Home Categories Internet fantasy Wall Street Feng Shui Master 2

Chapter 12 Chapter 12 An Unknown Global Feng Shui Survey

Wall Street Feng Shui Master 2 红尘 12010Words 2018-03-11
An Liang first found these locations on the map, then analyzed the geographical environment and Fengshui layout of each place, and finally went to the site to verify the influence of these infrastructure facilities on Fengshui, and completely entered a global Fengshui survey.Li Xiaoxian asked An Liang if it was necessary to do so much work, An Liang told her: the true meaning of Feng Shui lies in seeking proof, and those who are not willing to keep their feet on the ground cannot become a Feng Shui master.Moreover, An Liang regards this event as an opportunity, and has a good reason to prove whether Chinese Feng Shui is applicable to every corner of the world.

An Liang took Li Xiaoxian and hurried home.The house was empty, An Jing and Liu Zhongtang brought Knockout to a charity organization to do volunteer work, only An Yun was wearing a long gown, arranging flowers in the restaurant, like an ancient female scholar.An Liang quickly told An Yun and Li Xiaoxian about the situation just now.An Yun calmly trimmed a small peach blossom, gently put it into a straight blue porcelain vase, and said slowly: "When I was kidnapped by Ren Taro in Xishan, Beijing, the Chinese official He Kun said to me before he died, His behind-the-scenes boss is an American consortium with the code name Cat; Danny also told you before he died that as long as he knocks down Genting Casino and the Genting Group, Cat can further control and destroy Malaysia... You see, Beijing, There are cats in Malaysia, Singapore, and New York, and they can basically be connected into a line."

An Liang remembered something, he ran to the room and took out a small box to show An Yun.Inside were two platinum cufflinks. When An Yun picked it up, she saw a leopard hunched over on the front of the cufflinks, which looked more like a lynx now.An Liang said to An Yun: "I tore this from Danny's clothes at the time, and I thought I would give it to his family when I had the chance. Now I think about it, the last time I went to Wall Street 120 to find Elena, Found out that the logo for the United of America is also a big, arched cat. I thought it was a cougar, and didn't think that Danny's cufflinks were the same as the logo there. Now I think it can be related to the whole thing like this: Mao has long had business dealings with the David Group. It has always supported the development of particle resonance machines. At the same time, it has the idea of ​​causing earthquakes and hitting the Malaysian economy, but this idea was rejected by David. David is a Jew and a pacifist , of course he became a stumbling block for the cat, so the cat invited the invisible apostle to kill David. The Danny I knew was not a war madman, but I never knew he had such a big hatred for Malaysia So much so that he did not hesitate to join the cat's group and become an accomplice, that's why the vicious incident in Kuba Town occurred."

An Yun asked Li Xiaoxian while peeling a few slender green bamboos: "Xiaoxian, how much do you know about cats? I think you also had a little background when you entered the David Group?" Li Xiaoxian was wearing a fluffy off-white turtleneck sweater, sitting next to the dining table under a ray of sunlight, the sunlight dyed a blurred wine color through her hair: "Cats are regular customers of the Apostles, but 'angels' only perform tasks and cannot Ask about things other than missions, so we don’t know much about cats. At that time, the mission I received was to sneak into the David Group and wait for an opportunity to steal technical materials. Later, I received a supplementary order from Rentaro, asking me to approach Aliang, but he Didn't say the specific purpose. Hearing what you said, I don't think I'm carrying out the mission of the cat. The assassination of David by the cat has already been completed by the killer in North America with a lightning strike machine. There is no need for an 'angel' from the East Asia department. Cross-border meddling, my mission should have a more complicated purpose. One is that the apostles will want to see what the cat and the David group are doing, and secretly send me out, which the cat does not know; the other is that they cannot steal information from the front At that time, he led A Liang step by step into this puzzle, and the "angel" could find useful information as long as he followed A Liang. The choice of A Liang to do this was also related to Liantaro's desire to know Anjia Fengshui's skills; the third was Rentaro himself wanted to get the "Dragon Art", so he used the beauty trick to start with A Liang. So when A Liang and I returned to Wall Street 120 at night, we would meet the North American killer who came back to get the lightning strike machine."

An Liang laughed when he heard this, he pulled Li Xiaoxian's hand from under the table, and held it sweetly in his palm, he felt that these experiences were the most romantic love story in the world.An Yun pretended not to see the two young people chatting, and asked with a smile: "I want to ask a digression, how did Xiaoxian make the whole family sleepwalk that day? Are you really sleepwalking, or are you acting?" Li Xiaoxian opened his eyes and looked around. What happened at that time happened in this house, but now it has become his home.She sighed a bit and said: "It's good to be able to sit here and tell others now, but it's uncomfortable to take things to heart. At that time, the plan of the organization was to find a sharpshooter to hurt me, because Ah Liang already liked me very much, so I must He will protect me and let me live in, I didn't expect Ah Liang to block that shot for me..."

When she said this, she leaned her head on Anliang's chest like a baby, and said: "The next step is to cut off the anti-theft surveillance at home, so that there will be no outside response to what happens in the house, but I didn't." Cut off monitoring." An Liang smiled and said, "What a stupid thief." "What, I want Sister Jing and Sister Yun to find out about this." Li Xiaoxian laughed and explained loudly, "That night I was controlled by Ren Taro's remote control brain chip, and my mobile phone can emit hypnotic electromagnetic waves. , so Rentaro is actually using my body to bring Anliang into the study to find "Dragon Jue."

An Liang recalled the video that night, and the beautiful woman standing beside him turned out to be Ren Taro, and he felt sick and goosebumps.He hugged himself and shivered and said, "It's really bad. You shouldn't pity this kind of person after he dies." An Yun stopped An Liang's words with a wink: "Oh... don't say such things, the dead is gone, let's forget about the past. Xiaoxian, then what's the matter with blocking Jingjing's bullet with your mobile phone?" Li Xiaoxian propped his hands on the chair, shrugged his shoulders and thought for a while and said: "I still had some consciousness at the time. I didn't want Ah Liang to be injured by the gun, and I didn't want the mobile phone to control the people at home anymore, so I raised my hand desperately to let the bullets blow me away. The phone broke..."

An Yun watched Li Xiaoxian finished speaking, reached out to hug her shoulder and said: "It is very difficult to fight against mind control, good boy, you are very brave. I am Ah Liang's mother, so I also want to thank you, otherwise I might The son died that day, and you know that this unlucky ghost would still be running around for his life every day." Lee Hyo Hyun smiled happily. An Yun trimmed a small lotus leaf, put it into the blue porcelain bottle in the middle of the dining table and continued: "By the way, didn't Dada find out that Elena was a member of the American United before joining the David Group? In fact, at this point, we I can only suspect that the United States of America is the cat. The cat deliberately put an engineer who can use the 'Kabbala' secret technique into the David Group, and Elena has been in charge of the geographical location of overseas projects. I think Danny's death is right for the cat Said it was an accident, but it was in the cat's backup plan."

Li Xiaoxian also said: "That's right, the 'Angel' shot down all the cat's helicopters at the Gumu Village engineering base, and all the representatives who came to see the experiment died there. The cat didn't expect the apostle to be so ruthless." An Yun said: "That's right, the Apostle Society robbed the cat and angered the cat, so the Tokyo base and the West Bank are cats' revenge against the Apostle Society. But the cat is not that simple, I guess he also attacked the cat by the way." You and Dada just opened up a gap in the tight Frankfurt market as the vanguard. Therefore, after the bankruptcy of Weiss Bank, the European market has been falling continuously, and there should be other fund teams continuing to be short Battle."

An Liang and Li Xiaoxian nodded frequently, and An Yun went on to say: "As soon as Danny died, the cat took over the group smoothly, and of course let the most experienced Elena manage the overall management. Now she... it should be the cat who gave Dada a Big business, and at the same time, strange things happened in Singapore. If we assume that these two things are related, it should be a terrorist attack. With this short news, Dada shorted the Singapore market at the same time, and cats can make huge profits from it. You are right. The Wess Bank battle was probably just a rehearsal. But you just rejected Matvey's request a few days ago and never participated in the research again. I think they also smelled it, no You are invited to participate in the attack on Singapore."

An Liang said: "Then I will tell Dada not to interfere in this matter, and then I will go to Singapore to see the situation. Xiaoxian can also go with me." An Yun arranged the flowers on the dining table, looked around and said, "The arrangement is not bad, it has an oriental flavor. Xiaoxian, what do you think I inserted?" Li Xiaoxian also turned his head and looked around and said: "This vase of flowers has three viewing sides, and the layout is also particular about the three talents, and it is also elegant and elegant. I think it is Sogetsu's insertion method?" An Yun happily stroked Li Xiaoxian's hair and said: "This girl is bold, careful, gentle and beautiful. If you were my daughter, it would be great. Ah Liang, you have to protect her well... Ah Liang, I have an idea. But it may conflict with your personality, so you might as well refer to it after I tell you.” An Liang nodded, and Li Xiaoxian was also listening attentively.An Yun said: "It's best for you to study the projects that Elena has done first, and then go to Singapore; in addition, you can let Dada take over this matter. Do you understand?" "Daniel is a very good financial killer. He organized four investment companies to attack at the same time at Wess Bank. This time, it is no problem to hand it over to him." The speaker was on the computer screen on Elena's desktop, and the camera only captured his chin.Although the head cannot be seen, the severe double chin makes people imagine that it is a fat and swollen face.There was a napkin around his neck, and his hands kept cutting a piece of medium-ripe thick steak. The knife cut the steak, and blood oozed from the middle of the steak, and the tender beef was put into his mouth with blood.The sound of glass scraping made by the blade on the plate made Elena's hair stand on end. Elena moved her fingers, turned down the volume of the earphones, and endured the ear-piercing voice and asked, "I don't ask An Liang to take action this time, I'm worried that I won't be sure of winning. You also saw the Feng Shui in Frankfurt. Powerful, Anliang overwhelmingly controlled the situation from the very beginning. At the last moment, Anliang was still able to make the Japanese side accidentally spread the inside story of Mishima Bank. We were all going to bet big money to fight against Mishima Bank in the end. But the transfer of Fengluan saved us a lot of money." The jaws of double-chinned Caucasians are so powerful that it feels like they can crush the bones of a cow.He wiped his mouth with a napkin, then took a sip of red wine and said, "There must be some reason for Anliang's reluctance to give Matvey the feng shui formula. He is not a meat eater and cannot understand our attitude. We will ask him to help this time. He will also refuse... In fact, what I am most worried about is that if he accepts our invitation and conditions, then this matter may fall into his hands in the end. He is a master of Feng Shui, and if he is cunning enough, he can play us. " This was a secret meeting with only two people, and it was a stand-alone connection that no one could eavesdrop on. Elena closed the door of the president's office, and sat facing her boss.She can probably guess what the boss meant. The boss said that he is not a meat eater, which means that the boss sees that Anliang does not have aggressive, greedy animal nature, and is not suitable to be with him.In cat culture, there are only two kinds of creatures in the world: meat eaters and grass eaters. The former is the master of the world, and the latter is the food of the former.But in her heart, she insisted on asking An Liang to cooperate with this attack plan. She didn't know whether she really needed An Liang, or just wanted to have more opportunities to meet and cooperate with An Liang.She unconsciously said a stupid thing: "Let's talk to Daniel face-to-face, Daniel will let An Liang know, so it's better to ask An Liang directly." "Did you get fucked stupid! Is this what a man of your level came up with? Fuck! Listen, that fat nigga is going to tell An Liang the whole thing, and if An Liang goes to help him, we'll It will save a lot of money; if An Liang doesn't help him, they will fall out, and the fat nigger is like a greedy pig, and he will definitely come on our boat. Whatever it does is good for us." After scolding, the boss cut another piece of bloody beef and stuffed it into his mouth. After chewing a few mouthfuls, he pointed at the humble Elena with a fork and said, "Are you and Matvey ready?" "The plan to cooperate with the headquarters has been completed. I will personally send it to you in the afternoon. The main engineering team and equipment have been established in Malaysia, and the management personnel can leave tomorrow." The fork kept pointing at Elena: "The investment this time is bigger than the Gumu Village base, your side is the main attacking team, don't do stupid things. You have to cooperate well with the fat nigger side, his shots are much better than ours .Anliang is different from you. He doesn’t have an engineering company. If he doesn’t have manpower and material support, he can’t do any Feng Shui. Pay attention to his recent movements, if he goes to Singapore, find someone there to kill him.” After the boss finished speaking, he punched the side with the hand holding the fork, the dialogue window was closed suddenly, and the conversation came to an abrupt end.Elena turned her chair and looked at the right side of the East River outside the window. A square building with a blue glass curtain wall beside it had sharp edges and corners. The right angle to Wall Street 120 shone dazzlingly white in the sunlight. After talking with An Liang, An Yun hurriedly packed her luggage and went to Beijing.This time, An Jing wanted to hang out with her mother, so An Yun took her with her.Because Liu Zhongtang is still on parole and cannot leave the United States, he stays in New York and continues to sell ice cream. Daniel told An Liang that this is a huge plan, and it will take about two months to transfer funds from various places and arrange the layout, so he asked An Hao to think of a Feng Shui plan to cooperate.After An Liang heard about Daniel's plan, he found that something important was missing, which was a gunpowder primer with sufficient lethality.In the operation of the financial market, following the trend is the most important principle. No hedge fund has ever dared to attack a market out of thin air.When Soros shorted the pound back then, he took advantage of the trend when the British national power was empty; the last time he attacked Wess Bank, he borrowed the panic of the run and the exaggeration of the media to achieve it in one go, and the premise was that Wess Bank had already been injected with toxic securities; But this time Daniel didn't know how things started when the day came to launch the plan. "Do you think you can knock down the largest market in Southeast Asia with just your hedge fund?" Daniel knew that this was not a taunt, but a rhetorical question between two people who understand finance, so he was not angry, but still said with a smile: "My brother, you don't have to worry about this, Elena said that on Black Friday There will be all kinds of bad news before, to cooperate with the fund. It's strange why she didn't ask you to cooperate with the fundamental blow this time? Is she not satisfied with what she did last time?" An Liang said nonchalantly: "Maybe she thinks it's too expensive to invite me, or maybe she doesn't need the support of Feng Shui. And I quit their research, so I'm not considered one of them, so of course I won't be hired." The fat palm patted An Liang's shoulder heavily: "No problem, I know your skill, without the cooperation of Feng Shui, it is impossible to succeed. You see, I am now wearing a famous brand, gold, driving a luxury car, and my girlfriend is blonde Model, isn’t it because of your magical Feng Shui bureau that solved the problem? By the way, my whole family moved to Long Island last month. The environment there is what rich people should live in. While you are still in the United States, help me see Look at Feng Shui, this time it must be successful..." Daniel tore out a blank check from his wallet, quickly signed on both the front and the back, and handed it to An Liang, saying, "Fill it out by yourself... I've checked it out, and I'll buy a Fetherlite bus after completing this check. Can walk and sleep anywhere, do you know that kind of car? Marble floor, Italian leather sofa, love seat electric chair...for two people! Hey, crystal glass pantry, onyx table kitchen, hallway full of brass sculptures, front It's a big plasma TV with a dazzling crystal ceiling, and it's only $2.5 million. I'm going to hire a driver...” An Liang listened to Daniel's dream with a smile, and suddenly said to him: "Then fill in 2.5 million." "What? Oh, no! God, where in the world is there such an expensive consultant fee, you are acting like a robber." "Now is the subprime mortgage crisis. In Philadelphia, you can buy a villa with a front and back garden for as little as 250,000. Would you like to spend 2.5 million on a truckload of furniture, but think that the consultant who made you 200 million dollars is not worth 2.5 million?" Daniel stared at An Liang and the blank check in his hand with wide eyes, only two big white eyeballs could be seen on his round, dark face.An Liang smirked and handed the check back to Daniel.After Daniel blinked his eyes a few times, he slapped An Liang's palm hard and said, "Deal!" An Liang and Li Xiaoxian were sitting on the plane to Argentina, both of them were looking up information with their computers in their hands.Li Xiaoxian asked An Liang in a low voice: "In the subprime mortgage crisis, all those who were hit were those rich companies that lent money to the United States and coveted the high returns on subprime mortgage bonds. But the subprime mortgage crisis has been going on for a year, and the whole world knows about those junk bonds If you can’t take over, what’s the use of shorting the Southeast Asian market at this time? It’s better to ensure the stable development of this market, and one more blood drawing machine would be good.” An Liang was holding the summary of engineering projects that Daniel had stolen from the David Group database through hacking techniques. On this list, half of the projects were participated by Elena, but Matvey's name never appeared on it.He said absentmindedly: "Maybe at this time, no one is surprised that any market is going wrong. The subprime mortgage crisis is like a tsunami. If there is a murder during the tsunami, no one will find out. Well, not at all." People care about these things." He pointed to the form and said, "Xiaoxian, look, this is the business form of the David Group in Europe, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Latvia, have you found anything? Let me show you a form." An Liang called up another form on the screen and said: "David Group's clients do not include such powerful countries as Britain, France, Germany, and Italy, but they match the list of countries with high financing needs in Europe. These countries have one thing in common, that is, they The current account deficit is higher than the gross national product. Isn’t this grabbing food from the beggar’s bowl? Now the United Americas’ largest contract with the David Group is the water conservancy project on the Euphrates River in Iraq. At this time, Iraq even has food and housing. The question is, will there be spare money to pay for this kind of money?" Li Xiaoxian smiled and leaned his head on Anliang's shoulder and said: "You are so smart, you have discovered such a relationship. Didn't I say it before, if He Kun is a strategic spy, then the cat is not simple, very There may be a deeper background." An Liang put his lips against her hair, took a deep breath and said: "Up to now, I have only seen the hedge fund of United America Investment Corporation and Dada, and I can't see anything from other backgrounds. You said that Soros Did you send spies to the British government? By the way, first ask Dada to help me find out the account books of the David Group, and everything will be clear after reconciliation..." Before An Liang finished speaking, Li Xiaoxian let out a muffled sound from his throat, and then covered his mouth.An Liang immediately took out a tissue and a vomit bag from the clip on the backrest of the front seat and said, "Are you going to get airsick too? You have been trained by Superman, so you can fly a plane without any problem, so it's impossible to get airsick? Could it be..." Li Xiaoxian covered his mouth for a long time, finally recovered his breath.She took the lemonade from An Liang and said, "Maybe it's because I didn't sleep enough, I'm fine." An Liang bit her ear and said mysteriously: "I think it should be. After we go to Argentina, we will return to New York first. You go home and have a good rest. I can go to other places by myself. Don't tire the baby." "What, there is no baby." Li Xiaoxian smiled and said to An Liang, "You still have two months to run the project on this list, and if you delay for one more day, you will not be able to catch up with Dada's plan, let alone go to Singapore... ...Besides, even if I have it, I can accompany you everywhere in the first few months. I don't want to leave you, I want to stay by your side all the time." After she finished speaking, she hugged An Liang's arm and leaned her head on his shoulder again. This time the itinerary was very tight, and the projects that Elena handled included airports, ports, dams, power plants and a large number of highways, many of which were scattered.An Liang greeted Zhang Jiwen and said that there are more important things to do now, and he will arrive in Singapore later, and then he and Li Xiaoxian will carry their backpacks on a round-the-world trip without scenic spots. An Liang first found these locations on the map, then analyzed the geographical environment and Fengshui layout of each place, and finally went to the site to verify the influence of these infrastructure facilities on Fengshui, and completely entered a global Fengshui survey.Li Xiaoxian asked An Liang if it was necessary to do so much work, An Liang told her: the true meaning of Feng Shui lies in seeking proof, and those who are not willing to keep their feet on the ground cannot become a Feng Shui master.Moreover, An Liang regards this event as an opportunity, and has a good reason to prove whether Chinese Feng Shui is applicable to every corner of the world. Li Xiaoxian doesn't care where he goes, for the "angel" who has received military training, there is no place he can't stay, as long as An Liang is by his side, it doesn't matter where he goes.She took pictures with her camera everywhere, as happy as a lark, and sang for the wonderful carnival of life. When she arrived in every country, she had to take pictures with An Liang, and An Liang used up all the facial expressions and styles that she thought were handsome. In the photos, there is a lively and lovely girl and a tramp with no expression like a postbox. I ran like this for more than a month, from the jungles of South America to the grasslands of Africa, from the snowfields of Europe to the deserts of the Middle East, everywhere I went was poor and backward, and the political situation was turbulent. Travelers with dollars in their pockets are not guaranteed to be able to buy food and stay in decent hotels.After eating and sleeping in the open, the two of them became dark and thin. They fell asleep as soon as they got on the plane, and couldn't sleep for a few days when they arrived at the destination. The biological clock became very chaotic. Few of David Group’s projects are located in cities. Those who are lucky are located in airports and seaports on the edge of the city. If they are unlucky, they will have to transfer to mines and dams that are hundreds of miles away.An Liang used a notebook to write down the records of the scene while walking. Apart from taking pictures, Li Xiaoxian also kept writing with a small notebook, and never showed it to An Liang.An Liang saw that she was writing more and more frequently, as if what was recorded in that notebook was a big question that needed to be pondered over and over again.An Liang also found that he was eating more and more, which is normal, running around every day, consumes a lot of energy, so of course he ate more; but Li Xiaoxian ate less and less, and ate more and more vegetarian.An Liang's horoscope, Qi Yi hexagram, and directly extorting a confession from Li Xiaoxian cannot prove that she is pregnant, but she eats less and often feels nauseous, no matter how you look at it, she is only a possibility of pregnancy. Lee Hyo Hyun's mental state has been kept very good, she has no complaints about An Liang's entire itinerary, she only has one request, that is, she hopes to go to Java Island in Indonesia, because she remembers growing up there when she was a child.An Liang very much agrees with this request. Most of David Group’s early engineering projects were concentrated in Southeast Asia. I believe it has something to do with Danny being a Singaporean, and it was easier to take over local business in the early stage of the company’s development; he wanted to see the place where Lee Xiaoxian grew up. Last time, Lee Hsiao-hsien lied to him that Chinatown in Chinatown, Singapore was his hometown, and he was moved in vain in Chinatown. Now he should be able to truly fulfill this wish.His feng shui research is coming to an end. If the last stop is Southeast Asia, he will be able to drop into Singapore. This arrangement is very reasonable for both public and private. On the plane flying from Myanmar to Indonesia, Li Xiaoxian's vomiting became uncontrollable. Every time he vomited, he had to rush to the bathroom for a long time before coming out. After coming out, his face turned yellow, and An Liang was so frightened that he rang the service bell to call the flight attendant for care.Under the arrangement of the stewardess, they moved to the vacant seats in the first class to rest.An Liang worriedly ran around for Li Xiaoxian, pouring water and medicine, but Li Xiaoxian always pulled him to sit down and said sorry to him.An Liang wanted to go to the hospital with her as soon as he arrived in Jakarta, but Li Xiaoxian repeatedly said that he was just running around, he was not acclimatized, and he would be fine after getting off the plane and taking a rest. Anliang felt that this was the last stop, and he should take a good rest, and stayed in a high-quality hotel in the city center of Jakarta.Here you can overlook the Jakarta harbor and the Panjiran Chinatown below. The most important thing is that there is a big hospital opposite the hotel. Lee Xiaoxian can go to the hospital immediately for any discomfort. Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia, located in the northwest corner of Java Island.Indonesia is a country composed of countless islands, Java is the most prosperous big island in Indonesia and the most populous island in the world.Here straddles the equatorial belt, and the temperature is as hot as in Africa. An Liang felt dizzy from the heat as soon as he got off the plane, so he quickly hid in the hotel to enjoy the air conditioning.After Li Xiaoxian took a bath and rested, her spirits really improved a lot. Taking advantage of nightfall and the cooler weather, she urged An Liang to go for a walk in the Chinatown below the hotel. Anliang came to Jakarta for the first time, and his impression here was a messy metropolis.From the hotel window, you can see high-rise buildings. The hotel facilities are luxurious and the waiters are more attentive than those in the United States; on the ground, hawkers, poor people and brand-name cars coexist on the brand-new modern road, but the small roads walking in from both sides are full of dilapidated areas. bungalows and a heavily polluted river. An Liang found out that Li Xiaoxian was not familiar with this place, and she didn't seem to know the exact place to go. She took out her small notebook and read it for a long time before telling An Liang that she wanted to go to Jinde Temple.An Liang took Li Xiaoxian with a map and asked people all the way to find Jinde Temple. It is not big, and the space inside is the size of several bungalows. The open space in front of the door is not as good as a basketball court, but there is a huge one under the octagonal pavilion A copper censer filled with incense sticks filled with smoke. Li Xiaoxian stood in front of the temple and looked at it carefully.An Liang went to the side of the temple to buy a handful of incense and lit it on fire, and gave half of it to Li Xiaoxian, but she still stood there blankly, her brows full of confusion. "Xiaoxian, Xiaoxian." Under An Liang's reminder, Li Xiaoxian put incense in the incense burner as if he had just woken up from a dream, and then knelt down to worship.An Liang also inserted incense, closed his eyes and folded his palms to worship. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Li Xiaoxian was still kneeling on the futon, motionless.Kneeling down to take a closer look at her, there was no expression on her face and nothing strange, An Liang felt that kneeling was enough after waiting for a while, and whispered to Li Xiaoxian, "Let's go eat something." Li Xiaoxian raised his head and thought for a while, then suddenly said energetically: "Okay, I'll take you to eat something I liked when I was young." This is decent, this is what An Liang was waiting for.Anliang has eaten a lot of delicacies from mountains and seas from all over the world, but the most commonly eaten food by the local people in each region can represent the local culture, not to mention that it was Lee Xiaoxian's childhood favorite.An Liang was dragged by Li Xiaoxian to run around in the old city, found a small street full of roadside stalls, and sat down next to a pancake vending car. Li Xiaoxian ran to the car and ordered two freshly made pancakes.Anhao asked curiously: "Isn't this Indian pancake? What's so special?" "This is a recipe passed down from India. It looks a bit similar, but the taste is completely different. This kind of cake is called Martabak. This dish is salty, and this dish is sweet. I like the sweet one first..." Lee Hyo Hyun had a childlike expression on his face, he put the cookie into his mouth expectantly and chewed, "It's delicious...you eat it quickly." After speaking, he forked a piece of cookie and put it into Anliang's mouth stuffed. The scones topped with chocolate and crushed peanuts are crispy, fragrant and chewy. An Liang doesn't like sweets very much, but he still savors Li Xiaoxian's happiness carefully.He found that even the food he doesn't like, if he can feel the happiness of his beloved with his heart, it will taste better in his mouth.He swallowed the sweet cake with satisfaction, and tasted another piece of salty one, this kind of salty cake really liked Anliang's appetite.The crust is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and the mouth is full of the aroma of green onions and eggs when eaten hot. Li Xiaoxian took the free pickled cucumber slices and stuffed them into the pie filling and said, "Try it quickly, it tastes different this way, if you are afraid that the pancakes will be greasy, you can eat it like this." "Oh, hehe, it's so sour and exciting...hahaha..." An Liang took a sip and laughed happily. "I want to eat this too, it tastes like curry..." "Ah... I have to eat something else later, I can't eat here!" After eating a lot of local snacks, An Liang walked into an open-air beer bar with a heavy belly. The two ordered a draft beer, and slowly ate Indonesian unique bitter snacks under the flickering lights — Bread.An Liang was sweating profusely, feeling the happiness of life, belched and said to Li Xiaoxian: "This is life, it is enough to have food and shelter, what are you doing with so many things?" "Then let's go back to New York." "I don't mean us, I mean the bastards who are wreaking havoc...uh..." Li Xiaoxian was also slowly drinking beer, she opened her notebook and looked at it for a while and said, "It seems to be almost done, I can accompany you to see Fengshui tomorrow." "This is where you grew up, why do you have to look at your notebook to take me to find something good to eat?" Lee Hyo Hyun smiled and said, "Everyone will be brainwashed during the training in Tokyo, after that I can only vaguely remember things from my childhood." "So it's like this... Do you still vaguely remember looking for Jinde Temple as soon as you entered Chinatown? Do you remember your parents?" Li Xiaoxian closed his eyes and thought for a while and said, "I don't remember. I came to Tokyo at the age of fifteen, and I can't remember anything before that. The Jinde Temple is the information I found on the Internet. It said that this is the religious center of Chinatown. I I think I came here when I was a child...I heard that Chinese people will come here to worship their ancestors." An Liang made some calculations. Lee Hsiao-hsien was fifteen years old when the May 13 tragedy happened in 1998. It is very likely that her parents were both killed in the catastrophe, and she became an orphan and was sent to Japan.Li Xiaoxian went to Jinde Temple first, and he must have realized this a long time ago, so he went to worship as soon as he landed.He knew that he shouldn't bring up these sad memories again, so he changed the subject and said, "When I first met you, Sister Jing always told me that your face is so beautiful because of plastic surgery, and now you can make her jealous to death, little Yin is a real beauty." "What, you think you're beautiful...why does she think I've had plastic surgery? Is there something wrong with my appearance?" An Liang laughed, looked at Li Xiaoxian who was playing with his face, stretched out his hand to touch her left cheek and said: "You have a dark scar here, she is short and can see it at a glance, so she thought it was left by cutting the cheekbone of." Li Xiaoxian's hand also touched the scar, the scene in his mind was messy for a while, the flashing images were full of blood and fire, screams filled his mind, a strong Indonesian man with a crew cut pressed his neck with a knife She pressed against a table and tore the thin clothes on her body with one hand... Li Xiaoxian had a painful expression on his face, he closed his eyes tightly, and muttered to himself: "I always forget what I shouldn't forget, and I remember what I shouldn't remember..." Then bit Lifting his lips, he took a deep breath.Seeing her reaction like this, An Liang panicked, and quickly asked, "What did you say? Did I say something wrong?" Li Xiaoxian paused for a while, her expression relaxed again, she shook her head with a smile and said, "It's okay, just a little headache... By the way, is the Feng Shui of Jinde Temple good?" She knew that when she talked about Feng Shui Anliang, she would talk endlessly, so she used the best method to change the subject. "Hehe, it's a long story to talk about. If you ask an ordinary Feng Shui master, he really can't answer this question. First of all, let's start with Java Island. Aren't there many volcanoes here? It is also located on the equator, so Java Island There is no doubt that it is the fire place. There is an independent tower in the middle of the city of Jakarta, you should check this..." Li Xiaoxian likes to read An Liang's comments on Feng Shui the most. She thinks that An Liang is full of fanatical intellectuality, charming and sexy.She nodded while holding her chin and said, "Yes, I just checked on the plane. That tower is the tallest building in the city, and there is a torch made of thirty-five kilograms of gold on top." "The problem is gold. Java Island is a land of fire, but a small piece of gold is placed in the center of the Indonesian capital as a sign. This gold will also be made into a torch shape. From the shape to the meaning, it is a big murderer of burning gold." Therefore, Jakarta will not be able to develop rapidly even with the cooperation of fortune.” Li Xiaoxian listened to An Liang's feng shui every day. After listening to it a lot, she also had some ideas. She asked thoughtfully: "Did Jinde Temple be destroyed by fire because of this? But what you said is a real water place."都可以平衡火性,雅加达本身就是海港,水气很足,金德庙又位于城市的北部,北方的五行是属水吧?这样的话就不应该是火烧什么成凶局了。” “这正是当初建这个庙的风水师的初衷,他想以火龙克金,金溶成水再配合水势来化解这个问题,可是古代的风水师没有地球和赤道的观念。在风水上最重视南北水火,中国风水以方位定五行,是基于北半球的气候基础上发源出来的理论,中国南热北冷就有了南火北水的五行布局;可是对于南半球来说却是南冷北热,爪哇岛位于赤道线的南部,属于南半球,所以最热的火线在雅加达的北方,以为可以用金生水的风水布局,恰恰把金德庙放到了属火的北方去。于是以金德庙为精神中心的华人天天拜这个庙,运气越拜越差。” 李孝贤捧着安良的脸重重了亲一下,一脸崇拜地说:“你真的好厉害啊,几百年前的风水谜题一下就被你揭开了。不过照你这么说的话,中国的风水罗经到了南半球不就没用了?” 安良喜滋滋地说:“这个很简单,在南半球用罗经的时候把南北子午线倒过来用就行了,东西方是不用变的……” “我们也拜过金德庙了,会不会倒霉呀?” “我们上香是对前人的尊重和怀念,就算是风水不好的庙,也不会拜一下就倒霉。我们八字硬运气好,顶得住……不过要是我住在这里的话就把这个庙改成土德庙,要不然用少一点红色、把香炉做小一点也可以减少火克金的凶性……” 两个人在酒吧神聊到深夜才摸回酒店,第二天一早安良就和安芸联系上,四个人开起了网上会议。 “芸姐,艾琳娜经手的项目全部都锁定了当地龙脉,原理和《龙诀》中的《御龙诀》一样,先抢占旗鼓①之位,然后调整出空亡线,目的很可能是让那些地区成为美洲联合的抽血机。比如在印尼爪哇岛东部中央的主要河流布兰塔斯河,在河道中段每隔三十公里就建起一座水坝,看起来是为了平衡当地的农用水资源,实际上到了入海前五十公里,这条河已经完全干涸,根本没有水进入大海。同时当地的经济一直处在崩溃边缘,当地人贫富非常悬殊,很明显不是一个水利系统得到平衡,农业得到发展的状态。1997年亚洲金融风暴之前印尼外债高企,金融风暴之后加强了基础建设,想尽快恢复国力,可是却要向国际银行借入更多外债交给美洲联合进行基建,这样国家实际上成了美洲联合的奴隶。具体分析我都写在笔记上了,回头传给你看,接下来新加坡方面的事情我会和张济文处理的。” 李孝贤听得津津有味,想不到安良突然结案陈辞,准备散会。她马上打住说:“先别关机,我想问问刚才你们说的空亡线是什么呀?” 安芸看到李孝贤像个崇拜教授的学生,知道这是安良发挥魅力的时候,于是对他们说:“我和婧婧要出去办点事,你们聊吧,过几天我们就会回纽约。到新加坡小心点,要是有困难随时打电话给我。” 大家道别后,安良笑嘻嘻问李孝贤说:“想学风水呀?” “切,东南亚满地都是风水师,我才不要学呢,只不过八卦问一下。” “那算了,出门看电厂风水去。” 李孝贤拉着安良坐下来说:“急什么呀,先告诉我什么是空亡线吧。” “学费肉偿。” “流氓,不听了。”李孝贤作势就要站起来,吓得安良反过来拉住她说:“急什么呀,我说你听,听完了我给你肉偿。” 李孝贤媚笑着对安良说:“啊?那多好呀,你说吧。” “中国风水把方向基本分成了二十四等份,每一个角度都有一个名称和五行属性,统称为阴阳二十四山。二十四山就像二十四块形状相同的积木板拼成一个圆圈围着我们,从二十四个方位得气称之为得正气或是正向,可是你看这条线……” 安良拿起罗经一指,李孝贤看到罗经上有许多放射线,这些放射分隔了几百个刻度,有二十四条大放射线分隔了二十四山,安良指的就是这些。 “小贤,如果角度落在这些分隔线上称为落空亡,一般来说不利于风水。空亡线位于两个角度中间,得不到左右两方的五行之气,而且会把放在这里的任何物质本来的性质都急速削弱,在风水上也叫泄气。” 李孝贤明白了,她说:“不利于龙穴的东西也可以被泄气吗?如果可以的话,那么有什么风水不好的都放在这里就行了。” 安良夸张地惊呼起来:“不是吧,这么高级的风水术被你随便就想通了!你说的正是风水中称为'消砂拨水'的深层技术,这是老师傅才会用的招数,把不利于龙穴的山水通过坐向微调移动到空亡线上,这就可以让坏风水不再发挥作用,在风水中称为'消字诀'。你让我太兴奋了,我要好好报答你!” 安良说完就伸出魔爪扑向李孝贤,李孝贤尖叫着躲开,两个人在房间里乱搞一通。路过他们房门的客人和服务生听到,都纷纷摇头。
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