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Chapter 34 Section fifteen

lost 戴维·默莱尔 587Words 2018-03-18
"Get ready for the shooting line!" the female coach snapped. We straightened our backs. "Get ready to aim right!" We checked that direction. "Get ready to aim left!" Through the safety glass, we checked that direction to make sure no one was careless. "First step," cried the instructor, "hold your holstered weapons! Second step, draw your guns from your waist! Third step, raise your guns to eye level! Fourth step Step, pull the trigger!" Eight near-simultaneous shots filled the long, narrow indoor firing area, their sounds fading away as they hit the concrete walls.I was wearing protective earmuffs and it sounded like it was coming from a distance.

Even though the coach was standing right behind me, her voice sounded like a murmur. "Aim right of target! Left!" We obeyed the order and did not shoot, but kept our eyes on the targets she warned us would jump at any moment. "Put the weapon back on your waist and ask! Hold the gun!" The eight of us went through a series of movements as one, taking our hands away from the holstered pistols. The whole space fell silent. "Not a bad job," she said. "Let's see who gets it." Each of us stood in the narrow passage, in front of a rack for loading ammunition and pulling out magazines.There's a button on the left that turns a pulley that brings the target over.

The coach checked the grades. "Okay, no one hit the nail on the head. But at this point, I don't expect much from you. At least no one misses completely. Mr. Denning, you hit the closest, but you're still a little high and left. Practice blanking more at home. Don't shake your wrist when you pull the trigger." She went to correct other students.We covered the hole in the target with duct tape and pushed a button to return the target to the end of the open air passage.We straightened up again when we heard her yell, "Get ready for the firing line."
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