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Chapter 79 Section ten

lost 戴维·默莱尔 435Words 2018-03-18
I couldn't make out what the pilot was saying over the hum of the single-engine plane. I turn away. "Sorry, say it again, okay?" "I said, Woodford's over there." I looked to the right, towards where her finger was.A haphazard sprawl of low buildings, old and new, stretched past the interstate in rows. There are many special meanings in her words, I shook my head. "I do not understand." "You told me you wanted to see what the old town looked like from the air." "That's more or less the case." "It rarely seems like that. You hardly look in that direction. Your interest is in the farm up there."

We flew closer to the eighty acres of woods and bushes.Even though it was warm, it was still a bit windy.Occasionally, the plane descends slightly. "You're a developer, aren't you?" "what?" "We've been developing together for the past five years, and it seems like every time I fly up to see it, there's a new piece of land to build on." This is a lighter explanation than the truth. "Yes, the variety is overwhelming." I stared at a large dense forest.I saw the dirt road branching off from the repaired road leading into the woods.I distinctly saw a small brick building surrounded by lawns and gardens about a hundred yards away.

I bought a pocket camera with a zoom lens.Now I take it out and start taking pictures.
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