from them.He opened his mouth and breathed heavily, trying to get rid of all the stench filling his nose, throat, mouth and lungs.When his fingers touched the rough rock, he had a strangely rustic feeling, as if he had encountered real stone for the first time in his life.He climbed down and held a handful of soil, stroking the gravel mixed with pebbles, his heart beating excitedly.But he knew very well that he was still in the cave, and the sand on the ground was brought in when the rain rushed into the cracks in the mountain, but he felt that the entrance of the cave was nearby.So he crawled up unhurriedly, enjoying the wonderful feeling of crawling on the grains of sand.Climbing to the top, he smelled the air of the outside world, savoring greedily the fresh scents of leaves, grass, and forest.After crawling forward a few feet, his hand found a stone fence.He continued to grope around, and found himself in a basin surrounded by stone walls on three sides. He didn't know its height, and it might be unattainable.I really didn't expect to fall into another desperate situation when I was about to escape.Although he was very grateful just now, but now he is exhausted and unable to climb over the stone wall at all.

Then, simply don't think about the matter of crossing over.Don't worry about it.If you don't succeed, you will succeed.He consoled himself.If the basin is very high, there is nothing to do. So, he simply sat down on the comfortable soft sand and faced everything calmly.He had never done this before.Of course, he also experienced this feeling in the Vietnam War.His movements were always flawless back then—running, finding the aiming point, pulling the trigger lightly, and the recoil sent his body kicking back, his life depended on the success of the movement.He always concentrates on every step, and the moment he shoots, his body and action are perfectly coordinated.The local Vietnamese call it "Zheng", which is a state of perfection and beauty that can only be achieved after long-term and arduous training in physical strength and thinking.That is, a reaction when the action is over.There is no exact word for this word in English, and if there is, they say, it cannot be fully explained.Because human emotions are not limited by time, it is impossible to describe them with a time scale, and it is impossible to compare them with sex. Emotions that fluctuate and fluctuate are everywhere.

However, Rambo's feeling at this moment is quite different. He sat motionless in the soft soil, leaned his back on the rock comfortably, carefully selected words, and finally he found a word that could be expressed - "good" .He has never felt so comfortable. He wondered if he was crazy.The foul gas in the cave must have affected his thinking, and he felt dizzy.Or, after being forced to give up the will to survive, he was overjoyed at being able to escape from the cave by a narrow margin.After all this hellish ordeal, he should not miss the opportunity to enjoy himself while he can.

But if the chasing soldiers meet you unexpectedly, your happiness will be gone.He admonished himself in the dark.In order to prevent his head from hitting the protruding rock, he reached out to detect what was above his head. Even when he lowered his head, he could feel the hard poking branches rub against his head.He quickly stretched out his hand to touch the edge of the basin, ah, he finally got out of the cave, and was in the clusters of bushes.Night fell over the earth, making him think he was still underground. He crouched gently under the bushes, lest he hurt his ribs.He greedily sucked in the fresh, tree-scented air.He glanced down inadvertently, and suddenly saw fires flickering in the distant woods.After staying in the dark cave for so long, the fire light in front of my eyes was dazzling and full of vitality.

Rambo's nerves tensed immediately.A low voice came from around the fire in the forest.There seemed to be people near the rocks, and then he saw the light from the matches rubbed on the phosphor paper. After the flickering flames were extinguished, the flickering smoke gave off a long red light. He understood that these soldiers had been waiting at the entrance of the cave. , waiting for his appearance.In order to prevent his breakout, Teaser dispatched troops and deployed a large number of people on the mountain.They couldn't see themselves in the night, though, and he was used to the dark, Rambo thought happily.After he was about to rest for a while, he slipped away from them without anyone noticing.They probably thought he was in a cave when he was miles away.Their tracks will not be found by them, God, absolutely not.He swore in his heart that in order to prevent them from discovering him, in order to be able to survive the danger, he would risk everything.

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